I happen to think this was a sufficiently powerful toy that it should count.
- PG Harry creates "Little Chicago" (later destroyed)
Ah yes, when I was making this up in my head, I was thinking of this one and the shield bracelet, but didn't get them in while writing it. Actually, Little Chicago the
object isn't what I consider a "Power Up" but rather the thermatalogical (sp?)
skill he forged while making it
The shield bracelet is similar, in that before he didn't know how to make one, and now he does (and it's a significant trinket in and of itself)
Is it a power up when he learns to do veils as an invocation?
I actually tried to cover that with the Molly apprenticeship. As to the rest, see above.
He'd been using Force magic for a while, in the form of those rings, since SF.
That is a very different spell, in that he is triggering a precharged charm to apply force, whereas in DB he is using raw will power to move something as an evocation. Something I believe he wouldn't have been doing if it weren't for the burn trauma effectively stunting his Fire usage which beforehand had been his fallback evocation (this right here is one of the keystone ideas behind the "hypothesis" mentioned in the OP). In SK Maeve uses frost to do something and Billy asks "could you have done that?" to which Harry responds "Yah, but I would have used fire" Which is odd, because they were referring to the imobilization of Slate, but the point is still made that at that point, Harry was a little one dimentional, and this event (the flipping of the car) personifies a rather dramatic "Power Up" that was precipitated by the fire trauma.
WK - Learns of and uses his connection to Outsiders for the first time
Actually the first time was when he defeated HHWB
FM - Saves Marcone (gains "ally")
GP - Meets/Names Ivy the Archive
GP - Meets Kincaid the Hellhound
DB - Meets NecroBob
DB - Uses Necromancy for the first time
Changes - Meets Vadderrung
SK - Saves the crap out of the new Summer Lady and Knight
For me, there are 2 definitions of an Ally.
1) Someone who is willing to follow Harry into hell.
2) Someone who owes Harry a marker (Jim's term).
Both, from the perspective of a "Power Up" are also effected by the power level of the "Ally" but one is much more temporary. Several of these here are more, just events or temporary markers rather than what I would consider a Power Up. However there are other individuals that obviously did follow Harry into "hell" that arn't on this list, but that's more because there wasn't a particular event that the formatino of the allegance is precipitated down to easily...
Vanderung... I'm not sure how to treat...
Bah, I gota come back and respond to the posts after itshim's after I do some more editing.