Author Topic: Spare Character Concepts  (Read 96099 times)

Offline Buscadera

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Re: Spare Character Concepts
« Reply #15 on: November 07, 2010, 02:17:07 PM »
Kevin Monahan (Were-Form) – Feet in the Water
High Aspect: Were-Gorilla Skaterboi
Trouble: Epic Slacker
Other Aspects:

Physical: OOOO
Social: OOO
Mental: OO

Skills (Human Form):
• Great (+4): Athletics
• Good (+3): Endurance, Might
• Fair (+2): Fists, Rapport, Presence
• Average (+1): Burglary, Contacts, Deceit, Scholarship

Skills (Gorilla Form):
• Great (+4): Fists, Might
• Good (+3): Athletics, Intimidation
• Fair (+2): Endurance, Survival
• Average (+1): Alertness, Empathy

Supernatural Powers:
   • Beast Change [-1]
   • Echoes of the Beast [-1]
   • Human Form [+1]; affecting:
      • Inhuman Strength [-2]

Mortal Stunts:
   • Too Cool for School (Contacts): +2 to all Contacts rolls dealing with young adults between high school and middle school age

Adjusted Refresh: 2
"Gus, I'm a lyrical gangster. I'll use some colorful vernacular and if necessary, you'll engage in fisticuffs" -Shawn Spencer

"Doesn't that suck? I just hit you for no reason. I don't even know why." -Harry Lockhart

Offline Buscadera

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Re: Spare Character Concepts
« Reply #16 on: November 07, 2010, 02:17:52 PM »
Kurt “Kodiak” Warren (Were-Form) – Submerged
High Aspect: Were-Bear Biker
Other Aspects:

Physical: OOOO; one additional mild consequence
Social: OOO
Mental: OOO

Skills (Human Form):
• Superb (+5): Driving
• Great (+4): Craftsmanship, Endurance, Fists
• Good (+3): Athletics, Might, Weapons
• Fair (+2): Alertness, Guns, Intimidation
• Average (+1): Conviction, Presence, Resources

Skills (Bear Form):
• Superb (+5): Endurance, Might
• Great (+4): Fists, Intimidation
• Good (+3): Discipline, Survival
• Fair (+2): Alertness, Athletics, Conviction
• Average (+1): Empathy, Presence, Stealth

Supernatural Stunts:
   • Beast Change [-1]
   • Echoes of the Beast [-1]
   • Human Form [+1]; affecting:
      • Claws [-1]
      • Hulking Size [-2]
      • Inhuman Toughness [-2]
      • Inhuman Strength [-2]

Mortal Stunts:
   • No Pain, No Gain (Endurance):

Adjusted Refresh: 1
"Gus, I'm a lyrical gangster. I'll use some colorful vernacular and if necessary, you'll engage in fisticuffs" -Shawn Spencer

"Doesn't that suck? I just hit you for no reason. I don't even know why." -Harry Lockhart

Offline Buscadera

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Re: Spare Character Concepts
« Reply #17 on: November 07, 2010, 02:19:33 PM »
Liam “Skids” O’Toole (Focused Practitioner) – Feet in the Water
High Aspect: Ex-Con Kinetomancer
Trouble: Still On Parole
Other Aspects: School of Hard Knocks; I Ain’t No Fruit; Barely Making Ends Meet

Physical: OOOO
Social: OO
Mental: OOO

• Great (+4): Intimidation
• Good (+3): Endurance, Fists
• Fair (+2): Athletics, Conviction, Discipline
• Average (+1): Burglary, Contacts, Deceit, Lore

Supernatural Powers:
   • Channeling (Spirit) [-2]

Mortal Stunts:
   • Subtle Menace (Intimidation):
   • Lethal Weapons (Fists):
   • Friends in Low Places (Contacts):
Adjusted Refresh: 1
"Gus, I'm a lyrical gangster. I'll use some colorful vernacular and if necessary, you'll engage in fisticuffs" -Shawn Spencer

"Doesn't that suck? I just hit you for no reason. I don't even know why." -Harry Lockhart

Offline Buscadera

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Re: Spare Character Concepts
« Reply #18 on: November 07, 2010, 02:20:13 PM »
Maniitok Quatchi (Sasquatch) – Waist Deep
High Aspect: Sasquatch Jock
Trouble: Man vs. Wild
Other Aspects: Smarter Than They Think

Physical: OOOO(OO)
Social: OOO
Mental: OOO

• Great (+4): Endurance, Might
• Good (+3): Athletics, Fists
• Fair (+2): Empathy, Intimidation, Lore
• Average (+1): Conviction, Presence, Rapport, Scholarship, Survival

Supernatural Powers:
   • Human Guise [-0]
   • Supernatural Strength [-4]
   • Inhuman Toughness [-2]
   • Inhuman Recovery [-2]
      • The Catch [+3] is a weakness to fire

Mortal Stunts:
   • Collegiate Lineman (Might):

Adjusted Refresh: 1
"Gus, I'm a lyrical gangster. I'll use some colorful vernacular and if necessary, you'll engage in fisticuffs" -Shawn Spencer

"Doesn't that suck? I just hit you for no reason. I don't even know why." -Harry Lockhart

Offline Buscadera

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Re: Spare Character Concepts
« Reply #19 on: November 07, 2010, 02:21:13 PM »
Perry Columbus (Were-Form) – Chest Deep
High Aspect: Were-Hawk Reporter
Trouble: Hunting for Truth in all the wrong places...
Other Aspects: A Hawk or a Dove?, Stabbing at the Toes of Giants, Zen and the Art of Movement, The Mighty Pen, Romantic Quagmire

Physical: OOO
Social: OOOO
Mental: OOO

Skills (Human Form):
• Great (+4): Athletics, Investigation
• Good (+3): Alertness, Contacts, Presence
• Fair (+2): Empathy, Rapport, Scholarship, Stealth
• Average (+1): Conviction, Endurance, Fists, Lore, Resources

Skills (Hawk Form):
• Superb (+5): Alertness, Athletics
• Great (+4): Survival, Stealth
• Good (+3): Fists, Intimidation
• Fair (+2): Burglary, Endurance
• Average (+1): Deceit, Investigation

Supernatural Stunts:
    • Beast Change [-1]
    • Echoes of the Beast [-1]
    • Human Form [+1]; affecting:
       • Wings [-1]
       • Claws [-1]
       • Diminutive Size [-1]
       • Inhuman Speed [-2]

Mortal Stunts:
    • I Know Just the Guy (Contacts): When you’re looking to gather some information from your network of contacts, you have unerring instincts for finding the right person, fast. When using the Gathering Information trapping, your efforts are at a +1 and are 1 time increment faster.

Adjusted Refresh: 1

Appearance & Age: A spare man in his late 20s, Perry has the build of an avid runner and athlete. He has a thin face with well-defined features that could only be described as hawkish. At 28, Perry looks as fit as he was in college thanks in part to his rigorous parkour training. His face is often calm and unreadable, although a certain gleam creeps into his eyes whenever he is working on a story with some legs. Perry favors tracksuits and athletic wear, so that he can take to the skies as quickly as necessary, although he does have more formal wear for when his work requires it.

Perry Columbus’ Aspects

High Aspect: Were-Hawk Reporter - A hedge mage with a knack for divination and shapeshifting, Perry learned from his mother how to tap into primordial forces and take to the sky. From his father he learned discipline and how to stick his nose exactly where it doesn't belong. All that plus his skill with a pen makes Perry an exemplary muckraker.
  Invoke: Whenever either Perry's mystical nature or his chosen profession come into play.
  Compel: Whenever his duties make Perry's life more difficult, whether that means helping his mother at her New Age crystal shop or dealing with an angry editor who's furious about Perry's latest column.

Trouble: Hunting for Truth in all the wrong places... - Mom's free will plus Dad's determination make Perry the paragon of investigative journalism. No story is too deep for him to follow, no lead too risky not to follow up on. Perry is willing step on the toes of kings and gods alike if it means rooting out the Truth.
  Invoke: Whenever Perry sets out looking for a story and while uncovering the facts behind it.
  Compel: Whenever the story is way over Perry's head and the people involved start to view him as a problem.

Other Aspects:
A Hawk or a Dove? - Perry's Dad was career military; His mom ran a feng shui parlor and read palms. The marriage didn't much longer than it took for Perry to be born and he's gone his whole life trying to walk the balance between hawk and dove.
  Invoke: Whenever Perry has to make a fight-or-flight response.
  Compel: Whenever Perry makes the wrong choice. Fighting when he should run or attempting to talk through a situation of imminent violence.

Stabbing at the Toes of Giants - Perry has all but weaponized his zeal for fact-finding and journalistic ethos, leaving officials quaking at the threat of one of his investigations. Even though his column is syndicated, Perry has pissed-off people at all levels of government and the Accords. No one likes their secrets getting out, whether they're from the Nevernever or the mundane world.
  Invoke: Whenever Perry is standing up to someone (or something) more powerful than he.
  Compel: Whenever one of those giants tries to squash him, figuratively or literally.

Zen and the Art of Movement - Perry never got into his mother's myriad of New Age hippie beliefs, but he did take to Zen and the practice of meditation. Years later he discovered the art of parkour, the practice of which leaves him with a sense of calm like no meditation ever has. Now not a day goes by without Perry's "meditations" on the street.
  Invoke: Whenever freerunning or escaping through obstacles.
  Compel: Whenever Perry becomes so lost in thought that he ignores what's going on around him, like one of his girlfriends in trouble or a breaking story on corruption in city hall.

The Mighty Pen - A talented and unique writer, a pen in Perry's hand speaks louder than a microphone. Unfortunately, this means that there is little that Perry won't write about and his column is often the first tool in Perry's arsenal that he'll use to solve a problem.
  Invoke: Whenever Perry is using his column to influence public perception of a high-profile individual among his readers.
  Compel: Whenever one of Perry's columns comes back to haunt him and the high-profilers he wrote about use their clout to make his life miserable.

  Side Note: Perry's syndicated column is actually named The Mighty Pen: When the sword just doesn't cut it.. He writes mostly editorial/opinion pieces as well as hard news for one of the major dailies. However, through use of a pseudonym he writes for a few of the local yellow rags, reporting on the actual goings-on of beings from the Nevernever. These writings are something of an open secret and he's made more than a few enemies in the supernatural world with his columns.

Romantic Quagmire - While his professional life is booming along on a clear arc to success, Perry's romantic life is anything but. The one thing his parents can agree on is that he needs to settle down with one woman. Perry goes for women in power with Type A personalities, so it's rarely his choice whom he sees and when. Most people can avoid their exes when the relationship ends. If Perry wanted to try that, he'd have to leave the country.
  Invoke: Whenever Perry has a girlfriend in a place of power that might be able to help.
  Compel: Whenever Perry has an ex-girlfriend in a place of power that would be able to help, but probably won't. At least not easily.
"Gus, I'm a lyrical gangster. I'll use some colorful vernacular and if necessary, you'll engage in fisticuffs" -Shawn Spencer

"Doesn't that suck? I just hit you for no reason. I don't even know why." -Harry Lockhart

Offline Buscadera

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Re: Spare Character Concepts
« Reply #20 on: November 07, 2010, 02:21:53 PM »
Piotr Gabrelovic (Emissary of Power) – Submerged
High Aspect: Ex-Mafiya Chosen of Chernobog
Trouble: Gone Straight… Or At Least Trying
Other Aspects: My Little Boy Nikolas, Vory V Zakone, Honor Among Thieves, Bad Deeds For Good Reasons

Physical: OOOO(OO)
Social: OOO
Mental: OOOO

• Superb (+5): Intimidation
• Great (+4): Discipline, Endurance
• Good (+3): Athletics, Conviction, Fists
• Fair (+2): Alertness, Contacts, Lore, Resources
• Average (+1): Burglary, Deceit, Investigation, Might, Presence

Supernatural Powers:
   • Marked by Power [-1]
   • Cloak of Shadows [-1]
   • Item of Power: Ebony Cane [+1]
      • Sponsored Magic: Chernobog’s Wrath [-4]
   • Inhuman Strength [-2]
   • Inhuman Toughness [-2]
      • The Catch [+1] is a weakness to holy items and expressions of genuine faith

Mortal Stunts:
   • Subtle Menace (Intimidation): You don’t need the upper hand or to be in a position of power in order to be scary to someone. When the context of power is absent, or your victim is actually in a superior position, your victim does not get any advantage bonus.

Adjusted Refresh: 1
"Gus, I'm a lyrical gangster. I'll use some colorful vernacular and if necessary, you'll engage in fisticuffs" -Shawn Spencer

"Doesn't that suck? I just hit you for no reason. I don't even know why." -Harry Lockhart

Offline Buscadera

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Re: Spare Character Concepts
« Reply #21 on: November 07, 2010, 02:22:28 PM »
Raymond North (Scion) – Submerged
High Aspect: Half-Demon Ex-Spy Troubleshooter
Trouble: Helping the Helpless
Other Aspects: There’s Nothing I Can’t Do; Bad Things For Good Reasons; Nobody Will Take My Calls; Improvised Backup Plans

Physical: OOOO(OO)
Social: OOO
Mental: OOO

• Superb (+5): Deceit
• Great (+4): Burglary, Discipline, Fists
• Good (+3): Alertness, Craftsmanship, Endurance
• Fair (+2): Athletics, Guns, Investigation
• Average (+1): Conviction, Driving, Presence

Supernatural Powers:
   • Inhuman Strength [-2]
   • Inhuman Toughness [-2]
   • Inhuman Recovery [-2]
      • The Catch [+2] is a weakness to holy items and expressions of genuine faith

Mortal Stunts:
   • Cat Burglar (Burglary):
   • Takes One To Know One (Deceit):
   • Armed Arts (Fists):
   • Footwork (Fists):
   • Linguist (Scholarship):

Adjusted Refresh: 1
"Gus, I'm a lyrical gangster. I'll use some colorful vernacular and if necessary, you'll engage in fisticuffs" -Shawn Spencer

"Doesn't that suck? I just hit you for no reason. I don't even know why." -Harry Lockhart

Offline Buscadera

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Re: Spare Character Concepts
« Reply #22 on: November 07, 2010, 02:23:22 PM »
Richard Kingsley III (Were-Form) – Submerged
High Aspect: Ruthless Were-Lion Businessman
Other Aspects: King of the Urban Jungle, Glittering Prizes & Endless Compromises

Physical: OOO
Social: OOOO; one additional mild consequence
Mental: OOOO

Skills (Human Form):
• Superb (+5): Resources, Presence
• Great (+4): Conviction, Intimidation
• Good (+3): Contacts, Discipline
• Fair (+2): Empathy, Rapport, Scholarship
• Average (+1): Athletics, Endurance, Guns, Lore, Might

Skills (Lion Form):
• Superb (+5): Fists
• Great (+4): Athletics, Intimidate, Might
• Good (+3): Alertness, Endurance, Stealth
• Fair (+2): Discipline, Presence, Survival
• Average (+1): Deceit, Empathy, Rapport

Supernatural Stunts:
   • Beast Change [-1]
   • Echoes of the Beast [-1]
   • Human Form [+1]; affecting:
      • Claws [-1]
      • Inhuman Strength [-2]
      • Inhuman Speed [-2]

Mortal Stunts:
   • Lush Lifestyle (Resources):
   • Calm Blue Ocean (Discipline):
   • Personal Magnetism (Presence):

Adjusted Refresh: 1
"Gus, I'm a lyrical gangster. I'll use some colorful vernacular and if necessary, you'll engage in fisticuffs" -Shawn Spencer

"Doesn't that suck? I just hit you for no reason. I don't even know why." -Harry Lockhart

Offline Buscadera

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Re: Spare Character Concepts
« Reply #23 on: November 07, 2010, 02:26:03 PM »
Rodrigo DeVincenzo (Immortal) – Submerged
High Aspect: Eternal Explorer
Trouble: Old Man’s Mind in a Young Man’s Body
Other Aspects: The Fountain of Youth; Lifetimes of Experience; Been There, Done That; I’m Not Dead Yet!

Physical: OOOO; one additional mild consequence
Social: OOOO
Mental: OOO

• Great (+4): Contacts
• Good (+3): Endurance, Presence Rapport, Resources, Scholarship
• Fair (+2): Alertness, Athletics, Conviction, Discipline, Weapons
• Average (+1): Craftsmanship, Empathy, Fists, Investigation, Lore, Survival

Supernatural Powers
   • Eternal Life [-1]

Mortal Stunts:
   • Linguist (Scholarship):
   • I Know Just The Guy (Contacts):
   • Tireless (Endurance):
   • Calm Blue Ocean (Discipline):
   • No Pain, No Gain (Endurance):
   • Lush Lifestyle (Resources):
   • Personal Magnetism (Presence):
Adjusted Refresh: 2
"Gus, I'm a lyrical gangster. I'll use some colorful vernacular and if necessary, you'll engage in fisticuffs" -Shawn Spencer

"Doesn't that suck? I just hit you for no reason. I don't even know why." -Harry Lockhart

Offline Buscadera

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Re: Spare Character Concepts
« Reply #24 on: November 07, 2010, 02:26:45 PM »
Ronnie Parker (Were-Form) – Chest Deep
High Aspect: Bad Boy Werewolf
Other Aspects: Leader of the Pack, I Really HATE Vampires

Physical: OOOO
Social: OOO
Mental: OOO

Skills (Human Form):
• Great (+4): Craftsmanship, Driving, Intimidation
• Good (+3): Endurance, Fists, Scholarship
• Fair (+2): Athletics, Conviction, Presence
• Average (+1): Contacts, Might, Weapons

Skills (Wolf Form):
• Great (+4): Alertness, Athletics
• Good (+3): Endurance, Fists, Stealth
• Fair (+2): Deceit, Intimidate, Might, Survival
• Average (+1): Conviction, Discipline, Empathy, Presence, Rapport

Supernatural Stunts:
   • Beast Change [-1]
   • Echoes of the Beast [-1]
   • Human Form [+1]; affecting:
      • Claws [-1]
      • Inhuman Strength [-2]
      • Inhuman Speed [-2]
      • Pack Instincts [-1]

Adjusted Refresh: 1
"Gus, I'm a lyrical gangster. I'll use some colorful vernacular and if necessary, you'll engage in fisticuffs" -Shawn Spencer

"Doesn't that suck? I just hit you for no reason. I don't even know why." -Harry Lockhart

Offline Buscadera

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Re: Spare Character Concepts
« Reply #25 on: November 07, 2010, 02:27:35 PM »
Ryan Boseman & Jeannie (Genie’s Companion; Chest-Deep)
High Concept: Rich Kid with a Genie Girlfriend
Trouble: Two Against the World
Other Aspects: Suckled on a Silver Spoon, I Dream of Jeannie, So Cϋl!, Not One for Fisticuffs, A Whole New World

Stress Tracks:
Physical: OOO
Mental: OOOO
Social: OOOO

Ryan’s Skills:
•Great (+4): Resources, Scholarship
• Good (+3): Conviction, Presence, Rapport
• Fair (+2): Alertness, Contacts, Deceit, Investigation
• Average (+1): Athletics, Empathy, Endurance, Might, Performance

Jeannie’s Skills:
• Superb (+5): Conviction, Discipline
• Great (+4): Lore, Endurance
• Good (+3): Presence, Rapport
• Fair (+2): Athletics, Scholarship
• Average (+1): Deceit, Stealth

Supernatural Powers:
   • Destiny Bond [+0]
   • Item of Power: Mystical Lamp [+2]; affecting:
      • Sponsored Magic: Genie Magic [-4]
      • Supernatural Co-Pilot [-1]
      • Jeannie’s Skills [-1]
      • Human Form [+0]

Mortal Stunts:
   • Sex Appeal (Rapport): Folks cannot help but notice Ryan; He’s got “it.” Ryan receives a +2 to the roll on any seduction attempts he makes with Rapport, provided that the target is someone who could be receptive to his advances.
   • Lush Lifestyle (Resources): Ryan’s wealth is well-established and robust, making him the man who has everything. Ryan may be assumed to have an item whose cost is equal to or less than his Resources.

Total Refresh: 2

Ryan Boseman was born the only child of a wealthy East Coast businessman and his eccentric ex-faux-psychic bride. Ryan’s childhood was one of relative luxury and ease, going to all the best schools in the country and always remaining at the top of his class, both in terms of academics and popularity. His academic scores and family name were more than enough to send Ryan to one of the top Ivy-League schools in the country.
Aspect: Suckled on a Silver Spoon

Rising Conflict
About a year ago, Ryan’s life changed forever when he discovered a tarnished looking lamp while wandering along the shoreline near his college. He knew from his studies that it was ancient and the language on it was an Arabic dialect. Considering it a prize find, he took it back to his room to clean it up. After digging into his library, Ryan was able to translate the inscription. Rubbing the lamp for comedic effect, Ryan spoke the words aloud with a grin. A blinding flash of light and a crack of thunder later, Ryan found himself face-to-face with a beautiful young girl. This would serve as Ryan’s introduction into the world of the supernatural and as the first time he would meet his soulmate.

The genie was “bonded” to Ryan, since he was the first to free her from the lamp. He named her Jeannie as a joke, but the name stuck. She told him of how she used to be a human girl hundreds of years ago and used her wishes granted by a real genie to become one herself, in order to escape her life as a slave. The genie granted her wish, but trapped her in the lamp and flung her into the ocean. For the past several hundred years, Jeannie was floating around aimlessly, weakening in power and without ever seeing another being.

Ryan and Jeannie quickly became something more than just friends. She had no interest in his money or his family name and she had never experienced the kindness and warmth that Ryan showed her. Jeannie posed as Ryan’s “townie” girlfriend for the rest of his college years, although she lived in the lamp that he always carried with him.
Aspect: I Dream of Jeannie

First Novel: The Jean Genie
After finishing college, Ryan and Jeannie take a trip down the East Coast to celebrate. Jeannie senses something out of the ordinary in the small town of Willows. Ryan stops to investigate and the two take up residence in a deluxe hotel suite, determined to get to the bottom of the mystery. Noticing the rising number of “logging incidents,” Ryan and Jeannie set out to investigate. They uncover a gang of Red Court bikers roaming through the town and preying on loggers, which the pair quickly put an end to.
Aspect: So Cϋl!

Guest Starring: Monsters in the Woods Starring: Austin Lake
After meeting Ryan and Jeannie, Austin agreed to take the young lovers in a long hike to check out the nearby sights. How was he supposed to know about the werewolf pack that had taken up residence in the forest? He'd never seem them before that day.
Rather than battle with the wolves, Ryan suggests that they compel the pack into a slumber with Jeannie's magic, allowing the group to escape safely back to town.
Aspect: Not One for Fisticuffs

Guest Starring Redux: Coming Soon! Starring: Bianca Judy Shay
Coming Soon!
Aspect: A Whole New World

Invoking/Compelling Aspects:
High Concept - Rich Kid with a Genie Girlfriend
Ryan was raised in an upper-class household and only became involved with the supernatural when he discovered a magic lamp on the sea-shore. The genie of that lamp is now the love of his life and his constant companion.
Invoke: When Ryan uses his money or her magic to solve his problems.
Compel: Whenever Jeannie or his money makes Ryan's life more difficult.

Trouble - Two Against the World
Although Ryan's parents love Jeannie and can't wait for the two to settle down, Ryan and his genie are essentially outcasts in the supernatural world. Without a group to support them, a young man wielding the power of a genie is bound to attract a fair amount of attention from some of the less savory residents of the Nevernever.
Invoke: Whenever Jeannie and Ryan work together to overcome an obstacle.
Compel: Whenever Jeannie's power attracts a new bunch of bad guys who want to steal her away.

Suckled on a Silver Spoon
Ryan was raised in the lap of luxury and has grown accustomed to the finer things in life. His gear is usually the latest and the most advanced, he only stays in deluxe suites and he's never eaten a cut of beef that wasn't filet mignon in his life.
Invoke: When Ryan digs into his cache of luxury goodies or he accesses one of his many overflowing trust funds.
Compel: Whenever Ryan's less-than-strenuous upbringing leaves him ill-prepared for a task.

I Dream of Jeannie
When Ryan met Jeannie, it was love at first sight. She loved him for the person he was, not for his money. He loved her for being honest and genuine. Since that day, they've always stood by one another's side.
Invoke: When Ryan's mutual love with Jeannie could prove beneficial.
Compel: When Ryan's love for Jeannie causes him to act irrationally without thinking.

So Cϋl!
Despite his popularity in school, Ryan was always a nerd at heart. He loved reading comic books and fantasy novels. Ever since he began his life with Jeannie, his life has felt more like a storybook adventure than he ever thought possible. Sometimes this childlike appreciation for the supernatural allows him to see things in a way most jaded occultists couldn't conceive of. Other times, it causes Ryan to rush headlong into a nightclub of vampires because "That's so cool!"
Invoke: When Ryan's nerdy knowledge or supernatural naivete aids him in some way.
Compel: When Ryan's wonder at the supernatural world makes him rush into a situation based solely on it's 'coolness' without thinking it through.

Not One for Fisticuffs
Ryan is a lover, not a fighter. Although he played sports in school, he never really learned to fight. Kids don't pick on you when the family's bodyguards are ex-Spetsnaz and your chauffeur wears Kevlar. As a result, Ryan rarely jumps into the fray. Instead Ryan relies on his quick wits (plus some of Jeannie's magic) rather than on brute force.
Invoke: When Ryan needs to think his way through a problem without resorting to violence.
Compel: When violence really is the answer.

A Whole New World
Jeannie was just a mortal slave-girl hundreds of years ago before being transformed into a genie and being trapped in her lamp at the bottom of the ocean. The world has changed immensely since then. Her time with Ryan has helped her adapt to the current way of the world, but she's still a girl very much out of her element. She's comfortable with Ryan and loves him dearly, but often her ideas of how the world works are very different from the rest of society.
Invoke: Whenever Jeannie's knowledge of the ancient world or Ryan's passion for exploration come into play.
Compel: Whenever Jeannie's unfamiliarity with societal norms is a hindrance or she tries to 'help' Ryan in a potentially disastrous way.
"Gus, I'm a lyrical gangster. I'll use some colorful vernacular and if necessary, you'll engage in fisticuffs" -Shawn Spencer

"Doesn't that suck? I just hit you for no reason. I don't even know why." -Harry Lockhart

Offline Buscadera

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Re: Spare Character Concepts
« Reply #26 on: November 07, 2010, 02:28:24 PM »
Tad Walker (Were-Form) – Chest Deep
High Aspect: Big Wolf on Campus
Trouble: Living for Mom & Dad
Other Aspects: Trust Fund Baby, Alpha Male

Physical: OOOO
Social: OOOO
Mental: OO

Skills (Human Form):
• Great (+4): Athletics, Endurance, Presence
• Good (+3): Discipline, Might, Resources
• Fair (+2): Alertness, Empathy, Rapport
• Average (+1): Contacts, Driving, Lore

Skills (Wolf Form):
• Great (+4): Alertness, Athletics
• Good (+3): Endurance, Fists, Stealth
• Fair (+2): Deceit, Intimidate, Might, Survival
• Average (+1): Conviction, Discipline, Empathy, Presence, Rapport

Supernatural Stunts:
   • Beast Change [-1]
   • Echoes of the Beast [-1]
   • Human Form [+1]; affecting:
      • Claws [-1]
      • Inhuman Strength [-2]
      • Inhuman Speed [-2]
      • Pack Instincts [-1]

Adjusted Refresh: 1
"Gus, I'm a lyrical gangster. I'll use some colorful vernacular and if necessary, you'll engage in fisticuffs" -Shawn Spencer

"Doesn't that suck? I just hit you for no reason. I don't even know why." -Harry Lockhart

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Re: Spare Character Concepts
« Reply #27 on: November 07, 2010, 02:28:57 PM »
Terrance Rhodes (Wizard) – Submerged
High Aspect: Blue-Blooded Wizard of the White Council
Trouble: Old Money, New Problems
Other Aspects: More Degrees Than a Thermometer, Master Artificer-in-Training, Every Problem Has a Solution, Golden Boy of the White Council

Physical: OOO
Social: OOO
Mental: OOOO

• Superb (+5): Lore, Resources
• Great (+4): Conviction, Discipline
• Good (+3): Craftsmanship, Scholarship
• Fair (+2): Contacts, Rapport, Presence
• Average (+1): Alertness, Athletics, Endurance, Investigation, Weapons

Supernatural Powers:
   • Evocation [-3] (Specializations: Earth, Fire, Spirit; O. Power: Earth +1; D. Power: Spirit +1)
   • Thaumaturgy [-3] (Frequency: Crafting +2)
   • The Sight/Soulgaze [-1]
   • Wizard’s Constitution [-0]
   • Refinement [-1]

Mortal Stunts:
   • Lush Lifestyle (Resources):

Adjusted Refresh: 1
"Gus, I'm a lyrical gangster. I'll use some colorful vernacular and if necessary, you'll engage in fisticuffs" -Shawn Spencer

"Doesn't that suck? I just hit you for no reason. I don't even know why." -Harry Lockhart

Offline Buscadera

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Re: Spare Character Concepts
« Reply #28 on: November 07, 2010, 02:30:11 PM »
Victor Pecos (Pure Mortal) - Chest-Deep
High Concept: Cowboy Field Agent for the Library of Congress, SCD
Trouble: A Lifetime of Wars
Other Aspects: Former Army Scout & US Marshal, My Wife The Witch, I Bump Back

Stress Tracks:
Physical: OOOO; one additional mild consequence
Mental: OOO
Social: OOO

• Great (+4): Intimidation, Guns
• Good (+3): Athletics, Endurance, Investigation
• Fair (+2): Alertness, Contacts, Fists, Resources
• Average (+1): Burglary, Conviction, Lore, Presence, Stealth

Mortal Stunts:
   • Anything at Hand (Fists): Vic may use his Fist s skill instead of Weapons to wield a variety of close combat weaponry: batons, short clubs, knives, and the like.
   • Quickdraw (Guns): Vic may use his Guns Skill instead of his Alertness when determining initiative in a combat encounter.
   • Interrogator (Intimidation): Vic can use use Intimidation to scare a suspect or at least provoke strong reactions out of him. Those reactions should tell you something, even if you don't get a confession out of your target. Once per scene, whenever he makes a successful Intimidation attack while questioning someone, he can set aside the stress he would inflict and instead treat the attack as a successful Empathy attempt to "read" that person.
   • No Pain, No Gain (Endurance): Vic can take a bunch of punishment before it starts to add up. He may take one additional mild physical consequence.
   • Quick Eye (Investigation): When examining a location for clues, Vics eye is quick to pick out the visual details. Your first Investigation roll to determine deeper details about a scene is two time increments faster than usual.
   • Occultist [Magical Artifacts] (Lore): Vic gains a +2 to all Lore rolls involving information about magical artifacts like the ones he gathers as part of his work for the Library of Congress.

Total Refresh: 4

Glock 40: Weapon 2
Taurus .357 CC: Weapon 2
Telescopic Baton: Weapon 1
12-Gauge Shotgun: Weapon 3
Cadillac Escalade

Victor Pecos grew up the only child of a county sheriff and a superstitious housewife in rural Pennsylvania. Vic grew up fascinated by his father's work and always dreamed of going into law enforcement when he grew up. When people asked him what he wanted to do for a living, "Be a hero" was always his response.
After high school, Vic joined the Army and quickly became a scout. He enjoyed military life and found his years of practicing shooting with his father still served him well. After his time in the military was up, Vic became a US Marshal in order to follow his dreams of becoming a lawman like his father. Vic's short career in the USMS was an exciting one, highlighted by the capture of an infamous arms dealer in San Francisco and the destruction of a meth-ring in Kansas City.
While bringing down the meth-ring, Vic ran into something inexplicable. One of the "men" he was after soaked up bullets like they were nothing and shed his skin to become some kind of bat-creature, before severely wounding Vic's leg. His superiors dismissed the story as a hallucination suffered from the pain. Vic retired early as a hero with full disability pay, despite his injuries healing a few short weeks later.
Aspect: Former Army Scout & US Marshal

Rising Conflict
With nowhere to go and no particular need to work thanks to his unwarranted disability pay, Vic moved to Washington DC where his parents had taken up residence. He began to delve deep into the occult community in hopes of finding out what it was that he saw in Kansas City. During this time, Vic would discover two things that would change his life.
The first was the Library of Congress, Special Collections Division. As a former federal agent with an astonishing record and a burgeoning grasp on the supernatural side of the world Vic perfectly fit the profile of a new SCD agent. Eager to get back into the field and find out more about the supernatural, Vic accepted a job tracking down magical artifacts that might be misused or dangerous.
The second was meeting a young woman named Maria Villarreal. As a practicing sorceress, Maria served as a contact for the young SCD agent and provided him an "in" with the local occult community. By the time the two were dating, Vic had firmly established his role as an agent of the SCD. A year later and the two were happily married.
Aspect: My Wife The Witch

First Novel: High Noon, Dark Sun
A coven of low-level sorcerers and supernatural have-nots have taken it upon themselves to summon a dark god to Earth in a foolish attempt at a power-grab. SCD Agent Victor Pecos is sent to stop the sorcerers and retrieve Pandora's Box (the very artifact from the myth of the same name) before it's too late.
Aspect: I Bump Back
"Gus, I'm a lyrical gangster. I'll use some colorful vernacular and if necessary, you'll engage in fisticuffs" -Shawn Spencer

"Doesn't that suck? I just hit you for no reason. I don't even know why." -Harry Lockhart

Offline Buscadera

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Re: Spare Character Concepts
« Reply #29 on: November 07, 2010, 02:30:50 PM »
Vincent “Zero” Costello (Pure Mortal) – Submerged
High Aspect: Ice-Cold Mafia Hatchetman
Trouble: Losing My Humanity
Other Aspects: A Wolf Among Sheep; Always Carry A Spare; I Felt Compassion… Once

Physical: OOOO; one additional mild consequence
Social: OO
Mental: OOO

• Superb (+5): Weapons
• Great (+4): Athletics, Guns, Intimidation
• Good (+3): Alertness, Endurance, Fists
• Fair (+2): Contacts, Discipline, Resources
• Average (+1): Conviction, Deceit, Stealth

Mortal Stunts:
   • No Pain, No Gain (Endurance):
   • Wall of Death (Weapons):
   • Paranoid? Probably. (Alertness):
   • Calm Blue Ocean (Discipline):
   • Connected (Contacts): +2 to all Contacts rolls involving organized crime
   • Subtle Menace (Intimidation):
   • Lethal Weapons (Fists):
   • Payment for Services Rendered (Resources): see Windfall
   • Houdini (Deceit): +2 to all Deceit rolls in covering up a murder
   • Manhunter (Contacts): +1 to all Contacts rolls to find someone; in addition all attempts to find someone are one increment faster

Adjusted Refresh: 2
"Gus, I'm a lyrical gangster. I'll use some colorful vernacular and if necessary, you'll engage in fisticuffs" -Shawn Spencer

"Doesn't that suck? I just hit you for no reason. I don't even know why." -Harry Lockhart