Author Topic: Custom Spell Compilation Thread  (Read 40329 times)

Offline Mindflayer94

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Custom Spell Compilation Thread
« on: November 11, 2010, 12:02:16 PM »
While working on a spell for a warden in my group this morning, I realized that we don't have a cutom spell thread (for either evocations, or thaumatgury), so I figured I'd make one. I'll start us off, with the spell I made for the warden:

Type: Thaumaturgy, Necromancy
Complexity: 60 (the cost of restoring a 4 stress character who's used all their consequences * 2.5 to represent the difficulty to raise the dead)
Duration: Permanent
Effect: The target is brought back to life, although they must change their high concept to something that reflects their time in death.

« Last Edit: December 21, 2010, 05:46:19 PM by Mindflayer94 »
DV Mindflayer94 v1.2 YR3 FR2 BK+++ RP++++ JB TH++++ WG+ CL--- SW BC++ !MC SH[Murphy+++]

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Re: Custom Spell Compilation Thread
« Reply #1 on: November 11, 2010, 03:24:56 PM »
I'd love to add to this thread, but just to say before I do, you might want to make a note about how that breaks at least 1 law wide open, and also quite possibly draws the attention of...things... since no one knows where souls actually go.

Offline devonapple

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« Reply #2 on: November 11, 2010, 05:44:52 PM »
Type: Shadow evocation, defensive maneuver
Power: 3 shifts (more for duration)
Target: Caster
Duration: One exchange
Effect: This maneuver counters one scene Aspect related to or defining darkness in a zone, only for the caster. This has the advantage of allowing the caster to see in the dark, without alerting opponents to the caster's position.
Variations: Casters may want to extend the duration, or add zones to see farther in the darkness.
« Last Edit: November 11, 2010, 06:02:19 PM by devonapple »
"Like a voice, like a crack, like a whispering shriek
That echoes on like it’s carpet-bombing feverish white jungles of thought
That I’m positive are not even mine"

Blackout, The Darkest of the Hillside Thickets

Offline Lanodantheon

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Re: Custom Spell Compilation Thread
« Reply #3 on: November 11, 2010, 05:58:04 PM »
Here's a few I am designing for a Camp Kaboom Honor Student/AAAA Warden character for my Seattle Game when I don't have to GM.

The Unraveler aka The Most Delicate Fire Spell on The Planet

This spell resulted from an argument between 2 co-ed Apprentice Wardens over whether or not you could make a Fire Spell that didn't blow something up or burn it to cinders. The Guy submitted this one, which uses the Purifying and Subtle Destructive Power of Fire Magic.

Translucent Energy the color of the sun is launched at the target either as a bolt(single target) or a wide glob (Zone-wide). Whatever the energy hits absorbs the energy and is then...Unraveled. The spell doesn't actually destroy anything, just takes things apart at the connecting bits. Stitches unstitced, thread unwoven, bolts pop out, etc. Anything Fleshy hit by it is well.....

It ended up stripping both Apprentices naked in the middle of the New Mexico Desert. (But only because the Female offered to have sex with him....)

Type: Fire Evocation, Offensive Attack

Power: varies on Caster. 6 for this example

Control: Discipline plus appropriate specializations and focus items

Target: one target for this version. can be made into a zone-wide attack if shifts of strength are sacrificed

Opposed by:  Athletics for Single target, Endurance for zone-wide since it would hit everything in the zone.

Effect: Strength 6 attack Unravels the Target. It doesn't destroy the component pieces, so objects hit by the attack become scene aspects like, A Pile of Gun Parts

Consequences for this Spell would include, Very Naked and Falling Apart at The Seams.

Variations: The Zone-wide version hits everything in a zone.


This spell also resulted from that argument between 2 co-ed Apprentice Wardens over whether or not you could make a Fire Spell that didn't blow something up or burn it to cinders. The Girl submitted this one, using Fire Magic to freeze something.  

The Caster stops the movement of heat in an area either by using brute force to stop it or spreading the heat out so evenly there is no thermal plume. Note: since this messes with Heat and not water, it won't change the amount moisture in the area. Strength 4 attack to everything in the Zone

Type: Fire Evocation, Offensive Attack

Power: Varies Example uses 6 shifts 4 for power 2 for the zone

Control: Discipline plus appropriate specializations and focus items

Target: 1 Zone

Opposed by: Endurance

Effect: Strength 4 attack to everything in the Zone Consequences should include Frost-bitten

Fro-Zone Cage

Forces heat out of the area to freeze a target solid, temporarily

Type: Fire Evocation, Offensive Maneuver

Power: Varies, example uses 6 shifts 3 for maneuver 3 for duration

Control: Discipline plus appropriate specializations and focus items

Target: 1 Target

Opposed by: Endurance or Might

Duration: 4 Exchanges

Effect: Applies the Frozen or Meat Popsicle Aspect to the Target for 3 exchanges

Variations: Could be made Zone-wide with additional Shifts.
« Last Edit: November 11, 2010, 06:09:59 PM by Lanodantheon »  (Nov 2012 Campaign of The Month)
(June 2016 Campaign of The Month)

My name is Lanodantheon Thul, Conjure that by your own risk....But first, you have be able to spell it...

Offline Belial666

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Re: Custom Spell Compilation Thread
« Reply #4 on: November 11, 2010, 06:42:10 PM »
Here are a few example spells for prospective Dark Lords, cultists of the Old Ones, really bad really strong warlocks and Outsiders with magical abilities;


Dark Banishing: weapon 16 physical attack vs athletics that slowly forces the target out of phase with reality. Take Out forces target into another plane of existence.
Feed the Darkness: weapon 14 zone attack vs discipline that slowly drains the victims' energy and feeds it to dark powers. Take Out forces the victims into exhausted sleep.
Darkfade: 11-shift veil - the caster becomes slightly out of synch with time and reality, thus becoming invisible.
Circle of Power: the caster requests the aid of the Dark Powers. This applies the sticky aspects "Dark Gift", "Inhuman Focus", "Dark Energies" and "Unnatural Power" that can only be tagged for destructive purposes.
Grasp of the Void: 14-shift, duration 2 grapple vs might, as per the orbius spell. The caster must usually pay for duration increase in following rounds.


Sightblinder: 12-23 shifts summoning via diabolism. The caster summons power from Outside and infuses an object or person with it. Anyone looking at said person or object with Sight or similar abilities for the following day faces a horrendous vision through the Sight with power equal to the strength of the Sightblinder. A typical sightblinder will momentarily stun a wizard and force them to close their Sight. A verypowerful sightblinder can turn a wizard into a raving lunatic that tries to write down protective wards using his own eye fluids as ink. The spell is NOT discriminatory; the "protected" creature also faces the horrendous vision if it employs such divination. Do note that, unless countered, the energy of the spell dissipates into the world when the spell ends and effects minor changes, taking the world a very small step towards corruption...
Dark One's Claim: 18-29 shifts barrier via disruption/diabolism. The caster warps the area, creating an unnatural barrier of Outside energy that blocks the passage of and attempts to obliterate those trying to pass. This works similar to a warding except that it does not stack with a threshold or holy ground. (in fact, it acts in opposition to such forces). Do note that, unless countered, the energy of the spell dissipates into the world when the spell ends and effects minor changes, taking the world a very small step towards corruption...
Despoil: 12-23 shifts disruption. The caster unleashes a bolt of corrupting Outside energy that attempts to violate a non-Outsider barrier or threshold such as the sanctity of a home or holy ground. The spell does get weakened by the threshold but the remaining energy acts as an attack against the threshold it seeks to violate. Do note that, unless countered, the energy of the spell dissipates into the world when the spell ends and effects minor changes, taking the world a very small step towards corruption...
Veilripper: 16+ shifts disruption. The caster makes a tear in the fabric of the Veil that separates the physical world from another dimension - usually the NeverNever but also works with the Outside. Unlike with worldwalking, the intention is not a stable gateway through which creatures can easily travel that closes after a few minutes; the result of this spell is too strong, too disruptive to the Veil to close naturally (practically, it has enough shifts to always resist the Veil's attempts to heal). Unless dispelled, it stays up for a long time. Naturally, there are some agencies that frown on the weakening or tearing of the Veil...
Have-a-Squid: 16 shifts diabolism. The caster uses a sympathetic link to a location or target to summon an Outsider (such as a tentacled horror) practically on top of them, hungry and primed to eat them. The caster neither binds nor controls the Outsider herself - she merely summons one that is already hungry. As such, while this is a blatant violation of the 7th Law, it does not violate the 1st Law. The target must fight off the Outsider, run like hell, or be devoured (his choice). The Outsider, after the victim is eaten or flees, is free to do what Outsiders do when they come to our reality. It's not that Elena cares that much about it.

Offline devonapple

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Re: Custom Spell Compilation Thread
« Reply #5 on: November 11, 2010, 08:37:55 PM »
Curse of Night
Type: Shadow evocation, offensive, adjudicated as a block
Power: 5 shifts
Control: roll Discipline plus any items or specializations
Target: One target in line-of-sight
Duration: 3 exchanges
Opposed by: Target's Athletics skill
Effect: Target suffers a block against all actions due to blindness.

Type: Shadow evocation, offensive maneuver
Power: 4 Shifts [2 stress]
Control: roll Discipline plus any items or specializations
Target: One target in line-of-sight
Duration: 2 exchanges unless extended
Effect: Summons a whip of shadows which the caster can use to perform maneuvers, usually to place Aspects such as Off Balance, Tied Up, or On the Ground.

Umbral Betrayal
Type: Tenebromancy ritual, transformation
Complexity: Varies; 16 shifts in this case, 9 shifts for the target's Discipline, and 7 for increased duration
Duration: A few days
Effect: Target gains the Aspect: My Shadow Betrays Me. In the vicinity of the caster, the target's shadow will call attention to the target. This will serve to warn the caster of the target's presence (the aspect can be tagged for an Alertness roll), and if the target was a shapeshifter, this can also be tagged to let the caster see through the ruse.
Variations: The caster may opt to reduce the duration, or apply it to more targets.
Notes: Assumes the target has a Great (+4) Discipline. Requires a symbolic link to the target.

"Like a voice, like a crack, like a whispering shriek
That echoes on like it’s carpet-bombing feverish white jungles of thought
That I’m positive are not even mine"

Blackout, The Darkest of the Hillside Thickets

Offline Lanodantheon

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Re: Custom Spell Compilation Thread
« Reply #6 on: November 11, 2010, 10:20:02 PM »
Here are some more possible spells designed for that same AAAA Warden. This time it's Earth Magic.

Resonance Wave Pulse Thingie (Lethal Version)

The Caster appears to be singing a note when casting this, but the sound doesn't matter. This spell uses Earth magic energy to Resonate materials on the target like bones, metal and such. 

Type: Earth Evocation, Offensive Attack

Power: varies on Caster. 5 for this example

Control: Discipline plus appropriate specializations and focus items

Target: one Target

Opposed by: Endurance

Effect: Strength 5 hit. Possible Consequences may include Shaken (but not stirred)

Variations: Shifts could make this into an area spell

Resonance Thingie (Non-Lethal Version)

Use said Resonance wave to blow out ear drums or otherwise disorient the target.

Type: Earth Evocation, Offensive Maneuver

Power: varies on Caster. 5 for this example 3 for Aspect, 2 for extra duration

Control: Discipline plus appropriate specializations and focus items

Target: one Target

Opposed by: Discipline

Effect: Places Shaken, Stunned or Dazed Aspect on the Target

Variations: Shifts could make this into an area spell or extend the duration

Gravity Press

More Elegant version of what Harry used in It's My Birthday Too. It uses Gravity to stomp the target like a beer can.

Type: Earth Evocation, Offensive Attack

Power: varies on Caster. 5 for this example

Control: Discipline plus appropriate specializations and focus items

Target: One Target

Opposed by: Might

Effect: Atlas Laughs Hysterically.   Strength 5 hit. Possible Consequences may include Crushed or Beer-canned

Variations: Shifts could make this into an area spell

Gravity Cage

Like the above, this spell holds people down rather than just crushing them.

Type: Earth Evocation, Offensive Grapple

Power: varies on Caster. 7 for this example 5 for Power, 2 for extra shifts.

Control: Discipline plus appropriate specializations and focus items

Target: one Target

Opposed by: Might

Effect: Places a Strength 5 Block on the Target lasting for 3 exchanges.

I might have done Gravity Cage wrong..... Help plz?  (Nov 2012 Campaign of The Month)
(June 2016 Campaign of The Month)

My name is Lanodantheon Thul, Conjure that by your own risk....But first, you have be able to spell it...

Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: Custom Spell Compilation Thread
« Reply #7 on: November 11, 2010, 10:44:18 PM »
I've been planning to make a thread like this for a while, but being the incurable procrastinator that I am I never got around to it. Thanks for doing this, Mindflayer.

Anyway, I've got some sample wards for you all. Not creative, but hopefully useful.

Long-Term Alarm Ward
Type: Warding ritual
Complexity: 10
Duration: A season
Effect: A 0 shift ward that alerts the caster (through a portable symbolic link) whenever someone moves over it.
Notes: This is one of the basic wards employed by the Magical Security Expert character on the Generic NPC thread.

Basic Security Ward
Type: Warding ritual
Complexity: 10
Duration: A week
Effect: A 4 shift ward that alerts you when it is attacked. A special key will allow you to bypass it.
Notes: This is one of the basic wards employed by the Magical Security Expert character on the Generic NPC thread.

Death Curse Ward
Type: Warding ritual
Complexity: 26
Duration: A few mortal lifetimes
Effect: An 11 shift ward that can be bypassed only by relatives of the caster.
Notes: Requires some of the caster’s blood. Intended as a death curse for a wizard who wants to protect their family in the future.

Fortress Ward
Type: Warding ritual
Complexity: 17
Duration: A few days
Effect: A 10 shift ward with a 6 shift evocation that is triggered when the ward is breached.
Notes: For when everything’s gone wrong and you need to be safe for a few days.

Selective Trap Ward
Type: Warding ritual
Complexity: 11
Duration: A week
Effect: A 0 shift ward with a 7 shift evocation that is triggered when the ward is breached by a White Court Vampire.
Variations: Doesn’t have to target White Court Vampires. Could be anything.
Notes: Requires a vial of White Court Vampire blood. For when you want to give an unwelcome guest a nasty surprise.

Summoning Ward
Type: Warding ritual/Summoning ritual
Complexity: 16
Duration: A few weeks
Effect: A 5 shift ward that with a 8 shift summoning ritual that is triggered when the ward is breached.
Notes: Intended as an interesting form of security for the PCs to deal with.

PS: You need to tag or invoke an aspect to grapple someone physically. Shouldn't you need to do the same if you want to block all actions with magic?


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Re: Custom Spell Compilation Thread
« Reply #8 on: November 11, 2010, 10:52:47 PM »
PS: You need to tag or invoke an aspect to grapple someone physically. Shouldn't you need to do the same if you want to block all actions with magic?

Nope, look at the Orbius spell example in Your Story.

Offline devonapple

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Re: Custom Spell Compilation Thread
« Reply #9 on: November 11, 2010, 11:05:05 PM »
Nope, look at the Orbius spell example in Your Story.

I reskinned the Orbius spell to make a "Shadow Choke" spell, but I didn't feel it was different enough to post here as a new spell.
"Like a voice, like a crack, like a whispering shriek
That echoes on like it’s carpet-bombing feverish white jungles of thought
That I’m positive are not even mine"

Blackout, The Darkest of the Hillside Thickets

Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: Custom Spell Compilation Thread
« Reply #10 on: November 11, 2010, 11:12:56 PM »
I don't think that Orbius blocks all actions. Although the description does say grapple, the description doesn't say that it blocks anything. The variations suggest using it to block someone's actions by binding their hands and feet. This, to me, implies that the ordinary version does not block those actions.

Besides, if Orbius does block all actions then it's incredibly overpowered. A full grapple, plus damage? That's insane!


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Re: Custom Spell Compilation Thread
« Reply #11 on: November 11, 2010, 11:17:36 PM »
I don't think that Orbius blocks all actions. Although the description does say grapple, the description doesn't say that it blocks anything. The variations suggest using it to block someone's actions by binding their hands and feet. This, to me, implies that the ordinary version does not block those actions.

Besides, if Orbius does block all actions then it's incredibly overpowered. A full grapple, plus damage? That's insane!

Not really, the roll needed to overcome it isn't horrible from the example so I would hardly call it broken.

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Re: Custom Spell Compilation Thread
« Reply #12 on: November 12, 2010, 12:58:28 AM »
I think we are taking this thread off topic. I'll make a new one, okay?

Offline Xilver

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Re: Custom Spell Compilation Thread
« Reply #13 on: November 12, 2010, 02:12:24 AM »
I've been playing an earth channeling "pseudo-scientist"  with a thaumaturgic focus on geomancy. Here are some spells I've developed to support that theme.


Nuclear Magnetic Resonance
Type: Earth Defensive (Magnetism)
Power: 5
Target: Zone
Effect: Allows the caster to see elements in their magnetic spectrum with the potential to see through flesh masks and veils.

Type: Earth Offensive (Gravity)
Power: 8
Target: 3 ft. Radius in Caster’s zone
Opposed by: Target’s athletics
Effect: +8 Attack, 3 ft. Blackhole appears at target

Soliton Wave
Type: Earth Offensive (Gravity)
Power: 7
Target: Enemy / Friendly
Opposed by: Target’s athletics
Effect: 2 Duration, Gravitational wave applies force to move the target in the direction of the casters choosing.

Type: Earth Offensive (Gravity)
Power: 8
Target: Zone
Opposed by: Target’s Endurance
Effect: +3 Weapon, Fuses atmosphere in 1 zone, imbues target with Blind aspect for 2 Duration (sunlight catch)

Type: Earth Offensive (Gravity)
Power: 10
Target: Unlucky Soul
Effect: Earth erupts around and opponent and then collapses to crush him. (Can be a zone attack instead)

Type: Earth Offensive (Mineral)
Power: 7
Target: Enemy
Opposed by: Target’s endurance
Effect: This spell slowly turns a targets flesh to calcite 4 Duration, 3 Grapple, 1 Stress each turn (Orbis YS294)

Type: Earth Offensive (Magnetism)
Power: 6
Target: Enemy in sight
Opposed by: Target’s athletics
Effect: +4 Duration, Inflicts Stunned aspect on target

Electro-Magnetic Pulse
Type: Earth Offensive (Deliberate Hexing, Stress-free)
Power: 6
Target: Zone
Effect: +4 Tech Damage, disables electronics, cars and modern guns.

Type: Earth Offensive (Stone)
Power: 7
Target: Enemy in sight
Opposed by: Target’s athletics
Effect: Casts 7 Weapon:1 disks of stone at the targets.  Multiple may be aimed at the same target.

Type: Earth defensive (Gravity)
Power: 4
Target: 3 ft. Radius in Caster’s zone
Opposed by: Target’s athletics
Effect: Imposes Weightless aspect target, negates falling damage. Power shifts increase duration.

Electromagnetic Attunement
Type: Earth Defensive (Earth)
Power: 5
Target: Friendly
Effect: Gives target +2 Alertness vs. surprise for 3 exchanges  by allowing detection of bioelectric or magical fields
Note: See Subtle Evocations YS294

Type: Earth Defensive (Stone)
Power: 5
Target: Caster, Friendly in zone or zone border
Effect: +3 Block, +2 Duration, Raises a temporary stonewall to block an attack.

Type: Earth Defensive (Stone)
Power: 5
Target: Friendly
Effect: +2 Armor for target for 2 rounds

Jagged Earth
Type: Earth Offensive (Stone)
Power: 6
Target: Zone
Opposed by: Target’s stealth
Effect: Creates stone spikes on the ground in the zone.
4 Damage, 2 Duration


Type: Geomancy (Teleportation)
Power: 8
Target: 3 ft. Radius in Caster’s zone (Dest. Linked)
Effect: Open a 30 sec. gateway to an object prepared by the caster

Gravitational Distortion
Type: Geomancy (Transformation)
Power: 6 – 20
Target: Zone
Effect: Inflicts “Power” damage on inanimate objects and barriers.

Metallurgic Manipulation
Type: Geomancy (Transformation)
Power: 3-10 (depending on size & complexity)
Target: Object
Effect:  This is a catch-all manipulation spell for metals & metalloids. Uses: Unlock locks, counterfeit coins.

Type: Geomancy (Divination)
Power: 8
Target: Linked
Effect: Use a pendulum and map to find the location of a target.  Requires symbolic link.
Note: use  additional levels to find hidden targets

Magnetic Divination
Type: Geomancy (Divination)
Power: 8
Target: Linked
Effect: Aligns Iron filings to give a picture of what the target is doing.  Ala Wooly Willy.

Electroweak Psychometry
Type: Geomancy (Divination)
Power: 8
Target: Object
Effect: Determine history of an object by scrying the quantum history of is atoms.  See “Law of conservation of Information”

Shoximity Mine
Type: Geomancy (Ward mine)
Power: 7
Target: Trigger
Effect: Emits a +5 Earth Ward (Shock) when triggered. Places Stunned aspect on target if successful. Lasts a few days

More non Geomantic Thaumaturgy

Faux Sun
Type: Photomancy (Veils)
Power: 5
Target: 2 Zones
Effect: Creates a light above the area to illuminate the way until the next sunrise.

Type: Biomancy (Transformation)
Power: 4
Effect: Player enters into a deep sleep and searches his own knowledge for information.  This spell grants +2 Lore for one research action.
« Last Edit: November 12, 2010, 10:14:50 PM by Xilver »

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Re: Custom Spell Compilation Thread
« Reply #14 on: November 12, 2010, 07:58:54 PM »
I have one I like for Earth magic. It is a lot like Xilver's Levitate but with a twist.

Neutral Buoyancy
Spell: Earth defensive (Gravity)
Power: 3 + More for extra Exchanges
Target: Single target.
Opposed by: Target’s Endurance
Effect: Imposes Neutral Buoyancy aspect target. Can be Invoked for Effect to turn any climb check into a Challenge (P.324) With a base difficulty rating of Fair (+2), with a Goal of the Climb's difficulty rating.

This simulates the caster being able to climb along the edges of a huge building. However if you mess up you can find yourself drifting away! Could also be used on a target to distract him in a fight.