Author Topic: Item Of Power Master List  (Read 74989 times)

Offline Sanctaphrax

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Item Of Power Master List
« on: June 23, 2011, 04:14:46 AM »
Text document here.

This list assumes Holy costs 1 and All Creatures Are Equal Before God costs 3.

Description: A small clay oil lamp. The great philosopher Diogenes carried it during the day in his constant search for an honest man. Whether he gave it its powers or simply used them is an open question.
Musts: You must have an aspect related to your possession of this item.
Skills Affected: Conviction, Discipline, Empathy
[-0] Purpose. The Lamp of Diogenes was created to aid in the search for a truly honest person. Its magical powers will not function if its owner abandons that search or is themself dishonest.
[-0] It Is What It Is. The Lamp of Diogenes is a lamp. If you light it, you get light.
[-0] Unbreakable. As an Item of Power, this item cannot be broken except with a magical ritual predicated upon perverting its purpose.
[+1] One-Time Discount. The Lamp of Diogenes is small and easily concealed.
[-1] Soulgaze. The Lamp of Diogenes grants insight into the natures of men.
[-2] Enhanced Soulgaze. The Lamp of Diogenes makes its owner better able to withstand the results of a Soulgaze. What's more, it increases the impact of seeing its owner's soul greatly. Add two to your Conviction skill and two to your Discipline skill when using those skills in a Soulgaze.
[-1] Searching For An Honest Man. The Lamp of Diogenes makes people's emotions obvious so as to aid its owner's search for an honest man. Add two to your Empathy skill when using it to read people.

Description: A carved wooden false eye, worn smooth, with a twisted grain running throughout. This eye was carved from a used gallows tree, upon which a character's trusted captain had been hung. Now, that character wears the eye as a macabre memorial... and to make use of the spirit-sight it grants.
Musts: You must have an aspect related to your possession of this item.
Skills Affected: Lore, Discipline, Investigation
[-0] It Is What It Is. A false eye. Thus, in order to make use of the Gallows Eye, a character must lose an eye and place the Gallows Eye in its stead. The eye does not grant standard binocular vision - it is, after all, a false eye - and thus the Aspect associated with this Item will be compelled quite often for situations requiring depth perception. 
[-0] Unbreakable. The Gallows Eye cannot be destroyed save by the use of a necromantic ritual similar to a ghost-binding or the Darkhallow. 
[+1] One-Time Discount. The Gallows Eye is easily concealed. Just keep it closed.
[-1] Ghost Speaker. The Gallows Eye brings the user close to the world of the dead, allowing him to see and interact with ghosts.
[-1] The Sight. Although The Gallows Eye doesn't work like a normal eye, you can see through it. The metaphorical images seen by the user when doing so will tend towards the deathly.
[-1] Spirit Sensitivity. The Gallows Eye makes it easier to see the spooky side of the world. Add two to your Lore skill when using it as a substitute for Alertness or Investigation on top of the bonus from The Sight.
[-1] Psychometry. If you stare at something through The Gallows Eye, you might see more than you want to.

Description: The sword wielded by George Washington during the American Revolution has been instilled with the power of freedom and the American Dream.
Musts: You must have an aspect related to your possession of this item.
Skills Affected: Weapons
[-0] Purpose. The Sword of the Revolution may only be wielded in support of the cause of freedom. If the wielder deprives another of free will or acts to deny the fundamental equality of all beings, then the sword will immediately fall out of the wielder's hand.
[-0] It Is What It Is. A very well made hangar-type sword. Weapon 3.
[-0] Unbreakable. As an Item of Power, this item cannot be broken except with a magical ritual predicated upon perverting its purpose.
[+2] One-Time Discount. The Sword of the Revolution is not easy to conceal, because it's a full-sized sword.
[-2] Let Freedom Ring. The wielder may draw the sword from its sheath to create a sound like a ringing bell clearly and audibly in an area including its current zone and all adjacent zones. The radius may be doubled for each point of mental stress the wielder takes when drawing the sword. Those within the affected area are protected from mind-clouding supernatural effects by a block based on an Intimidation roll made by the wielder. This same roll is used as a maneuver against any non-corporeal entities to startle them and drive them off.
[-1] True Aim. When swung in keeping with its purpose, the Sword of the Revolution grants a +1 bonus to the wielder’s Weapons skill.
[-3] All Creatures Are Created Equal. When facing an opponent, the wielder may spend a fate point to ignore that opponent’s defensive abilities (Toughness based ones, primarily), as well as any mundane armor the foe has, for the duration of the scene. In essence, the Sword of the Revolution may take the place of whatever it is that a creature has a weakness to (whatever “the Catch” is on their Toughness powers), on demand, so long as the wielder can spend that fate point - particularly handy when facing ultra-tough Denarians or true dragons. Whatever abilities a creature may have, the job of the Sword of the Revolution is creating a mostly even playing field – or something very much like it – between mortal and monster.

Description: A magical cloak woven by Mother Winter. It grants a miniscule fraction of her limitless power to its wearer.
Musts: You must have an aspect related to your possession of this item.
Skills Affected: Athletics, Endurance, Discipline, Deceit
[-0] Purpose. The Cloak was made to serve the cause of Winter. It will not function except for those who are loyal to the Unseelie Court.
[-0] It Is What It Is. As named, it is a heavy, floor length cloak woven of a thread so deep blue as to be practically identical to the night sky. When worn by its owner under the stars, they are reflected in its threads as if it was a mirror. The interior is lined with pure white fur from what seems to be a polar bear, which never stains.
[-0] Unbreakable. The Cloak cannot be destroyed except through a ritual dedicating it to Summer in the presence of the Summer wellspring or the will of its weaver Mother Winter.
[+2] One-Time Discount. The Cloak is rather obvious, partly because of its resemblance to the night sky.
[-2] Faerie Glamours. The wearer of the cloak may use the Glamours power. Of note, when the power of Winter or any other true magic is used, any Seemings will vanish, revealing the cloak and wearer for what they are, and cannot be reapplied for the remainder of the scene, though veils made with this power will still work.
[-2] Winter's Blessing. The fabric of Mother Winter provides protection exceeding that of mundane steel. The owner of the cloak is granted Inhuman Toughness.
[+1] The Catch (Seelie Magic). The power of Summer burns away that of Winter, penentrating the Cloak's protection.
[-1] Flight. The owner of the cloak is granted the Wings power, as the cloak billows out and transforms into 30-foot wide wings that are white on top and black below. This may not be disguised by a Seeming, though the wearer may still be Veiled.

Description: The Sealskin Selkie Robe is an Item Of Power very similar to those used by hexenwolves. However, it transforms you into a seal instead of a wolf.
Musts: You must have an aspect related to your possession of this item.
Skills Affected: Alertness, Investigation, Athletics, Discipline, Others
[-0] It Is What It Is. This is a fur robe, made from the complete skin of an adult harbor seal.  Watch out for PETA.
[-0] Unbreakable. As an Item of Power, this item cannot be broken except with certain powerful magical rituals.
[+2] One-Time Discount. The Sealskin Selkie Robe is the skin of an actual seal. Very conspicous.
[-1] Echoes of the Beast. The Sealskin Selkie Robe gives its wearer access to some of the natural abilities of a seal. It gives a +1 bonus to hearing-based skill checks, allows the user to see in the dark, and allows rudimentary communication with aquatic life.
[-1] Beast Change. As aforementioned, the Sealskin Selkie Robe lets you turn into a seal.
[+1] Human Form. When the wearer is in seal form, the robe also grants access to the following powers:
[-1] Aquatic. Seals can't actually breathe underwater, but they might as well be able to.
[-1] Demonic Co-Pilot. The Co-pilot is an animal spirit, not a demon of rage or hunger. However, it creates a link to the wearer; if another possess the robe, it functions as a potent material link to her, as strong as her True Name and thus can be used to bind her.  Loaning the robe to someone else bonds the spirit to them. 

Description: A ring of black obsidian set in the shape of an open eye. The wearer of the ring carries the Mark of Anubis and has his power over things dead.
Musts: You must have an aspect related to your possession of this item.
Skills Affected: Social and perception skills.
[-0] Purpose. This ring was made to serve Anubis. It provides no magical benefit unless its user does exactly that.
[-0] It Is What It Is. It's a ring. No real practical applications.
[-0] Unbreakable. As an Item of Power, this item cannot be broken except with a magical ritual predicated upon perverting its purpose.
[+1] One-Time Discount. A small ring like this one is easily concealed.
[-1] Ghost Speaker. The Emissary of Anubis holds dominion over dead things.
[-1] Marked By Power (Anubis). This ring makes it clear that the wearer is a servant of the god Anubis.

Description: A hat made out of shiny tinfoil. The perfect thing to keep out government mind-control beams.
Musts: You must have an aspect related to your possession of this item.
Skills Affected: Discipline, Conviction
[-0] Purpose. This item was built to protect people from dangers that don't exist. It will not function for anyone who isn't truly paranoid.
[-0] It Is What It Is. It's a hat made out of tinfoil. It's shiny and it makes you look like a loon.
[-0] Unbreakable. As an Item of Power, this item cannot be broken except with a magical ritual predicated upon perverting its purpose.
[+2] One-Time Discount. The Tinfoil Hat is shiny and very obvious.
[-8] Mental Immunity. No form of magical mind control can penetrate the Tinfoil Hat.
[+5] The Catch (Only against mind control magic). But other mental attacks ignore it completely.

Description: An ancient Roman flagrum. In other words, a heavy leather whip weighted with small balls of lead. It was used to whip Jesus Christ before his execution, and as a result it has acquired a great deal of magical power.
Musts: You must have an aspect related to your possession of this item.
Skills Affected: Weapons
[-0] Purpose. The Crucifixion Whip's powers come from the White God. It is only magical when used by a Christian. The bearer doesn't have to live up to any moral standard, though: this item was once used by the Spanish Inquisition.
[-0] It Is What It Is. It's a heavy whip. Weapon 1 when the Touch Of Agony power is not in use.
[-0] Unbreakable. As an Item of Power, this item cannot be broken except with a magical ritual predicated upon perverting its purpose.
[+2] One-Time Discount. Whips are conspicous things.
[-1] Holy. As one might expect from an item that draws its power from the blood of Christ, the Crucifixion Whip is holy. Its touch is like that of holy water.
[-4] Touch Of Agony. This item is an instrument of torture, and its powers reflect that. Anyone struck by the whip suffers intense agony, like that suffered by Jesus on the cross. The Crucifixion Whip is weapon 4, is wielded with Weapons, and attacks the mental stress track. It may also be used to make Weapons maneuvers based around the infliction of pain at a +2 bonus.

Description: Thor's hammer. Enough said.
Musts: You must have an aspect related to your possession of this item.
Skills Affected: Weapons
[-0] Purpose. If the wielder is not worthy, Mjolnir becomes too heavy to lift.
[-0] It Is What It Is. A weapon 3 hammer.
[-0] Unbreakable. As an Item of Power, this item cannot be broken except with a magical ritual predicated upon perverting its purpose.
[+2] One-Time Discount. It's a big hammer. Not easy to hide.
[-1] Never Far From Reach. Mjolnir can be thrown as a weapon up to 2 zones away (instead of the standard 1). Upon striking or missing, it returns to its owner's hand on the following exchange. This ability only works when the hammer is thrown. If the hammer caught, stuck, or taken from the bearer the hammer will not magically return.
[-1] True Aim. Mjolnir is a superlative weapon. So long as its bearer is worthy, it provides a +1 bonus to all Weapons rolls.
[-3] The Bigger They Come... Even the World Serpent must fear the impact of Mjolnir. When facing an opponent, the wielder may spend a fate point to ignore all of that opponent's defensive powers and mundane armour for a scene.

Description: Thor's wolf-hide belt. Doubles its wearer's strength.
Musts: You must have an aspect related to your possession of this item.
Skills Affected: Might, Fists, Weapons
[-0] It Is What It Is. It's a belt. Pretty stylish.
[-0] Unbreakable. As an Item of Power, this item cannot be broken except with certain powerful magical rituals.
[+1] One-Time Discount. A belt isn't exactly hard to hide.
[-2] Twofold Strength. Megingjoro increases its wearer's strength. As long as the wearer maintains physical contact with Megingjoro, increase that wearer's strength by one step. (Normal strength becomes Inhuman, Inhuman becomes Supernatural, etc.)

Description: Jarngreipr is an iron gauntlet, originally worn by Thor. It provides protection from lightning.
Musts: You must have an aspect related to your possession of this item.
Skills Affected:
[-0] It Is What It Is. It's an iron gauntlet. Weapon 1 with Fists, and good justification for unarmed parries.
[-0] Unbreakable. As an Item of Power, this item cannot be broken except with certain powerful magical rituals.
[+1] One-Time Discount. It's not hard to hide a glove.
[-8] Physical Immunity. The owner of Jarngreipr is immune to electricity as long as he remains in physical contact with the gauntlet.
[+5] The Catch (Not Electricity). The gauntlet's protection is rather narrowly focused.

Description: This object consists of two large wooden boards, attached by two ropes, and must be worn over the shoulders to work. The boards are painted with appropriate doomsday signs.  Due to the magical powers of the sign, the user suffers no real ill effect from shouting at the top of his lungs for hours at near-zero temperatures.
Musts: You must have an aspect related to your possession of this item.
Skills Affected:
[-0] Purpose. This object was designed to enable the user to preach about the apocalypse. If the user doesn't spend a significant fraction of his time shouting about the end of the world, he cannot use this item.
[-0] It Is What It Is. A sandwich-board sign, with "THE END IS NIGH!!!!" or something similar printed on the front.
[-0] Unbreakable. As an Item of Power, this item cannot be broken except with a magical ritual predicated upon perverting its purpose.
[+2] One-Time Discount. This sign is the exact opposite of subtle and concealable.
[-2] Inhuman Toughness. No matter how harsh the conditions, the bearer of the Armageddon Sign is not deterred.
[-2] Inhuman Recovery. Even after hours of continous shouting, the user of this item can shout for hours more.
[+1] The Catch. The Toughness powers granted by this item do not function unless the user is shouting.

Description: A robotic battlesuit used by Hitler. Seriously. This is not a joke.
Musts: You must have an aspect related to your possession of this item. Also, you must have at least 40 skill points, Great Discipline, Good Conviction, Good Intimidation, Average Deceit, Average Presence, Average Empathy and a skill cap of at least Superb.
Skills Affected: Many
[-0] Purpose. This suit was created to kill people. It will not work for people who are not directly responsible for large-scale death and destruction.
[-2] It Is What It Is. It's a robotic battlesuit. Armour 4. Plus, it's mounted with weapon 6 chainguns and a weapon 4 grenade launcher that affects entire zones. Its fists are weapon 2.
[-0] Unbreakable. As an Item of Power, this item cannot be broken except with a magical ritual predicated upon perverting its purpose.
[+2] One-Time Discount. This item is not easy to hide.
[-2] Hulking Size. It's a big suit.
[-2] Inhuman Strength. Motors in the arms aid the user physically.
[-4] Supernatural Toughness. It's not easy to hurt a guy in a robotic battlesuit.
[+2] The Catch (Hexing). It is machinery, after all.
[-1] Shrug It Off. Use Endurance to defend against Physical attacks.
[-1] Skill-Simulating Systems. The onboard computers (from the 1940s!) of this suit give the suit the following skills. The user may use them instead of his own by taking a supplemental action to switch.
Superb: Guns, Endurance
Great: Might, Discipline, Fists
Good: Intimidation, Conviction, Alertness
Fair: Athletics, Weapons, Investigation
Average: Presence, Empathy, Deceit

Description: The shoes of the god Vidar are unparalleled. No footwear could possibly match them.
Musts: You must have an aspect related to your possession of this item.
Skills Affected: None
[-0] It Is What It Is. They are shoes. The best shoes.
[-0] Unbreakable. As an Item of Power, this item cannot be broken except with a magical ritual predicated upon perverting its purpose.
[+0] One-Time Discount. Vidar's Shoes provide no discount because they don't cost anything.
« Last Edit: December 24, 2016, 07:46:16 AM by Sanctaphrax »

Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: Item Of Power Master List
« Reply #1 on: June 23, 2011, 04:15:29 AM »
Description: A small bottle of drugs that somehow never runs out. The drug in the bottle is a combat drug that causes the body of the user to create a number of chemicals. These chemicals are useful, but likely to harm the user.
Musts: You must have an aspect related to your possession of this item. Such an aspect will likely relate to an addiction, since Vitamin W is both physically and mentally addictive.
Skills Affected: Endurance, Fists, Deceit
[-0] It Is What It Is. A bottle of pills. Looks like something that you could buy at any pharmacy.
[-0] Unbreakable. As an Item of Power, this item cannot be broken except with certain powerful magical rituals.
[+1] One-Time Discount. The bottle is not hard to hide. It'd fit cleanly into an ordinary pants pocket.
[+1] Side Effects. These drugs are not good for you. This power is identical to Feeding Dependency except that it uses the physical stress track and is resisted with the Endurance skill. In addition, the stress inflicted by it does not go away when you make a defence roll against it. Instead of feeding on blood or emotions, you must receive extended medical attention to remove the effects inflicted by this power.
[-1] Synthetic Adrenaline. Taking Vitamin W forces your body beyond the safe limits that we normally impose upon ourselves. This power is identical to Demonic Co-Pilot, except that it uses the physical stress track and is resisted with the Endurance skill. Instead of being restricted by the agenda of your sponsor, you may only use this power to benefit purely physical actions.
[-1] Addictive Saliva. People under the effects of Vitamin W release heroin through their salivary glands.
[-2] Venomous Sweat. Vitamin W causes its user to sweat poison. You may make Fists maneuvers to inflict POISONED aspects as though you had the Venomous Claws power.

Description: An ornate iron crown that grants rulership of The Iron Spires, which is a region of the Nevernever.
Musts: You must have an aspect related to your possession of this item.
Skills Affected: Discipline
[-0] It Is What It Is. A huge, fancy crown made entirely out of iron. Nothing shiny, no jewels.
[-0] Unbreakable. As an Item of Power, this item cannot be broken except with certain powerful magical rituals.
[+2] One-Time Discount. It isn't easy to hide a gigantic iron crown.
[-1] Demense. The wearer of this crown is the master of The Iron Spires and everything that lives there.
[-1] Improved Demense. The environment of The Iron Spires is rather dangerous. Attacks with the Demense power granted by this item are weapon 2.
[-2] Swift Transition. The wearer of this crown can enter The Iron Spires from anywhere in the world.
[+1] No Mortal Home. Sometimes, the wearer will be pulled into The Iron Spires against their will.

Description: A watch more accurate than the universe. If the watch slows down, then so does the flow of time for everyone but the user.
Musts: You must have an aspect related to your possession of this item.
Skills Affected: Athletics, Alertness, Endurance, Stealth
[-0] It Is What It Is. It's a watch that keeps absolutely perfect time. Even atomic clocks can't match its accuracy, although relativistic time distortion can affect it.
[-0] Unbreakable. As an Item of Power, this item cannot be broken except with certain powerful magical rituals.
[+1] One-Time Discount. It's not hard to hide a watch.
[-2] Inhuman Speed. By causing time to slow down slightly, the user becomes faster in comparison to the world.
[-2] Inhuman Recovery. Being on a faster timeline than the world at large means that you heal faster than the world at large.
[+1] The Catch (No Total Recovery). This item does not in fact provide any form of magical healing; it just makes natural healing faster. As such, it does not aid in the recovery of injuries that will not heal naturally.

Description: A warhammer made for use against evil magic. It was crafted by Brokk and Eiti, the dwarves that crafted Mjolnir and other artifacts. Thor gave them a lock of his hair, which was fashioned into the handle, while Odin blessed the iron used for the head of the hammer with good magics. The dwarves toiled for three days crafting the hammer, which is known as Hvíturgaldur (which means White Magic in icelandic).
Musts: You must have a destiny to use this item, and that destiny must be represented by a template or aspect. You must be able to craft magical items or use magic that protects, dispels, heals and manipulates wind and lightning. 
Skills Affected: Weapons, Lore
[-0] Protector Of White Magic. Hvíturgaldur's purpose is to oppose black magic and defend white magic. If anyone ever attempts to use it to break any of the laws of magic, harm an innocent, destroy good magical works, or empower evil magical works, then the act automatically falls and the bond between the wielder and Hvíturgaldur is broken. The bond can only be restored by a magical ritual wherein the wielder cleanses and purifies his body and soul.
[-0] It Is What It Is. It's a two handed warhammer with magical runes all over it. Weapon 3.
[-0] Unbreakable. As an Item of Power, this item cannot be broken except with a magical ritual predicated upon perverting its purpose.
[+2] One-Time Discount. A two-handed warhammer is not a subtle item.
[-1] Holy. This item is sacred. Its touch is like that of holy water.
[-1] True Aim. This item is a superlative weapon. So long as its wielder acts in accordance with its purpose, add 1 to that wielder's Weapons skill.
[-1] Inscriptions. The runes on this item are not just fancy writing. They consitute 4 Enchanted Item slots, which the user may fill with enchanted items or potions related to healing, dispelling, protection, or storms.

Description: A small locket made of never-melting ice. It was made by the Winter Lady for her Emissary.
Musts: You must have an aspect related to your possession of this item.
Skills Affected: Conviction, Discipline, Lore, Survival, Investigation
[-0] Purpose. This item was made to serve Maeve. In will cease to work if she so wishes.
[-0] It Is What It Is. A small locket made out of ice. It's quite beautiful, and it always feels cold to the touch.
[-0] Unbreakable. As an Item of Power, this item cannot be broken except with a magical ritual predicated upon perverting its purpose.
[+1] One-Time Discount. It's not hard to hide a locket.
[-2] Worldwalker. Maeve's power breaks the borders between worlds.
[-4] Unseelie Magic. A mere fraction of the Winter Lady's power, but potent nonetheless.

Description: A Sidhe-bone spear, made by the Erlking for his Emissary. It increases the user's speed and grants some access to the Erlking's natural power.
Musts: You must have an aspect related to your possession of this item.
Skills Affected: Weapons, Conviction, Athletics, Alertness, Stealth, Lore, Discipline
[-0] Purpose. This item was made by the Erlking to aid in the hunt. If the wielder ever ceases to be a hunter, as defined by the Erlking, this item will not work for him in a mundane or a magical sense.
[-0] It Is What It Is. It's a spear, much like the ones once used to hunt wild boar. Weapon 3.
[-0] Unbreakable. As an Item of Power, this item cannot be broken except with a magical ritual predicated upon perverting its purpose.
[+2] One-Time Discount. It's as long as some people are tall. You can't just slip it into your pocket.
[-2] Inhuman Speed. The user of this speed moves with the unaffected grace of a predatory beast.
[-4] The Magic Of The Hunt. The user of this spear may use the magic of the Erlking for himself. This is a form of Sponsored Magic.

Description: A pair of ancient and battered leather horseman’s boots, worn butter-soft. Tooled leather is readily apparent on the leg, sides and cuff. It was obviously an expensive pair of boots, and well loved and lived. The Seven League Boots are a well known piece of European lore, about a pair of boots that enable the wearer to take strides of seven leagues—or 21 miles. The origin of the legend is thought to have come from horse-couriers, whose feet only touched the ground when they swapped out their tired horse for a fresh one. 
Musts: You must have an aspect related to your possession of this item.
Skills Affected: Athletics, Alertness, Stealth
[-0] Purpose. These boots are made for walking.
[-0] It Is What It Is. The boots are just that: a nice pair of old-style horseman’s boots, possibly belonging to a noble cavalry officer or courier. They are soft, snug and oh-so-comfortable.
[-0] Unbreakable. The boots are indestructible save through a dedicated magical ritual that would pervert their purpose, which would probably be something along the lines of binding or imprisoning the boots. 
[+1] One-Time Discount. The boots are not terribly hard to hide.
[-6] Mythic Speed. The Boots grant speed such as is only known in myth — myths often featuring the boots themselves. They don't actually make your steps 21 miles long, but the speed that they give you can make it seem that way.

Description: A pair of ancient and battered leather horseman’s boots, worn butter-soft. Tooled leather is readily apparent on the leg, sides and cuff. It was obviously an expensive pair of boots, and well loved and lived. The Seven League Boots are a well known piece of European lore, about a pair of boots that enable the wearer to take strides of seven leagues—or 21 miles. The origin of the legend is thought to have come from horse-couriers, whose feet only touched the ground when they swapped out their tired horse for a fresh one. 
Musts: You must have an aspect related to your possession of this item.
Skills Affected: Investigation, Lore, Survival
[-0] Purpose. These boots are made for walking.
[-0] It Is What It Is. The boots are just that: a nice pair of old-style horseman’s boots, possibly belonging to a noble cavalry officer or courier. They are soft, snug and oh-so-comfortable.
[-0] Unbreakable. The boots are indestructible save through a dedicated magical ritual that would pervert their purpose, which would probably be something along the lines of binding or imprisoning the boots. 
[+1] One-Time Discount. The boots are not terribly hard to hide.
[-2] Swift Transition. With these boots, short hops through the Nevernever are easy to accomplish.
[-2] Worldwalker. These boots let you walk anywhere you please. Crossing the globe in a short walk is simple.

Description: A magical sword that controls the air. It gained its name from the warrior Yamato Takeru, who was ambushed in a field of grass that was set ablaze. When he swung the blade, he found that it allowed him to control the direction the wind blew with each swing. Using this power, he was able to send the fire back at his ambusher, and gave the sword the name "Kusanagi-no-Tsurugi", or "The Grass Cutting Sword".
Musts: You must have an aspect related to your possession of this item.
Note: In Dresdenverse canon, Kusanagi is almost certainly a Sword Of The Cross. This is not that Kusanagi.
Skills Affected: Weapons, Conviction, Lore
[-0] It Is What It Is. Kusanagi is an excellent katana. Weapon 3.
[-0] Unbreakable. As an Item of Power, this item cannot be broken except with a magical ritual predicated upon perverting its purpose.
[+2] One-Time Discount. Kusanagi is a full-sized katana and therefore quite noticeable.
[-2] Channelling (Air). Kusanagi controls the winds.
[-1] Invisible Edge. The wielder of Kusanagi may use Weapons in place of Discipline to control spells cast with its Channelling power.

Description: This 19th century cavalry sword is poorly kept, its blade pitted and stained as if the blood it has spilled has eaten into the metal.  It has killed innocent women and children, and the sword gives off a greasy, dark feeling to arcane senses.
Musts: None.
Skills Affected: Weapons.
[-0] It Is What It Is. It's a cavalry saber. Despite its damaged appearance, it's significantly more deadly than your average one-handed saber. Weapon 3.
[-0] Unbreakable. As an Item of Power, this item cannot be broken except with a magical ritual predicated upon perverting its purpose.
[+2] One-Time Discount. It's a sword. It's only concealable if you're into Civil War reenactment.
[-3] Army of One. Custer's Saber grants a +1 to Weapons when the wielder is personally outnumbered in melee; that is, when more than 1 person attacks them in close combat in any given exchange. This bonus increases to +2 if three or more people are attacking the wielder, and increases to a maximum of +3 when four or more people engage the wielder.

Description: These sparkly red slippers adjust their size to fit anyone and are comfortable during long walks. Dorothy wore slippers much like these ones during The Wizard Of Oz.
Musts: You must have an aspect related to your possession of this item.
Skills Affected: Lore, Investigation, Survival
[-0] It Is What It Is. They’re slippers, just like Dorothy wore.
[-0] Unbreakable. As an Item of Power, these slippers cannot be broken except with a magical ritual that opposes their nature.
[+1] One-Time Discount. The slippers, while rather gaudy, aren’t an obvious weapon. And you could hide them in a small bag without much trouble.
[-2] Worldwalker. The Ruby Slippers allow their user to travel between worlds. Saying “there's no place like home” when moving from the Nevernever to Earth is traditional, but not necessary.

Description: In ancient Babylon, there was once a dark sorcerer who stole the powers of others and trapped those powers in a book with his antediluvian wizardry. This is that book.
Musts: You must have an aspect related to your possession of this item.
Skills Affected: Many
[-0] It Is What It Is. It's a book. Very large, very old.
[-0] Unbreakable. As an Item of Power, this item cannot be broken except with a magical ritual predicated upon perverting its purpose.
[+2] One-Time Discount. The Babylonian Tome is huge and won't fit into a normal bookbag. It's quite difficult to hide.
[-8] Modular Abilities. By reading The Babylonian Tome, one can access the powers contained within. Players and GMs should work together to determine what powers the book contains. No more than 6 Refresh worth of contained powers may be accessed at any given time.

Description: The bullet that killed Billy the Kid. Nobody is exactly sure why, but it has magic powers.
Musts: You must have an aspect related to your possession of this item.
Skills Affected: Endurance, other physical skills
[-0] It Is What It Is. It's a bullet recovered from a corpse, just a misshapen lump of lead.
[-0] Unbreakable. As an Item of Power, this item cannot be broken except with a magical ritual predicated upon perverting its purpose.
[+1] One-Time Discount. Bonney's Bane is a tiny item and is easily concealed on one's person.
[-8] Physical Immunity: Those who hold Bonney's Bane are immune to gunfire unless ambushed.
[+5] The Catch: But if its holder is ambushed or attacked with something other than a gun, it's just a lump of lead.
[-3] You Ever Shoot a Man in the Back? With this upgrade, Bonney's Bane protects against all non-ambush attacks. Not just from gunfire.

Description: The legendary sword of King Arthur and the symbol of his divine right to rule.
Musts: You must have an aspect related to your possession of this item.
Note: In Dresden Files canon, The Sword In The Stone is almost certainly a Sword Of The Cross. However, it is not entirely certain whether The Sword In The Stone was the same sword that Arthur received from The Lady Of The Lake. If it was not, then this is the sword that The Lady gave Arthur.
Skills Affected:
[-0] Purpose: Excalibur exists to make its bearer into a great king. It will not function for a character who acts unkingly.
[-1] It Is What It Is. It's a weapon 5 longsword of extremely high quality. It's sharp enough to cut steel.
[-0] Unbreakable. As an Item of Power, this item cannot be broken except with a magical ritual predicated upon perverting its purpose.
[+2] One-Time Discount.
[-1] Marked By Power. Excalibur is a symbol of the divine right to rule.
[-1] Mantle Of The King. Excalibur can be used to make maneuvers and blocks related to kingship, authority, and defence against evil with the Weapons skill.
[-1] True Aim. As long as the bearer of Excalibur acts in a manner befitting a King or a Knight, that bearer receives a +1 bonus to their Weapons skill.
[-1] Cut-Steel. Excalibur provides a +3 bonus to any Weapons maneuver that makes use of its extraordinary sharpness.

Description: Excalibur is much more famous than its scabbard, but the scabbard is if anything more powerful. It provides the protection of the earth to its owner. It was stolen from Arthur long ago, and since then it has passed from owner to owner.
Musts: You must have an aspect related to your possession of this item.
Skills Affected: Endurance, other physical skills
[-0] It Is What It Is. It's a scabbard. It can be used to hold a sword the size and shape of Excalibur.
[-0] Unbreakable. As an Item of Power, this item cannot be broken except with a magical ritual that opposes its nature.
[+2] One-Time Discount. Scabbards are as large as the swords they hold and therefore quite difficult to hide.
[-2] Inhuman Recovery. Wounds given to those who wore Excalibur's Scabbard were said not to bleed.
[-2] Inhuman Toughness. Whoever owned the Scabbard was said to be protected against harm.
[+0] The Catch (The Lady Of The Lake). The power of Excalibur's Scabbard comes from The Lady Of The Lake, and against her it is useless. At the GM's discretion, other beings of similar power might also bypass the effects of the Scabbard.
[-5] Physical Immunity. The exact limits of the protection provided by Excalibur's Scabbard are not known, and they might well be nearly infinite.
« Last Edit: January 08, 2013, 06:02:31 AM by Sanctaphrax »

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Re: Item Of Power Master List
« Reply #2 on: June 23, 2011, 04:46:02 AM »
Description: The Fates, beings who've been known by such names as Norns, Moirai, and Parcace amongst others, created this watch in order to instruct their mortal agents about what must be done to protect the integrity of their Grand Design.
Musts: You must have an aspect related to your possession of this item.
Skills Affected: Endurance, Conviction, social skills
[-0] Purpose. This watch is a tool of the Fates, and functions only in accordance with their Grand Design.
[-0] It Is What It Is. It is a golden pocketwatch on a chain. It never loses time or needs winding.
[-0] Unbreakable. As an Item of Power, this item cannot be broken except at the bidding of the Fates themselves.
[+1] One-Time Discount. A pocketwatch is easy to hide.
[+0] Cassandra's Tears. While the watch occasionally gives actual visions, more commonly its user opens it to find a folded note inside it with a cryptic message on it written in the reader's native tongue.
[-1] Guide My Hand. By trusting the Fates to deliver you to your proper destination, you succeed by "luck" rather than by skill.
[-1] Marked By Power. The item marks the bearer as an agent of the Fates and those who recognize it will treat the bearer with the respect befitting such an agent.
[+0] Wizard's Constitution. The bearer of this watch does not age and may recover from any physical injury with no other excuse than time, as their body knits back together. Of course, even once the physical injury is healed, really bad wounds remain traumatic events that may haunt a person for years after.

Description: There was once a wise and holy king known as Solomon. He was aided in his rulership by a wondrous ring that he received as a gift from God. That ring allowed him to summon angelic advisers, making it easy for him to become a byword for wisdom.
Musts: You must have an aspect related to your possession of this item.
Skills Affected: Lore, Conviction, Discipline
[-0] Purpose. Solomon's Seal will not function if its bearer does not do the bidding of God with wisdom and compassion.
[-0] It Is What It Is. It's a ring. A pretty snazzy one.
[-0] Unbreakable. As an Item of Power, this item cannot be broken except with a magical ritual predicated upon perverting its purpose.
[+1] One-Time Discount. Rings are small and easy to conceal.
[-2] Ritual (Divination). This ring allows its wearer to call forth angelic spirits as advisers or to answer questions. While the spirits will try to answer the questions as best they can, they are ultimately still unwilling or unable to affect the process of Mortal Free Will, and thus they may often only give cryptic hints.
[-1] Holy Touch. As a gift from God, Solomon's Seal is obviously holy. Its touch is like that of a Knight Of The Cross.

Description: Revenge is generally frowned upon by the righteous, but there are exceptions. These holy blades exist to carry out those exceptions.
Musts: You must have an aspect related to your possession of this item.
Skills Affected: Weapons
[-0] Purpose. The blades exist to carry out justified vengeance. If their bearer rejects this purpose, they will not function.
[-0] It Is What It Is. They are a pair of single edged machetes. When used together they are weapon 3. Angelic script can be seen faintly etched into the blades if the light and angle are just so.
[-0] Unbreakable. As an Item of Power, this item cannot be broken except with a magical ritual predicated upon perverting its purpose.
[+2] One Time Discount.- They're a pair of 2 foot machetes. Not easy to hide.
[-2] Holy Blades. These are holy weapons; their touch is like that of holy water. In addition to satisfying catches of Holy, they inflict 3 additional stress to creatures that have such catches. Furthermore, their touch may justify compels upon the High Concepts of the unholy.
[-1] The Righteous are Kept by Him-  The blades form an impenetrable barrier when held defensively, allowing the bearer to use his Weapons skill for the defence trapping of the Athletics skill.

Description: A longsword with a straight, double-edged blade, a forward-curved cross-guard, and the word "TRUTH" in raised silver on the grip. The magical weapon of the Seeker Of Truth.
Musts: You must have an aspect related to your position as the Seeker of Truth, appointed by the Senior Council.
Master Your Anger Killing with The Sword Of Truth incurs psychological stress. Its wielders often suffer mental attacks or forced aspect changes after using it to kill.
Perception Is Key The Sword Of Truth will not harm anyone that the wielder does not truly consider an enemy.
Skills Affected: Discipline, Empathy, Weapons, social skills.
[-0] Purpose. This sword is the weapon of the Seeker of Truth, whose purpose is to serve as an arbitrator of truth, uncoverer of deceit, and, when need be, executioner of those who spread lies and destruction.
[-0] It Is What It Is. It is a permanently-sharp longsword, treated as weapon 3 in normal circumstances.
[-0] Unbreakable. As an Item of Power, this item cannot be broken except with a magical ritual predicated upon perverting its purpose.
[+2] One-Time Discount. This item is not easy to hide.
[-1] I Am The Weapon If the rightful wielder should ever be separated from the sword, they can "feel" its location instinctively. You may use your Lore skill at +1 to locate the sword.
[-3] My Enemies Cannot Stop Me Treat the sword as weapon 6, and ignore armor ratings when swinging it with intent to kill. Any Taken Out result from such an attack must be fatal.
[-1] The Sword Is My Shield As the wielder of a blade imbued with powerful magics, you may use the Weapons skill to defend against any physical attack.
[-1] The Bringer Of Death The Sword of Truth's power is such that those in the Supernatural world who recognize it will tread a little lightly, lest they find themselves on the wrong end of the blade. All social skills are rolled at +1 against those who recognize The Sword Of Truth.
[-1] The Dance With Death Those who can master the sword may be able to unlock its secrets. By taking part in the Dance With Death, the wielder of the sword gains access to the skill of all of the sword's previous wielders. This provides a +2 bonus to Weapons defence rolls.
[-0] The Power Of Love Only a True Seeker can truly master the sword's unrelenting anger and turn the blade white by using their love and forgiveness to fuel the blade, rather than anger--most often because they have had to kill one they loved. This change may only occur after a Major Milestone or whichever climax the GM agrees is appropriate. The wielder must change an aspect to reflect that this change has taken place, and from then on does not have to suffer the mental conflict that comes with killing. This replaces the Perception Is Key aspect with the The Power Of Love aspect.

Description: An amulet of bright orange, yellow, and red in the shape of a bird taking flight, with a ruby set in the centre. It contains some of the power of the Phoenix.
Musts: You must have an aspect justifying your possession of the item, such as EMISSARY OF THE PHOENIX, or THROUGH FIRE I LIVE AGAIN.
Skills Affected: Endurance
[-0] Purpose. The amulet is given to those who have gained the favor of the Phoenix, and protects them from death.
[-0] It Is What It Is. It is a fashionable amulet, worn around the neck.
[-0] Unbreakable. As an Item of Power, this item cannot be broken except with a magical ritual predicated upon perverting its purpose.
[+1] One-Time Discount. As a small item, the amulet can be hidden. However, it is clearly special to those who see it.
[+1] Through Flames Reborn (based on Human Form): The healing abilities of the amulet will only activate when the bearer is bathed in natural flame. Direct magical flames will not trigger the effects (though a fire set through magic may), and the amount of fire needed scales with the severity of the consequence: a Mild Consequence may require little more than sticking your hand into a fireplace, while a Severe Consequence might require total immersion for a significant duration of time. Recovering from death will almost certainly require total immolation.
[-4] Really Amazingly Fast Recovery: You may recover from all physical consequences before the beginning of the next scene after proper treatment (sustained flame) is applied.

Description: A piece of greenish-hued desert glass, roughly fashioned into a short blade. Tape is wrapped around one end to make a workmanlike grip. It’s more a shiv than a knife, really. The glass is radioactive but is generally safe to handle.
Musts: None.
Skills Affected: Weapons.
[-0] It Is What It Is. It’s a weapon 1 shiv made out of the glass from the Trinity atomic test site.
[-0] Unbreakable. As an Item of Power, this item cannot be broken except with a magical ritual that opposes its nature.
[+1] One-Time Discount. The Trinitite Knife is easy to conceal, even through metal detectors.
[-4] If You Encounter God, God Will Be Cut. The radioactive glass that forms the blade is imbued with some sort of power. It’s not explicitly magical, it’s not powered by faith, but it is extremely potent against inhuman victims. The Knife ignores all supernatural defensive abilities and powers (generally acting as the Catch for Toughness and Recovery powers). Mundane armor applies normally.

Description: According to ancient Eqyptian myth, the god Thoth once wrote a book of spells. Thoth hid the book within a series of locked boxes at a bottom of the Nile with serpents to guard it. But a prince called Neferkaptah stole it, and when Neferkaptah died it was buried with him.
Musts: You must have an aspect related to your possession of this item.
Skills Affected: Lore, Discipline, Conviction
[-0] It Is What It Is. It's a book, and it's pretty old. Be careful with it.
[-0] Unbreakable. Or not. Nothing short of a specialized magical ritual can destroy it.
[+1] One Time Discount. It's a book, not hard to hide.
[-3] Thaumaturgy. The Book Of Thoth is said to contain knowledge of a vast array of spells and enchantments.

Description: The Gaelic hero Diamuid carried two spears, one long and one short. According to legend, wounds inflicted by his spears do not heal. Ever.
Musts: You must have an aspect related to your possession of this item.
Skills Affected: Weapons
[-0] It Is What It Is. They're a pair of spears, one long and one short. Both are weapon 3.
[-0] Unbreakable. As an Item of Power, this item cannot be broken except with a magical ritual predicated upon perverting its purpose.
[+2] One-Time Discount. There's no practical way to hide a long spear, and a short one is pretty visible too.
[-1] True Aim. The superlative quality of these spears adds one to to their wielder's Weapons skill while he uses the two of them together.
[-6] Infinitesimally Slow Healing. Increase the level of any consequences inflicted by these spears by three levels when checking to see how long they will take to heal. If this increases a consequence to the Extreme level or above after Recovery powers are included, the consequence may only be healed after the next major milestone and even then only if a special justification is provided.

Description: According to Mesopotamian mythology, rulership of the universe went to the holder of a specific legal document. Like other Mesopotamian legal documents, this one was a clay tablet inscribed with cuniform writing and cylinder seals. Unlike other Mesopotamian legal documents, this one allowed its holder to alter the laws of physics.
Musts: You must have an aspect related to your possession of this item.
Skills Affected:
[-0] It Is What It Is. A large clay tablet inscribed with cuniform writing and cylinder seals.
[-0] Unbreakable. As an Item of Power, this item cannot be broken except with a magical ritual that opposes its nature.
[+2] One-Time Discount. It's a large clay tablet. Quite conspicuous, in this day and age.
[-7] Reality Warper. You can always alter reality as if you were in your personal Demesne, though with slightly reduced effectiveness. This allows you to make declarations, maneuvers, and blocks related to the nature of reality with your Discipline skill. The duration of the changes created by this power is variable, but it's generally at least one scene.
Furthermore, you may use the world around you as a weapon. This allows you to make weapon 4 attacks with your Discipline skill against anything within your line of sight. You may make spray attacks with this power. You may also attack entire zones with this power at no penalty. When attacking a zone with this power, you may take an accuracy penalty (before rolling) in order to extend the duration of the attack. For each point of accuracy sacrificed this way, the attack is reapplied at the beginning of another exchange. You may take actions to extend this effect as though you were an evoker extending an evocation.
In addition, you may use this power to grapple targets within your line of sight. Use the normal grappling rules to do so but substitute your Discipline skill for your Might skill when grappling someone this way.
Finally, you may use your Discipline skill to defend against physical attacks.

Description: When the old wise king Solomon passed from the land of the living, the guardian angel that protected him set aside its sword, its duty complete. The sword did not join its master in retirement but instead appeared to those who shared its purpose, to protect and serve. Solomon's Guard, also known as the Shining Blade, is a short sword of angelic make. Its blade is slightly longer than a man's forearm and made of a silvery material flecked with gold that is as strong, if not stronger, than steel. Three words are inscribed in Latin on both sides of the blade: 'Duty, Honour, Sacrifice'.
Musts: You must have a calling or destiny to inherit Solomon's Guard, one that coincides with its purpose. This is usually represented by a High Concept.
Skills Affected Alertness, Conviction, Empathy, Lore, Weapons.
[-0] Divine Purpose. Solomon's Guard may only be swung with true selfless purpose in mind and heart. When swung without such purpose, the blow does not land (any attack roll automatically fails), the bond between sword and wielder is immediately broken until the wielder repents with an appropriate trial of faith, and the sword falls from the wielder's hand. Basically, you and your GM should look at the description above as a guideline for how to compel the high concept attached to the sword - your character might be tempted to use the sword for selfish reasons, and could receive a fate point to wither stay their hand or succumb to the temptation and lose the sword temporarily. If another takes up the sword and swings it selfishly, your character is still responsible for how the sword is used.
[-0] It Is What It Is. Solomon's Guard always takes the form of a sword, though the precise type of sword may change through the ages. Regardless of type, it's weapon 3.
[-0] Unbreakable. As an Item of Power, this item cannot be broken except with a magical ritual predicated upon perverting its purpose.
[+2] One-Time Discount. A sword is a tricky thing to conceal.
[-1] Angelic Origin. This blade was wielded by an angel and shared in that angel's nature, making this weapon a powerful holy symbol in its own right. Its very touch is like that of holy water, a cross, or another symbol of faith backed by the belief of the possessor.
[-0] Divine Light. Solomon's Guard is lit from within by a soft white light. It provides a diffused glow that is sufficient in strength to illuminate one zone of mundane darkness.
[-1] Duty. While wielding this weapon, you cannot be turned from your duty. When swung in keeping with its purpose, Solomon's Guard adds one to its wielder's Weapons skill.
[-1] Honour. The honour of this blade illuminates the wielder's path. In the presence of acts this blade finds to be dishonourable, it glows fiercely, alerting the wielder to danger. It provides you with a +1 bonus to Empathy when detecting lies, +1 to Alertness while Avoiding Surprise, and +1 to the Mystic Perception trapping of the Lore skill.
[-2] Sacrifice. When you wield Solomon's Guard in defence of others, the blade hardens your convictions into a brilliant aegis. This Power is identical to Supernatural Toughness with the Catch that you only benefit from it while defending others.

Description: The Silver Strings are a set of musical strings made of pure, untarnished silver that glitter faintly with a holy light.
Musts: You must have excellent moral character and an aspect related to your possession of this item.
Skills Affected: Performance.
[-0] Purpose. The Silver Strings exist to spread peace and to protect the innocent from supernatural evil. They cannot be used deceptively, or to harm anyone who has not harmed an innocent within the sight of their current bearer. Furthermore, they cannot be used to forge a mortal contract. If the bearer violates the purpose of the Silver Strings, the strings immediately produce a discordant twang (causing any Performance roll using them to fail) and unstring themselves. The bearer will not be able to restring the Silver Strings until he proves his faith again.
[-0] It Is What It Is. It's a set of strings for a musical instrument. Their number, length, and the exact key of the strings varies, but is always appropriate to the chosen instrument of their current bearer.
[-0] Unbreakable. As an Item of Power, this item cannot be broken except with a magical ritual predicated upon perverting its purpose. This indestructibility extends to the instrument the strings are in, if they're in an instrument.
[+1] One-Time Discount. The Silver Strings are easy to hide, especially when not strung.
[-1] Protective Muse. The Silver Strings are a subtle weapon against evil. By playing an instrument strung with the strings, their bearer can use Performance to perform maneuvers and blocks opposing supernatural mental influence.
[-1] Holy. The Strings are a powerful holy symbol. The touch of an item strung with them is like the touch of a cross, holy water, or another symbol of faith backed by the belief of its wielder.
[-1] Good Vibrations. The Silver Strings are of exceptional quality. When played in keeping with their purpose, they add two to any Performance roll made using an instrument stringed with them.
« Last Edit: January 08, 2013, 06:03:43 AM by Sanctaphrax »

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Re: Item Of Power Master List
« Reply #3 on: June 23, 2011, 04:50:28 PM »
Description: A powerful staff once belonging to an ancient but powerful politician and businessman. A man who was said to at one time have owned all the farms in the world.
Musts: You must have an aspect related to your possession of this item.
Note: Depending on the Powers of the character wielding it, the Refresh cost of The Staff Of Phibus may vary.
Skills Affected: Conviction, Discipline, Lore.
[-0] Purpose. The staff is known for it's accelerated growing properties, and for spiritual enhancement.
[-0] It Is What It Is. Its a six foot tall staff made of a distinct but unique type of wood. Weapon 1.
[-0] Unbreakable. As an Item of Power, this item cannot be broken except with a magical ritual that opposes its nature.
[+2] One-Time Discount. A staff is rather large and difficult to hide.
[-4] Staff of Growth. The Staff Of Phibus grants access to the Plant Magic Sponsored Magic Power.
[-1] Nature Channel. The Staff Of Phibus is a +2 Plant Magic control focus. It applies to offensive and defensive evocations and to thaumaturgy. This effect consumes the focus slots from Plant Magic. If the wielder of the staff doesn't get all four focus slots from Plant Magic, they must invest their own focus slots in The Staff Of Phibus to replace them.

Description: A feather from the legendary fiery bird that dies only to be reborn from its ashes, it burns eternally with the Flames of Life. It both has the power to restore as its flame nurtures the inner spark of Life within its wielder and destroy by generating blasts of flame that burn those he wishes to harm.
Skills Affected: Endurance, Discipline.
[-0] It Is What It Is. It's a feather made of flames. The flames cannot be extinguished, and though they emit light equivalent to that of a flashlight they are harmless to those who touch the feather. But if the feather's owner wants, the feather can launch a bolt of fire that is very dangerous indeed. Mechanically, these bolts are equivalent to rifle shots. Weapon 3, range 3 zones.
[-0] Unbreakable. As an Item of Power, this item cannot be broken except with a magical ritual that opposes its nature.
[+2] One-Time Discount. It's made of fire. Hiding a fire is not easy.
[-4] Blaze of Life. The feather feeds one's inner spark of Life, turning it into a blaze. This Power is identical to Supernatural Recovery.
[+2] The Catch (Necromantic Magic). As a Phoenix Feather is an artifact of Life, the enhancement it grants one's life force can not aid in recuperation from injuries inflicted the unnatural magic of its opposition, Death.
[-1] Wrathful Blast. The bolts of fire launched with the feather are not aimed the way bullets are. They are guided mentally. Attacks made with a Phoenix Feather use the Discipline skill.

Description: A sword crafted by the god Vulcan out of the metal from a meteor and blessed by Mars. Its purpose was to give a great warrior of Rome an edge against Rome's enemies and to protect the innocent and the greater good. Its edge has been said to rival that of either Excalibur or Kusanagi.
Musts: You must have an aspect related to your possession of this item.
Skills Affected: Weapons
[-0] It Is What It Is. It is a incredibly sharp and intricately designed sword. Weapon 3.
[-0] Unbreakable. As an Item of Power, this item cannot be broken by any means except a magical ritual predicted upon perverting its purpose.
[-0] Purpose. This weapon's purpose is to protect the innocent and the greater good. It will rebel if used against that purpose.
[+2] One-Time Discount. It is a beautifully made sword that was made to draw the attention of people. As such it is hard to conceal.
[-1] True Aim. As long as the wielder of Aion is using it in accordance with its purpose they add one to their Weapons skill.
[-2] Searing Edge. The blade is as hot as the volcano it was forged in. Attacks made with Aion against targets not immune to fire inflict three additional stress, and Aion satisfies any Catches that have to do with heat, fire, lava, or meteors.
[-3] All Creatures Are Made Equal. When facing an opponent, the wielder of Aion may spend a fate point to ignore that opponent’s defensive abilities (Toughness based ones, primarily) and mundane armour for the duration of the scene.

Description: An ancient and powerful magic weapon. It's a 5 point throwing star with retractable blades, and it looks awesome in a ridiculous way.
Musts: You must have an aspect related to your possession of this item.
Skills Affected: Weapons.
[-0] It Is What It Is. It's a five-pointed throwing star with retractable blades. With the blades extended, it's about a foot wide. Weapon 2, range one zone.
[-0] Unbreakable. As an Item of Power, this item cannot be broken except with a magical ritual that opposes its nature.
[+1] One-Time Discount. Once the blades are retracted, The Glaive becomes fairly easy to conceal.
[-1] Boomerang. The Glaive will always return to the owners hand after being thrown. Furthermore, it can be used to make spray attacks.
[-2] Slayer of Monsters. Add four the weapon rating of The Glaive when attacking a non-human character with it.

Description: A sword that chooses a good knight to carry out justice, following him till his death. The sword deals great misfortune to those other than the chosen knight who dare to wield it.
Musts: You must have an aspect related to being the chosen wielder of the sword. This aspect must reflect your relationship with the sword.
Skills Affected:
[-0] Purpose. The purpose of the Red Marble Sword to seek justice in the hands of a worthy knight. It cannot be used against this purpose, and it will turn on its wielder if they are unworthy or if they use it immorally.
[-1] It Is What It Is. It's a supernaturally-effective longsword. Weapon 5.
[-0] Unbreakable. As an Item of Power, this item cannot be broken except with a magical ritual that opposes its nature.
[+2] One-Time Discount. A sword is hard to hide.
[-1] Never Strike In Anger. When the wielder of the Red Marble Sword takes a full defence action, they add four to all of their defence rolls instead of the normal full defence bonus. This bonus adds to all defence rolls, not just Weapons defence rolls made with the Red Marble Sword. You may include this bonus in your "attack" roll when using Riposte.
[-1] Riposte. On a successful defence with the Red Marble Sword, you may sacrifice your next action to turn your defence roll into an attack against the person who attacked you (if they're in range). Treat your defence roll as the attack roll, and the roll made to hit you as the defence roll.

Description: A gigantic glowing magical hammer. It was created by a god of war, and its impact drains the vitality of those it strikes.
Musts: You must have an aspect related to your possession of this item.
Skills Affected: Weapons.
[-1] It Is What It Is. It's a hammer. A really really big hammer. If you include the handle, it's 5 feet long. If it weren't magical, it'd be essentially impossible for a human to use. Weapon 5.
[-0] Unbreakable. As an Item of Power, this item cannot be broken except with a magical ritual that opposes its nature.
[+2] One-Time Discount. Voldenrung is not concealable. You probably can't even fit it in your car.
[-1] Daedric Artifact. Voldenrung counts as holy and as True Magic for the purpose of fulfilling Catches.
[-3] Drains Stamina. Any character hit with an attack made with Voldenrung acquires the DRAINED STAMINA sticky Aspect if they don't already have it. If they already have that Aspect, it can be tagged an additional time.

Description: A two handed great sword, inlaid with gold. A name is inscribed in its handle. This sword serves as the prison of the demon Amos.
Musts: You must have an aspect related to your possession of this item.
Skills Affected: Weapons.
[-0] Purpose. Amos wants to have fun, and to be the greatest sword in the world. He won't work for anyone who gets in the way of those goals.
[-1] It Is What It Is. It's a two-handed sword with an unbelievably sharp edge. Weapon 5.
[-0] Unbreakable. As an Item of Power, this item cannot be broken except with a magical ritual that opposes its nature.
[+2] One-Time Discount. Amos is too big to be hidden easily.
[-1] Ancient Knowledge. Amos is occasionally willing to share the knowledge that he's picked up over his incredibly long life. By taking a point of sponsor debt, you may replace your Lore or Scholarship skill with your Weapons skill for a single roll. (Amos shares information more willingly with more skilled wielders.) Sponsor debt taken this way is debt to Amos. This ability cannot be used to benefit rolls made to operate computers or to do anything else that a demon logically wouldn't be able to help with.
[-1] Sentient Sword. As long as Amos is in a good mood (violence makes him happy) he adds 1 to your Weapons skill by helping you fight.
[-1] Parry The Unparryable. Amos can block anything, and as such allows you to defend against all physical attacks with your Weapons skill as long as you're holding him.

Description: A device that looks like a cell phone. It can transform you into a superhuman being known as a Ranger.
Musts: You must have an aspect related to your possession of this item.
Skills Affected: Many.
[-0] It Is What It Is. It's a little thingamabob that looks like a cell phone. You can't call people with it, though.
[-0] Unbreakable. As an Item of Power, this item cannot be broken except with a magical ritual that opposes its nature.
[+1] One-Time Discount. The Ranger Morpher is easily concealed in one's pocket.
[-1] Ranger Transformation. The Ranger Morpher allows you to transform into a garishly dressed being called a Ranger. This Power is identical to Beast Change.
[+1] Human Form. Most of the Powers of the Ranger Morpher are unavailable unless you use Ranger Transformation.
[-2] Inhuman Strength. While in Ranger form, you are stronger than a human should be.
[-2] Inhuman Speed. While in Ranger form, you are faster than a human should be.
[-2] Inhuman Toughness. While in Ranger form, you are stougher than a human should be.
[+0] The Catch. The Toughness provided by the Ranger Morpher does not apply against Plot Devices. That is to say, anything deemed sufficiently important by the GM may ignore the Toughness provided by the Ranger Morpher.

Description: A suit of plate armour. It's the masterpiece of the dwarven forgemaster Magahal Gluldein, crafted for the Orcish chieften Zorc nor-Grannash.
Musts: You must have an aspect related to your possession of this item.
Skills Affected: Endurance, Discipline.
[-2] It Is What It Is. It's full plate armour made of adamantium. Armour 5.
[-0] Unbreakable. As an Item of Power, this item cannot be broken except with a magical ritual that opposes its nature.
[+2] One-Time Discount. A suit of plate armour is essentially impossible to hide.
[-2] Twofold Strength. This Power is identical to Inhuman Strength.
[-6] Mythic Toughness. Like all good armour, the Aegis Of Magahal increases its wearer's ability to take damage.
[-2] Inhuman Recovery. The magic of Aegis fixes the wounds of anyone wearing it.
[+2] The Catch. The magical protections of the Aegis are ineffective against the Powers of Chaos.
[-1] Demesne. The wearer of the Aegis holds mystical dominion over the territory Grannash in the Nevernever, by right of inheritance from the Aegis' first owner Zorc nor-Grannash.

Description: A well-groomed moustache, with the style varying from person to person. It radiates pure commanding authority.
Musts: You must have an aspect related to your possession of this item.
Skills Affected: Presence, other social skills.
[-0] Purpose. The moustache exists to grant its wearer authority and leadership.
[-0] It Is What It Is. It's a moustache.
[-0] Unbreakable. As an item of power, this item cannot be broken except with a magical ritual that opposes its nature. If shaved, it is simply detached from its owner's body and can then be attached to any vacant upper lip.
[+2] One-Time Discount. The moustache commands attention. You'd have to be some sort of ninja to hide it.
[-1] Because the 'Stache Says So. With such glorious facial hair, it's clear that you're a natural born leader. Bearers of the Moustache of Authority get +2 to their Presence skill for establishing themselves as authority figures.
[-1] Marked by the 'Stache. Such a magnificent moustache gives you an obvious advantage in social conflict. All social rolls are made at +1 when made toward those who recognize the power of the 'stache. Which is pretty much everybody "in the know". Concealing the Moustache is difficult, and all attempts to do are restricted by Discipline. Any stressful activity will cause the concealment to fail.
[-2] The 'Stache Bows To No One. Few have the ability to get the better of you when you have such gravitas as conferred by this item. The bearer of the Moustache of Authority has armour 1 against all Social attacks, and has 2 extra Social stress boxes.

Description: Winged sandals given to the Greek hero Perseus by Hermes. They allow their wearer to fly.
Musts: You must have an aspect related to your possession of this item.
Skills Affected: Athletics.
[-0] One Size Fits All. The Winged Sandals Of Perseus adjust their own size to fit anybody who puts them on.
[-0] It Is What It Is. It's a pair of sandals with seemingly-ornamental wings.
[-0] Unbreakable. As an Item of Power, this item cannot be broken except with a magical ritual that opposes its nature.
[+1] One-Time Discount. Sandals are easily concealed. With baggy enough clothes, you can even hide them in your pockets.
[-1] Flight. This Power is identical to Wings.
[-2] The Swiftness Of Hermes. This Power is identical to Inhuman Speed.

Description: A claidheamh mor in which the spirit of a redcap who long ago offended a powerful sidhe noble is bound. Also known as Thirst.
Musts: You must have an aspect related to your possession of this item.
Skills Affected: Weapons, Might, Endurance, Discipline.
[-0] Purpose. This sword was created to imprison an impudent redcap and teach him to respect his betters, especially when his betters include powerful sidhe.
[-0] It Is What It Is. It's a claidheamh mor, or basket-hilted broadsword. Weapon 3.
[-0] Unbreakable. As an Item of Power, this item cannot be broken except with a magical ritual predicated upon perverting its purpose.
[+2] One-Time Discount. A full-sized sword is rather difficult to hide.
[-1] Channeling The Warrior Spirit. While wielding this sword, one can draw upon the martial skills and experience of the redcap spirit. However, the ferocity of the redcap's mindset means that while one is doing so one's social skills will suffer. As a supplemental action, you may swap the ratings of your Weapons and Athletics skills with those of your Rapport and Empathy skills respectively. If your unmodified Rapport is higher than your unmodified Weapons, don't swap those skills. Likewise with Empathy and Athletics.
[-2] Communion of Might The wielder can draw upon the strength of the redcap's spirit to augment his own. This Power is identical to Inhuman Strength.
[-4] Communion of Vitality. The wielder can draw upon the lifeforce of the redcap's spirit to enhance his recuperative capabilities. This Power is identical to Supernatural Recovery.
[+3] The Catch (Cold Iron). Since the Redcap was a creature of Faerie, one who draws upon its vitality to enhance his recuperation must share in his Faerie vulnerability to Cold Iron.
[+1] The Sword Must Drink. Though imprisoned within a sword, the spirit of the redcap still needs to drink its fill of blood to maintain its strength. If deprived for too long it may weaken to the point that it might not be able to provide its benefit of enhanced vitality to its wielder. This Power is identical to Feeding Dependency (Blood) attached to The Communion Of Might and The Communion Of Vitality.
[-1] Share The Feast. When the sword is sated the communion between it and its wielder allows its wielder to receive a portion of the benefit. This Power is identical to Blood Drinker.

Description: A highly polished black spheroid made of some sort of gemstone. It's the size of a human eye.
Musts: You must have a High Concept or Template appropriate for a being chosen by Nemesis.
Skills Affected: Endurance, Lore, Discipline.
[-0] Purpose. The Eye Of Vengeance was created to aid the chosen one of Nemesis, Goddess of Vengeance. It will function only as long as its user works faithfully towards Nemesis's goals.
[-0] It Is What It Is. It's a small black sphere. Put it in an empty eye socket to use its powers.
[-0] Unbreakable. As an Item of Power, this item cannot be broken except with a magical ritual predicated upon perverting its purpose.
[+1] One-Time Discount. An eye is easy to conceal. Just keep it closed.
[-2] Your Purpose Is Not Yet Fulfilled. The Eye Of Vengeance will keep its wearer healthy as long as Nemesis needs them alive. This Power is identical to Inhuman Recovery.
[-1] The Guilty Cannot Hide. This Power is identical to The Sight.
[+1] Penitence Is Thy Bane. Penitence is the bane of Nemesis, and as such the attacks of any character who has truly repented for their sins ignore the effects of Your Purpose Is Not Yet Fulfilled.

Description: An eye that, when placed in somebody's skull, allows that person to see through all veils and all lies.
Musts: You must have an aspect related to your possession of this item.
Skills Affected: Alertness, Investigation, Empathy.
[-0] Purpose. The Eye exists to help its user see things as they really are.
[-0] It Is What It Is. It's a vaguely human-looking eyeball. It works just as well as a normal eyeball if placed in one's eye socket.
[-0] Unbreakable. As an Item of Power, this item cannot be broken except with a magical ritual predicated upon perverting its purpose.
[+1] One-Time Discount. An eye is easy to conceal. Just keep it closed.
[-3] True Seeing. The Eye Of God adds five to any skill used by its wearer for the purpose of seeing through a veil, glamour, shapeshifting-based disguise, or other supernatural deception.
[-1] Added Insight. The Eye Of God adds two to the Empathy skill of its wearer for the purpose of detecting lies.
« Last Edit: January 08, 2013, 06:06:35 AM by Sanctaphrax »

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Re: Item Of Power Master List
« Reply #4 on: June 23, 2011, 04:51:37 PM »
Description: A powerful staff rumored to have been crafted by the Goddess Hecate and stolen by her daughter Circe in her greed for power. The Archmage Staff is an extremely potent focus item which infuses the owner with magic.
Musts: You must have an aspect related to your possession of this item.
Note: The effects given here assume that the wielder of the Archmage Staff has the Wizard Template. Wielders without Wizard's Constitution gain Wizard's Constitution instead of Supernatural Recovery, and wielders without Evocation gain Evocation with a Refinement granting access to all five standard elements instead of Arcane Power. Adjust the Refresh cost of the Archmage Staff accordingly.
Skills Affected: Conviction, Discipline, Endurance, Lore.
[-0] Law-Abiding. The Archmage Staff is bound to the Laws of Magic. If its user intentionally breaks a Law, it will inflict backlash equal to the spell's full power and its connection to its user will be severed.
[-0] It Is What It Is. It's a wooden staff. Weapon 1.
[-0] Unbreakable. As an Item of Power, this item cannot be broken except with a magical ritual predicated upon perverting its purpose.
[+2] One-Time Discount. The Archmage Staff is several feet long and rather difficult to hide.
[-4] Arcane Recovery. The infusion of magic into the staff's wielder enhances their Wizard's Constitution ability into Supernatural Recovery.
[-3] Arcane Power. The staff grants its wielder enhanced power, giving them 3 Refinements' worth of new elements and specialities. If the wielder does not have access to every Evocation element, they must use these to gain that access.
[-0] Attunement. The wielder of the Archmage Staff must invest at least two focus slots into it.
[+3] The Catch. For some reason, mundane electricity interferes with the flow of magic from the Archmage Staff and as such injuries inflicted with it heal no faster than they would for a normal wizard.

Description: A false eye made of amethyst that grants the user the power to use The Sight. With use, a wielder of the Eye can awaken other powers in it. It is not in fact the actual Eye of the Graeae, but a clever imitation made by a scion of Hephaestus. He intended it as a gift to the Grey Sisters, but he was killed before he could give it to them and his killer picked it up. He in turn lost it in a bet with a Sidhe Lady and it has been in the Nevernever since. Even though it is not the original, it conveys various powers of sight on the owner and over time it has acquired some magical power due to its connection to the Grey Witches.
Musts: You must have an aspect related to your possession of this item.
Skills Affected: Lore, Discipline, Alertness, Investigation.
[-0] It Is What It Is. It's a false eye. In order to use it you must lose an eye and place in the empty socket. Once you've done so you can use its power even when you hold it in your hand. The eye does not grant standard vision and thus the Aspect associated with this Item will be compelled quite often in situations where being able to see through the replaced eye would be useful.
[-0] Unbreakable. The Eye of the Graeae, as an Item of Power, cannot be broken except with a magical ritual predicated upon perverting its purpose.
[+1] One-Time Discount. The Eye of the Graeae is easily concealed. You could pop it out and hide it in you pocket, or you could just keep your eye closed. If the rebate from this effect would reduce the cost of the Eye to 0 Refresh, the Eye costs 1 Refresh instead.
[-1] The Sight. The purpose of the Eye was to help you see, and whatever you see with it is true and real.
[-0] Cassandra's Tears. Because the Eye sees that which is true, it can sometimes see what will be as well as what is.
[-1] Supernatural Sense. The Eye of the Graeae lets you see magic, as if it were colour or heat. This lets you see auras, tell wizards from mundanes or spirits at a distance by their glow, read the patterns of spell residue and anything else the GM thinks reasonable. The sense is used with Alertness and Investigation, not with Lore.
[-3] Thaumaturgy. The Eye of the Graeae gives you the power to cast spells like a witch. At the GM's discretion, it might be possible to gain a "witchy" variant of Ritual rather than full Thaumaturgy.

Description: In the year 2058, a powerful mechanized battle suit will be invented by Novatech. They'll sell it for 893,700,000 per suit, and only 400 of the most elite soldiers in the United States Armed Forces will be allowed to use it. Its main component will be malleum, a quasi-miraculous protean biometal that reacts to human brainwaves. For some reason, one of those suits has travelled back in time and is present in the present.
Musts: You must have an aspect related to your possession of this item.
Skills Affected: Weapons, Might, Fists, Endurance, Stealth.
[-0] It Is What It Is. It's a high-tech battle suit that bonds to the host and almost impossible to remove. It weighs little and provides both excellent protection and deadly integrated melee weaponry. Armour 3, weapon 3.
[-0] Unbreakable. As an Item of Power, this item cannot be broken except with a magical ritual that opposes its nature.
[+2] One-Time Discount. It is a highly advanced, futuristic, full-body suit that is made up of several components that won't be discovered or invented for several decades. As such it is quite conspicuous.
[-2] Inhuman Toughness. The malleum in the suit incorporates itself into its operator's bones, increasing bone density and strength.
[-2] Inhuman Recovery.The malleum in the suit repairs both the operator's body and the suit if any damage is sustained.
[+2] The Catch. The suit is very tough, but its protection is ineffective against anti-tank weaponry.
[-7] Modular Adaptations. The suit can operate in three different modes. Changing between modes requires a full action.
-Amp Mode The malleum in the suit flows into the operator's muscles. This mode grants Supernatural Strength and Inhuman Speed.
-Cloak Mode: The suit bends light around itself as the malleum in the suit flows into the operator's nerves. This mode grants Inhuman Speed, Enhanced Invisibility, and True Aim.
-Armour Mode: The malleum in the suit hardens greatly, enhancing the suit's protective qualities. This mode grants Supernatural Toughness and makes the suit armour 5.
[-6] Energy-Purge. The suit grows even more powerful when upgraded and charged with massive amounts of energy. As long as the suit was plugged into a major energy source (an industrial electrical socket will do) for at least an hour since the last time this effect was used, the suit's operator can choose to activate this ability. Doing so increases their Strength, Speed, Toughness, and Recovery by one level. Furthermore, it grants them access to energy weapons built into the suit which are mechanically equivalent to assault rifles and grenade launchers.

Description: The magical sword of Nemesis's Emissary. Each bearer of the sword finds that when he or she first touches it, it transforms to fit their tastes, skills and aptitudes. It is always a finely made sword no smaller than a gladius and no larger than a claymore.
Musts: You must have a High Concept or Template appropriate for a being chosen by Nemesis.
Skills Affected: Weapons, Stealth, Athletics.
[-0] Divine Purpose. This sword was created to bring balance to the scales of justice and therefore can only be wielded against creatures that have seriously wronged someone. The sword will not harm an innocent at all and if the 'wrongs' inflicted by a character do not merit death (as determined by the Goddess herself), the sword will not kill them.
[-0] It Is What It Is. It's a sword. It's currently a beautiful swept hilt rapier, but that could change if somebody else picks it up. Regardless, it is and will remain weapon 3.
[-0] Unbreakable. As an Item of Power, this item cannot be broken except with a magical ritual predicated upon perverting its purpose.
[+2] One-Time Discount. A sword is a tricky thing to conceal.
[-3] All Creatures Fear Justice. When facing an opponent, the wielder of the Sword Of Justice may spend a fate point to ignore that opponent’s defensive abilities (Toughness based ones, primarily), as well as any mundane armor the foe has, for the duration of the scene.
[-1] Holy. While the deity that created the sword may not be the Christian one, this weapon is none the less a holy artifact. Its touch is like that of holy water or another symbol of faith backed by the belief of the wielder.
[-1] Cloak Of Shadows. Vengeance, even holy vengeance, is often best performed under cover of darkness. As such, the Sword Of Justice makes its wielder at home in the night.
[-2] Inhuman Agility. This Power is identical to Inhuman Speed.

Description: A very mysterious sphere. Glows brightly and appears to be a source of infinite energy.
Musts: You must have an aspect related to your possession of this item.
Skills Affected:
[-0] It Is What It Is. It is a small glowing sphere.
[-0] Unbreakable. As an Item of Power, this item cannot be broken except with a magical ritual that opposes its nature. Since it's not clear what its nature is, it would be difficult to perform such a ritual.
[+2] One-Time Discount. The sphere glows brightly and as such is essentially impossible to conceal.
[-5] Energy Reroute. Tapping into a portion of the mysterious energies of this object, you are able to power a few abilities at a time. The combined cost of the abilities may not exceed the refresh cost of this item. You may take a full round action to change which abilities are powered. The powered abilities may be selected from the following list: Guns Akimbo (a Guns Stunt that lets you wield a second gun in order to add half its weapon rating to that of your first gun) [-1], Wings [-1], Inhuman Speed [-2], Inhuman Strength [-2], Inhuman Toughness [-2], Killer Blow [-1], The Whole Nine Yards (a Guns Stunt that lets you make spray attacks with any gun) [-1], Supernatural Sense [-1 or -2], Target-Rich Environment [-1], Potent Ranged Natural Weaponry [-3].
[-varies] Untapped Power. With time and study, you may unlock access to more power from this object. You may add refresh points to this item to increase the amount of Powers you may use at once with Energy Reroute.

Description: A pair of pink and white rollerskates created as a gift for Marci, the spoiled neice of a powerful wizard. They're cursed to torment their wearer in humiliating ways, because Marci's uncle was incredibly petty.
Musts: You must have an aspect related to your possession of this item. It's going to be compelled in curse-related ways. A lot.
Skills Affected: Athletics, Performance
[-0] Purpose. The skates were created to punish their wearer. As such, they occasionally move around (bringing their wearer with them) in whichever way is most likely to hurt and humiliate the wearer. The skates also resist removal; before they can be taken off they first must be soaked for 2 hours in a public fountain consecrated with an American coin from 1972 (since they were made during 1972 in America) and dried off with werebear fur.
[-0] It Is What It Is. It's a set of roller skates. You can skate with them.
[-0] Unbreakable. As an Item of Power, this item cannot be broken except with a magical ritual that opposes its nature.
[+2] One-Time Discount. These roller skates might be easy to hide if they were removable. But they're not, so they're really obvious.
[-2] Magical Skating. When sprinting, the wearer of Marci's Roller Skates adds three to their Athletics and may rollerblade over all terrain, including water, as though it were flat smooth concrete.
[-1] Skate Pro. The wearer adds two to their Performance skill when using it to rollerblade, thanks to the awe-inspiring skate tricks enabled by the magic of the rollerblades. Of course, a curse-related Compel could easily turn any performance into a humiliating fiasco.

Description: You possess the grimoire of the mad artificer Jabir ibin Hayyan who sought knowledge at the cost of his sanity. Tread lightly when retracing his path to knowledge, lest it plunge you into the same madness which took him.
Musts: You must have the Thaumaturgy power and an Aspect related to your possession of this item.
Skills Affected: Lore.
[-0] It Is What It Is. The Grimoire is a large, ancient tome.  A caster may spend Focus Item slots to use the Grimoire as a focus item.
[-0] Unbreakable. As an Item of Power, this item cannot be broken except with a magical ritual that opposes its nature.
[+2] One-Time Discount. It's a really big book. In fact, it probably wouldn't fit in a backpack.
[-1] Greatest Artificer of Merlin’s Age. The Grimoire contains extraordinary alchemical insights. It grants two Thaumaturgy specializations which must be spent on Crafting strength or frequency. These are subject to all normal limitations applied to Specialization bonuses, and the resulting set of specializations must be legal both with and without the specializations from the Grimoire.
[-1] The Mind of a Madman. This Power is identical to Demonic Co-Pilot. The demon is Jabir, and his agenda is the acquisition of unlimited knowledge and power.
[-1] Methods of Madness. Whenever you use an enchanted item or potion, you may choose to increase its strength (for that one use) by any amount equal to or less than your Lore. (This bypasses the normal limit of Lore x2 on enchanted item strength). Doing this allows the Grimoire to make a mental attack against you, with an accuracy equal to the total power of the item and a weapon rating equal to the amount you added to its power. Mental consequences that result are set by the GM, in line with Jabir’s agenda.

Description: You possess the Colt .45 of the infamous Jesse James. This weapon was cursed by an unknown hoodoo doctor after Jesse James killed his father. This gun is cursed to be passed on to the firstborn of each successive generation of his bloodline.
Musts: You must be a firstborn descendant of Jesse James, represented as a high concept, to inherit The Peacemaker. If any other creature wields this weapon, it functions as a normal gun.
Skills Affected: Guns, Discipline.
[-0] It Is What It Is. It's a six-shot revolver. Weapon 3.
[-0] Unbreakable. As an Item of Power, this item cannot be broken except with a magical ritual that opposes its nature. Furthermore it cannot be hexed and will never jam.
[+1] One-Time Discount. A revolver is fairly easy to hide.
[-3] All Creatures Are Meant To Die. This is the truest purpose of The Peacemaker, to make sure that its target is deader than dirt. When facing an opponent, the wielder may take one point of Sponsor debt in order to ignore the target's defensive abilities (it may satisfy whatever "the Catch" is), as well as any mundane armor it may be wearing, for the duration of the scene. Debt taken this way will generally be discharged by Compels to shoot someone.
[-1] Shooting Frenzy. If The Peacemaker inflicts a consequence on a character, subsequent attacks against that character get +1. Once per scene, when the Peacemaker kills a character, the wielder may clear any stress track and erase a mild consequence. If the Peacemaker runs out of bullets or is used against foes that outnumber the wielder, the wielder must roll Discipline against a difficulty of the GM's choice to avoid shooting the nearest person uncontrollably.

Description: The Wardens of the White Council are famed for their magical, super-sharp, spell-cutting silver swords. This is one of those swords. It was created by Luccio, the leader of the Wardens, specifically for a single Warden.
Musts: You must be a Warden of the White Council, with an Aspect reflecting that.
Note: Warden Swords are canonically Enchanted Items. This is an alternate interpretation.
Skills Affected: Weapons.
[-0] Specific Wielder. A Warden Sword is only magical in the hands of the Warden it was made for.
[-1] It Is What It Is. It's a supernaturally sharp sword. Weapon 5 for the rightful bearer, weapon 3 for other people.
[-0] Unbreakable. As an Item of Power, this item cannot be broken except with a magical ritual that opposes its nature.
[+2] One-Time Discount. A full-sized sword is tricky to conceal at best.
[-2] Might Over Magic. A Warden Sword can cut magical spells the way a laser cuts butter.

Description: A deck of cards. Drawing one causes you to gain abilities both magical and mundane. This is pretty useful, but since there's no way to predict what abilities drawing a card will give you it's not the most reliable item.
Musts: You must have an aspect related to your possession of this item.
Skills Affected: Many.
[-0] It Is What It Is. It's an old deck of 52 playing cards plus jokers.
[+1] One-Time Discount. A deck of cards is a small item and an easy one to hide.
[-3] Luck Of The Draw. Every card in the deck, including the jokers, has a unique set of abilities attached to it. The abilities of a card always cost 3 Refresh total, if a skill at your skill cap is worth 1 Refresh. As a standard action, you may draw a random card from the deck. You are granted the abilities attached to the card you draw for the rest of the scene. Drawing a second (or a third, or a fourth, etc...) card in the same scene costs a Fate Point and erases any abilities a previous card may have given you. At the end of a scene in which you drew a card, you may spend a Fate Point to retain the granted abilities for an additional scene.

Example cards:
  • Evocation (Elements are air, water, and earth. The specialization is in air power, and the card is a +1 offensive and defensive air control focus)
  • Gaseous Form
  • Channelling (fire) + Refinement (the card is a focus giving +2 offensive fire power and control)
  • Driving + Scholarship + Ghost Speaker
  • Diminutive Size + Inhuman Strength
  • Investigation + Psychometry + Quick Eye (stunt)

Since the list is now too large to fit into five posts, you'll have to follow this link to see the rest of it.
« Last Edit: May 20, 2013, 05:16:25 AM by Sanctaphrax »

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Re: Item Of Power Master List
« Reply #5 on: February 05, 2012, 04:39:31 PM »
Description: A longsword with a straight, double-edged blade, a forward-curved cross-guard, and the word "TRUTH" in raised silver on the grip.
Musts: You must have an aspect related to your position as the Seeker of Truth, appointed by the Senior Council.
Skills Affected: Discipline, Empathy, Weapons, social skills.
[-0] Purpose. This sword is the weapon of the Seeker of Truth, whose purpose is to serve as an arbitrator of truth, uncoverer of deceit, and, when need be, executioner of those who spread lies and destruction.
[-0] It Is What It Is. It is a permanently-sharp longsword, treated as Weapon:3 in normal circumstances.
[-0] Unbreakable. As an Item of Power, this item cannot be broken except with a magical ritual predicated upon perverting its purpose.
[+2] One-Time Discount. This item is not easy to hide.
[+1] Master Your Anger Every time the sword is used to kill, the wielder will endure a mental attack equal to 4 shifts, feeling the pain of their target as they die. If the kill is made in anger, the wielder may roll Discipline or Empathy to defend. If the insulating power of anger is not present, the wielder rolls from 0. Any mental consequences incurred have to reflect the sword's power corrupting the wielder. The first time the sword is used to kill, the mental attack is at 6 shifts, and if the defense fails, change one of your permanent aspects to reflect that you failed to control the Sword's power.
[-1] I Am The Weapon If the rightful wielder should ever be separated from the sword, they can "feel" its location instinctively. You may use your Lore skill at +1 to locate the sword.
[-3] My Enemies Cannot Stop Me When wielded against someone the wielder perceives as an enemy, treat the resulting attack as Weapon:6. Additionally, you may spend a fate point to ignore any Armor rating the target may have. When wielded against someone the wielder does not consider an enemy, however, attacks automatically miss and cannot induce any stress.
[-1] The Sword Is My Shield As a blade imbued with powerful magics, you may use the Weapons skill to defend against magical evocations, as well as ranged Weapons attacks, but not bullets.
[-2] The Bringer Of Death The Sword of Truth's power is such that those who recognize it will tread a little lightly, lest they find themselves on the wrong end of the blade. All social skills are rolled at +1, and Intimidation rolls in particular are made at +2.

Optional Additions
[-3] The Dance With Death Those who can master the sword may be able to unlock its secrets. By taking part in the Dance With Death, the wielder gains access to the skill of all its previous wielders, granting a +2 bonus to Weapons rolls to attack and defend.
[-2] The Power Of Love Only a True Seeker can truly master the sword's unrelenting anger and turn the blade white by using their love and forgiveness to fuel the blade's power. The wielder must change an aspect to reflect that this change has taken place, and from then on does not have to suffer the mental conflict that comes with killing. Additionally, The wielder may spend a Fate Point to remove the restriction listed under the My Enemies Cannot Stop Me trapping, and can successfully attack those it does not perceive as enemies.
« Last Edit: February 05, 2012, 08:48:37 PM by Mr. Death »
Compels solve everything! My first book: "Brothers of the Curled Isles"

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Re: Item Of Power Master List
« Reply #6 on: February 06, 2012, 02:46:21 AM »
I think it needs work.

Master Your Anger isn't really a worthy rebate. It will only come into play when compelled and even when compelled it won't usually matter. This is better handled as an aspect.

I Am The Weapon is basically just a narrow Supernatural Sense with a random +1. I guess it's okay.

My Enemies Cannot Stop Me seems off. +3 stress for 3 refresh is not worth it. Ignoring armour generally isn't worth a fate point, unless that effect is supposed to be scene-long.

How often do you attack someone who isn't an enemy with a sword? I think that's better as a compel than as a part of the power.

The Sword Is My Shield is weak compared to Footwork.

The Bringer Of Death is okay, I guess, though I'd prefer a Marked By Power reflavour to a new power here.

The Dance With Death is basically True Aim, but more so. This is bad.

The Power Of Love looks really weak.

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Re: Item Of Power Master List
« Reply #7 on: February 06, 2012, 02:18:33 PM »
I suppose that's what I get for trying to make it more accurate to the book series it's from than balanced for a game. Let's see what we can do...
Master Your Anger isn't really a worthy rebate. It will only come into play when compelled and even when compelled it won't usually matter. This is better handled as an aspect.
Hm...okay, how about lose the +1 discount, and to encourage it to happen more often, modify My Enemies Cannot Stop Me to have the ignore armor built in with the +3 to stress, but make it only activate when it's swung with intent to kill, and any Taken Out resulting from such an attack has to be fatal?

My Enemies Cannot Stop Me seems off. +3 stress for 3 refresh is not worth it. Ignoring armour generally isn't worth a fate point, unless that effect is supposed to be scene-long.

How often do you attack someone who isn't an enemy with a sword? I think that's better as a compel than as a part of the power.
Not often, granted. As I said, I was modeling this after the book series, where this is an explicit power of the sword--and it has other uses. For instance, in said book series, the main character uses the sword to lever/chop a slave collar off a captive with the sword, and is mainly able to do so because the power allows him to do so without risking cutting the captive.

The Sword Is My Shield is weak compared to Footwork.
I would add the bullets, but the intent of this power was that the wielder would be using the sword itself to deflect attacks, and while knives and other thrown weapons, and magic, would be easy enough to spot and deflect, bullets are another story.

The Bringer Of Death is okay, I guess, though I'd prefer a Marked By Power reflavour to a new power here.
Funny you say that, because I'd originally made it just straight Marked By Power, then added the extra -1 refresh to boost intimidation more. I'm fine with reverting it, though.

The Dance With Death is basically True Aim, but more so. This is bad.
How about making it -2, and only boosting each roll by 1 instead?

The Power Of Love looks really weak.
This probably falls under the 'important in the books, probably won't come up in a game much' category again. In the books, turning the blade white is one of those legendary things that mean the difference between the sword turning you into a burnt out husk of a man (the mental attacks from killing stacking up over the years) and the wielder mastering the sword completely and being immune. I made it at -2 refresh partly to overcome the +1 rebate from Master Your Anger, so I guess if I'm nixing that rebate, that'd be a -1 power instead, and probably shouldn't need the fate point to overcome the restriction (which, in game, I envisioned being a big, dramatic turnover--like if you had to use the sword to stop someone you loved from ending the world, sort of thing).
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Re: Item Of Power Master List
« Reply #8 on: February 07, 2012, 08:56:50 PM »
I suggest making the sword's various narrative oddities into Aspects. Things like "does not cut allies" tend to make clumsy powers.

Given that the Sword is magic, deflecting bullets seems plausible.

I'd just replace the Dance With Death with True Aim if I were you.

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Re: Item Of Power Master List
« Reply #9 on: February 07, 2012, 10:24:04 PM »
Alright, I'll do a rewrite either later today or tomorrow. As for the Dance With Death, I'm a little more inclined to make it a +1 to defense if anything, since in the books that's how the main character was forced into it--he suddenly found himself having to defend actively instead of relying solely on the sword's ability to blow through any defenses to end fights quickly.
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Re: Item Of Power Master List
« Reply #10 on: February 14, 2012, 03:37:45 PM »
Description: The bullet that killed Billy the Kid.
Musts: You must have an aspect related to your possession of this item.
Skills Affected: None
[-0] It Is What It Is. It's a bullet recovered from a corpse, just a misshapen lump of lead.
[-0] Unbreakable. As an Item of Power, this item cannot be broken except with a magical ritual predicated upon perverting its purpose.
[+1] One-Time Discount. Bonney's Bane is a tiny item and is easily concealed on one's person.
[-8] Physical Immunity: Those who hold Bonney's Bane are immune to gunfire*.
[+2] The Catch: The artifact will not protect the owner against ambushes** from people they trust***. (+2 only protects against specific thing, +0 because only specific people will be in the owner's trust).

* Debating expanding "bullets" to be "projectiles".  Thoughts?
** A typical Ambush situation or at the very least spotting the ambush but losing initiative should allow the attack to bypass the Immunity.
*** Also debating dropping the "from people you trust".  I think the Catch would raise to a +4 discount then, because while it's not exactly researchable, anyone would potentially be able to bypass the Immunity.

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Re: Item Of Power Master List
« Reply #11 on: February 14, 2012, 06:26:00 PM »
Alright, giving this another shot.

Description: A longsword with a straight, double-edged blade, a forward-curved cross-guard, and the word "TRUTH" in raised silver on the grip.
Musts: You must have an aspect related to your position as the Seeker of Truth, appointed by the Senior Council.
Skills Affected: Discipline, Empathy, Weapons, social skills.
[-0] Purpose. This sword is the weapon of the Seeker of Truth, whose purpose is to serve as an arbitrator of truth, uncoverer of deceit, and, when need be, executioner of those who spread lies and destruction.
[-0] It Is What It Is. It is a permanently-sharp longsword, treated as Weapon:3 in normal circumstances.
[-0] Unbreakable. As an Item of Power, this item cannot be broken except with a magical ritual predicated upon perverting its purpose.
[+2] One-Time Discount. This item is not easy to hide.
[+0] Master Your Anger Every time the sword is used to kill, the wielder will endure a mental attack equal to 4 shifts, feeling the pain of their target as they die. If the kill is made in anger, the wielder may roll Discipline or Empathy to defend. If the insulating power of anger is not present, the wielder rolls from 0. Any mental consequences incurred have to reflect the sword's power corrupting the wielder. The first time the sword is used to kill, the mental attack is at 6 shifts, and if the defense fails, change one of your permanent aspects to reflect that you failed to control the Sword's power.
[+0] Perception Is Key The wielder will not be able to do any stress to someone he does not truly consider an enemy.
[-1] I Am The Weapon If the rightful wielder should ever be separated from the sword, they can "feel" its location instinctively. You may use your Lore skill at +1 to locate the sword.
[-3] My Enemies Cannot Stop Me Treat the sword as Weapon:6, and ignore armor ratings, but only when swung with intent to kill. Any Taken Out result from such an attack must be fatal, and will initiate a Compel of Master Your Anger.
[-1] The Sword Is My Shield As a blade imbued with powerful magics, you may use the Weapons skill to defend against magical evocations, as well as ranged attacks.
[-1] The Bringer Of Death The Sword of Truth's power is such that those who recognize it will tread a little lightly, lest they find themselves on the wrong end of the blade. All social skills are rolled at +1.

Optional Additions
[-1] The Dance With Death Those who can master the sword may be able to unlock its secrets. By taking part in the Dance With Death, the wielder gains access to the skill of all its previous wielders, granting a +1 bonus to defense rolls.
[-1] The Power Of Love Only a True Seeker can truly master the sword's unrelenting anger and turn the blade white by using their love and forgiveness to fuel the blade, rather than anger--most often because they have had to kill one they loved. This change may only occur after a Major Milestone or whichever climax the GM agrees is appropriate. The wielder must change an aspect to reflect that this change has taken place, and from then on does not have to suffer the mental conflict that comes with killing. This replaces Perception Is Key, and the wielder may choose to ignore the restriction of that aspect.
Compels solve everything! My first book: "Brothers of the Curled Isles"

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Re: Item Of Power Master List
« Reply #12 on: February 15, 2012, 01:07:45 AM »
Description: The bullet that killed Billy the Kid.
Musts: You must have an aspect related to your possession of this item.
Skills Affected: None
[-0] It Is What It Is. It's a bullet recovered from a corpse, just a misshapen lump of lead.
[-0] Unbreakable. As an Item of Power, this item cannot be broken except with a magical ritual predicated upon perverting its purpose.
[+1] One-Time Discount. Bonney's Bane is a tiny item and is easily concealed on one's person.
[-8] Physical Immunity: Those who hold Bonney's Bane are immune to gunfire*.
[+2] The Catch: The artifact will not protect the owner against ambushes** from people they trust***. (+2 only protects against specific thing, +0 because only specific people will be in the owner's trust).

* Debating expanding "bullets" to be "projectiles".  Thoughts?
** A typical Ambush situation or at the very least spotting the ambush but losing initiative should allow the attack to bypass the Immunity.
*** Also debating dropping the "from people you trust".  I think the Catch would raise to a +4 discount then, because while it's not exactly researchable, anyone would potentially be able to bypass the Immunity.
The Stacked Catch of "Everything except this one category of attacks" runs to +5 in all of the printed examples I've seen; limiting it to bullets is a much greater catch than the ambush loophole. If it protected against any attack of any kind, provided you weren't ambushed, that would make it a +2, where if it only could by bypassed by someone you trusted, that would be a +1.

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Re: Item Of Power Master List
« Reply #13 on: February 15, 2012, 01:28:24 AM »
The Stacked Catch of "Everything except this one category of attacks" runs to +5 in all of the printed examples I've seen; limiting it to bullets is a much greater catch than the ambush loophole. If it protected against any attack of any kind, provided you weren't ambushed, that would make it a +2, where if it only could by bypassed by someone you trusted, that would be a +1.

Wow, I really bungled the Catch rules on that one.  I've never done a "protects against only one thing" Immunity before.  Thanks for the clarification.  I'd agree with your +5 Catch assessment, which would bring the final cost to -2.  +2 for only one specific attack, +2 because anyone can attack you with a non-firearm, and +1 because... well, I doubt people will know about it ahead of time, but I doubt that knowledge would be hidden away.

You could of course go with a powered-up version that DID protect against any attack except ambushes.  Then I think the +2 Catch would work fine.


Description: The bullet that killed Billy the Kid.
Musts: You must have an aspect related to your possession of this item.
Skills Affected: None
[-0] It Is What It Is. It's a bullet recovered from a corpse, just a misshapen lump of lead.
[-0] Unbreakable. As an Item of Power, this item cannot be broken except with a magical ritual predicated upon perverting its purpose.
[+1] One-Time Discount. Bonney's Bane is a tiny item and is easily concealed on one's person.
[-8] Physical Immunity: Those who hold Bonney's Bane are immune to gunfire.
[+5] The Catch: +2 only protects against specific thing, +2 for prevalence of non-firearm attacks, +1 for it not being common knowledge.

[-3] You Ever Shoot a Man in the Back? This effectively upgrades the IoP to protect against all attacks except ambushes.  A typical Ambush situation or at the very least spotting the ambush but losing initiative should allow the attack to bypass the Immunity.
« Last Edit: February 15, 2012, 01:45:15 AM by admiralducksauce »

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Re: Item Of Power Master List
« Reply #14 on: February 15, 2012, 03:55:57 AM »
@admiralducksauce: New version looks good. But why is the bullet that killed Billy magical?

@Mr. Death: I still don't think that Master Your Anger and Perception Is Key work as Powers. They're pretty textbook Aspect compels, I think. And charging Refresh to get rid of a +0 Power/Aspect the way The Power Of Love does is just bad.

Does The Dance With Death add to all defence rolls or just Weapons defence rolls?

I suggest making the fact that The Bringer Of Death is Marked By Power clearer. As-is, there appear to be slight differences.

I feel as though My Enemies Cannot Stop Me might go too far with the bonus stacking. I normally try to limit weapon rating additions that aren't from Strength to +2. But this is mainly personal preference.