Author Topic: Custom Powers Master List (Work In Progress)  (Read 198415 times)

Offline Sanctaphrax

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Custom Powers Master List (Work In Progress)
« on: May 08, 2011, 10:55:44 PM »
I've been meaning to make one of these for a while. But it's quite a lot of work, and I don't think that doing it on the existing custom power thread is really feasible. So I'm making a new thread for this project. The goals of this project are:

1. To list all powers created on this board in one convenient place.
2. To sort those powers according to the categories in Your Story.
3. To edit those powers so that they are balanced and ready for use in games.
4. To format those powers according the template used in Your Story.

I'll be posting an unformatted unsorted unedited list right away. Anyone who would like to help me hack this thing into shape is invited to do so.

You can see the latest version of the list here.

EDIT: I've created a second list that contains only Powers that I personally would be willing to use. You can see it here.
« Last Edit: December 24, 2016, 07:42:37 AM by Sanctaphrax »

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Re: Custom Powers Master List (Work In Progress)
« Reply #1 on: May 08, 2011, 10:56:25 PM »
Gambler [-1]
Description: You have the ability to manipulate probability in a limited way. But it's far from risk free; in fact, the risk is the reason that it works.
Effect: At any time you may pay any number of fate points to make a bet with the GM. If the GM rejects the bet, you get your fate point(s) back. If he accepts and you win, you get back twice the number of fate points that you paid. Some GMs may allow odds other  than double or nothing, but they are in no way obliged to.

Quick Shifting [-1]. You can modify your form pool as a supplemental action instead of a full action (see Supplemental Actions, p 213).  Musts: Modular Abilities.

Fomor Magic [-0]
Description: You're a Fomor, not a human. Your magic reflects that.
Effect: Your magic is never impeded or removed by the presence of running water. Instead, you suffer penalties when casting magic in areas that lack water almost entirely, like deserts or indoor areas without running water.

Incite Emotion trappings:
Emotion Burst [-1]: Requires At Range trapping. You may take a -2 penalty to your roll in order to have Incite Emotion affect everyone in a zone.
At Long Range [-1]: Requires At Range trapping. You may use Incite Emotion on a target up to three zones away

Rune Magic [-4]: Standard Sponsor Benefits, 12 Rune Item Slots (equivalent of Enchanted Item Slots) if paying at -4 (If given a cost discount for Evocation or Thaumaturgy, it loses four Rune Item Slots for each point). These slots can be used to emulate any Evocation or Thaumaturgy effect, but may only be used for Rune Magic Items or Consumable Runes (although Enchanted Item Slots may also to pay for Rune Magic Items or Consumable Runes). A Rune Magic Item works and functions the same as an Enchanted Item (pre-prepared items) and a Consumable Rune works and functions the same as Potions or other Consumables (one-use runes). No channeling (all magical effects are done by using the Rune Item Slots). Others may use Rune Magic Items without using an extra slot to make it usable by others.

Rune Item Slot = Enchanted Item Slot
Rune Magic Item = Enchanted Item
Consumable Runes = Potions/Consumables

The lord is my Shepard [-1]

Description: Due to your deep held beliefs in your faith and in a higher being your mind is shielded from those who wish to do you mental harm

Musts: Must have a supernatural high concept related to faith (i.e "mortal child of a Celestine", High Shaman of Mother Earth etc").

Effect: As long as you have been true to the tenants of your belief system use Conviction +2 to ward off mental attacks/stress. In addition gain 1 mental armor.  At the GM discretion, Glamors, illusion's and the like that affect the mind can also use this power.

Force Field [-2]
Description: You are able to create some kind of defense against attacks
Benefit: You gain a block 2 against all physical attacks equal to the results of this check, this lasts as long as you spend a supplementary action per turn.
Unlimited Concentration [-1]: You no longer need to make a supplementary action to maintain your shield.

Sparkle [-2]:
Anyone of the opposite gender viewing you in sunlight takes a -2 penalty to all social skills used against you.

Danger Sense [-2]:
Once per scene, you may spend a fate point to negate a physical attack.

See YS162
Not Amphibious [+1]. You can't survive outside of the water; when taken from the water, (say on to dry land in the middle of a city) The environment makes a Fantastic (+6) maneuver on you, resisted by Endurance; if successful, you gain a Suffocating aspect.
In each subsequent exchange, you must roll Endurance to defend against a Fantastic (+6) Environmental attack. Once you concede or are taken out (falling unconscious), the attacks stop. However, the damage is already done; without medical attention and re-introduction into your necessary environment, a taken out victim will soon die (within a a score of minutes, an hour at most.)
Re-introduction into the water, will end the effect and remove the aspect.

Uncontrolled Power [+1]
Description: You character cannot control his or her powers.  Maybe they react to emotional distress, or some other subconscious cue.
Notes: This is a one time discount applying to however many powers the character cannot control.  If the character has more than -4 Refresh in uncontrolled powers, this discount raises to a +2.

Telepathy [-2]

Description: Maybe you access a part of the brain most people never use, maybe your a genetic aberration or scientific experiment; regardless of the exact biological explanation, the effect is the same... you can read minds. You are not a minor talent, focused practitioner, or any other form of magic wielder, your ability is biological. Despite this fact, some crazy zealots calling themselves "wardens" may not give you time to explain that fact before attempting to remove your head.
Musts: Either a template or aspect denoting your ability with the non-magical psychic arts is required. Magic and Psychic powers (the real ones, not the magical imitations) don't play well together. In the event that any mortal magic power (Evocation, Thaumaturgy, Channeling, Ritual) is taken, the character must remove the Telepathy power and regain all refresh spent on it. It is recommended that Sponsored Magic follow the same rule, although the final decision for any specific sponsor is left to the group.
Skills Affected: Conviction (page YS:124), Discipline (page YS:127), and Empathy (page YS:129)
An Open Book. People are easy to understand when you can hear the thoughts they project into the world. Gain a +2 to Empathy and any time requirements are decreased by one shift. Where appropriate targets defend with Discipline instead of the normal social skill.
Dig A Bit Deeper. Some say a person's trash is the best way to learn about them, they're wrong. When using this ability you connect your mind to that of your target, allowing access to thoughts below the surface. At the same time, some of your thoughts and emotions will bleed over into their mind. You may spend a fate point to stop your thoughts from entering the targets mind; however, the target may also spend a fate point, in which case you will not gain any of their thoughts. In the case of NPCs that have no fate points, roll Empathy defended by the target's Discipline to determine if the player gains any information. This skill can not be used more then once per scene. A fate point must be spent on any attempt against a target after the first.
Mind Trick. These are not the droids you are looking for. By rolling Empathy defended by a target's Discipline, you may place a simple suggestion into their unconscious mind. There is no explicit limit to the number of times this ability may be used on a single target, but it is highly recommended that NPC targets receive an increasing bonus to their defense roll on each attempt after the first.
Mental Fortitude [-1]. Taking this upgrade will grant two additional boxes of mental stress capacity (page YS:201).
Mental Fortress [-1]. If this upgrade is taken, you naturally have Armor:1 against all mental stress.
Psychic Strike [-2]. Purchasing this upgrade turns your mind into a weapon. Discipline may be used to make a direct psychic attack, dealing mental stress and consequences. The victim may defend with Discipline, however counter-attacks are not generally possible. Regardless of the success or failure, the attacker takes an automatic point of mental stress each time this ability is used.

[-0] Lesser Immortality: You do not need to eat or drink and do not excrete wastes. If you possess ‘Hunger Dependency’ you must still satisfy it as normal.

[-3] Immortality: As lesser Immortality in addition you cease to age and remain permanently at the age of acquiring this ability (EX: A man in his mid-twenties will always look like he‘s in his mid-twenties even two thousands years later), and cannot be aged magically. You are also immune to all poisons and diseases, both magical and mundane,  and do not need to breath.

Gifted With Soul [+1]
Description: You are different from other Red Court Vampires. Normally your kind do not have a soul, for it is antithesis to your being, and destroyed once you have had your first killing feed. You however have somehow managed to store your soul in an item, making a phylactery of sorts.
Musts: You must be a red court vampire, must have an aspect that reflects this power.
Silence the Beast. You loose your Echoes of the Beast power. As a Red Court Vampire with a Soul your beast is suppressed by the morals other Red Court Vampires lack. You are reimbursed for the refresh cost of Echoes of the beast, since you no longer have it.
Refresh Bonus. You have somehow maintained your soul, keeping free will. Add +1 to your refresh level.
Phylactery. Your soul is stored in an item that you must keep on your person at all times. If it leaves your person, you loose the above benefits, becoming an NPC. You may spend one fate point to give you one days time to retrieve the item.
Altered Catch. You are no longer burnt to a cinder in sunlight, but you are weakened in it. In sunlight your catch is automatically satisfied for any attack. In addition add a new condition to your catch: "Phylactery Damage."
Made Whole [-1]. If you take this upgrade your soul no longer resides in your phylactery, which becomes a mundane item, it has been restored to your body. You loose the "Phylactery" portion of this ability, and the "Phylactery Damage" condition on your catch.

Fountainhead of Blood [–2]
Description: You've somehow managed to cut the metaphysical ties that exist between master and servant. You are no longer beholden to the Red King, and are a sovereign in your own right.
Musts: When you gain this power, you must change your High Concept to reflect your new status as the fountainhead of a new bloodline of red court vampires.
Skills Affected: Discipline, Social Skills.
Self Control. Your control over the thirst is unparalleled, you gain +1 to your Discipline when using it defensively.
Deeper Reserves. You are the most powerful vampire in your bloodline. Add two boxes to the length of your hunger stress track.
Liege Lord. You are the fountainhead of a new bloodline of red court vampires. Any social skills used against other vampire courts or bloodlines gain a +1 bonus. Increase this to +2 when dealing with members of your own bloodline.
Improved Feeding [-1]. If you purchase this upgrade you gain a +2 (instead of a +1) on subsequent attacks after causing your enemy to bleed, in a grapple you do two extra stress instead of just one. You may also use the Taste of Death of effect of the Blood Drinker power twice per scene instead of only once, however you must spend a fate point to use it the second time.

Red Hot Knives [-1] You may increase the weapon rating of your knives by two by filling in one mental stress box, this lasts for a number of exchanges equal to the value of the stress box you've filled in. Increase the bonus to three if you've cast a fire evocation in the last exchange.

Home is Where You Make It [-1] This character carries his threshold with him, he may, with or without any special objects, setup a threshold with a value of two given adequate time to prepare (5-15 minutes). If the threshold is being setup in the open, then the size is up to the GM. It can be used to strengthen the existing threshold of a building by one. This power stacks with "Bless this House".
Reading the Surface [-1]. You are a natural psychic, and can read the surface thoughts of individuals around you. This is not a violation of the laws of magic, as the thoughts "radiate" out from the thinkers mind. You may use discipline to defend against deceit attacks and maneuvers instead of the usual skill, and possibly in place of other skills whenever the GM deems it appropriate. On a successful defense against a social attack while using "Reading the Surface" you may place the aspect "Open Book" on the attacker. This aspect lasts for one exchange (not sticky) and may be tagged for a bonus on any other social roll.

Undying [-0]
Deathless. Unless utterly destroyed or killed by special means, you will eventually recover from any fatal wound. No "death" result is ever permanent unless special means are used (as determined by your creature type).
Estranged. Most people around you feel uncomfortable, as if they can tell that you are different from others. Take a -1 Penalty on all Rapport and Deceit based maneuvers or attacks you make.

Dream or Reality [-2]
For you the lines between Dream and Reality are blurred, so much so they are almost non-existant. You live just as much in the world of fantasy as you do on planet earth. You are able to bring your control of your Demesne into the mortal world. You are able to shape reality to your whim.
Skills Affected: Discipline
Musts: Demesne
Sculpt Reality. You can alter reality as if you were in your personal Demesne, though not as freely as you would be able to in the Nevernever. You can roll Discipline to place scene aspects as normal, and can even use discipline to physically attack using the (now) mutable nature of the zone against your opponents. However, your attacks are all weapon: 0. Any change you make is impermanent, and reverts to its original state at the end of the scene, however, you may spend a fate point to make a change permanent (or more, at the GM's discretion).
Rapid Eye Movement. When you use this power your eyes flicker back and forth as if you were sleeping.
Illiteracy. You are unable to read, it is not because you do not know how, it is just that your brain is unable to correctly identify the symbols on the page. If you somehow loose access to this power, you will be able to read (if you were previously able to).
Improved Sculpting -1. Your attacks are now treated as Weapon: 2.
Powerful Sculpting -1. Your attacks are now treated as Weapon: 4, and any scene aspect you place is automatically made 'Sticky'.
Expansive Magical Repertoire: Your Lore skill is considered 2 steps higher when factoring in how many rotes your character knows.  -1
Unthinkable Size [-4] As Hulking Size, but all effects, positive and negative, are doubled. This applies for creatures larger than whales (Fenrir, Godzilla, Typhon...)

Telekinesis [-2]

Description: Not all is magic and mysticism, the human body holds many wonderful secrets of its own. Your secret is the ability to move objects with the power of your thoughts. Regardless of the specifics of your power's source (evolution, chemistry, mutation, technology, etc) magic is not it. Your ability is "natural" and doesn't cause repercussions from the Laws of Magic, although those know as "wardens" generally don't take the time to ask questions if they think you have broken one of the "laws".
Musts: A template or aspect related to your status as a telekinetic is required.
Skills Affected: Conviction (page YS:124) and Discipline (page YS:127)
Mind Over Matter. Why use muscles when your brain can do the heavy lifting. Might is replaced by Conviction for the purposes of lifting things with your mind. When attempting to throw an object or make a direct kinetic attack with this ability, Discipline replaces Weapons and Fists respectively.
Thoughts Take Flight [-1]. You may not have wings, but that doesn't mean you can't fly. Many kinds of borders (page YS:212) are reduced or eliminated and you are able to travel through zones (page YS:197) vertically. The Discipline skill is used to govern flight in the same way that Athletics is used for running.
Kinetic Defense [-2]. Your telekinetic power is great, manifesting in a persistent shield around you granting Armor:1 against physical attacks. When performing a Full Defense (page YS:199) this bonus becomes Armor:2.

Inhuman Stoicism [-2]
Description: Your mind is abnormally stout, withstanding far more abuse then the average human.
Musts: No protection against self-inflicted attacks or stress is provided. You must attach this power to an appropriate mental Catch (page YS:185).
Skills Affected: Conviction (page YS:124), other mental skills.
Hard to Twist. You naturally have Armor:1 against all mental stress.
Hard to Break. You have two additional boxes of mental stress capacity.

Supernatural Stoicism [–4]
Description: Your mind can handle trauma that would normally destroy a person.
Musts: This ability replaces Inhuman Stoicism. No protection against self-inflicted attacks or stress is provided. You must attach this power to an appropriate mental Catch (page YS:185).
Skills Affected: Conviction (page YS:124), other mental skills.
Harder to Twist. You naturally have Armor:2 against all mental stress.
Harder to Break. You have four additional boxes of mental stress capacity.

Mythic Stoicism [–6]
Description: The durability of your mind is beyond the mortal scale.
Musts: You must have permission to purchase this ability. This ability replaces Inhuman or Supernatural Stoicism. No protection against self-inflicted attacks or stress is provided. You must attach this power to an appropriate mental Catch (page YS:185).
Skills Affected: Conviction (page YS:124), other mental skills.
Nearly Impossible to Twist. You naturally have Armor:3 against all mental stress.
Nearly Impossible to Break. You have six additional boxes of mental stress capacity.

Impossible Jumps [-1]
Description: Gravity doesn't seem to apply to you the way it does to normal people. You can jump like a video game character when you want to.
Skills Affected: Athletics
Superhuman Leap. You get +4 to all athletics rolls made to jump.
Limited Antigravity. You are completely immune to falling damage. You never need a running start to jump properly.
Double Jump [-2]. You can jump off of empty air. When rolling for jump distance, you may roll twice and add the results. When jumping during a conflict, you can remain in midair for a full exchange. Furthermore, you can dodge normally in midair.
Goomba Stomp [-1]. You can hurt someone pretty badly by jumping on them. You can use your athletics skill to attack in melee. If combined with double jump, you may skip an action in order to remain in midair for an exchange and reroll the attack.

Hyperspace Arsenal [-2]
Description: You seem to be able to fit an entire warehouse in your pockets. No-one’s really sure where stuff goes when you’re not using it.
Skills Affected: Might
Hammerspace. You can carry a full load (as determined by your might) without hindrance in an extradimensional compartment. The compartment exists outside time, so everything in it stays exactly as it was when it was put in.
Improved Hammerspace [-2]. You can carry much more than a full load in your extradimensional compartment. Add 8 to your might to determine the capacity of your compartment.
Secure Hammerspace [-1]. Nobody but you can access your extradimensional compartment. Metal in it doesn’t trigger metal detectors and so on. If you are unconscious or dead, the compartment cannot be opened at all.

Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: Custom Powers Master List (Work In Progress)
« Reply #2 on: May 08, 2011, 10:57:21 PM »
Stonewalk [-1]
Description: You can move through rock, stone, and most earth-based substances with ease. Either you are a strong and fast digger, or you can literally pass through stone like a ghost. You are assumed to be able to navigate as you go, but to actually be able to sense through solid substances, you need to take an appropriate Supernatural Sense.
Musts: You must have a high concept that would justify this power, such as Earth Elemental, or Subterranean Behemoth.
Skills Affected: Athletics.

Passwall. You can ignore stone, rock or earth-related zone borders of up to 3 shifts. You still need to make a movement or supplemental action to cross the zone.
Death from Below! You can ambush your opponents by hiding below the ground, near the surface of a stone- or rock-based zone border, or even above a tunnel, and springing from your hiding place when they get too close. You get a free +2 to your Stealth roll once per scene to set up an Ambush (page 142). You can usually detect when your target is in position, but if they are using Stealth, you get a +2 to your Alertness roll to feel them approaching if they are in contact with the same surface that is hiding you. You may use a Fate Point to invoke this ability additional times in the same scene, but you must make a movement or supplemental action in order to get in position (per the Passwall effect) to make another Ambush. You can use this ability to Ambush your opponents several times, but if they survive this ploy long enough they may find ways to take advantage of your predictability. To use this ability, you must select zone borders which you would be able to pass using Passwall.
Stonefeint [-1]. If you take this upgrade, you get a free +2 to one Attack roll per scene if there is significant stone or rocky terrain for you to use to your advantage, You may use a Fate Point to invoke this ability additional times in the same scene. To use this ability, you must select zone borders which you would be able to pass using Passwall.
Greater Stonewalk [-1]. If you take this upgrade, you can ignore 6 shifts of stone, rock or earth-related zone borders.
Epic Stonewalk [-2]. Take this upgrade instead of Greater Stonewalk. You can ignore 9 shifts of stone, rock or earth-related zone borders, and you can make an Athletics check to tunnel through any remaining shifts.
Tunnel [+1]. Your ability to move through stone relies on burrowing, and you leave a tunnel behind you as you go. This can be an advantage for allies, but it can also lead pursuers straight to you. You also make noise as you move through the earth, which won't necessarily negate the first use of Death from Below!, but may interfere with any subsequent uses of that ability. You also leave telltale furrows, cracks or lines as you pass. Using this ability places the scene aspect Unstable Tunnels, which can be tagged by anyone. This cannot reduce the total cost of your Stonewalk abilities below -1.

Flesh Forgery [-2]
Musts: True Shape Shifting
Key Skill: Weapons, Fists
You are a Sword and as weapon you come with your blade pre-attached you can use the Material of your body to make any simple +3 weapon or less, the weapons you create other than being made out of your Hardened Flesh act exactly the same way as normal weapons except you can use either fists or weapons to wield them and changing the shape of your weapon can be done as a Supplementary action at the Usual Penalty of Minus 1.

Siren Song [-2]
The voice of a Siren, or those of their lineage, captivates unerringly - with song or no. Those within earshot of the character's voice (non-amplified) have their attention diverted to the character - or in their direction, if the character cannot be seen. The character may then continue to keep those diverted enthralled to her voice with a mental challenge (based on Deceit), although no action other than keeping the victim's attention may be compelled.

Haruspicy [-2]
Reading the entrails of sacred animals (dependent on cultural or supernatural heritage) is more of an art than a science. The ability to divine omens from the liver, heart, etc. functions like Cassandra's tears - without the Catch, but with much more viscera.

Holistic Sense [-1]
Description: You are in tune with the fundamental interconnectedness of the universe. You can draw accurate (if bizarre) conclusions from seemingly random phenomena that bear no obvious relation to the matter you are considering.
Musts: You must have a high concept that would justify this power, such as Holistic Detective, Zen Master, or Protector of the Balance.
Skills Affected: Scholarship, Investigation, and others as appropriate.
The Butterfly Effect. You can make an Assessment check using any skill you possess, with only a tenuous justification. The only requirement is that you vary your skills, selecting a different skill with each Assessment. If you opt to use the same skill a second time in a row  (presumably your best skill), you get a -2 to your check.

Displacement [-1]
Description: You are not where you appear to be. A glamor or other optical effect obscures your true location, making it difficult for opponents to properly target you.
Musts: You must have a high concept that would justify this power, such as Cloaked Malk, or Nevernever Mugger.
Skills Affected: Athletics.
Missed Me, Missed Me. You gain a +2 bonus to your Athletics for the purpose of defending against attacks. This bonus does not require your attention or concentration: should you be successfully ambushed, this bonus will remain, granting you a minimum Athletics of Fair (+2). You may also use this bonus to any Athletics check to perform a maneuver intended to confound or disorient an opponent. If you take a Full Defense action, this bonus is increased to +4.
Blinking [-1]. When you purchase this upgrade, your power is not an optical effect: you are actually changing positions rapidly during combat, by stepping back and forth between the Nevernever and the real world. In addition to the Missed Me, Missed Me effect, you may set up an Ambush (page 142) as a supplemental action every round. However, anyone who can simultaneously perceive the real world and the Nevernever is immune to this effect.

Edit: it will be up to the GM how to handle any complications of the Nevernever aspect of Blinking. The simplest answer is that Blinking creates a sort of proto-Demesne wherever it happens to be, which does not in itself attract (or make it vulnerable to) any of the Nevernever denizens which may be coterminous with that current location.

Breath Weapon (-2)
As per YS162
        Projectile (-2) Your “Breath weapon” is some form of projectile. Because of this you add increased stress from any Strength powers you possess. In addition, each level of strength increases the range of your breath weapon by 1 zone. (Example, if you have Supernatural Strength you would deal +6 stress with your breath weapon, and you could affect targets up to 3 zones away.)
   Strong Breath (-1) You breath weapon is extremely potent.  You add +4, instead of +2, to the stress your breath weapon deals. In addition you add +1 to any rolls to perform maneuvers.  This power cannot be combined with projectile.
   Mighty Breath (-1) Your breath weapon is extremely powerful. Add an additional +2 stress, and a +1 to maneuvers when using your breath weapon, for a total of +6 Stress/+2 for Maneuvers.  This Power cannot be taken with Projectile.
   Wide Breath (-2) Your breath weapon affects everyone in a single zone.
   Ranged Breath (-1) The range of your breath is increased by one zone.

Special Techniques [-varies]
Description: Supernatural martial arts moves, more or less. A staple of any decent fighting manga.
Skills Affected: Fists, Weapons, Guns
Special Techniques -  When you take this power, choose fists, weapons, or guns.  Then pick a number of techniques from the technique list equal to the number of refresh points you spent on this power. Whenever you make an attack with the chosen skill, you may spend a fate point to add the effects of one of your chosen techniques to the attack.
Technique List
Long Range Strike. The range of this attack is increased by 2 zones. (This works for melee attacks).
Armor Piercing Strike. This attack ignores all of the target’s armor.
Area Strike. This attack hits everyone in the target zone (except yourself).
Rapid Strike. You can make a number of attacks up to your skill with one action. Each attack suffers a penalty equal to the number of extra attacks made.
Brutal Strike.  The attack suffers a -1 penalty but inflicts 5 extra stress.

Mind Meld [-1]
Description: You have the ability to possess someone in a benevolent way. Having you in one's head is a good thing, since you can help but not exert control.
Musts: You need some way to become insubstantial in order to enter the target's body.
Effects: When someone is possessed by you, they gain the full effect of any powers or stunts you have. What's more, they may use your skills instead of their own.
Co-Pilot [-1]: The person possessed by you gains the effects of the Demonic Co-Pilot power with you as the demon.

Gaze of Lost Emotion [-1]: The owner of this power merely has to look at someone to drain all of their emotion away. Mechanically once per round as a free action the owner my gaze at one person in their zone placing the aspect Emotionless on the person. This aspect persists until She Who Devours Emotions looks away or departs the zone.

Disability Super(natural) Power [+varies]

Description: You have a disability linked to a supernatural power.  Maybe you're blind, but have skill with divination to compensate.  Maybe you're inhumanly fast, but not as fast as your biopolarism can make your moods swing.  Maybe you're able to move swiftly and silently in the shadows... because you're an albino who is harmed by the sunlight.  Maybe you're superstrong... but seizures are a constant threat.  Maybe you can shapeshift, but you always are missing that pinkie (or hand!), no matter whose or what appearance you're copying.  And so forth.

Skills Affected: None—or any. Skills should be penalized or assigned based on the high concept.  For example, a Deaf character should be required to have at least one rank in Scholarship, with the associated language of ASL, or a character with mobility problems should have a cap on their Athletics skill. 

Musts: Must have a high concept that is related to both the disability and the power, for example BLIND PSYCHOMETRIC DETECTIVE.

Supernatural Disability Power: You have a disability.  This grants you a discount on one or more supernatural powers that are linked to it.  The cost reduction to those powers is based on how intrusive and problematic the disability is.  If the disability is ever cured, healed, or removed, the cost reduction goes away. 

If the disability is severe, requiring special accommodation to function in modern society (blindness, serious mobility issues, etc), it's worth a +2. 

If the disability threatens you medically (seizures, diseases requiring a strict drug regime, etc) its a +2.

If the disability is an issue that affects your quality of life but can be worked around without extreme cost/effect (missing/paralyzed limbs, deafness, issues requiring moderately expensive drug treatments, etc) its worth a +1. 

Disabilities cannot reduce the total cost of linked powers below -1.

Mnemosyne's Shadow [-2]

Description: Normally filed beside similar abilities like Cassandra's Tears and Prescience, with Mnemosyne's Shadow you learn things without previouse experience or exposure to the subject matter. You literally pull knowledge out of thin air. You Know things....

Billy: "Where does their knowledge come from Bob? "

Bob: "That's still being debated. Mnemosyne is just the popular theory. It could be any number of things including a form of ranged Psychometry or a version of The Sight."

Skills Affected: Lore

Musts: Must have a High Concept or Trouble that reflects the ability and can be compelled frequently. Examples: The High Concept Mnemosyne's Errand Boy  or the Troubles Knows Way Too Much or Insufferable Know-it-all.


Strange Knowledge: You can use your Lore Skill to get Answers about a subject for a Scene. The difficulty of the Lore check set by the GM should reflect not just how general the knowledge is, but also how secret it is. However, you can't control the breadth or the accuracy of the information gained. You almost always get fairly random knowledge in addition to what is being looked for.  For example, if you use the Shadow to gain knowledge about a Clued-in Mobster you may get information about not only his known aliases, but also his shoe size, favorite foods, number of sexual conquests, etc. If using it to find out the combintation to the safe, you might get every combination the safe has ever used and the significance of the digits to the safe's owner.

Dangerous Knowledge: For a price, you can get potentially "Game-breaking" pieces of knowledge such as the Dark Sorcerer's True Name. The Price is negotiated with the GM the same way as an escalated compel. Information such as this that could potentially break a storyline could be worth as little as a few Fate Points or as much as a Serious Mental Consequence.

Strategist of the Gods [-1]

Description: During battle, you connect to your allies on an almost telepathic level.  Under your guidance their actions are like that of a well-oiled fighting machine, flowing from one enemy to another.

Musts: Must have a supernatural high concept related to tactics, battles, or war (i.e., "Son of Ares").

Effect: During combat - and without their input - you may direct the actions of allies.  This directed action must be described simply and within their abilities (attack that foe, grapple the large one, trip the fast enemy, etc).  Your allies need not follow this action, but if they do they are given the temporary aspect of "Guided by (Player Name)".  This aspect may be tagged for free once during the combat; but subsequent uses require the use of a Fate Point.  This aspect will be removed if you move out of range of the tactician (greater than 2 zones away).

Amorphous Form [-1]

Your body isn't solid the way one would expect. It's made of either a stretchy, rubberlike substance or an out and out liquid.

No Hole Too Small: You can squeeze underneath a door if need be. You may ignore all barriers that aren't sealed.
Difficult To Grab: Your body isn't easy to hold. You get +2 to all attempts to avoid or escape a grapple.
No Internal Anatomy: [-1] You don't have the easily damaged organs that most people rely on. You have armour 2 against all attacks that rely on precision or piercing damage.
Living Rope:[-1] You can literally wrap your body around someone. It's quite helpful when wrestling. You get +1 to all rolls made to grapple or escape a grapple.
Long Reach:[-1] Your arms stretch. You may make melee attacks against targets up to a zone away.

Faith Healing [-2]
Musts: You must have taken the Guide My Hand and Righteousness powers in order to take this ability.
You may use your Conviction skill to declare justification for your own or another character’s recovery from moderate or severe consequences of any type, even without access to proper facilities, given time to pray and (for another character) lay hands upon the character in question. In addition, you may spend a Fate Point to allow another character to heal from a Consequence as though it were one level lower in severity. So, the subject would recover from moderate consequences as though they were mild, etc. Consequences reduced below mild are always removed by the beginning of a subsequent scene.

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Re: Custom Powers Master List (Work In Progress)
« Reply #3 on: May 08, 2011, 10:58:07 PM »
"Force Lightning of Lolz" [-2]
You have the power to make electricity arc between your finger tips and lash out at your target.
This counts as a weapon:2 electrical attack for up to 2 zones targetted with your weapons (or guns) skill.

"IP?... Please" [-1]
You can hack into the internet and surf with your mind from any wire connected to the grid upon touch.

"Dirty little secrets" [-1]
You can touch an electrical device like an iphone or laptop and mystically know if there are porn pics or other incriminating things on them.  This also give you a pretty good idea of what they are.

"Handle aura" [-1]
If you see someone in person who you've interacted with online, they will appear to have an aura to you.  The color and feel of the aura will give you a very good idea of what their handle or user name was as well.

"Noob security systems" (requires IP?... Please) [-1]
If you access the network inside of a building using your "IP?...Please." power, you will be able to see the layout of all the security systems.  For the price of a fate point, you can temporarily turn them all off as well.

Traceing -2:
You can manifest any non-balistic weapon you have seen as a supplemental action. With this ability you can buy Modular Abilities which can be used to represent the imbued abilites of any items of power you are copying. Like True Seeming’s you are limited to only manifesting one item at time.

Resonant Emotion [Incite Emotion Upgrade; -1]
Musts: Lasting Emotion
Attacks and blocks made with Incite Emotion gain a +1 bonus, and aspects placed with Incite Emotion maneuvers are automatically sticky.

Heart-String Virtuoso [Incite Emotion Upgrade; -1]
Musts: Resonant Emotion
When tagging an aspect placed with your Incite Emotion power, you gain a +1 bonus, for a total of +3.

Emotional Control [Incite Emotion Upgrade; -1]
Musts: Incite Emotion
You may use Discipline instead of Deceit or Intimidation for your Incite Emotion power, and gain a +1 bonus when doing so.

Blood Magic [Spellcraft; -1]
Musts: The ability to perform evocation
Blood Magic: You may substitute physical stress for mental stress inflicted by your own evocations. When using this power, it's all or nothing; you must choose to take all mental stress as physical stress, or none.

Antimagic Field [Minor Power; -1]
Antimagic Field: Evocation spells cast within your zone inflict one extra mental stress on the caster.

Holy Magic -1
Musts:  At least one aspect, preferably the High Aspect, has to explain the innate holiness of your magics
Must have Holy Touch, Righteousness, and either channeling, evocation or sponsored magic.
Your evocation attacks, maneuvers, blocks and defenses are treated as "Holy", as in the Holy Touch ability.

Focused Study [–0]
Musts: Channeling and/or Ritual.
Description:  Experienced focused practitioners learn in time how to refine and focus their abilities, gaining a deeper understanding of their one particular area of study.
Skills Affected: Discipline, Conviction, Lore.
Intense Focus. You have chosen to focus heavily upon one particular application of spellcraft. When you take this power you forever give up the ability to upgrade Channeling to Evocation or upgrade Ritual to Thaumaturgy.
Focused Specialization. You may now choose to gain specialization bonuses when buying the Refinement power.

Focused Mastery [-1]
Musts: Focused Study
Description: With experience comes eventual mastery. A few focused practitioners have learned how to unlock their full potential and gain an incredible amount of mastery over their chosen area of spellcraft.
Skills Affected: Conviction, Discipline, Lore
Esoteric Lore. You roll Lore at +1 when dealing with magic particular to your area of focus (as determined by your element, ritual, or theme).
Potent Specialization. You no longer need to structure your specialization bonuses for each ability according to the same “column” limits for skills (see page 65). You still cannot have any specialization bonuses higher than your Lore skill.

Rote Reliance [+1]
Musts: At least one rote spell.
Description: You aren't very good at improving with your magic, preferring to stick to a few well rehearsed and known spells.
Skills Affected: Conviction, Discipline, Lore
Improvisational Block. You suck at casting any spell you haven't worked out ahead of time. When casting  non rote spells, consider your Conviction and Discipline to be 2 steps lower than the actual ratings.
Total Reliance [+1]. You are totally reliant upon a few well rehearsed spells. The only spells you can cast are rote spells. When casting such spells you must roll to control the power as if you were casting them normally.

Signature Spell [-1]
Musts: At least one rote spell.
Description: You are well known for one spell in particular. You might be a one trick pony, but it's a damn good trick!
Skills Affected: Discipline, Conviction, Lore.
Choose one of your rote spells when you buy this power. This spell then becomes your signature spell and gains the benefits listed below when you cast that spell by rote. You may only have one signature spell at a time. At the game masters discretion you may be able to change your signature spell after a Significant or Major milestone.
Efficient Spellcraft. You've refined one spell so greatly that you can cast it with incredible efficiency. When determining the mental stress cost (page 250) of your signature spell, consider your Conviction to be 1 step higher than its actual rating.
One Last Spell. You've learned to keep a little bit of energy in reserve for your favorite spell. You may spend a Fate Point instead of taking metal stress when casting your signature spell.

[-3] Spell-like Abilities
You have 2 spell-like abilities you can use twice per day each - or you may use one by taking a 1-point mental stress hit. You aim SLAs with Discipline or an other thematically appropriate skill. Their power is equal to your Conviction or your Lore, whichever is higher, and you can have any Evocation or Thaumaturgy effect as an SLA. However, once chosen those abilities are fixed and cannot be changed. You may lower the Power of an ability when initially chosen by a number to increase its number of uses by the same number - though it still costs 1 point of mental stress to use.
[-1] Improved Innate Magic
You have more varied spell-like abilities available than normal. Each time you take this ability, you get four new SLAs, each one following the same rules as your original SLAs. Instead of new SLAs, you may take an existing SLA more than once, adding up the total number of uses.
[-1] Potent Innate Magic
Your innate magic is stronger than normal. Each time you take this ability add 1 to the Power and number of uses of each SLA you have. You may take this ability a number of times equal to your Lore or Conviction.

Spell-Like Ability [-1]
Description: You have the ability to cast one spell.
Musts: Nothing more than any other power requires.
Spell-Like Ability. Design a spell with complexity or power equal to the higher of your Conviction skill and your Lore skill. You may cast that spell as an evocation rote.
Potent Spell-Like Ability [-1]. Add two to the power of one of your spell-like ability. This does not increase the difficulty to control it.

Damage Shield [-1]
Description: For whatever reason, attacking you isn't safe. Maybe you're covered in spikes, or maybe your body flows with 10 000 volts of electricity.
Musts: Nothing in particular.
Damage Shield. Whenever a character makes an unarmed attack against you and misses, they take physical stress equal to the number of shifts by which your defence roll exceeds their attack roll. This might also trigger on some maneuvers, if the GM deems it appropriate.
Conductive Damage Shield [-1]. This power works against against all melee attacks, not just unarmed ones.
Reflective Damage Shield [-1]. (Requires Conductive Damage Shield) This power works against all attacks, not just melee ones.
Dangerous Damage Shield [-1]. This power inflicts two additional stress whenever it triggers.
Lethal Damage Shield [-1]. (Requires Dangerous Damage Shield) This power inflicts a further two additional stress when it triggers.
Mutual Damage Shield [-1]. (Requires Dangerous Damage Shield) This power triggers when you are hit as well as when you are missed. Treat the attacker's threshold shifts as negative shifts for the purposes of calculating this power's damage.

Dangerous Aura [-2]
Description: Standing near you is dangerous.
Musts: Nothing in particular.
Dangerous Aura. This power makes a Fair physical attack against Endurance at weapon 0 against each character in your zone each turn. EDIT: Please note that this power can be turned off and does not affect the user.
Extra-Dangerous Aura [-1]. This power makes Great attacks.
Super-Dangerous Aura [-1]. This power makes Fantastic attacks.
Hyper-Dangerous Aura [-1]. This power attacks at weapon 2.
Mental Aura [-1]. This power inflicts mental stress and is resisted with Discipline.

Inhuman Mental Resilience (-1)
You add 1 to your mental stress track. There is no catch vs this power, and you can not take other powers that would increase your mental stress. (Stoicism for instance.)

Supernatural Mental Resilience (-2)
Add 2 boxes to your mental stress. This power otherwise acts like Inhuman Mental Resilience.

Mythic Mental Resilience (-3)
Add 3 boxes to your mental stress. This Power otherwise functions like inhuman mental Resilience.

The Hidden Voice [-1]
You can speak directly in to the mind of anyone you see as long as you have eye contact with the target and it is capable of thought.

Disembodied Voice [-1]
You may use this power on targets up to one zone away without looking them in the eye.

Thought Mimicing Voice [-2]
You can mimic the a persons internal voice, unless they realise the deceit (empathy roll) there defense against
your social attack defaults to 0.

You know the secret martial art of Kulan Do. (riposte for fists). This requires inhuman speed or better, and cannot be identified by martial artist, unless the person with martial artist also has Kulan-Do.
Advanced Kulan-Do
You have mastered the upper levels of Kulan-Do. You may riposte by rolling against the opponents athletics (or other physical damage taking stat) -2, and afterwards still take your action. This requires supernatural speed and Kulan-Do, and cannot be identified by martial artist, unless the person with martial artist also has Kulan-Do.
Master Kulan-Do
You are a master of Kulan-Do, and may riposte with fists normally, and then take your action. This has all the trappings of Advanced Kulan-Do, and requires it.
Secrets of Kulan-Do.
You know the deepest secrets of this art, and can make a redirected force style manuever, a riposte-style attack, and then a normal attack. Requires mythic speed, all three Kulan-Do skills, and a very high position in the Jade Court. No outsider can learn this, and if any does, the Jade Court will hunt him/her down. To take this ability, one must also rename one of their aspects to reflect, to reflect their mastery of this art. If they are not jade court, they must rename it to reflect the fact that they are hunted by the Jade Court (unless there is a very special exception made by the Jade Court Leader).

Shadow Manipulation [-1]
This reminds me of some powers I helped set up for a shadow-user I GMed.
Dark Void -1
Effects: You can increase the shadows within a zone. Add the aspect sticky aspect Increased Shadows, by using discipline. This can be opposed by a counterspell.
Myrrk Void: Your shadow-increasing skills rival the Myrrk itself. Give a +1 to attempts to create shadows, and add the aspect Near-Myyrk alongside Increased Shadows.
Shadow Warp -2
You can travel from shadow to shadow with a distance up to one zone. This requires no roll, but in order to escape into the shadows while being attacked use Athletics. When emerging from the shadows, roll stealth against all nearby enemies' alertness. If you succeed, you gain a relevant aspect. If not running away, you may then make an attack as a supplametal action. (Yes, you can warp into an enemy's shadow).

Shadow Manipulation [-1]
Description: You are able to use your shadow to physically manipulate objects, not only that but your shadow is malleable to your will. You can stretch it across great distances or coalesce it into a small area.
Options: This ability costs 1 refresh to start and has several upgrades to it.
Skills Affected: Fists, Might
Shadowy Hand. You can manipulate objects with your shadow. You can lift objects in accordance with your might, and attack using fists. Each zone away from you reduces the effectiveness of your might and fists roll by 1. The closer you are, the more effective your shadow is. Using your shadow on something in the same zone as you is easier, and you gain a +1 bonus to any such roll. In addition if you possess inhuman strength or greater your shadow gains those benefits as well.
Deeper Shadows [-1]. Increase the weapon rating of attacks made with your shadows by +2.
Lasting Shadows [-1]. Your shadows take longer to dissipate, allowing you to spread your attention across a battlefield. Any aspect placed with Shadow Manipulation automatically becomes sticky.
Wall of Shadows [-1]. Your shadows have become so dense, so impenetrable that creatures without the cloak of shadows ability are almost utterly incapable of seeing past them. You may use your Shadow Manipulation to create a defensive block opposed by alertness.
Shadows Fall [-1]. Your shadow is capable of growing much larger than it should be, allowing you to attack a whole zone with it (at a -2 penalty).

Inhuman Balance [–1]
Description: You have an uncanny ability to balance on small surfaces.
Skills Affected: Athletics, Stealth
You can stand on and walk along ropes, cables, and narrow ledges without a problem. You also take no penalties for running through uneven terrain as you carefully pick your way through the stones and roots over which most others would trip. You aren't a spider, however, and cannot hold your footing against extreme weather conditions or flying demons trying to disrupt you, but you do get a +2 to skill checks to stay situated.

Bound Spiritual Entity [+3]
Description: You are a spiritual entity imprisoned in a physical object, you have no body, and cannot act in the physical world without a bearer.
Unbodied. You cannot take physical skills,  you cannot move yourself, and you cannot communicate verbally and other neat things.
Communicate with Bearer. You are able to telepathically speak with the bearer of the object you are tied to.
License to Possession. If you have the domination ability, you qualify for the possession upgrade, and you can possess your bearer.
Called to Bearer [-1]. You have the ability to tie yourself to the bearer of your physical prison, and you can teach them to call your prison to their hand.

Possess Corpse [-2]
Description: You are a spiritual entity, and lack a body, though that does not mean that you can't acquire one (slightly used). You have learned to possess a corpse, allowing you to make use of the former owners skills and abilities.
Musts: You must have a high concept that reflects your predilection for possessing corpses, and you must have a way to become insubstantial (and attach this power to it).
Inhabit Corpse. When you inhabit a corpse you gain a limited form of the Mimic Ability power (restricted to what the corpse has to offer). You have a number of form points equal to the amount of refresh you have invested in Possess Corpse and the method by which you become insubstantial in order to Inhabit the body.
Living Dead. The bodies you inhabit are still dead. While Inhabiting a Corpse you gain access to the Living Dead power.
Advanced Inhabitation [-Varies]. You have expanded your ability to take advantage of the corpses you inhabit. Refresh invested in this upgrade is accounted towards your total mimic points as per the Inhabit Corpse effect (see above).

Holy Weaponry [-1]
Description: Your sacred power extends beyond your body to envelop the weapons you wield.
Musts: You must have the Holy Touch power in order to purchase this one.
Holy Weaponry. You may apply the effects of Holy Touch to weapons that you wield.
« Last Edit: May 09, 2011, 09:34:46 PM by Sanctaphrax »

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Re: Custom Powers Master List (Work In Progress)
« Reply #4 on: May 08, 2011, 10:58:45 PM »
Embodiment of the Living Tempest [-3]
Musts: You must have an Aspect that represents your connection to storms.
Description: As someone whose very life force is tied to the wind you can, at need, become the living embodiment of a tempest. You undergo a transformation becoming an elemental being, though the cost is great.
Storm Form. Your body becomes insubstantial as a thundercloud. You temporarily gain the ability to fly, and you gain armor 3 against any effect excepting those that might disperse a cloud (ex: air evocations). In addition you place the "Fury of the Storm" aspect within the zone you occupy for the duration of your transformation. Maintaining this form is mentally straining, each round you remain in this form you take one mental stress.
Leashing the Storm Within. Controlling the storm is difficult, and distractions can be deadly. Any effect that causes you physical stress while in this form also shakes your control. In addition to the physical stress taken you also take one mental stress. If you are "taken out" you loose control of the storm, reverting to your physical form and unleashing the storm to run rampant. Treat this as a weapon 3 attack on everyone in the zone (including you) at your conviction rating.
Fury of the Storm. Storms are intensely powerful and majestic events. You may harness the power and majesty of the storm within for your own purposes. Any Air evocation you cast while in this form automatically has two "free" shifts of power (though, you must still roll high enough to control these shifts), and you may roll intimidation checks at +2.

Symbiosis of Spirit -0 (requires Demonic Co-pilot)
Description: You and the demon possessing you are no longer two separate individuals but are instead a symbiosis of man and demon neither truly one thing nor the other, this requires a apropriate High Concept. You no longer have to take mental stress when acting according to your co-piolot's agenda as it is now your agenda, but any action that actively goes against your co-pilots agenda also threatens your gestalt, when doing so, you must roll Discipline against the result as if you were defending against an attack. Failure to succeed in this roll means you take mental stress and any consequences are chosen by the GM showing the friction between you and your co-pilot.

Prophetic Visions [-1]

Bits and Pieces: Once per scene, this character may roll Lore against a target of Good (+3) to make an assessment or declaration regarding the scene or a character in it.  This represents flashes of insight and relevant info being pulled out of the character's otherwise difficult to interpret visions.  For an Assessment, the GM determines what aspect is revealed, while for a Declaration, the player may invent a suitable aspect, so long as the GM and other players approve. These aspects may be tagged/invoked as usual. This ability may not be used repeatedly to assess/declare aspects regarding the same character encountered across multiple scenes.

I've Done This Already: In exchange for a Fate point, this character may roll Lore in place of any other skill, except as an attack in combat.  This represents a vision in which the character sees himself performing the action in the future, so he already knows what to do.

Major Prophecy: The GM has license to give this character a major vision, usually about once per session, describing its contents and possibly asking for a Lore or other roll to interpret it.  These visions tend to reveal one or more important but vague aspects that exist in every scene until the prophecy is fulfilled.  The player is encouraged to remind the GM of this power, as it can provide good plot hooks and potentially compels on the character's reactions to these visions.

Miracle Man [-1]
Description: You are able to perform old school miracles, but at great cost.
Bargain For Miracle. Negotiate with your gm for an appropriate cost in fate points for each miracle you perform. This power is potentially limitless in scope, given enough fate points.

Healing Light [-2]
Description: By channeling your supernatural energy into somebody else you allow them to begin the healing process, and may even help them recover to perfect health.
Skills Affected: Conviction, Scholarship
Starting Recovery. You may use this power to make scholarship declarations to justify the start of natural recovery from physical consequences, just as if they'd gone to a doctor or the hospital.
Healing Pool. You have a pool of healing power equal to your conviction.
Healing Surge. You may spend a fate point to allow somebody to recover from all of their physical consequences up to severe as if they where a mild. Subtract the value of the highest consequence so affected from your healing pool.
Healing Backlash. At the end of the scene you must roll against a hunger attack with a value equal to the number of negative points in your healing pool. If you have used other powers attached to your feeding dependency during the course of the scene, this (positive) value is added to the overall strength of the hunger attack you would suffer from use of your powers instead.

Incite Crowd [-1], upgrade to Incite Emotion
You may use Incite Emotion against multiple targets simultaneously, as per the Spray Attack rules, splitting effort between targets, or, for a -2 penalty, against everyone in the zone you occupy, excluding yourself if you wish.  The benefit of this upgrade cannot be used in conjunction with the benefit of At Range.  Though you may possess both and use them both, you cannot use them both in the same action.

-2 Immaterial Edge (+2 weapons rating, this blade ignores the first 2 points of armour and also counts as the catch for ghosts and other disembodied spirits.)

-0 Manifested Blade (As the blade is not truly of the mortal world keeping it in this world requires mental effort, summoning the item for a scene requires a point of mental stress at the end of the scene unless another point of stress is taken the item will disappear until summoned again.)

-2 Spiritual Weapon ( As a weapon designed to sever the soul from the body its blows do more than physical harm, the blade can cause mental stress instead physical stress, anyone taken out this way will die as their soul is separated from their body leaving no signs of physical harm.)

Short-term precognition -2
Description: Your can see a few a moments into the future
Must: You must have Cassandra’s Tears

Pre-emptive Evasion: your dodging checks are made at a +2
I saw you coming: you have a + 4 to alertness check to avoid ambush

Skills Effected 
Athletics, Alertness and some other physical skills

Vogon Poetry [-1]
Description: Your poetry is so bad that it renders the spirit of all who here it causing extreme agony
Effect: Lethal Poetry Performance When reciting poetry you have written yourself you do mental damage to all in the area including yourself, treat as a performance attack to everyone in the area.

Natural Channel [Spellcraft, -1]
Musts: Channeling; taking this power prevents upgrade into Evocation
Natural Channel: Your magic is more then your soul's expression; it soaks into your bones, flows through your blood. You may use Endurance in place of Conviction and Fists in place of Discipline for spellcasting. This physical harmony is not without danger, however; the mental stress of spellcasting becomes physical stress, bypassing any Toughness powers or similar defenses

Mana Locust (Vampirism; -2)

Detect Magic: Within your zone, you may attempt to detect the presence of magic (defined as effects created by or individuals possessing Spellcasting Powers) via an Alertness or Investigation roll. Success provides awareness of the presence of magic, and identifies individuals with Spellcasting Powers if you are already aware of them.

Magic Drain: Whenever an effect created by a Spellcasting Power originates from or targets your zone, its effectiveness is reduced by two shifts.

Mageslayer: Add +1 to close personal combat attacks made against characters possessing Spellcasting Powers.

Mana Plague (Vampirism; -1)

Musts: Mana Locust

Magic Drought: Magic Drain reduces three shifts of power.

The Taste of Death: Once per scene, if you inflict enough stress and consequences from feeding to kill a character with Spellcraft Powers, you may take an immediate "free" recovery period equal to an extra scene.

"Roll the dice". [-1]
You have the uncanny ability to make dice roll the way you want them to or to call out what the dice will roll while they are rolling.
In game this comes out to a 50/50 chance - a 50% probability of success.

"Lucky dodge" [-1]
Once per scene, you may use one fate point to completely dodge any one attack.

"It's all in the cards" [-1]
For some strange reason, when you throw a card, it doesn't behave how cards thrown by other people do.  It's rather... lethal.  Thrown cards are a +2 weapon each, targeted with weapons or discipline, whichever is highest.

"Time is my friend" [-1]
Whenever you wear a quality watch on your body, your amazing luck influences the world around you to the extent that attacks tend to find your watches instead of you.
This power gives you a natural armor:2 for every watch you have on your person.
The number of watches you have on you is determined by a new stress track governed by your resources, to a maximum of 4.
You can buy more watches (clear the track)  when thematically appropriate.
*Note, whenever you have more than two watches on you, this gives you the aspect, "WTF is up with all the watches?"

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Re: Custom Powers Master List (Work In Progress)
« Reply #5 on: May 08, 2011, 11:02:05 PM »
Phantom Slashes [–2] - You can choose when the damage of your attacks come into effect, this allows you to stack stress so that it all comes in to effect at the same instant or choose that it never comes into effect. 


Description: You see all things as they really are, within limits.
Type: faith powers, order powers, supernatural heavyweights within their domains
Musts: A high concept that relates to knowledge and/or limited omniscience.
True Sight You have The Sight. You are immune to mental stress induced or transmitted through vision such as observing the true form of eldritch horrors, seeing horrendous nightmares or facing the gaze of Black Court vampires.
[-2] Farseer: Your vision gets a lot fewer penalties with distance. If the "Eye of Providence" ability costs a total of 3 points, you can see as well as small, amateur telescopes and strong binoculars; observing people a dozen miles away is easy. If it costs 5 or less, you can see as well as most optical telescopes; observing things at the other side of a country is easy - seeing astronauts on the surface of the moon is a bit harder. If it costs 7 or less, you can see as well as the best mortal technology. If it costs the full 9 points, you take no distance penalties at all.
[-2] You Cannot Hide: Your vision penetrates normally opaque objects such as walls; they appear transparent to you.
[-2] See Past The Currents of Time: You can observe events without lightspeed delay, as if the light did not have to cross the intervening distance. Maybe your vision picks up magical or cosmic signals. Maybe your power snatches images as soon as they are generated. Whatever the reason, your sight is always realtime.
The Catch: Most beings with this ability are somehow limited in what they can perceive either in amount or nature. +2 rebate if you can observe only one event or location at the same time - such as a clarvoyant seeing a single room in the next continent or a Dark Lord being able to see only one battle at a time despite having unlimited range and being able to see through objects. +1 rebate if you can observe up to 100 events or locations at a time. If you can see more than 100 things at a time, you get nothing. +2 rebate if the nature of what you can see is very narrow or unimportant - like being able to see for only 1 minute each day, or only observe one bloodline or see all people that are currently scratching their nose. +1 rebate for less narrow sight or greater importance - like being able to see for many minutes each day, or only observe a major city or small country or see all mischief done by young children. More open sights or greater importance give you nothing.
The Catch is usually a +0 instead of no catch at all for very broad or still existent limits such as seeing all things ever written by man, or seeing all enemies of Asgard or seeing all deaths. Only major supernatural heavyweights whose powers are Knowledge, Foresight and the like (such as the Fates, a major deity of Wisdom or the Archangel known as the Watchman) have near-omniscience, even omnisciense limited to the present.

[-1] Emperor Blessed Tech - All ritually consecrated tech wielded by a Grey Knight is immune to being hexed.

Transcendent Music [-4]
You can play an instrument with a level of skill and subtlety that you can almost make rocks cry and sooth the hearts of the darkest of people.

Superlative Musician: +4 to normal performance rolls with your instrument of choice
Listen to my Song: you can play an instrument so well that all in the area will stop and listen (a zone wide mental grapple at your performance skill to stop doing anything but listen to the music)
The Soothing Song: Whilst people are listening to your music they recover from mental consequences on step quicker than usual. (Inhuman Mental Recovery)

[-2] Aegis Daemon Shield - Your very presence, backed by the force of your rock solid Faith, is anathema to Supernatural beings of malicious or ill intent. Effects; The Emperor Protects. You may spend a Fate Point to create a shield of True Faith around yourself and your zone. This shield functions as a zone border with a value equal to the user's Conviction against all supernatural creatures that oppose the user, reduces the power and control of evocations that target characters inside of it by the user's Conviction, and reduces all stress inflicted by the natural attacks of supernatural creatures that oppose the user to characters inside of it by the user's Conviction. This effect only lasts one exchange, but it can be extended indefinitely at the cost of a supplemental action each exchange.

Offline Michael Sandy

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Re: Custom Powers Master List (Work In Progress)
« Reply #6 on: May 09, 2011, 02:34:32 AM »
The entry for Holy Magic doesn't include the effect.

"Your evocation attacks, maneuvers, blocks and defenses are treated as "Holy", as in the Holy Touch ability."

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Re: Custom Powers Master List (Work In Progress)
« Reply #7 on: May 09, 2011, 09:35:04 PM »
Fixed. Thanks for pointing that out.

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Re: Custom Powers Master List (Work In Progress)
« Reply #8 on: May 12, 2011, 01:00:35 AM »
Powers now sorted.

Do you think I should include Items Of Power and Sponsored Magic variants?

Next step is to eliminate all powers that simply should not exist.

Creature Features

See YS162
Not Amphibious [+1]. You can't survive outside of the water; when taken from the water, (say on to dry land in the middle of a city) The environment makes a Fantastic (+6) maneuver on you, resisted by Endurance; if successful, you gain a Suffocating aspect.
In each subsequent exchange, you must roll Endurance to defend against a Fantastic (+6) Environmental attack. Once you concede or are taken out (falling unconscious), the attacks stop. However, the damage is already done; without medical attention and re-introduction into your necessary environment, a taken out victim will soon die (within a a score of minutes, an hour at most.)
Re-introduction into the water, will end the effect and remove the aspect.

Unthinkable Size [-4] As Hulking Size, but all effects, positive and negative, are doubled. This applies for creatures larger than whales (Fenrir, Godzilla, Typhon...)

Breath Weapon (-2)
As per YS162
        Projectile (-2) Your “Breath weapon” is some form of projectile. Because of this you add increased stress from any Strength powers you possess. In addition, each level of strength increases the range of your breath weapon by 1 zone. (Example, if you have Supernatural Strength you would deal +6 stress with your breath weapon, and you could affect targets up to 3 zones away.)
   Strong Breath (-1) You breath weapon is extremely potent.  You add +4, instead of +2, to the stress your breath weapon deals. In addition you add +1 to any rolls to perform maneuvers.  This power cannot be combined with projectile.
   Mighty Breath (-1) Your breath weapon is extremely powerful. Add an additional +2 stress, and a +1 to maneuvers when using your breath weapon, for a total of +6 Stress/+2 for Maneuvers.  This Power cannot be taken with Projectile.
   Wide Breath (-2) Your breath weapon affects everyone in a single zone.
   Ranged Breath (-1) The range of your breath is increased by one zone.

Amorphous Form [-1]

Your body isn't solid the way one would expect. It's made of either a stretchy, rubberlike substance or an out and out liquid.

No Hole Too Small: You can squeeze underneath a door if need be. You may ignore all barriers that aren't sealed.
Difficult To Grab: Your body isn't easy to hold. You get +2 to all attempts to avoid or escape a grapple.
No Internal Anatomy: [-1] You don't have the easily damaged organs that most people rely on. You have armour 2 against all attacks that rely on precision or piercing damage.
Living Rope:[-1] You can literally wrap your body around someone. It's quite helpful when wrestling. You get +1 to all rolls made to grapple or escape a grapple.
Long Reach:[-1] Your arms stretch. You may make melee attacks against targets up to a zone away.

"Force Lightning of Lolz" [-2]
You have the power to make electricity arc between your finger tips and lash out at your target.
This counts as a weapon:2 electrical attack for up to 2 zones targetted with your weapons (or guns) skill.

Damage Shield [-1]
Description: For whatever reason, attacking you isn't safe. Maybe you're covered in spikes, or maybe your body flows with 10 000 volts of electricity.
Musts: Nothing in particular.
Damage Shield. Whenever a character makes an unarmed attack against you and misses, they take physical stress equal to the number of shifts by which your defence roll exceeds their attack roll. This might also trigger on some maneuvers, if the GM deems it appropriate.
Conductive Damage Shield [-1]. This power works against against all melee attacks, not just unarmed ones.
Reflective Damage Shield [-1]. (Requires Conductive Damage Shield) This power works against all attacks, not just melee ones.
Dangerous Damage Shield [-1]. This power inflicts two additional stress whenever it triggers.
Lethal Damage Shield [-1]. (Requires Dangerous Damage Shield) This power inflicts a further two additional stress when it triggers.
Mutual Damage Shield [-1]. (Requires Dangerous Damage Shield) This power triggers when you are hit as well as when you are missed. Treat the attacker's threshold shifts as negative shifts for the purposes of calculating this power's damage.

Dangerous Aura [-2]
Description: Standing near you is dangerous.
Musts: Nothing in particular.
Dangerous Aura. This power makes a Fair physical attack against Endurance at weapon 0 against each character in your zone each turn. EDIT: Please note that this power can be turned off and does not affect the user.
Extra-Dangerous Aura [-1]. This power makes Great attacks.
Super-Dangerous Aura [-1]. This power makes Fantastic attacks.
Hyper-Dangerous Aura [-1]. This power attacks at weapon 2.
Mental Aura [-1]. This power inflicts mental stress and is resisted with Discipline.

Minor Abilities

Gambler [-1]
Description: You have the ability to manipulate probability in a limited way. But it's far from risk free; in fact, the risk is the reason that it works.
Effect: At any time you may pay any number of fate points to make a bet with the GM. If the GM rejects the bet, you get your fate point(s) back. If he accepts and you win, you get back twice the number of fate points that you paid. Some GMs may allow odds other  than double or nothing, but they are in no way obliged to.

Sparkle [-2]:
Anyone of the opposite gender viewing you in sunlight takes a -2 penalty to all social skills used against you.

Force Field [-2]
Description: You are able to create some kind of defense against attacks
Benefit: You gain a block 2 against all physical attacks equal to the results of this check, this lasts as long as you spend a supplementary action per turn.
Unlimited Concentration [-1]: You no longer need to make a supplementary action to maintain your shield.

Danger Sense [-2]:
Once per scene, you may spend a fate point to negate a physical attack.

Uncontrolled Power [+1]
Description: You character cannot control his or her powers.  Maybe they react to emotional distress, or some other subconscious cue.
Notes: This is a one time discount applying to however many powers the character cannot control.  If the character has more than -4 Refresh in uncontrolled powers, this discount raises to a +2.

[-0] Lesser Immortality: You do not need to eat or drink and do not excrete wastes. If you possess ‘Hunger Dependency’ you must still satisfy it as normal.

[-3] Immortality: As lesser Immortality in addition you cease to age and remain permanently at the age of acquiring this ability (EX: A man in his mid-twenties will always look like he‘s in his mid-twenties even two thousands years later), and cannot be aged magically. You are also immune to all poisons and diseases, both magical and mundane,  and do not need to breath.

Undying [-0]
Deathless. Unless utterly destroyed or killed by special means, you will eventually recover from any fatal wound. No "death" result is ever permanent unless special means are used (as determined by your creature type).
Estranged. Most people around you feel uncomfortable, as if they can tell that you are different from others. Take a -1 Penalty on all Rapport and Deceit based maneuvers or attacks you make.

Impossible Jumps [-1]
Description: Gravity doesn't seem to apply to you the way it does to normal people. You can jump like a video game character when you want to.
Skills Affected: Athletics
Superhuman Leap. You get +4 to all athletics rolls made to jump.
Limited Antigravity. You are completely immune to falling damage. You never need a running start to jump properly.
Double Jump [-2]. You can jump off of empty air. When rolling for jump distance, you may roll twice and add the results. When jumping during a conflict, you can remain in midair for a full exchange. Furthermore, you can dodge normally in midair.
Goomba Stomp [-1]. You can hurt someone pretty badly by jumping on them. You can use your athletics skill to attack in melee. If combined with double jump, you may skip an action in order to remain in midair for an exchange and reroll the attack.

Hyperspace Arsenal [-2]
Description: You seem to be able to fit an entire warehouse in your pockets. No-one’s really sure where stuff goes when you’re not using it.
Skills Affected: Might
Hammerspace. You can carry a full load (as determined by your might) without hindrance in an extradimensional compartment. The compartment exists outside time, so everything in it stays exactly as it was when it was put in.
Improved Hammerspace [-2]. You can carry much more than a full load in your extradimensional compartment. Add 8 to your might to determine the capacity of your compartment.
Secure Hammerspace [-1]. Nobody but you can access your extradimensional compartment. Metal in it doesn’t trigger metal detectors and so on. If you are unconscious or dead, the compartment cannot be opened at all.

Stonewalk [-1]
Description: You can move through rock, stone, and most earth-based substances with ease. Either you are a strong and fast digger, or you can literally pass through stone like a ghost. You are assumed to be able to navigate as you go, but to actually be able to sense through solid substances, you need to take an appropriate Supernatural Sense.
Musts: You must have a high concept that would justify this power, such as Earth Elemental, or Subterranean Behemoth.
Skills Affected: Athletics.

Passwall. You can ignore stone, rock or earth-related zone borders of up to 3 shifts. You still need to make a movement or supplemental action to cross the zone.
Death from Below! You can ambush your opponents by hiding below the ground, near the surface of a stone- or rock-based zone border, or even above a tunnel, and springing from your hiding place when they get too close. You get a free +2 to your Stealth roll once per scene to set up an Ambush (page 142). You can usually detect when your target is in position, but if they are using Stealth, you get a +2 to your Alertness roll to feel them approaching if they are in contact with the same surface that is hiding you. You may use a Fate Point to invoke this ability additional times in the same scene, but you must make a movement or supplemental action in order to get in position (per the Passwall effect) to make another Ambush. You can use this ability to Ambush your opponents several times, but if they survive this ploy long enough they may find ways to take advantage of your predictability. To use this ability, you must select zone borders which you would be able to pass using Passwall.
Stonefeint [-1]. If you take this upgrade, you get a free +2 to one Attack roll per scene if there is significant stone or rocky terrain for you to use to your advantage, You may use a Fate Point to invoke this ability additional times in the same scene. To use this ability, you must select zone borders which you would be able to pass using Passwall.
Greater Stonewalk [-1]. If you take this upgrade, you can ignore 6 shifts of stone, rock or earth-related zone borders.
Epic Stonewalk [-2]. Take this upgrade instead of Greater Stonewalk. You can ignore 9 shifts of stone, rock or earth-related zone borders, and you can make an Athletics check to tunnel through any remaining shifts.
Tunnel [+1]. Your ability to move through stone relies on burrowing, and you leave a tunnel behind you as you go. This can be an advantage for allies, but it can also lead pursuers straight to you. You also make noise as you move through the earth, which won't necessarily negate the first use of Death from Below!, but may interfere with any subsequent uses of that ability. You also leave telltale furrows, cracks or lines as you pass. Using this ability places the scene aspect Unstable Tunnels, which can be tagged by anyone. This cannot reduce the total cost of your Stonewalk abilities below -1.

Displacement [-1]
Description: You are not where you appear to be. A glamor or other optical effect obscures your true location, making it difficult for opponents to properly target you.
Musts: You must have a high concept that would justify this power, such as Cloaked Malk, or Nevernever Mugger.
Skills Affected: Athletics.
Missed Me, Missed Me. You gain a +2 bonus to your Athletics for the purpose of defending against attacks. This bonus does not require your attention or concentration: should you be successfully ambushed, this bonus will remain, granting you a minimum Athletics of Fair (+2). You may also use this bonus to any Athletics check to perform a maneuver intended to confound or disorient an opponent. If you take a Full Defense action, this bonus is increased to +4.
Blinking [-1]. When you purchase this upgrade, your power is not an optical effect: you are actually changing positions rapidly during combat, by stepping back and forth between the Nevernever and the real world. In addition to the Missed Me, Missed Me effect, you may set up an Ambush (page 142) as a supplemental action every round. However, anyone who can simultaneously perceive the real world and the Nevernever is immune to this effect.

Edit: it will be up to the GM how to handle any complications of the Nevernever aspect of Blinking. The simplest answer is that Blinking creates a sort of proto-Demesne wherever it happens to be, which does not in itself attract (or make it vulnerable to) any of the Nevernever denizens which may be coterminous with that current location.

Special Techniques [-varies]
Description: Supernatural martial arts moves, more or less. A staple of any decent fighting manga.
Skills Affected: Fists, Weapons, Guns
Special Techniques - When you take this power, choose fists, weapons, or guns.  Then pick a number of techniques from the technique list equal to the number of refresh points you spent on this power. Whenever you make an attack with the chosen skill, you may spend a fate point to add the effects of one of your chosen techniques to the attack.
Technique List
Long Range Strike. The range of this attack is increased by 2 zones. (This works for melee attacks).
Armor Piercing Strike. This attack ignores all of the target’s armor.
Area Strike. This attack hits everyone in the target zone (except yourself).
Rapid Strike. You can make a number of attacks up to your skill with one action. Each attack suffers a penalty equal to the number of extra attacks made.
Brutal Strike.  The attack suffers a -1 penalty but inflicts 5 extra stress.

"IP?... Please" [-1]
You can hack into the internet and surf with your mind from any wire connected to the grid upon touch.

"Dirty little secrets" [-1]
You can touch an electrical device like an iphone or laptop and mystically know if there are porn pics or other incriminating things on them.  This also give you a pretty good idea of what they are.

"Handle aura" [-1]
If you see someone in person who you've interacted with online, they will appear to have an aura to you.  The color and feel of the aura will give you a very good idea of what their handle or user name was as well.

"Noob security systems" (requires IP?... Please) [-1]
If you access the network inside of a building using your "IP?...Please." power, you will be able to see the layout of all the security systems.  For the price of a fate point, you can temporarily turn them all off as well.

Traceing -2:
You can manifest any non-balistic weapon you have seen as a supplemental action. With this ability you can buy Modular Abilities which can be used to represent the imbued abilites of any items of power you are copying. Like True Seeming’s you are limited to only manifesting one item at time.

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Re: Custom Powers Master List (Work In Progress)
« Reply #9 on: May 12, 2011, 01:01:45 AM »
Disability Super(natural) Power [+varies]

Description: You have a disability linked to a supernatural power.  Maybe you're blind, but have skill with divination to compensate.  Maybe you're inhumanly fast, but not as fast as your biopolarism can make your moods swing.  Maybe you're able to move swiftly and silently in the shadows... because you're an albino who is harmed by the sunlight.  Maybe you're superstrong... but seizures are a constant threat.  Maybe you can shapeshift, but you always are missing that pinkie (or hand!), no matter whose or what appearance you're copying.  And so forth.

Skills Affected: None—or any. Skills should be penalized or assigned based on the high concept.  For example, a Deaf character should be required to have at least one rank in Scholarship, with the associated language of ASL, or a character with mobility problems should have a cap on their Athletics skill. 

Musts: Must have a high concept that is related to both the disability and the power, for example BLIND PSYCHOMETRIC DETECTIVE.

Supernatural Disability Power: You have a disability.  This grants you a discount on one or more supernatural powers that are linked to it.  The cost reduction to those powers is based on how intrusive and problematic the disability is.  If the disability is ever cured, healed, or removed, the cost reduction goes away. 

If the disability is severe, requiring special accommodation to function in modern society (blindness, serious mobility issues, etc), it's worth a +2. 

If the disability threatens you medically (seizures, diseases requiring a strict drug regime, etc) its a +2.

If the disability is an issue that affects your quality of life but can be worked around without extreme cost/effect (missing/paralyzed limbs, deafness, issues requiring moderately expensive drug treatments, etc) its worth a +1. 

Disabilities cannot reduce the total cost of linked powers below -1.

Strategist of the Gods [-1]

Description: During battle, you connect to your allies on an almost telepathic level.  Under your guidance their actions are like that of a well-oiled fighting machine, flowing from one enemy to another.

Musts: Must have a supernatural high concept related to tactics, battles, or war (i.e., "Son of Ares").

Effect: During combat - and without their input - you may direct the actions of allies.  This directed action must be described simply and within their abilities (attack that foe, grapple the large one, trip the fast enemy, etc).  Your allies need not follow this action, but if they do they are given the temporary aspect of "Guided by (Player Name)".  This aspect may be tagged for free once during the combat; but subsequent uses require the use of a Fate Point.  This aspect will be removed if you move out of range of the tactician (greater than 2 zones away).

Bound Spiritual Entity [+3]
Description: You are a spiritual entity imprisoned in a physical object, you have no body, and cannot act in the physical world without a bearer.
Unbodied. You cannot take physical skills, you cannot move yourself, and you cannot communicate verbally and other neat things.
Communicate with Bearer. You are able to telepathically speak with the bearer of the object you are tied to.
License to Possession. If you have the domination ability, you qualify for the possession upgrade, and you can possess your bearer.
Called to Bearer [-1]. You have the ability to tie yourself to the bearer of your physical prison, and you can teach them to call your prison to their hand.

Possess Corpse [-2]
Description: You are a spiritual entity, and lack a body, though that does not mean that you can't acquire one (slightly used). You have learned to possess a corpse, allowing you to make use of the former owners skills and abilities.
Musts: You must have a high concept that reflects your predilection for possessing corpses, and you must have a way to become insubstantial (and attach this power to it).
Inhabit Corpse. When you inhabit a corpse you gain a limited form of the Mimic Ability power (restricted to what the corpse has to offer). You have a number of form points equal to the amount of refresh you have invested in Possess Corpse and the method by which you become insubstantial in order to Inhabit the body.
Living Dead. The bodies you inhabit are still dead. While Inhabiting a Corpse you gain access to the Living Dead power.
Advanced Inhabitation [-Varies]. You have expanded your ability to take advantage of the corpses you inhabit. Refresh invested in this upgrade is accounted towards your total mimic points as per the Inhabit Corpse effect (see above).

Antimagic Field [Minor Power; -1]
Antimagic Field: Evocation spells cast within your zone inflict one extra mental stress on the caster.

Shadow Manipulation [-1]
This reminds me of some powers I helped set up for a shadow-user I GMed.
Dark Void -1
Effects: You can increase the shadows within a zone. Add the aspect sticky aspect Increased Shadows, by using discipline. This can be opposed by a counterspell.
Myrrk Void: Your shadow-increasing skills rival the Myrrk itself. Give a +1 to attempts to create shadows, and add the aspect Near-Myyrk alongside Increased Shadows.
Shadow Warp -2
You can travel from shadow to shadow with a distance up to one zone. This requires no roll, but in order to escape into the shadows while being attacked use Athletics. When emerging from the shadows, roll stealth against all nearby enemies' alertness. If you succeed, you gain a relevant aspect. If not running away, you may then make an attack as a supplametal action. (Yes, you can warp into an enemy's shadow).

Shadow Manipulation [-1]
Description: You are able to use your shadow to physically manipulate objects, not only that but your shadow is malleable to your will. You can stretch it across great distances or coalesce it into a small area.
Options: This ability costs 1 refresh to start and has several upgrades to it.
Skills Affected: Fists, Might
Shadowy Hand. You can manipulate objects with your shadow. You can lift objects in accordance with your might, and attack using fists. Each zone away from you reduces the effectiveness of your might and fists roll by 1. The closer you are, the more effective your shadow is. Using your shadow on something in the same zone as you is easier, and you gain a +1 bonus to any such roll. In addition if you possess inhuman strength or greater your shadow gains those benefits as well.
Deeper Shadows [-1]. Increase the weapon rating of attacks made with your shadows by +2.
Lasting Shadows [-1]. Your shadows take longer to dissipate, allowing you to spread your attention across a battlefield. Any aspect placed with Shadow Manipulation automatically becomes sticky.
Wall of Shadows [-1]. Your shadows have become so dense, so impenetrable that creatures without the cloak of shadows ability are almost utterly incapable of seeing past them. You may use your Shadow Manipulation to create a defensive block opposed by alertness.
Shadows Fall [-1]. Your shadow is capable of growing much larger than it should be, allowing you to attack a whole zone with it (at a -2 penalty).

Inhuman Balance [–1]
Description: You have an uncanny ability to balance on small surfaces.
Skills Affected: Athletics, Stealth
You can stand on and walk along ropes, cables, and narrow ledges without a problem. You also take no penalties for running through uneven terrain as you carefully pick your way through the stones and roots over which most others would trip. You aren't a spider, however, and cannot hold your footing against extreme weather conditions or flying demons trying to disrupt you, but you do get a +2 to skill checks to stay situated.

-2 Immaterial Edge (+2 weapons rating, this blade ignores the first 2 points of armour and also counts as the catch for ghosts and other disembodied spirits.)

-0 Manifested Blade (As the blade is not truly of the mortal world keeping it in this world requires mental effort, summoning the item for a scene requires a point of mental stress at the end of the scene unless another point of stress is taken the item will disappear until summoned again.)

-2 Spiritual Weapon ( As a weapon designed to sever the soul from the body its blows do more than physical harm, the blade can cause mental stress instead physical stress, anyone taken out this way will die as their soul is separated from their body leaving no signs of physical harm.)

Vogon Poetry [-1]
Description: Your poetry is so bad that it renders the spirit of all who here it causing extreme agony
Effect: Lethal Poetry Performance When reciting poetry you have written yourself you do mental damage to all in the area including yourself, treat as a performance attack to everyone in the area.

"Roll the dice". [-1]
You have the uncanny ability to make dice roll the way you want them to or to call out what the dice will roll while they are rolling.
In game this comes out to a 50/50 chance - a 50% probability of success.

"Lucky dodge" [-1]
Once per scene, you may use one fate point to completely dodge any one attack.

"It's all in the cards" [-1]
For some strange reason, when you throw a card, it doesn't behave how cards thrown by other people do.  It's rather... lethal.  Thrown cards are a +2 weapon each, targeted with weapons or discipline, whichever is highest.

"Time is my friend" [-1]
Whenever you wear a quality watch on your body, your amazing luck influences the world around you to the extent that attacks tend to find your watches instead of you.
This power gives you a natural armor:2 for every watch you have on your person.
The number of watches you have on you is determined by a new stress track governed by your resources, to a maximum of 4.
You can buy more watches (clear the track)  when thematically appropriate.
*Note, whenever you have more than two watches on you, this gives you the aspect, "WTF is up with all the watches?"
Phantom Slashes [–2] - You can choose when the damage of your attacks come into effect, this allows you to stack stress so that it all comes in to effect at the same instant or choose that it never comes into effect. 

[-1] Emperor Blessed Tech - All ritually consecrated tech wielded by a Grey Knight is immune to being hexed.

Transcendent Music [-4]
You can play an instrument with a level of skill and subtlety that you can almost make rocks cry and sooth the hearts of the darkest of people.

Superlative Musician: +4 to normal performance rolls with your instrument of choice
Listen to my Song: you can play an instrument so well that all in the area will stop and listen (a zone wide mental grapple at your performance skill to stop doing anything but listen to the music)
The Soothing Song: Whilst people are listening to your music they recover from mental consequences on step quicker than usual. (Inhuman Mental Recovery)

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Re: Custom Powers Master List (Work In Progress)
« Reply #10 on: May 12, 2011, 01:02:59 AM »
Nevernever Powers

Dream or Reality [-2]
For you the lines between Dream and Reality are blurred, so much so they are almost non-existant. You live just as much in the world of fantasy as you do on planet earth. You are able to bring your control of your Demesne into the mortal world. You are able to shape reality to your whim.
Skills Affected: Discipline
Musts: Demesne
Sculpt Reality. You can alter reality as if you were in your personal Demesne, though not as freely as you would be able to in the Nevernever. You can roll Discipline to place scene aspects as normal, and can even use discipline to physically attack using the (now) mutable nature of the zone against your opponents. However, your attacks are all weapon: 0. Any change you make is impermanent, and reverts to its original state at the end of the scene, however, you may spend a fate point to make a change permanent (or more, at the GM's discretion).
Rapid Eye Movement. When you use this power your eyes flicker back and forth as if you were sleeping.
Illiteracy. You are unable to read, it is not because you do not know how, it is just that your brain is unable to correctly identify the symbols on the page. If you somehow loose access to this power, you will be able to read (if you were previously able to).
Improved Sculpting -1. Your attacks are now treated as Weapon: 2.
Powerful Sculpting -1. Your attacks are now treated as Weapon: 4, and any scene aspect you place is automatically made 'Sticky'.

Embodiment of the Living Tempest [-3]
Musts: You must have an Aspect that represents your connection to storms.
Description: As someone whose very life force is tied to the wind you can, at need, become the living embodiment of a tempest. You undergo a transformation becoming an elemental being, though the cost is great.
Storm Form. Your body becomes insubstantial as a thundercloud. You temporarily gain the ability to fly, and you gain armor 3 against any effect excepting those that might disperse a cloud (ex: air evocations). In addition you place the "Fury of the Storm" aspect within the zone you occupy for the duration of your transformation. Maintaining this form is mentally straining, each round you remain in this form you take one mental stress.
Leashing the Storm Within. Controlling the storm is difficult, and distractions can be deadly. Any effect that causes you physical stress while in this form also shakes your control. In addition to the physical stress taken you also take one mental stress. If you are "taken out" you loose control of the storm, reverting to your physical form and unleashing the storm to run rampant. Treat this as a weapon 3 attack on everyone in the zone (including you) at your conviction rating.
Fury of the Storm. Storms are intensely powerful and majestic events. You may harness the power and majesty of the storm within for your own purposes. Any Air evocation you cast while in this form automatically has two "free" shifts of power (though, you must still roll high enough to control these shifts), and you may roll intimidation checks at +2.

Psychic Abilities

Reading the Surface [-1]. You are a natural psychic, and can read the surface thoughts of individuals around you. This is not a violation of the laws of magic, as the thoughts "radiate" out from the thinkers mind. You may use discipline to defend against deceit attacks and maneuvers instead of the usual skill, and possibly in place of other skills whenever the GM deems it appropriate. On a successful defense against a social attack while using "Reading the Surface" you may place the aspect "Open Book" on the attacker. This aspect lasts for one exchange (not sticky) and may be tagged for a bonus on any other social roll.

Incite Emotion trappings:
Emotion Burst [-1]: Requires At Range trapping. You may take a -2 penalty to your roll in order to have Incite Emotion affect everyone in a zone.
At Long Range [-1]: Requires At Range trapping. You may use Incite Emotion on a target up to three zones away
Resonant Emotion [Incite Emotion Upgrade; -1]
Musts: Lasting Emotion
Attacks and blocks made with Incite Emotion gain a +1 bonus, and aspects placed with Incite Emotion maneuvers are automatically sticky.

Heart-String Virtuoso [Incite Emotion Upgrade; -1]
Musts: Resonant Emotion
When tagging an aspect placed with your Incite Emotion power, you gain a +1 bonus, for a total of +3.

Emotional Control [Incite Emotion Upgrade; -1]
Musts: Incite Emotion
You may use Discipline instead of Deceit or Intimidation for your Incite Emotion power, and gain a +1 bonus when doing so.

Incite Crowd [-1], upgrade to Incite Emotion
You may use Incite Emotion against multiple targets simultaneously, as per the Spray Attack rules, splitting effort between targets, or, for a -2 penalty, against everyone in the zone you occupy, excluding yourself if you wish.  The benefit of this upgrade cannot be used in conjunction with the benefit of At Range.  Though you may possess both and use them both, you cannot use them both in the same action.

Telepathy [-2]

Description: Maybe you access a part of the brain most people never use, maybe your a genetic aberration or scientific experiment; regardless of the exact biological explanation, the effect is the same... you can read minds. You are not a minor talent, focused practitioner, or any other form of magic wielder, your ability is biological. Despite this fact, some crazy zealots calling themselves "wardens" may not give you time to explain that fact before attempting to remove your head.
Musts: Either a template or aspect denoting your ability with the non-magical psychic arts is required. Magic and Psychic powers (the real ones, not the magical imitations) don't play well together. In the event that any mortal magic power (Evocation, Thaumaturgy, Channeling, Ritual) is taken, the character must remove the Telepathy power and regain all refresh spent on it. It is recommended that Sponsored Magic follow the same rule, although the final decision for any specific sponsor is left to the group.
Skills Affected: Conviction (page YS:124), Discipline (page YS:127), and Empathy (page YS:129)
An Open Book. People are easy to understand when you can hear the thoughts they project into the world. Gain a +2 to Empathy and any time requirements are decreased by one shift. Where appropriate targets defend with Discipline instead of the normal social skill.
Dig A Bit Deeper. Some say a person's trash is the best way to learn about them, they're wrong. When using this ability you connect your mind to that of your target, allowing access to thoughts below the surface. At the same time, some of your thoughts and emotions will bleed over into their mind. You may spend a fate point to stop your thoughts from entering the targets mind; however, the target may also spend a fate point, in which case you will not gain any of their thoughts. In the case of NPCs that have no fate points, roll Empathy defended by the target's Discipline to determine if the player gains any information. This skill can not be used more then once per scene. A fate point must be spent on any attempt against a target after the first.
Mind Trick. These are not the droids you are looking for. By rolling Empathy defended by a target's Discipline, you may place a simple suggestion into their unconscious mind. There is no explicit limit to the number of times this ability may be used on a single target, but it is highly recommended that NPC targets receive an increasing bonus to their defense roll on each attempt after the first.
Mental Fortitude [-1]. Taking this upgrade will grant two additional boxes of mental stress capacity (page YS:201).
Mental Fortress [-1]. If this upgrade is taken, you naturally have Armor:1 against all mental stress.
Psychic Strike [-2]. Purchasing this upgrade turns your mind into a weapon. Discipline may be used to make a direct psychic attack, dealing mental stress and consequences. The victim may defend with Discipline, however counter-attacks are not generally possible. Regardless of the success or failure, the attacker takes an automatic point of mental stress each time this ability is used.

Telekinesis [-2]

Description: Not all is magic and mysticism, the human body holds many wonderful secrets of its own. Your secret is the ability to move objects with the power of your thoughts. Regardless of the specifics of your power's source (evolution, chemistry, mutation, technology, etc) magic is not it. Your ability is "natural" and doesn't cause repercussions from the Laws of Magic, although those know as "wardens" generally don't take the time to ask questions if they think you have broken one of the "laws".
Musts: A template or aspect related to your status as a telekinetic is required.
Skills Affected: Conviction (page YS:124) and Discipline (page YS:127)
Mind Over Matter. Why use muscles when your brain can do the heavy lifting. Might is replaced by Conviction for the purposes of lifting things with your mind. When attempting to throw an object or make a direct kinetic attack with this ability, Discipline replaces Weapons and Fists respectively.
Thoughts Take Flight [-1]. You may not have wings, but that doesn't mean you can't fly. Many kinds of borders (page YS:212) are reduced or eliminated and you are able to travel through zones (page YS:197) vertically. The Discipline skill is used to govern flight in the same way that Athletics is used for running.
Kinetic Defense [-2]. Your telekinetic power is great, manifesting in a persistent shield around you granting Armor:1 against physical attacks. When performing a Full Defense (page YS:199) this bonus becomes Armor:2.

Siren Song [-2]
The voice of a Siren, or those of their lineage, captivates unerringly - with song or no. Those within earshot of the character's voice (non-amplified) have their attention diverted to the character - or in their direction, if the character cannot be seen. The character may then continue to keep those diverted enthralled to her voice with a mental challenge (based on Deceit), although no action other than keeping the victim's attention may be compelled.

Haruspicy [-2]
Reading the entrails of sacred animals (dependent on cultural or supernatural heritage) is more of an art than a science. The ability to divine omens from the liver, heart, etc. functions like Cassandra's tears - without the Catch, but with much more viscera.

Holistic Sense [-1]
Description: You are in tune with the fundamental interconnectedness of the universe. You can draw accurate (if bizarre) conclusions from seemingly random phenomena that bear no obvious relation to the matter you are considering.
Musts: You must have a high concept that would justify this power, such as Holistic Detective, Zen Master, or Protector of the Balance.
Skills Affected: Scholarship, Investigation, and others as appropriate.
The Butterfly Effect. You can make an Assessment check using any skill you possess, with only a tenuous justification. The only requirement is that you vary your skills, selecting a different skill with each Assessment. If you opt to use the same skill a second time in a row  (presumably your best skill), you get a -2 to your check.

Mind Meld [-1]
Description: You have the ability to possess someone in a benevolent way. Having you in one's head is a good thing, since you can help but not exert control.
Musts: You need some way to become insubstantial in order to enter the target's body.
Effects: When someone is possessed by you, they gain the full effect of any powers or stunts you have. What's more, they may use your skills instead of their own.
Co-Pilot [-1]: The person possessed by you gains the effects of the Demonic Co-Pilot power with you as the demon.

Gaze of Lost Emotion [-1]: The owner of this power merely has to look at someone to drain all of their emotion away. Mechanically once per round as a free action the owner my gaze at one person in their zone placing the aspect Emotionless on the person. This aspect persists until She Who Devours Emotions looks away or departs the zone.

Mnemosyne's Shadow [-2]

Description: Normally filed beside similar abilities like Cassandra's Tears and Prescience, with Mnemosyne's Shadow you learn things without previouse experience or exposure to the subject matter. You literally pull knowledge out of thin air. You Know things....

Billy: "Where does their knowledge come from Bob? "

Bob: "That's still being debated. Mnemosyne is just the popular theory. It could be any number of things including a form of ranged Psychometry or a version of The Sight."

Skills Affected: Lore

Musts: Must have a High Concept or Trouble that reflects the ability and can be compelled frequently. Examples: The High Concept Mnemosyne's Errand Boy  or the Troubles Knows Way Too Much or Insufferable Know-it-all.


Strange Knowledge: You can use your Lore Skill to get Answers about a subject for a Scene. The difficulty of the Lore check set by the GM should reflect not just how general the knowledge is, but also how secret it is. However, you can't control the breadth or the accuracy of the information gained. You almost always get fairly random knowledge in addition to what is being looked for.  For example, if you use the Shadow to gain knowledge about a Clued-in Mobster you may get information about not only his known aliases, but also his shoe size, favorite foods, number of sexual conquests, etc. If using it to find out the combintation to the safe, you might get every combination the safe has ever used and the significance of the digits to the safe's owner.

Dangerous Knowledge: For a price, you can get potentially "Game-breaking" pieces of knowledge such as the Dark Sorcerer's True Name. The Price is negotiated with the GM the same way as an escalated compel. Information such as this that could potentially break a storyline could be worth as little as a few Fate Points or as much as a Serious Mental Consequence.

The Hidden Voice [-1]
You can speak directly in to the mind of anyone you see as long as you have eye contact with the target and it is capable of thought.

Disembodied Voice [-1]
You may use this power on targets up to one zone away without looking them in the eye.

Thought Mimicing Voice [-2]
You can mimic the a persons internal voice, unless they realise the deceit (empathy roll) there defense against
your social attack defaults to 0.

Prophetic Visions [-1]

Bits and Pieces: Once per scene, this character may roll Lore against a target of Good (+3) to make an assessment or declaration regarding the scene or a character in it.  This represents flashes of insight and relevant info being pulled out of the character's otherwise difficult to interpret visions.  For an Assessment, the GM determines what aspect is revealed, while for a Declaration, the player may invent a suitable aspect, so long as the GM and other players approve. These aspects may be tagged/invoked as usual. This ability may not be used repeatedly to assess/declare aspects regarding the same character encountered across multiple scenes.

I've Done This Already: In exchange for a Fate point, this character may roll Lore in place of any other skill, except as an attack in combat.  This represents a vision in which the character sees himself performing the action in the future, so he already knows what to do.

Major Prophecy: The GM has license to give this character a major vision, usually about once per session, describing its contents and possibly asking for a Lore or other roll to interpret it.  These visions tend to reveal one or more important but vague aspects that exist in every scene until the prophecy is fulfilled.  The player is encouraged to remind the GM of this power, as it can provide good plot hooks and potentially compels on the character's reactions to these visions.

Short-term precognition -2
Description: Your can see a few a moments into the future
Must: You must have Cassandra’s Tears

Pre-emptive Evasion: your dodging checks are made at a +2
I saw you coming: you have a + 4 to alertness check to avoid ambush

Skills Effected  
Athletics, Alertness and some other physical skills


Description: You see all things as they really are, within limits.
Type: faith powers, order powers, supernatural heavyweights within their domains
Musts: A high concept that relates to knowledge and/or limited omniscience.
True Sight You have The Sight. You are immune to mental stress induced or transmitted through vision such as observing the true form of eldritch horrors, seeing horrendous nightmares or facing the gaze of Black Court vampires.
[-2] Farseer: Your vision gets a lot fewer penalties with distance. If the "Eye of Providence" ability costs a total of 3 points, you can see as well as small, amateur telescopes and strong binoculars; observing people a dozen miles away is easy. If it costs 5 or less, you can see as well as most optical telescopes; observing things at the other side of a country is easy - seeing astronauts on the surface of the moon is a bit harder. If it costs 7 or less, you can see as well as the best mortal technology. If it costs the full 9 points, you take no distance penalties at all.
[-2] You Cannot Hide: Your vision penetrates normally opaque objects such as walls; they appear transparent to you.
[-2] See Past The Currents of Time: You can observe events without lightspeed delay, as if the light did not have to cross the intervening distance. Maybe your vision picks up magical or cosmic signals. Maybe your power snatches images as soon as they are generated. Whatever the reason, your sight is always realtime.
The Catch: Most beings with this ability are somehow limited in what they can perceive either in amount or nature. +2 rebate if you can observe only one event or location at the same time - such as a clarvoyant seeing a single room in the next continent or a Dark Lord being able to see only one battle at a time despite having unlimited range and being able to see through objects. +1 rebate if you can observe up to 100 events or locations at a time. If you can see more than 100 things at a time, you get nothing. +2 rebate if the nature of what you can see is very narrow or unimportant - like being able to see for only 1 minute each day, or only observe one bloodline or see all people that are currently scratching their nose. +1 rebate for less narrow sight or greater importance - like being able to see for many minutes each day, or only observe a major city or small country or see all mischief done by young children. More open sights or greater importance give you nothing.
The Catch is usually a +0 instead of no catch at all for very broad or still existent limits such as seeing all things ever written by man, or seeing all enemies of Asgard or seeing all deaths. Only major supernatural heavyweights whose powers are Knowledge, Foresight and the like (such as the Fates, a major deity of Wisdom or the Archangel known as the Watchman) have near-omniscience, even omnisciense limited to the present.
« Last Edit: May 14, 2011, 02:27:13 AM by Sanctaphrax »

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Re: Custom Powers Master List (Work In Progress)
« Reply #11 on: May 12, 2011, 01:05:32 AM »

Quick Shifting [-1]. You can modify your form pool as a supplemental action instead of a full action (see Supplemental Actions, p 213).  Musts: Modular Abilities.

Flesh Forgery [-2]
Musts: True Shape Shifting
Key Skill: Weapons, Fists
You are a Sword and as weapon you come with your blade pre-attached you can use the Material of your body to make any simple +3 weapon or less, the weapons you create other than being made out of your Hardened Flesh act exactly the same way as normal weapons except you can use either fists or weapons to wield them and changing the shape of your weapon can be done as a Supplementary action at the Usual Penalty of Minus 1.

Symbiosis of Spirit -0 (requires Demonic Co-pilot)
Description: You and the demon possessing you are no longer two separate individuals but are instead a symbiosis of man and demon neither truly one thing nor the other, this requires a apropriate High Concept. You no longer have to take mental stress when acting according to your co-piolot's agenda as it is now your agenda, but any action that actively goes against your co-pilots agenda also threatens your gestalt, when doing so, you must roll Discipline against the result as if you were defending against an attack. Failure to succeed in this roll means you take mental stress and any consequences are chosen by the GM showing the friction between you and your co-pilot.


You know the secret martial art of Kulan Do. (riposte for fists). This requires inhuman speed or better, and cannot be identified by martial artist, unless the person with martial artist also has Kulan-Do.

Advanced Kulan-Do
You have mastered the upper levels of Kulan-Do. You may riposte by rolling against the opponents athletics (or other physical damage taking stat) -2, and afterwards still take your action. This requires supernatural speed and Kulan-Do, and cannot be identified by martial artist, unless the person with martial artist also has Kulan-Do.

Master Kulan-Do
You are a master of Kulan-Do, and may riposte with fists normally, and then take your action. This has all the trappings of Advanced Kulan-Do, and requires it.

Secrets of Kulan-Do.
You know the deepest secrets of this art, and can make a redirected force style manuever, a riposte-style attack, and then a normal attack. Requires mythic speed, all three Kulan-Do skills, and a very high position in the Jade Court. No outsider can learn this, and if any does, the Jade Court will hunt him/her down. To take this ability, one must also rename one of their aspects to reflect, to reflect their mastery of this art. If they are not jade court, they must rename it to reflect the fact that they are hunted by the Jade Court (unless there is a very special exception made by the Jade Court Leader).

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Re: Custom Powers Master List (Work In Progress)
« Reply #12 on: May 12, 2011, 01:06:51 AM »

Fomor Magic [-0]
Description: You're a Fomor, not a human. Your magic reflects that.
Effect: Your magic is never impeded or removed by the presence of running water. Instead, you suffer penalties when casting magic in areas that lack water almost entirely, like deserts or indoor areas without running water.

Red Hot Knives [-1] You may increase the weapon rating of your knives by two by filling in one mental stress box, this lasts for a number of exchanges equal to the value of the stress box you've filled in. Increase the bonus to three if you've cast a fire evocation in the last exchange.

Blood Magic [Spellcraft; -1]
Musts: The ability to perform evocation
Blood Magic: You may substitute physical stress for mental stress inflicted by your own evocations. When using this power, it's all or nothing; you must choose to take all mental stress as physical stress, or none.

Focused Study [–0]
Musts: Channeling and/or Ritual.
Description:  Experienced focused practitioners learn in time how to refine and focus their abilities, gaining a deeper understanding of their one particular area of study.
Skills Affected: Discipline, Conviction, Lore.
Intense Focus. You have chosen to focus heavily upon one particular application of spellcraft. When you take this power you forever give up the ability to upgrade Channeling to Evocation or upgrade Ritual to Thaumaturgy.
Focused Specialization. You may now choose to gain specialization bonuses when buying the Refinement power.

Focused Mastery [-1]
Musts: Focused Study
Description: With experience comes eventual mastery. A few focused practitioners have learned how to unlock their full potential and gain an incredible amount of mastery over their chosen area of spellcraft.
Skills Affected: Conviction, Discipline, Lore
Esoteric Lore. You roll Lore at +1 when dealing with magic particular to your area of focus (as determined by your element, ritual, or theme).
Potent Specialization. You no longer need to structure your specialization bonuses for each ability according to the same “column” limits for skills (see page 65). You still cannot have any specialization bonuses higher than your Lore skill.

Rote Reliance [+1]
Musts: At least one rote spell.
Description: You aren't very good at improving with your magic, preferring to stick to a few well rehearsed and known spells.
Skills Affected: Conviction, Discipline, Lore
Improvisational Block. You suck at casting any spell you haven't worked out ahead of time. When casting  non rote spells, consider your Conviction and Discipline to be 2 steps lower than the actual ratings.
Total Reliance [+1]. You are totally reliant upon a few well rehearsed spells. The only spells you can cast are rote spells. When casting such spells you must roll to control the power as if you were casting them normally.

Signature Spell [-1]
Musts: At least one rote spell.
Description: You are well known for one spell in particular. You might be a one trick pony, but it's a damn good trick!
Skills Affected: Discipline, Conviction, Lore.
Choose one of your rote spells when you buy this power. This spell then becomes your signature spell and gains the benefits listed below when you cast that spell by rote. You may only have one signature spell at a time. At the game masters discretion you may be able to change your signature spell after a Significant or Major milestone.
Efficient Spellcraft. You've refined one spell so greatly that you can cast it with incredible efficiency. When determining the mental stress cost (page 250) of your signature spell, consider your Conviction to be 1 step higher than its actual rating.
One Last Spell. You've learned to keep a little bit of energy in reserve for your favorite spell. You may spend a Fate Point instead of taking metal stress when casting your signature spell.

[-3] Spell-like Abilities
You have 2 spell-like abilities you can use twice per day each - or you may use one by taking a 1-point mental stress hit. You aim SLAs with Discipline or an other thematically appropriate skill. Their power is equal to your Conviction or your Lore, whichever is higher, and you can have any Evocation or Thaumaturgy effect as an SLA. However, once chosen those abilities are fixed and cannot be changed. You may lower the Power of an ability when initially chosen by a number to increase its number of uses by the same number - though it still costs 1 point of mental stress to use.
[-1] Improved Innate Magic
You have more varied spell-like abilities available than normal. Each time you take this ability, you get four new SLAs, each one following the same rules as your original SLAs. Instead of new SLAs, you may take an existing SLA more than once, adding up the total number of uses.
[-1] Potent Innate Magic
Your innate magic is stronger than normal. Each time you take this ability add 1 to the Power and number of uses of each SLA you have. You may take this ability a number of times equal to your Lore or Conviction.

Spell-Like Ability [-1]
Description: You have the ability to cast one spell.
Musts: Nothing more than any other power requires.
Spell-Like Ability. Design a spell with complexity or power equal to the higher of your Conviction skill and your Lore skill. You may cast that spell as an evocation rote.
Potent Spell-Like Ability [-1]. Add two to the power of one of your spell-like ability. This does not increase the difficulty to control it.

Healing Light [-2]
Description: By channeling your supernatural energy into somebody else you allow them to begin the healing process, and may even help them recover to perfect health.
Skills Affected: Conviction, Scholarship
Starting Recovery. You may use this power to make scholarship declarations to justify the start of natural recovery from physical consequences, just as if they'd gone to a doctor or the hospital.
Healing Pool. You have a pool of healing power equal to your conviction.
Healing Surge. You may spend a fate point to allow somebody to recover from all of their physical consequences up to severe as if they where a mild. Subtract the value of the highest consequence so affected from your healing pool.
Healing Backlash. At the end of the scene you must roll against a hunger attack with a value equal to the number of negative points in your healing pool. If you have used other powers attached to your feeding dependency during the course of the scene, this (positive) value is added to the overall strength of the hunger attack you would suffer from use of your powers instead.

Natural Channel [Spellcraft, -1]
Musts: Channeling; taking this power prevents upgrade into Evocation
Natural Channel: Your magic is more then your soul's expression; it soaks into your bones, flows through your blood. You may use Endurance in place of Conviction and Fists in place of Discipline for spellcasting. This physical harmony is not without danger, however; the mental stress of spellcasting becomes physical stress, bypassing any Toughness powers or similar defenses

Expansive Magical Repertoire: Your Lore skill is considered 2 steps higher when factoring in how many rotes your character knows.  -1


Inhuman Stoicism [-2]
Description: Your mind is abnormally stout, withstanding far more abuse then the average human.
Musts: No protection against self-inflicted attacks or stress is provided. You must attach this power to an appropriate mental Catch (page YS:185).
Skills Affected: Conviction (page YS:124), other mental skills.
Hard to Twist. You naturally have Armor:1 against all mental stress.
Hard to Break. You have two additional boxes of mental stress capacity.

Supernatural Stoicism [–4]
Description: Your mind can handle trauma that would normally destroy a person.
Musts: This ability replaces Inhuman Stoicism. No protection against self-inflicted attacks or stress is provided. You must attach this power to an appropriate mental Catch (page YS:185).
Skills Affected: Conviction (page YS:124), other mental skills.
Harder to Twist. You naturally have Armor:2 against all mental stress.
Harder to Break. You have four additional boxes of mental stress capacity.

Mythic Stoicism [–6]
Description: The durability of your mind is beyond the mortal scale.
Musts: You must have permission to purchase this ability. This ability replaces Inhuman or Supernatural Stoicism. No protection against self-inflicted attacks or stress is provided. You must attach this power to an appropriate mental Catch (page YS:185).
Skills Affected: Conviction (page YS:124), other mental skills.
Nearly Impossible to Twist. You naturally have Armor:3 against all mental stress.
Nearly Impossible to Break. You have six additional boxes of mental stress capacity.

Inhuman Mental Resilience (-1)
You add 1 to your mental stress track. There is no catch vs this power, and you can not take other powers that would increase your mental stress. (Stoicism for instance.)

Supernatural Mental Resilience (-2)
Add 2 boxes to your mental stress. This power otherwise acts like Inhuman Mental Resilience.

Mythic Mental Resilience (-3)
Add 3 boxes to your mental stress. This Power otherwise functions like inhuman mental Resilience.

True Faith

The lord is my Shepard [-1]

Description: Due to your deep held beliefs in your faith and in a higher being your mind is shielded from those who wish to do you mental harm

Musts: Must have a supernatural high concept related to faith (i.e "mortal child of a Celestine", High Shaman of Mother Earth etc").

Effect: As long as you have been true to the tenants of your belief system use Conviction +2 to ward off mental attacks/stress. In addition gain 1 mental armor.  At the GM discretion, Glamors, illusion's and the like that affect the mind can also use this power.

Home is Where You Make It [-1] This character carries his threshold with him, he may, with or without any special objects, setup a threshold with a value of two given adequate time to prepare (5-15 minutes). If the threshold is being setup in the open, then the size is up to the GM. It can be used to strengthen the existing threshold of a building by one. This power stacks with "Bless this House".

Faith Healing [-2]
Musts: You must have taken the Guide My Hand and Righteousness powers in order to take this ability.
You may use your Conviction skill to declare justification for your own or another character’s recovery from moderate or severe consequences of any type, even without access to proper facilities, given time to pray and (for another character) lay hands upon the character in question. In addition, you may spend a Fate Point to allow another character to heal from a Consequence as though it were one level lower in severity. So, the subject would recover from moderate consequences as though they were mild, etc. Consequences reduced below mild are always removed by the beginning of a subsequent scene.

Holy Magic -1
Musts:  At least one aspect, preferably the High Aspect, has to explain the innate holiness of your magics
Must have Holy Touch, Righteousness, and either channeling, evocation or sponsored magic.
Your evocation attacks, maneuvers, blocks and defenses are treated as "Holy", as in the Holy Touch ability.

Holy Weaponry [-1]
Description: Your sacred power extends beyond your body to envelop the weapons you wield.
Musts: You must have the Holy Touch power in order to purchase this one.
Holy Weaponry. You may apply the effects of Holy Touch to weapons that you wield.

Miracle Man [-1]
Description: You are able to perform old school miracles, but at great cost.
Bargain For Miracle. Negotiate with your gm for an appropriate cost in fate points for each miracle you perform. This power is potentially limitless in scope, given enough fate points.

[-2] Aegis Daemon Shield - Your very presence, backed by the force of your rock solid Faith, is anathema to Supernatural beings of malicious or ill intent. Effects; The Emperor Protects. You may spend a Fate Point to create a shield of True Faith around yourself and your zone. This shield functions as a zone border with a value equal to the user's Conviction against all supernatural creatures that oppose the user, reduces the power and control of evocations that target characters inside of it by the user's Conviction, and reduces all stress inflicted by the natural attacks of supernatural creatures that oppose the user to characters inside of it by the user's Conviction. This effect only lasts one exchange, but it can be extended indefinitely at the cost of a supplemental action each exchange.


Gifted With Soul [+1]
Description: You are different from other Red Court Vampires. Normally your kind do not have a soul, for it is antithesis to your being, and destroyed once you have had your first killing feed. You however have somehow managed to store your soul in an item, making a phylactery of sorts.
Musts: You must be a red court vampire, must have an aspect that reflects this power.
Silence the Beast. You loose your Echoes of the Beast power. As a Red Court Vampire with a Soul your beast is suppressed by the morals other Red Court Vampires lack. You are reimbursed for the refresh cost of Echoes of the beast, since you no longer have it.
Refresh Bonus. You have somehow maintained your soul, keeping free will. Add +1 to your refresh level.
Phylactery. Your soul is stored in an item that you must keep on your person at all times. If it leaves your person, you loose the above benefits, becoming an NPC. You may spend one fate point to give you one days time to retrieve the item.
Altered Catch. You are no longer burnt to a cinder in sunlight, but you are weakened in it. In sunlight your catch is automatically satisfied for any attack. In addition add a new condition to your catch: "Phylactery Damage."
Made Whole [-1]. If you take this upgrade your soul no longer resides in your phylactery, which becomes a mundane item, it has been restored to your body. You loose the "Phylactery" portion of this ability, and the "Phylactery Damage" condition on your catch.

Fountainhead of Blood [–2]
Description: You've somehow managed to cut the metaphysical ties that exist between master and servant. You are no longer beholden to the Red King, and are a sovereign in your own right.
Musts: When you gain this power, you must change your High Concept to reflect your new status as the fountainhead of a new bloodline of red court vampires.
Skills Affected: Discipline, Social Skills.
Self Control. Your control over the thirst is unparalleled, you gain +1 to your Discipline when using it defensively.
Deeper Reserves. You are the most powerful vampire in your bloodline. Add two boxes to the length of your hunger stress track.
Liege Lord. You are the fountainhead of a new bloodline of red court vampires. Any social skills used against other vampire courts or bloodlines gain a +1 bonus. Increase this to +2 when dealing with members of your own bloodline.
Improved Feeding [-1]. If you purchase this upgrade you gain a +2 (instead of a +1) on subsequent attacks after causing your enemy to bleed, in a grapple you do two extra stress instead of just one. You may also use the Taste of Death of effect of the Blood Drinker power twice per scene instead of only once, however you must spend a fate point to use it the second time.

Mana Locust (Vampirism; -2)

Detect Magic: Within your zone, you may attempt to detect the presence of magic (defined as effects created by or individuals possessing Spellcasting Powers) via an Alertness or Investigation roll. Success provides awareness of the presence of magic, and identifies individuals with Spellcasting Powers if you are already aware of them.

Magic Drain: Whenever an effect created by a Spellcasting Power originates from or targets your zone, its effectiveness is reduced by two shifts.

Mageslayer: Add +1 to close personal combat attacks made against characters possessing Spellcasting Powers.

Mana Plague (Vampirism; -1)

Musts: Mana Locust

Magic Drought: Magic Drain reduces three shifts of power.

The Taste of Death: Once per scene, if you inflict enough stress and consequences from feeding to kill a character with Spellcraft Powers, you may take an immediate "free" recovery period equal to an extra scene.
« Last Edit: May 14, 2011, 02:28:44 AM by Sanctaphrax »

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Re: Custom Powers Master List (Work In Progress)
« Reply #13 on: May 12, 2011, 05:47:58 PM »
Do you think I should include Items Of Power and Sponsored Magic variants?


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Re: Custom Powers Master List (Work In Progress)
« Reply #14 on: May 13, 2011, 12:32:14 AM »
You are impressively laconic.

Items Of Power:

Item  of Power: The Lamp of Diogenes [-3]

One Time Discount: [+1]
It Is What It Is: The Lamp of Diogenes is just that: an old clay oil lamp. 


Imparted Abilities:
The Soulgaze [-1]: Diogenes carried this lamp in the daytime, claiming to be looking for an honest man. 

Master of the Soulgaze: You are remarkably good at seeing the souls of others. Increase your Discipline and Lore skills by one when using them to interpret or defend in a soulgaze.

On A Mission Of Honesty And Cynicism: Your soul has a truly profound effect on those who see it. Add two to your Conviction skill when using it to make mental attacks in a Soulgaze.

Searching For An Honest Man: People's emotions are pretty damn obvious to you. Add two to your Empathy skill when using it to read people.

My offering: The Gallows Eye (for a pirate-themed game) (-2 to -3)
A carved wooden false eye, worn smooth, with a twisted grain running throughout.  This eye was carved from a used gallows tree, upon which the character's trusted captain had been hung.  Now, the character wears the eye as a macabre memorial... and to make use of the spirit-sight it grants.

It Is What It Is: A false eye.  Thus, in order to make use of the Gallows Eye, a character must lose an eye and place the Gallows Eye in its stead.  The eye does not grant standard binocular vision - it is, after all, a false eye - and thus the Aspect associated with this Item will be compelled quite often for situations requiring depth perception. 
Unbreakable: The Gallows Eye cannot be destroyed save by the use of a necromantic ritual similar to a ghost-binding or the Darkhallow. 
Imparted Abilities:
One-Time Discount [+1]
Ghost Speaker [-1]
The Sight with a leaning toward death, ghosts, and spirits [-1]
Spirit Sensitivity (as the Stunt Finely-Tuned Third Eye) [-1]
Psychometry [-1] can also be added, at sight rather than touch.

The Sword of the Revolution [-3]
• One-Time Discount [+2]
• It Is What It Is: George Washington’s exquisitely made hanger-type battle sword that functions at Weapon: 3.
• Unbreakable: The sword cannot be broken except through a ritual dedicated to perverting its purpose or preventing the freedom of a being possessing freewill.
• Let Freedom Ring [-2]: The wielder may draw the sword from its sheath to create a sound like a ringing bell clearly and audibly in an area including its current zone and all adjacent zones. The radius may be doubled for each point of mental stress the wielder takes when drawing the sword. Those within the affected area are protected from mind-clouding supernatural effects by a block based on an Intimidation roll made by the wielder. This same roll is used as a maneuver against any non-corporeal entities to startle them and drive them off.
• True Aim [-1]: When swung in keeping with its purpose, the Sword of the Revolution grants a +1 to the wielder’s Weapons skill.
• All Beings Are Created Equal [-2]: When facing an opponent, the wielder may spend a fate point to ignore that opponent’s defensive abilities (Toughness based ones, primarily), as well as any mundane armor the foe has, for the duration of the scene. In essence, the Sword of the Revolution may take the place of whatever it is that a creature has a weakness to (whatever “the Catch” is on their Toughness powers), on demand, so long as the wielder can spend that fate point - particularly handy when facing ultra-tough Denarians or true dragons. Whatever abilities a creature may have, the job of the Sword of the Revolution is creating a mostly even playing field – or something very much like it – between mortal and monster.

Cloak of Midwinter Night [-2]
One Time Discount [+2]
It Is What It Is: As named, it is a heavy, floor length cloak woven of a thread so deep blue as to be practically identical to the night sky. When worn by its owner under the stars, they are reflected in its threads as if it was a mirror. The interior is lined with pure white fur from what seems to be a polar bear, which never stains.
Unbreakable: The Cloak cannot be destroyed except through a ritual dedicating it to summer and in the presence of the summer wellspring, or at the will of its weaver, Mother Winter herself.
Faerie Glamours [-2]: The wearer of the cloak may use the Glamours power. Of note, when the power of Winter or any other true magic is used, any Seemings will vanish, revealing the cloak and wearer for what they are, and cannot be reapplied for the remainder of the scene, though veils made with this power will still work.
Winter's Blessing [-2]: The owner of the cloak is granted Inhuman Toughness. The Catch is the Seelie Magic [+1].
Flight [-1]: The owner of the cloak is granted the Wings power, as the cloak billows out, spreading into an enormous (think almost 30ft) pair of Raven's Wings, reversing to white above and black below. This may not be disguised by a Seeming, though the wearer may still be Veiled.

Sealskin Selkie Robe
Hexenwulfen-style IoP, it allows the owner to transform into a seal. 
Appearance: a long, floor length fur robe, with the hood being the head of a seal.
It Is What It Is: This is a fur robe, made from the complete skin of an adult harbor seal.  Watch out for PETA.
Item of Power: Seal-Fur Robe, [+2] affecting:
Echoes of the Beast [-1] +1 hearing, see in the dark, talk to sea life.
Beast Change [-1]
Human Form [+1]
Aquatic [-1]
Demonic Co-Pilot: [-1] The Co-pilot is an animal spirit, not a demon of rage or hunger. However, it creates a link to the wearer; if another possess the robe, it functions as a potent material link to her, as strong as her True Name and thus can be used to bind her.  Loaning the robe to someone else bonds the spirit to them. 
Total refresh cost: -1.

Ring of Anubis
A ring of black obsidian set in the shape of an open eye
The wearer of the ring carries the Mark of Anubis and has his power over things dead
Grants [+2]
[-1] Ghost-Speaker
[-1] Marked by Power
[-1] Refinement (Ectomancy Control +1, Ectomancy Power +1)
(total cost -1)

Tin Foil Helmet
+2 Discount
-8 Physical Immunity: Mind control magic
+5 Catch: Only protects against magic or powers that would affect the mind or emotions.
-1 = Total cost

Christ's Bloodwhip [-3]
The whip used to torture Christ on the cross. The blood of the White God's son has soaked into it and imbued it with the power of holy pain.
+2 discount
-1 Holy
-1 Incite Emotion (Pain)
-1 Lasting Emotion
-1 Potent Emotion
-1 It's A Whip (Use Weapons for Incite Emotion)

The Shifting Destiny
The Shifting Destiny is an ancient artifact that takes the form the most suits the wielder, even if the wielder doesn't know it suits them. The only thing that remains constant throughout the many incarnations of the artifact is that somewhere on the artifact is a triangle. Those that know of item or seek to take it often refer to it as "The Destiny" or "The Gift". Those that come to wield artifact often give it a nickname that symbolizes it's current incarnation.
Modular Item; As Modular Abilities without the -2 surcharge, this item takes the form the most suits the wielder the first time they touch the item and the item shape may never be changed thereafter. The form The Shifting Destiny takes could be anything: a bow, shield, or even a pen. Once the form is changed, it remains locked until it has a new wielder. The abilities of The Shifting Destiny can grow and evolve for the wielder.
The Price of Change; The Shifting Destiny only changes when it is “rightfully acquired,” traditionally this means when it is given to a new wielder or taken from a deceased wielder (taking it from a living wielder by thievery or force will not change the artifact until the current wielder is dead). Temporarily loaning The Shifting Destiny does not change the item, but all subsequent rolls made with the The Shifting Destiny by the loan-ee are at -1 as the item’s current form is not meant for them.
Affecting the following for Nicholas:
It’s a Sword; For Nicholas, The Shifting Destiny takes the form of perfectly made Weapon:3 longsword.
True Aim
Flaming; as Holy, except with Fire.
Flare; as Breath Weapon (Fire). Note: The attack comes from the sword, not from Nicholas.
Nova Flare; Flare is now Weapon:4
One Time Discount: +2
Total Cost: -3

"The Bigger They Are...": as All Creatures Equal Before a God with a Hammer
It's a BIG Hammer: Weapon:3, reasoning is that it was intended to be a two handed weapon.
The Weight of Responsibility: as Divine Purpose. When not being properly wielded, Mjolnir becomes an unwieldy weight.
True Aim
Never Far From Reach: Mjolnir can be thrown as a weapon up to 2 zones away (instead of the standard 1). Upon striking or missing, it returns to its owner's hand on the following exchange. This ability only works when the hammer is thrown. If the hammer caught, stuck, or taken from the bearer the hammer will not magically return.
One Time Discount: +2 (It's awkward to hide, thus fairly easy to detect)
Total Cost: -3 (including +2)

It's a Belt: Megingjoro takes the form of a wolf-hide belt.
Thunder's Strength: grants Inhuman Strength.
Note 1: The bearer loses access to Inhuman Strength when not in physical contact with Megingjoro.
Note 2: If the bearer already possess a Strength power, increase it one step (e.g. Inhuman to Supernatural or Supernatural to Mythic).
Note 3: Those with Mythic Strength can Lift an object as if it were 2 shifts lighter and gain an additional +1 bonus to Breaking.
Note: Megingjoro is not required to wield Mjolnir
Total Cost: -1

It's a Gauntlet: Jarngreipr is a single gauntlet.
Physical Immunity (Electricity)
The Catch (Not Electricity)
Note: The bearer loses access to Physical Immunity (Electricity) when not in physical contact with Jarngreipr.
Note: Jarngreipr is not required to wield Mjolnir
Total Cost: -2

Armageddon Sign
-0 Cassandra's Tears
-4 supernatural toughness (mainly used to protect from elements and exhaustion): Catch: only works while wielder is hollering
+3 item of power rebate
-1 total cost
0: it is what is is: this object consists of two large wooden boards, attached by two ropes, and must be worn over the shoulders to work. The boards are painted with appropriate doomsday signs.  Due to the supernatural toughness, the user suffers no real ill effect from shouting at the top of his lungs for hours at near-zero temperatures.
Note: when worn with tinfoil hat, only one item of power rebate applies.

[-2] Vitamin W
A combat drug that causes the body of the user to create a number of chemicals. These chemicals are useful, but likely to harm the user.
[+1] Rebate
[+1] Side Effects (Treat as Feeding Dependency, but use Endurance and the physical stress track)
[-1] Synthetic Adrenaline (Treat as Demonic Co-Pilot, but use Endurance and the physical stress track)
[-1] Addictive Saliva
[-2] Venomous Sweat (Like Venomous Claws, but without the claws)

[-1] Crown Of The Iron Spires
An ornate iron crown that grants rulership of the Iron Spires, which is a region of the Nevernever.
[+2] Rebate
[-1] Demense
[-1] Improved Demense (Attacks with Demense power are weapon 2)
[-2] Swift Transition (From anywhere to the Iron Spires, and then back where you came from)
[+1] No Mortal Home (It sends you to the Iron Spires if you fall unconcious)

[-2] Temporal Accelerator
A small gadget that slows down time around the user.
[+1] Rebate
[-2] Inhuman Speed
[-2] Inhuman Recovery
[+1] The Catch (No total recovery, just faster healing)

I'm actually working on a possible item of power for my Son of Thor character (Othmundr Thorson, professor of mythologoy).  Since his trouble is that he freed Loki and he has a bit of a magical bent, I was thinking he was prophesied to be someone that battle evil magic.  It was crafted by Brokk and Eiti, the dwarves that crafted Mjolnir and other artifacts.  Thor gave a lock of his hair, which was fashioned into the handle, Odin blessed the iron used for the head of the hammer with good magics.  The dwarves toiled for three days crafting the hammer, which is known has Hvíturgaldur (that means White Magic in icelandic).

I'm kinda limited in how many points I can put into it, so I was thinking the following:

-2 (It's a two-handed warhammer).
Skills Affected:  Weapons, Others
Musts:  You must have a destiny or calling to use the Hammer, represented by a template or aspect.  You must be able to craft magical items or use magic that protects, dispels, heals and use wind and lightning.  (You do not have to be GOOD at all of these things just capable).
Protector of White Magic:  Hvíturgaldur purpose is to oppose black magic and defend white magic.  If it is ever attempted to be used to break any of the laws of magic, harm an innocent, destroy good magical works, and empower evil magical works, then the act automatically falls and the bond between the wielder and the Hvíturgaldur is broken.  It can only be restored by a magical ritual wherein the wielder cleanses and purifies his body and soul.

It's a Warhammer:  Hvíturgaldur is a large, two-handed warhammer (weapon 3).

True Aim:  When used in keeping with its purpose, Hvíturgaldur grants a +1 bonus to the user's weapon skill.

Unbreakable. As an Item of Power, it cannot be broken, save through dedicated magical ritual predicated upon perverting its purpose.

Inscriptions:  Hvíturgaldur is designed to carry and wield magical enchantments.  It has 4 enchanted slots that may be used for the same or different abilities as the user wishes (including one-use effects as per potion rules).  These effects are limited to ones involving some aspect of storms (due to Thor's infleunce), or protecting, dispelling, or healing.

Potential Focus:  Focus Slots may be used to turn the hammer into a focus.  It can only be used as a focus for magics relating to storms, protection, dispelling, or healing.

Something Else:

I figure the focus thing is essentially a 0, Inscription is -1 (a type of refinement), and True Aim is -1.  Seems like it should having something else, but another level of Inscription seems a bit much, so I am not sure.

Maeve's Locket +1
 Unseelie Magic -4*
 World Walker -2
Total Cost -5*

Notes: I made this for a friend that wanted a were-(polar)bear emissary to Maeve and wanted an IoP to go along with his deal

Hunter's Spear +2
 inhuman speed -2
 The Magic of The Hunt -4*
Total Cost -4*

Seven League Boots

A pair of ancient and battered leather horseman’s boots, worn butter-soft.  Tooled leather is readily apparent on the leg, sides and cuff.  It was obviously an expensive pair of boots, and well loved and lived. 

The Seven League Boots are a well known piece of European lore, about a pair of boots that enable the wearer to take strides of seven leagues—or 21 miles.  The origin of the legend is thought to have come from horse-couriers, whose feet only touched the ground when they swapped out their tired horse for a fresh one. 

One Time Discount [+1]

It Is What It Is.  The boots are just that: a nice pair of old-style horseman’s boots, possibly belonging to a noble cavalry officer or courier. They are soft, snug and oh-so-comfortable.

Unbreakable: The boots are indestructible save through a dedicated magical ritual that would pervert their purpose—probably something along the lines of binding or imprisoning. 

Imparted Abilities.  There are two different versions of the Seven League Boots abilities: Speed and WorldWalking.  A combination of the two is also distinctly possible.

Version One: Speed
Mythic Speed [-6]
The Boots grant Speed such as is only known in myth—myths often featuring the boots themselves. 
Total Refresh Cost -5

Version Two: World-Walking
Swift-Transition [-2]
World-Walker [-2]
This version of the boots is a tad more literal to the legend of 7 League strides, as short hops through the Nevernever are easy to accomplish, and crossing the globe in a short walk is also simple. 
Total Refresh Cost -3