Author Topic: List of aspects  (Read 26488 times)

Offline Amelia Crane

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List of aspects
« on: November 19, 2010, 10:32:20 PM »
These aspects are shamelessly stolen from every source I could find.  Right now they're all in a spreadsheet.  They'll need a little more classifying to break them into usable chunks.

Offline Amelia Crane

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Re: List of aspects
« Reply #1 on: November 19, 2010, 10:33:12 PM »
Here are teh aspects I collected that I thought suitable for the high concept of "holy" type characters.

Instrument of God
"Heaven on wheels" vigilante crusader
Advisor to Knights
Avenging Angel
Avenging Angel
Dark Disciple of Lancelot
Former Vatican Occult Investigator
Home-Made Saint
Imam Who Defends the Defenseless
Knight of the Caliburn
Knight of the Cross
Loremaster Rabbi
Monster Hunting Minister
One Winged Angel
Priest in the Know
Shell-Shocked Preacher
The Man Without Fear
Weilder of the Holy Spear
Wielder of Amoracchius
Wielder of Fidelacchius

Offline Amelia Crane

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Re: List of aspects
« Reply #2 on: November 19, 2010, 10:34:12 PM »
List of Changeling High Concepts

Winter Court Pawn
Changeling Journalist
Free-Willed Unseelie Sorceress
Guilt-Ridden Half-Banshee
Half-Ankou Horror Mogul
Half-Troll Scion of Winter
Maeve's Ex-Handmaiden
Observant half-Yukionna
Strong-Man of the Winter Court
Summer Half-Sidhe in King Autumn's Court
The Queen's Last Pathfinder
The Real Pumpkin King
Troll-Blood Strong
Trollblooded Toll Collector
Troll's Blood Gives Strength

Offline Amelia Crane

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Re: List of aspects
« Reply #3 on: November 19, 2010, 10:35:11 PM »
List of Emissary of Power High Concepts

Cleric of the Goddess of Wisdom
Ex-Mafiya Chosen of Chernobog
Guardian Of The Phoenix
Mother Nature's Son
Newly empowered servant of the Earth
Servant of a Goddess of Love
Spirit Warrior and Texas Ranger
Summer Knight
Teenage Reincarnation of an Emissary of Ishtar
The Last Disciple of Thor
Winter Knight

Offline Amelia Crane

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Re: List of aspects
« Reply #4 on: November 19, 2010, 10:36:58 PM »
List of Mortal High Concepts

15th Generation Monster Hunter
21 Century Digital Girl
A Born Sucker
A Legend Reborn
A Liar and a Cheat
A Real People Person
Adult Film Producer
Aikido Master
Alpha Geek
American princess
Angry Young Man
Bad Good Girl, Good Bad Girl
Black Cat Investigator
Blue-Collar Worker
Champion Marksman
Churchmouse Burglar
Clued-In Beat Cop
Clued-In Cop
Clued-In Crimelord
Clued-In Drugdealer
Clued-In Forensic Pathologist
Clued-In Medical Examiner
Clued-In Priest
Clued-In Technician
Cold blooded killer
Combat Veteran
Committed Gamer
Competition Pistol marksman
Corrupt Club Owner
Corrupt Prison Guard
Cowboy Field Agent for the Library of Congress, SCD
Crime-Fighting Engineer
Damn It Feels Good to Be a Gangsta
Dedicated Grad Student
Director of the Durin Society
Doomed Historian
Dupin Society Member
Dupin Society Scholar
Engineering Dropout
Executive in KnightLight Security
Ex-Gruff Monster-killing Machine
Experienced Investigator
Expert Smuggler
FBI Agent
First Responder
Former Army Scout & US Marshal
Former Cultist
Former Drug User
Gangsta Killer-for-Hire
Gentleman Thief
Ghost Busting P.I. (That's Paranormal Investigator)
Grizzled Human Scholar of the Occult
Hardass Brawler Cop
Head of Special Investigations
Heavy Metal Queen/King
High class conman
High Stakes Gambler
Homeless Vet
Ice-Cold Mafia Hatchetman
Jumped-Up Burglar
King of the Urban Jungle
Larcenous poser
Lawyer by Day, Detective by Night
Longtime Marcone Employee
Lord of the Files
Monster Hunting Cop
Moonlights as a Storybook Heroine
New World Man
Not a Girl, Not Yet a Woman
Nun in the Know
Occult Bookstore Operator
One Good Cop
Paranormal Investigator
Part time Hero, Part Time Student
Party Girl
Patient Teacher
Physician to Wizards
PI with a Conscience
Porn Star with a Heart of Gold
Pretty Rave Girl
Producer and Director of Adult Films
Real Bad Boy, But a Real Good Man
Reformed oil man
Reluctant Hero
Respected Scholar
Retired Ballooner
Retired SI Detective
Rich Kid with a Genie Girlfriend
Russian Ballet Veteran
Ruthless S.O.B.
Security Guard
Serial Killer of The Paranormal
Single Mom
Sorcerer's Assistant
Special Collections Librarian
Special Investigations Lead Detective
Special Investigations Officer
Spell-bound Ex of Molly Carpenter
Spell-bound Friend of Molly Carpenter
Squire to Launcelot du Lac
Sticky-Fingered Tagger
The Man With Too Much Luck
The Usual Suspect
Theater Owner
Thief above his station
Thorn in the Red Court's Side
ThreeEye Cultist
Trust Fund Jock
Vampire Slayer
Vigilante with a Badge
Whiteboy from the Hood
Woman of the World
Working Man

Offline Amelia Crane

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Re: List of aspects
« Reply #5 on: November 19, 2010, 10:37:50 PM »
List of miscellaneous supernatural High Concepts

Lord with a Conscience
The Archive
Ancient Black Court Corceress
Exiled Dragon
Ghost of a Deranged Mother
Sorcerer's Ghost
Ghoul Assassin for Hire
Ghoul Tyrant
Sentient, ensouled stone golem
Hexenwulf FBI Agent
Eternal Explorer
Leader of the Pack
Sasquatch Jock
Tibetan Temple Dog
Undead Private Eye

Offline Amelia Crane

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Re: List of aspects
« Reply #6 on: November 19, 2010, 10:38:37 PM »
List of Focused Practitioner/Minor Talent High Concepts

Arcane Dabbler/Adult Performer
Baseball Player-turned-Kinetomancer
Blossoming Evocator
Brooding Electromancer
Budding Hydromancer/Civil Engineer
Density-Altering Crusader for Justice
Ex-Con Kinetomancer
Ex-Con Kinetomancer
Firefighting Pyromancer
Hot-Headed Terramancing Werewolf Detective
Illusionist Thief and Security Consultant
Magic-Dabbling Adult Performer
Mystically-Powered Martial Artist
Notorious Kaboomamancer
Ordo Lebes Founder
Paranet Representative
Precognitive Cop Trying to Fight the Good Fight
Prescient Ordo Lebes Member
Reformed Evil Cultist
Reluctant Tenebromancer
Showboat Pyromancer
Vulcan's Pyrokineticist

Offline Amelia Crane

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Re: List of aspects
« Reply #7 on: November 19, 2010, 10:39:16 PM »
List of Scion High Concepts

Boorish Son of Hercules
Chooser of the Slain
Decendant of Beowulf
Gilgamesh the God-King
Half-Demon Ex-Spy Troubleshooter
Half-Oni Tea Mistress
Honost-to-Odin Valkyrie
Queen of Manifest Dreams
Smooth-Talking Jann Lawyer
Studious Descendant of Macha
Supernatural Mercenary
Vigilante Air Elemental

Offline Amelia Crane

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Re: List of aspects
« Reply #8 on: November 19, 2010, 10:39:53 PM »
List of Were-form High Concepts

Bad Boy Werewolf
Big Wolf on Campus
Combat Leader of the Alphas
Gonzaga's Resident Were-Moose
Half-Man, Half-Big Bad Wolf
Hallelujah Goat
Insatiably Curious Were-Mouse
Member of the Alphas
Original Alpha
Ruthless Were-Lion Businessman
Scion of a Long Line of Noble Werehawks
Shark in A Business Suit
Surrogate Mom of the Alphas
The Desert Scorpion
The White Lion
Were-Bear Biker
Were-Gorilla Skaterboi
Were-Hawk Reporter
Wolf in Sheep's Clothing

Offline Amelia Crane

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Re: List of aspects
« Reply #9 on: November 19, 2010, 10:40:30 PM »
List of White Court High Concepts

Skavis Bastard
Black Sheep of House Malvora
Charismatic White Court Upstart
Fallen Prince of the Raith Family
Head of House Malvora
King of the White Court
Secret Queen of the White Court
Spellcasting White Court Noble
Vampire of God
Voluptuous White Court Madam
White Court Ambassador to the White Council
White Court Doorman
White Court Patriarch
White Court Vampire
White Court Virgin

Offline Amelia Crane

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Re: List of aspects
« Reply #10 on: November 19, 2010, 10:41:29 PM »
List of Wizard High Concepts

Animal Necromancer
Apprenticed to a Black Wizard
Curiosity Killed the Summoner
Suspected Warlock
Your Friendly Neighbothood Warlock
"Magic Card" Thaumaturgist
Acting Captain of the Wardens
Alchemist and Divinator
Apprentice to Ancient Mai
Apprentice to DuMorne, Student of McCoy
Arcane Pack Rat
Blue-Blooded Wizard of the White Council
Body-Jumping Necromancer
Botched Warden Trainee
Captain of the Wardens
Combat Wizard
Cowl's Apprentice
Dark Path Sorceress
Dark Wizard, Darker Agenda
Disciple of Kemmler
Donald Morgan's One-Time Apprentice
Down-To-Earth Wizard
Emperor of Evocation
Ex-Con Blue Collar Wizard
Ex-Denarian Host Spell-slinger
Fullmetal Arcanist
Golden Boy of the White Council
Grey Wizard
Half-Blooded Council-Wizard
Hot-Headed Spell-Slinging Werewolf Detective
Hot-Headed Wizarding Werewolf Detective
Hot-Shot Warden
Hotshot Wizard
Illinois Medicine Man
Immortal Gnostic Alchemist
Independent Wizard
Kitchen Witch
Last of the Sword-Wielding Wardens
Long Line of Wardens
Mad Sorcerer
Magical MacGuyver
Magical Muscle
Master Artificer-in-Training
Master Necromancer
Meddling Warden
Multitalented Wizard Professor
Power-Mad Sorceror
Practicing Wizard When the Hills Were Young
Product Liabilities Wizard
Reluctant Warden
Ritual Showman
Sadistic, Power-Mad Warlock
Scrupulous Necromancer
Senior Council Wizard
Senior White Council Wizard
Street-Rat Sorcerer
The Gatekeeper
The Merlin
The Only Listing Under "Wizard" in Chicago's Yellow Pages
ThreeEye Cult Leader
Unwanted Ward of the White Council
Veteran of the Vampire Wars
Veteran Venatori Spellcaster
Vigilante Sorcerer
Warden of the White Council
Warden Pup
White Council Secretary
White Council Wizard
White Council's Black Sheep
Whitestaff of the White Council of Wizards
Wiseass Wizard
Witcher Of Kaer Morhen
Wizard Acolyte of Hecate
Wizard of the White Council
Wizard Private Eye
Young White Council Wizard

Offline Amelia Crane

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Re: List of aspects
« Reply #11 on: November 19, 2010, 10:42:51 PM »
List of Troubles

"...except me."
"All going according to plan...just not my plan..."
"An Arts Major?" his parents groaned
"At least it can't get any worse..."
"Biff, You Jerk!" Said Biff's Steady Girlfriend
"Clean up, aisle 4"
"Gets beat up for Justice!"
"He Did the Right Thing"
"I didn't know my own strength"
"I wish I had your faith in me"
"I'd give Sauron the bird too, bitch"
"I'm NOT Fat."
"It's Not My Fault!"
"Oh Lord! Why have you made him a troublemaker?"
"Sorry, Mouse," Said Maya's Steady Boyfriend
"That's Highly Irregular…"
"You'd Better Buckle Up"
... And She's a High Maintenance Bitch.
37 Stitches
A Hard Day's Night
A Life in Payment
A Lifetime of Wars
A Little Too Certain
A Swing and a Miss
A Taste of Forbidden Knowledge
Abused as a Child
Abused by Maeve
Advance at Any Cost
Alexandra's Lackey
All Alone
All Brawn, No Brain
All Debts Come Due
All I wanted was a Pepsi
All or Nothing
All that is necessary for evil to succeed is that good men do nothing
Allies of Convenience
Always on the Run
Always the Butt of a Joke
Am I Evil?
Ambition Is My master
Ambition Surpassed by Stupidity
An Imp on His/Her Shoulder
Ancient and Frail
Anger Is My Constant Companion
Anger Management Issues
Another one bites the dust
Are the voices in my head bothering anybody else?
Arrogance Is Everything!
Autumn Has Fallen
Back in 'Nam
Back When I Played Ball
Bad Deeds For Good Reasons
Bad Habit
Bad Moon Rising
Bad Temper
Banned From Every Cybercafe in the City
Barely Making Ends Meet
Bat Out of Hell
Beelzebub has the devil put aside for me, for me, for me!
Behind Blue Eyes
Between a Rock and a Hard Place
Bolshevik Muppet!
Born Into Strange
Born on the Bayou
Born Skeptic
Bound by a Secret Pact?
Brook No Insult
Built Like a Gorilla
Busted From Detective-Twice
By the Book
By the pricking of my thumbs, Something wicked this way comes.
Can't Keep My Mouth Shut
Can't kill the memories
Can't Let It Go
Carry On My Wayward Son
Caught Between Heaven and Hell
Caution Above All
Cautious, Not Timid
Certifiably Nuts
Chauncy's B*$#@
Child of Winter
Children Must Be Protected
Chivalry is Not Dead, Dammit
Clasp my hand, dear friend, I'm dying
Come to the Rescue
Coming to Wisdom Through Failure
Conspirator with Aurora
Contact with Outsiders
Crazy Baby
Crisis of Faith
Crom Cruach and his minions want vengeance
Cult of Kravos
Cursed to be Impotent
Cursed to Die Alone
Dad Only Had Twelve Labours...
Danger Is My Middle Name
Dark past
Dean Koontz Fanboy
Deceived Accomplice
Dependent Upon My host
Destiny Gave Me a Sword
Disloyal Subordinates
Displaced Time-Traveler
Distrusted, Disliked, In Demand
Dominated By Lara Raith
Don’t trust beatiful women
Don't Judge Me by My Size
Doom of Damocles
Doom of Damocles
Dresden Slew My Daughter
Drinks to Forget
Dumber Than She Looks
DuMorne's Ex-Thrall
Dying is easy, living is hard
Ebenzer McCoy Has It in for Me
Empty Inside
Enemies of My Unseelie-Mother
Enemies of the Alphas and Dresden
Enemy of the Black and Red Courts
Enemy of the Red and Black Courts
Envied for her Empty Life
Epic Slacker
Epic Wiseass
Escaping the Hunter
Every Monster Can Be Redeemed
Everybody's A Critic...
Everyone Wants a Piece of Me
Everything Fades
Evil Angels
Exiled to the Special Investigations Division
F$@*ing Gremlins!!!
Faerie Bargain
Faerie Debts
Failed Ascension Rite
Fallen Angel on My Shoulder
Falsely Accused
Family Legacy to Uphold and Burden to Bear
Family Man
Father to a Murdered Daughter
Fear and Loathing in Coptic Thebes
Feral Fury
Fight to Survive
Fighting Against Nightmares
Finding My Way
Finished with my woman 'cause she couldn't help me with my mind
Fixed the Family Curse… Sort of.
Folds Under Pressure
For Crying Out Loud
Former Host of Magog
Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn
Friendly Fire
Friends in (Be)low Places
From Suck to Blow
From The Other Side of The Gate
Future member of a rare and quickly dying breed
Gabriel Watches Over My Shoulder
Gaunt and Monsterous to Behold
Get Thee Behind Me
God Has Mercy.  I don't…
God Help Me, I'm the Blackstaff
Goldbricking Slacker
Gotta Get Away
Green Eyes of Jealousy
Guess God Thinks I'm Abel/Able
Harry Dresden Is My Friend
Haunted by Father's Ghost
Haunted by the Nightmare
Hell Recruitment Service
Help me, Rhonda!
Heroin Addict
Honor Among Thieves
Hounded by the Wardens
Hounds of Winter at My Heels
Hunted by FBI/CIA
Hunting the Necromancer
I am a Monkey Wrench
I Am Not Food
I Am Whatever You Say I Am
I can feel a storm coming
I can Never Tell a Lie
I Can't Find "Mana" on the Periodic Table
I Can't Get Involved
I Can't Just Do Nothing
I Don't Have a Privileged Attitude
I Don't Know
I fought the Law ...
I have seen the worst humanity has to offer
I have stared into the Abyss
I hurt myself today, to see if I still feel
I Know Where the Bodies Are Buried
I Laugh at the Laws
I LIVE!!! ...OK.  Now what?
I Must Have Justine
I Must Save Harley MacFinn
I Really HATE Vampires
I Should Have Known Better
I spent my childhood murdering puppies
I Think I Can Take Them
I Trust My Brother
I used to go bump into the night
I Walk A Lonely Road
I Wasn't Always a Shepard…
I Watched Too Much Beastmaster
I Will Have My Vengeance
I Work Alone
Ice cannot survive in the presence of fire
I'd Do Anything for Love
I'd Follow Marcone to Hell
I'd Rather Not Be a Warden, Thanks
I'd Take a Bullet for Inari Raith
I'm a bazooka!
I'm Getting Too Old for This
I'm just a poor boy from a poor family
I'm just getting in the way...
I'm New At This
I'm Only a Kid
Imprisoned by Mab
In Eastern Europe Magic Casts YOU
In for a Penny, In for a Pound
In Love with Harley MacFinn
In Over My Head
In Too Deep
In Way Over My Head
Inducted in the Armies of the Night
Into The Thick of It
Is this the real life?  Is this just fantasy?
It Could Be Worse
It's a long road…
It's Such a Long Way Home
I've Felt the Cold Touch of Evil
I've got the Seven Laws burned into the insides of my eyelids
I've looked into the abyss...its name is bob
I've Lost My Mind... Do You Have It?
Ixnay on the Hombre
Jealous Ex
Just An Apprentice
Kick Him When He's Down
King of Fools
Lara, My Sister, My Foe
Laws?  What Laws?
Life is a Lemon
Lonely Nights
Lonely Regrets
Lonliness of the Long Distance Runner
Look, and Be Afraid!
Loose Cannon
Lover of a Seelie
Lover of Agent Denton
Loyal to a Fault
Loyal to a Fault
Maeve is My Enemy
Magic Is a Poor Substitute for a Blackened Denarius
May you gain the notice of those in High Places
Mia culpa
Misspent Youth
More Innocent Than I Look
My Colleagues Think I'm Insane
My Daughter Died in My Arms
My ex is dead, and she wants me dead too
My Family Comes First
My Family Doesn't Know
My Father Told Me to Duel Often
My Girlfriend is a Semi-Vampire
My Grandmother is a Goddess of War
My Husband the Cult Leader
My Little Boy Nikolas
My Master Is A Bumbling Fool
My Only Real Friend is Jose Cuervo
My Own Victim
My Reputation Precedes Me
Mystery from the Past
Necessary Measures
Need to Keep My Cover
Never Gonna Give You Up
No Brakes
Nobody Will Take My Calls
Not a Very Good Viking
Not One for Fisticuffs
Not Real Smart
Not Without My Child
Often Drunker Than a Skunk
Oh God, More Tentacles!
Oh Shi…
Old Contracts Die Hard
Old Eyes In a Young Face
On Parole
Only The Good Die Young
oooh shit
Ornery as a Polecat
Out of the crooked timber of humanity, no straight thing was ever made
Overdeveloped Sense of Revenge
Paranoia Strikes Deep
Pawn of Siriothrax
Pax Christi
Pay the Ferryman
Payback is a Bitch
People Think It Can Rule the World
Perpetually Broke
Phoning It In
Played by Alexandria and Knows It
Poor Impulse Control
Power Without Restraint
Pretender to the Throne
Professional to a Fault
Protective of the Weak
Raised in Fairie
Romantic Quagmire
Rose's guardian
Rumored Chronomancer
Run For Your Life
Samantha, My Long-Lost Sister
Schemes and Machinations
School of Hard Knocks
Shell-Shocked Veteran Of The Vampire War
Sixteen tons of snookered
Soulgazed a Dying Warlock
Stain of Dark Knowledge
Sticks and Stones WILL Break Break Your Bones
Still On Parole
Stolen Blue Blood
Straddling the Veil
Strange Luck
Strange Occurances
Stranger in a Strange Land
Stranger Than Fiction
Stubborn as a Mule
Stubborn as Hell
Stupidly Chivalrous
Subtlety is for B*$@#s!
Sudden Violence
Summer, My Oldest Enemy
Surrounded by nosy dames
Sweet Tooth
Sworn Enemy of the Brotherhood of the Flame
Sympathy for the Devil
Symphony of Destruction
Technology's Bane
Tell Me Your Sorrows, For I Know Well of Sin
That Soul Which Has the Greatest Punishment
The Bad Guys Hate My Family
The Bazooka Needs Babysitting
The Dead Can Speak
The Doctor Said I Have Six Months Left to Live
The Ebon Shroud Cult Wants Me Dead
The Family Business
The Greater Good
The Hidden Truth
The Left-Hand Path at the Crossroads
The Nightmare
The perfect idea, ten minutes too late
The spirits talk to me
The Temptation of power
The Temptation of Power
The Thing that Should Not Be
The time has come. You know it in your soul
The Virtue of Poverty
There's an Ancient Sex Priestess In My Head!!!
This Is Not My Body
This is only going to get worse
Thistle and Weeds
Through the Valley of the Shadow of Death
Tired of this Shit
Too Clever by Half
Too Powerful for His Own Good
Too Stupid to Quit
Too Young to Win
Torn Between Two Worlds
Tortured by Maeve
Tortured by the Denarians
Trashy passing for classy
Traumatised by a clown!
Trick Knee
True Love in My Family's Hands
Trust me, it'll be easy
Try Not My Patience
Two Out of Three Aint Bad
Unable to Leave the Estate
Unaware of My heritage
Unbelieving Bureaucracy
Unknown Sponsor
Unnatural Attraction
Vampires can bite me
Vasiliki Knows I'm Moving Against Him
Walking Under the Doom of Damocles
Wanted: Dead or Alive
Wasted Youth
We Can Take 'Em
What Am I Going to Do with Molly
What Are The Odds?
What is it?  It
What the Fuck, Magic?
When the Children Cry
Where Are You?
Where Was He Keeping That?
White and Nerdy
White Knight Syndrome
Who Am I?
Who Gave ME the Keys to the Underworld?
Who watches the Wardens?
Why Does Trouble Always Come In Threes?
Why Try?  I’m Lucky!
Wife of Michael Carpenter, Wife of a Knight
Wild Rover of Hell
Winter is My eternal Foe
Wizards and Vampires and Faeries in My Way
Wolf at the Door
Wost Liar Ever
Wounded by Fetches
Yearnings of the Wind
Yesterday, all my troubles seemed so far away
Yippykyeye Mother F@#$ers
You are your own backup
You can pick your friends, but not your relatives

Offline Amelia Crane

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Re: List of aspects
« Reply #12 on: November 19, 2010, 10:46:53 PM »
List of Other Aspects (part 1, " to L)

"Don't Call me Billy!"
"Ghosts of Chicago"
"I Am By No Means an Expert, Sir, But…"
"I got this."
"I have one of those"
"I Shall Fear No Evil, For I Carry A Big Sword"
"I'd be a lingerie model if I wasn't kicking your ass in chain mail"
"I'm 30 Minutes Away… I'll Be There In 10."
"I'm just a sweet transvestite"
"Oh, Crap"
"That's Because I'm Russian"
"What, this old thing?"
"You take the dozen on the left, I'll take the dozen on the right."
'40s Burlesque Beauty
A Bird In The Hand Is Worth Two In The Bush
A Bit of the Gruff and Tumble
A Brawler and a Gentleman
A Cold Tiger's Soul
A Contact on Every Plane
A Fine Line Between Cynicism and Courage
A Fine Offering
A Hawk or a Dove?
A Little Priest
A Long, Long Time Ago
A Mage in Hand is Worth Two in the…
A man does not choose his path, only how he walks it
A Man of Many Contradictions
A man of wealth and taste
A Mighty Fortress is My God
A Mighty Fortress Is My God
A Mighty Fortress Is My Shop
A Thousand Faces
A Whole New World
A wizard did it, honest
A Wolf Among Sheep
A World of Black or White
A Worthy Foe Should Be Respected
Accorded "Neutral Grounds"
After the storm
Airborne All The Way!
All Out of Bubblegum
All the World's a Stage
All Worked Out Like Clockwork
All-American Muslim Boy
Ally of the Venatori
Almost Billy's Best Man
Alpha Male
Always Carry A Spare
Always Has A Smile And A Joke
Am I Not Merciful?
An Honest Day's Work
An Innocent Man
Ancient Gold Reserves Keep Me Wealthy
Another kind of hero
Any Means Necessary
Any Port in a Storm
Anything For A Friend
Anything is Possible
Artist's Heart
As Good as it Gets
As Human as You Are
Assets Are Expendable
At Home in a Fight
Attention Span of a Gnat
Autumn Who?
Back To Prom
Badger's Student
Bake You a Gourmet Cake
Bare Knuckle Boxer
Be like the wind
Be Prepared
Beacon of light for the hopeless
Beauty and the Blade
Beauty and the Blade
Because you're mine, I walk the line
Been all around this great big land
Been Around for a Long, Long Year
Been There, Done That
Behold and Despair, Mortal
Beholden to No Man
Beholden to Titania
Best I Can
Betrayer of Summer
Beware The Quiet Ones...
Biff's Steady Girlfriend
Big Freaking Hammer
Big Man on Campus
Bind man of the gun
Bland and Unobtrusive
Body the Speaks Volumes
Bone to Pick with Montrose
Born in the Blood
Born of Wealth
Born Teacher
Both the Player and the Played
Bound & Gagged
Boundless Virtue
Brave Facade
Bring Order to Chaos
Bringing Balance With Extreme Prejudice
Bros before Hoes
Built With His Own Hands
Burn Baby, Burn!
By Right of Conquest
By the Book?  What Book?
By the Spirits of the Night
Calm Sea of Insanity
Can't Touch This
Capenter Kid
Careful with finances
Catch Me Twice, Shame on Me
Catspaws Make Good Politics
Charlie Bronson's always got rope
Charming Accent
Chicago Police Detective
Chicks Dig Scars
Children of the Gun
Classically Cultured
Colt Made 'Em Equal
Come Out and Play
Communing With Fire
Compassion is for the Weak
Comrade of Contradictions
Consummate Survivor
Cooler than you
Corrupting Lies & Binding Ties
Countless Minions
Cruel and Vengeful
Cruel and Vicious
Cruel and Vindictive
Cry for Freedom
Cryptic Wisdom
Cult of Personality
Curvy and Lovely
Damage, Inc.
Damn the Torpedoes! Full Speed Ahead!
Danced with the Devil in the Pale Moonlight
Danger is My Middle Name
Darby Crane
Darkest just before the dawn
Data wants to be free
Dead Calm
Dead Ringer for Love
Dead Sexy
Death Must Be Conquered
Defends the Land with a Big Damn Gun
Deja Vu
Deliberate and Methodical
Die Alone, Dresden!
Disillusioned with the Jihad
Disposable Heroes
Do the Right Thing
Do You Like the Smell of Adventure?
Do You Want to Know a Secret
DoD Contract
Dominating Daddy Dearest
DON'T hurt my friends!
Don't Mess With Me
Don't Pass Me By
Don't Preach Where You Eat
Double Act
Dreams of Venice
Dresden is Mine
Dresden Owes Me, But Also Fascinates Me
Dresden Will Be My Slave
Drop Dead Gorgeous
Duct tape Wizard
Dumb Luck
Durendal (Holy Sword)
El Salvador
En Garde!
Enforce the Peace
Enjoys a Good Chat
Enter Sandman
Equal-Opportunity Destroyer
Esperacchius, Sword of Hope
Even Endings Must in Time
Every Day Matters
Every Goth Girl's Dream Guy
Every Problem Has a Solution
Everybody's Scared of Something
Everything in Moderation
Evil Don't Belong Here
Excuse me while I whip this out
Expert Among Novices
Eye of the Beholder
Eye of Thoth
F@ck You, I'm a Sea Serpent!
Façade of Weakness
Faded Photo of Me and My Love
Fae Debts Never Pay Off
Faerie Godbrothers
Fair Is Fair
Faith Demands Sacrifice
Faith in God, Faith in My Art, Faith in My .44
Faith that Moves Mountains
Family Gunsmith
Father Figure
Father of Karrin Murphy
Father of Rose Marcella's Baby
Father of Thomas and Lara Raith
Father, We Need Your Help
Favour of the Fairy Queen
Fear and Lust
Fear of The Heavens
Felix Ex Machina
Fellowship of St. Giles
Ferrovax the Dragon
Fighting Back the Monsters
Fixing a Hole
Fond Memories
For as long as I know how to love...
For every Season, Turn, Turn, Turn
For My Love I'd Shift The Planet's Axis
Forever Gamer
Forever Young
Forgive my Eyes
Former Army Officer
Former Lover of Harry Dresden
Former Paranormal Reporter
Former Porn Star
Foster father
Frail of Body, Not of Heart
Freeholding Lord
Friend of "Joseph"
Friend of Martha Liberty
Friend of McCoy
Friend of the Blackstaff
Friendly Neighborhood Venatori
Friends Are Family
Friends ARE Family
Friends in High Places
Friends in Weird Places
Frostmaiden's Frozen Fury
Generous of the Za Guard
Genius-Level Intelligence
Gentle and Sweet
Gentleman Snarker
Get Right With Me
Girl of Restored Faith
Give It the Good Old College Try
Glittering Prizes & Endless Compromises
Gone Away
Gone Straight Or At Least Trying
Gonzaga Bulldogs Ra! Ra! Ra!
Good Lookin' in a Bad Boy Kind of Way
Good… Bad… I'm the Guy with the Bat.
Got Backup?
Grampa's Mysterious Pocketwatch
Grew Up on the Mean Streets
Grounded and Competent
Guardian Angel
Guitar Gansters and Cadillac Blood
Guy/Girl Magnet
HA! I've seen scarier things inside my own damn head
Hail, Hail the Gang's All Here
Hair trigger reactions
Hammer of Justice
Happiness Is A Warm Gun
Harm My Men, and I'll Harm You
Harry Dresden's Apprentice
Harry Dresden's First Love
Harry's Faerie Godmother
Has a Creme for That
Have Blasting Rod, Will Travel
Have Sword, Will Stab
He wears a disguise to look like human guys, but he's not a man, he's Yeti/Bigfoot...
Heard It Through the Grapevine
Heavy Shoulders But A Light Heart
Heir to Montrose
Heir To The Lexis Empire
Hello Ladies
Helped Write The RPG
Helping the Helpless
Helping the Helpless
Here's the Plan
Hero of the Day
Hidden Sanctuary
Hiding From the White Council
Honky Tonk Badonkadonk
Honor Amont Thieves
Horror Fan
Hunter and the Hunted
Hunting for Truth in all the wrong places...
Hush Little Baby
I Ain't No Fruit
I AM my brother's keeper
I Am the Walrus
I Am What Comes Around
I bet you didn't expect...THIS
I Bump Back
I Can Feel the Earth Beneath My Feet
I Can Feel the Earth Beneath My Feet
I Can Fix That
I Demand Obedience
i dont give a shit who started it i'll finish it!
I Don't Know If I Trust Dresden, But He Gets Results
I don't Like Dresden But I Must Trust Him
I Dream of Jeannie
I Fear No Evil For You Are with Me
I Felt Compassion... Once
I Get Paid To Do Crazy Stuff
I Had the Love in My Eyes
I Hate the Person I've Become
I Have a Work Order
I Have Chosen Mortality
I Have It
I Jumped, You Damn Better Catch Me
I Just Happened to Be in the Neighborhood
I Just Want To Be Normal
I Just Wasn't Made for These Times
I Know What I'm Doing
I Know Your Name
I Make It Look Easy!
I Make This Ego Look Good
I May Be a Crook, But at Least I'm Not Crooked
I Must Fight My Demon
I Must Look Out For Myself First
I Must Regain My Station
I Must Survive
I Never Ask Nicely
I Never Took a Case I Didn't Finish
I Pray For You
I Put A Spell On You
I Rejoice over the Corpses of Knights
I Remember Where I Came From
I see a little sillowetto of a man
I See Ley Lines
I Trust My Instincts
I Want to Make a Difference
I want to ride my bicycle
I Wield Forces You Couldn't Possibly Understand
I Will Be Worthy of Father's Sword
I Work for a Man I Love and Hate
Icy Beauty
I'd have to say it was a good day
I'd Lie for You (And That's the Truth)
If all else fails hit it... alot
If At First You Don't Succeed, Keep Asking the Same Damn Question
If I Can Find Redemption, Anyone Can
If I Can't, Nobody Else Will
If I Didn't Have Bad Luck, I Wouldn't Have Any Luck at All
If It Ain't Broke, Break It
If the Ref Doesn't See It, It's Legal
If You Can Do, Teach Anyway
Ignored by My Superiors
I'll be back!
Illusion & Dream
I'm Everybody's Friend ... Until I'm Not
I'm Famous on the Internet, You Don't Even Know
I'm going to be a lady if it kills me
I'm Just a Face in the Crowd
I'm Korean!  Damn It!
I'm Looking Through You
I'm lost and I'm found
I'm Loyal to Those Who Are Loyal to Me
I'm Not a Trendy A$$hole
I'm Not As Young As I Look
I'm Not Dead Yet!
I'm on a boat
I'm on a Horse
I'm On My Side
I'm So Lonely I Could Cry
Imma Let You Finish
Improvised Backup Plans
In Love With Bobby
In Love with Georgia
In Love with Susan
In Love with Will Borden
In My Client's Defense
In Soviet Russia, problem solves you!
In Your Dreams
Indomitable Will
Inexperienced, but not Dumb
Instant Karma
Intimidated by the White Council
Iron Will
It‘s My Responsibility
It’s lighter than it looks?
It's a Good Thing I Thought of That
I've Always Liked a Good Challenge
I've read a lot about it
Jane of All Trades
Jennifer Stanton and Tommy Tomm Are My Friends
Jolly Ol' Spekkio
Judge, Djinn and Executioner
Just in Time
Just the combination of preparedness and opportunity
Just the Facts
Justice Is A Cruel Lover
Justine Is My Hostage
Justine is My True Love
Kain's Return
Karma Chameleon
Keep it Simple
Keeper of The Files of Harry Blackstone Copperfield Dresden
Keeping The Faith
Killboy Powerhead
Kincaid's Contract
Kind But Resolute
King of the Freezer Aisle
Knights Of The 21st Cenutry
Knowledge Is My Shield
Knowledge Is the Great Equalizer
Knows where all the bodies are buried
Knows Where To Find Me
Kolchak’s Curiosity
Krav Maga
Ladies Love a Hero
Laid Back, With My Mind on My Money and My Money on My Mind
Laser Focus
Last Man Standing
Layla Chambers is my Partner
Lead the Hunt
Lea's Athame
Legacy of Kings
Leonardo's Inventions Part 2
Let The Dead Rest
Lifetimes of Experience
Like A Boss
Like Fire and Ice... Don't Opposites Atrract?
Like The Wind
Like Toy Soldiers
Little Black Book of Contacts
Little Brother
Little Deuce Coupe
Little Fighter
Little Lion Man
Little Old Lady From Pasadena
Live Life to the Fullest
Live to Work
Living by the Letter of the Law
Living for Mom & Dad
Locked or Unlocked, It's All the Same To Me
Long & Lean
Long Arm of the Law
Look Again
Look What I Can Do!
Look, a Kitty!
Look'Em In The Eye!
Looking For a Place to Rest
Looks Can Be Deceiving
Looks Out for the Little Guy
Losing My Humanity
Lost Items Found
Love and War
Love is Our Resistance
Loveable Rogue
Lovely Rita
Lover of Rachel
Loves God, Wife, and Country
Loves to Win
Loving Family
Loyal Minions
Loyal to a Fault
Loyal to Alexandra
Loyal to Marcone
Loyal to My Brother
Loyalty for Sale

Offline Amelia Crane

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Re: List of aspects
« Reply #13 on: November 19, 2010, 10:47:49 PM »
List of Other Aspect (part 2, M to Z)

Magic from Beyond
Magic is a Utility Knife
Making Believe
Mama's Boy
Man vs. Wild
Man with No Name
Manipulative Jerk
Marcone's Assistant
Marcone's Bodyguard
Marcone's Enforcer
Marcone's Thug
Marcone's Unfaithful Lieutenant
Martha My Dear
Master of All Minions
Master of Harry Dresden
Master of useless knowledge
Mavra, My Mentor
Maybe Tomorrow is a Better Day
Me I'm Not
Meaning of Life
Men...You will only be risking your lives. Whilst I will be risking an almost certain Academy Award nomination for Best Supporting Actor
Mentor to Molly Carpenter
Mercy Has No Place in the Law
Merlin's Ally
Mi Familia
Middle English in Middle America
Missus Rick Boughton
Modern Day Saint
Modern Society Kicks Your Ass
Moe the Gorilla
Molly & Rosie & Me, BFFs
Molly and Drea and Me, BFFs
Money-Colored Eyes
More Agile Than he Looks
More Degrees Than a Thermometer
More Power Than Smarts
More than Skin Deep
Mortimer Louis Abernathy III
Mount Aki Erupts
Moves Like a Ninja
Murphy Pays the Bills
Murphy's Ex, Now In-Law
Murphy's Got My Back
Murphy's Kid Sister
Murphy's Partner
Music Flew From His Pipes So Wild and Fiery
Musician's Soul
Must Destroy Whole and Healthy Things
Mustang Sally
My Apocalypse
My Apprentice
My Common Sense is Tingling
My Dear Brother
My Dear Phoebe
My Face Tells You Nothing
My Faith Is My Shield, My Shotgun's for the Zombies
My Father Told Me, "If It's Worth Making, It's Worth Making Right."
My Father's Old Six-gun
My Father's Son
My field of corn is but a crop of tears
My Friends Need Me
My Grandfather's Pocketwatch
My Grandpa left it to me
My Grandpa's Trusty Six-Shooter
My Hatred Is Boundless
My Life as a butterfly’s flapping wing
My Loyalty is my Strength
My Mentor is a White Court Vampire
My Mind is My Own
My Mother's Pentacle
My Mother's Silver Pentacle
My motivation an oath I've sworn to defend
My Old Teacher Finn
My only keepsake is her bracelet
My Own Personal Jesus
My Sword is Part of Me
My Vengeance Will Be Terrible
My Violent Heart
My Whim Is Your Command
My Wife The Witch
Nerdier Than a College Professor
Never Back Down
Never stops hunting
Never Tell Me the Odds
Never Trust a Warden
Never Without My Minions
Never Without My Zombies
Nevernever Land Friends
New Place, Same Place
New Powers Rising, And I've Picked A Side
Nick of Time
Nigh Invincible
No Compromises on the Laws
No Greater Love
No guts, no glory
No Mercy
No Mercy But No Cruelty
No More Christmas Cards
No One Is Stronger Than Throgbal!
No Power in The 'Verse
No Reason We Can't Be Civilized
No Time for Bullies
Noblesse Oblige
Nobody Beats Up My Sister But Me
Nobody Else for the Job But Us
Norwegian Wood
Not as Much of a Jerk as He Seems
Not Human, Not Monster, But Free
Not So Subtle, Still Quick to Anger
Nothing is Forever
Not-So-Common Law
Not-So-Dynamic Duo
Now I know my Z, Y, X
Now We Are Free
Nowhere is really home
Nowhere Man
Objects in the Rear View Mirror May Appear Closer Than They Are
Obsessed with Adrian Ronquillo
Of course it's genuine
Of Course You Do
Oh my god he's Kirk!
OLD Fashioned Kind of Guy
Old Mans Mind in a Young Man's Body
Old Money, New Problems
Old School
Old World Order
Old Yeller
Old-Fashioned People
Omnia Dicta Fortiora si Dicta Latina
On A Steel Horse I Ride
On Marcone's Payroll
On The Edge Of Honour
On the Rise
On the Shoulders of Giants
Once a Gruff, always a Troll-killer
One Does Not Simply Rock Into Mordor
One Failure was more than enough
One Hand, An Axe
One Riot, One Ranger
One tin soldier rides away
Only my third eye can see
Operative A
Order of Saint Agnes
Ostracized Orphan
Outlaw Gunrunner
Paid in Meat
Passion Colors Everything
Patience is Usually a Virtue
Patient and Quiet
Patient Observer
Pay the Man
People Need to Wake Up
Pick and choose!
Pillar of the Community
Plans Within Plans
Plays the Dumb Jock
Political Survivor
Politician Among Thugs
Politics Is My Favorite Game
Polka Will Never Die!
Poorly Worded Laws Make My Day
Power Beyond Measure
Power Booster
Power is My Drug of Choice
Praise the Lord and pass the Ammunition
Precision is Everything
Precision Trumps Power
Prey and Lover
Pride Goeth Before Everything
Priestess of Nyx
Prim and Proper
Prison Tats
Privilege Makes Me Cynical
Protect the Archive
Protect the Herd
Protective Patron
Proud, But Loyal to the Za Lord
Pursuit of power
Put the Pieces Together
Put Your Heart and Soul Into Your Craft
Question Everything
Quick Draw
Quick to Anger
Quiet as a Mouse
Quiet Confidence
Raised on Ambrosia and Nectar
Ran with the outfit once… didn't last
Rapier Wit
Real Life Action Hero
Rebelling with honesty
Record Pack-Rat
Red Court Prey
Red Oni, Blue Oni
Reluctant Hero
Rest and Forget Your Pain
Resurrected Rite, Came Back Wrong
Revenge is Best Served with Extra Tentacles
Rhythm of Earth, Wind, and Sky
Ride It Down
Right Action, Wrong Reason
Right Makes Might
Right Place at the Right Time
Righteous Wrath
Righteousness Is Not the Same as Temperance
Rocket Queen
Roll the Bones
Rosanna Broke My Heart and Their Hold
Rugged as the Road
Run Through the Jungle
Ruthless Predator
Sadly, He Isn't Me
Sanctuary Provider
Save a Horse, Ride A Cowboy
Savvy as Hell
Scent and a sound
Screw the Rules, I've Got Tenure!
Secretly Insecure
Self Esteem
Self-Taught Rough 'n Tumble Magic
Sense of Honor
Sex Appeal
Shades of Grey
She Blinded me with Science!
Shock and Awe
Show Don't Tell
Sidhe Grace
Silly Rabbit, Tricks are for Kids!
Sing a song of six-pence
Skeptical of Harry Dresden
Skeptical Park Ranger
Slippery Son-of-a-Bitch
Smack it up.  Flip it.  Rub it down.
Small and Wily
Smart Where I Need to Be
Smarter Than They Think
Smoke and Mirrors
Smooth as Silk
So Cul!
So you want to be a Wizard
Some of my best friends are quadropeds
Something Else Again
Something to Prove
Sometime Apprentice of Harry Dresden
Sometimes Merry, Sometimes Furious
Son of a Son of a Sailor
Soul of Carbon Dioxide, Tongue of Hydrochloric Acid
Southern Gentleman
Speak Softly But Carry a Big Stick
Special Investigations
Spirit Sword
Spirited Away
Spirits Guide Me
Spoiled rich kid in one world, red-headed stepchild in another
Spoiling For A Fight
St. Giles Fellow
St. Mary of the Angels is My Fortress
Stabbing at the Toes of Giants
Stacked Deck
Stand Up for the Little Guy
Star of the Show
Steel and Snare
Steel Scales, Steel Blades
Still Counting
Still I Dream of It
Strange Things Happen
Street Racer with Friends and Enemies
Street Smarts
Strength and Honor
Stronger Than All
Stubborn as a Mule
Student of Luccio
Stunningly Handsome
Subtlety Is Its Own Power
Sucker for a Pretty Face
Sucker for the Kids
Sucker for the Legs
Suckled on a Silver Spoon
Supernatural Cherry
Supernatural Entrepreneur
Supernatural Free Agent
Supernatural Hitman
Supernatural Witness Protection
Surprise Is a Most Deadly Weapon
Swan Dive
Sweet Caroline
Sword of Summer's Flame
Sword of the Cross
Swordsman Beyond Compare
Swordsman Without Peer
Tall But Hidden
Tea is Sacred
Teacher of Harry Dresden
Teacher of Magic
Teacher of the Alphas
Technology is the Great Equalizer
Teen Horror Fan
Tell Me What You See
Temple of Dreams
That Going to Hurt later
That’s your cunning plan?
The Animus 2.0
The Best Night of Your Life
The Bible Never Said Anything About This…
The Building Was on Fire and It Wasn't My Fault
The Burned Hand Teaches Fear
The Camera Eye
The Children of Wickedness Will Not Afflict Us
The Council Ignored Me, So I Ignored Them
The Council Ignored Me, So I Ignored Them
The Dark Star
The Deliverator
The Emperor is Dead
The Few and the Proud
The Fool Is My Tarot Card
The Fountain of Youth
The Future House
The Girl With April in Her Eyes
The Good Soldier
The Great Destroyer
The Heat of the Moment
The Hellhound
The Job Comes First
The Kids Aren't Alright
The Law Gets In the Way of Justice
The Little Sprite
The Lord Is My Shepherd
The Madam
The Mantle of Royalty is Heavy
The Might of Rome
The Mighty Pen
The New Pantheon
The Only Thing Keeping You Alive Is My Self-Control
The Others Are My Patsies
The Plague
The Power of Love
The Quick and the Dead
The Renegade
The Rhythm of Cause and Effect
The Right Man in the Wrong Place
The Second Truth From The Left
The Shadow has a Will of its Own
The Skavis
The Spear Dances With a Mind of its Own
The Strong, Silent Type
The supernatural is the answer, even when it isn’t
The Tea is Free, Ammunition Costs Extra
The things I do for friends
The Truth Is Out There
The Warning
There Has Got To Be an Explanation
There Is No Business Like Showbusiness
There is no Soul but Hatha Guardian
There's Always a Story
There's Always Time to Stop and Think
There's Nothing I Can't Do
They Call Me "Dr. Love"
They Never Taught Us This In School...
Thieving is in My Blood
Think For Yourself
Thirst for Knowledge
This Aint My First Rodeo
This Is MY House
This quiet damsel won't wait in distress
This Situation Calls for a Swan Dive
Thomas Is My Brother
Thomas Raith's True Love
Ticket to Ride
Time to Call the Mayor
To My Dear Friends
To Protect and Serve
To Serve and Protect
To Serve and Protect
Tombstone Shadow
Too Good For His Own Good
Too legit, too legit to quit
Too Stupid to Quit
Toto Sees It Coming
Tower of Faith
Track the Prey
Trained by Tera West
Triple Exes
True Courage
True Love
Truely Hopeful at Heart
Trust Fund Baby
Trusty Toolbox
Truth Written On My Face
Turn the other cheek
Twin Brother of Madeline Raith
Two Against the World
Two Birds with One Stone
Two Tickets to That Thing You Love
Two-Fisted Warden
Uncommon Sense
Under Murphy's Skin
Under the Radar
Undercover Ghoul
Undying Devotion
Unusual Resources
Uptown Girl
Virginal Ladies' Man
Volunteer Do-Gooder
War Stories
Was in special forces before I had a high school diploma
Watches Susan's Back
We Who Are About to Die, Salute You
Well Grounded
Well... Things just got really interesting!
what doesn't kill me makes me stronger
What? I found this rolex.
Whatever Gets the Job Done
Whatever is done for love always occurs beyond good and evil
Whatever It Takes
Whatever it takes to protect them
What's Behind Door Number Two?
What's in our Hand?
what's next on my bucket list?
What's This Big Red Button Do?
Where did we get all this magical junk?
Whether You Want It or not
White Blank Page
White Knight Syndrome
White Knight Wreathed in Flames
White Lies
Why am I so willin, to be the villain? (I'm only killin' my self)
Why Put Off Until Tomorrow
Wife of Nicodemus
Wily & Savvy
Winter Winds
Winter's Pity
Wisdom of the Ages
Wit is my blade, sarcasm my shield
With a Little Help From My Friends
With a Little Help From My friends
Woah-Oh! Witchy Woman, She just makes me Fly!
Working For My Mobster Godson
Yeah, here come the Rooster!
'Yo Easy, why's your fly like that?' Easy access!
You and Me
You Call That a Knife, This is a Knife
You Call yourself "God of War"
You Can't Say No To Mom
You Can't Tell Me What To Do (Unless You Can)
You shall not pass!
You Tell Me
You Will Not Harm This Animal
You Won't See Me
Your Own Game Against You
You're on a Boat
You're Safer At Armslength
Yup, that was me
Zealotry in the Cause of Justice Is No Vice
Zen and the Art of Movement

Offline Amelia Crane

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Re: List of aspects
« Reply #14 on: November 19, 2010, 10:50:04 PM »
As a note, I omitted Denarian and Faerie and Red Court aspects as they are generally not playable characters.  A total of 1,774 aspects.