Author Topic: Spare Character Concepts  (Read 96098 times)

Offline Buscadera

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Spare Character Concepts
« on: November 07, 2010, 02:03:22 PM »
In another thread, I mentioned that I have both a list of ready-to-go concepts and 20-35 almost fully statted characters at any given time. Since I was asked to post them, I made this thread. Hopefully these ideas can be of use to someone.
"Gus, I'm a lyrical gangster. I'll use some colorful vernacular and if necessary, you'll engage in fisticuffs" -Shawn Spencer

"Doesn't that suck? I just hit you for no reason. I don't even know why." -Harry Lockhart

Offline Buscadera

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Re: Spare Character Concepts
« Reply #1 on: November 07, 2010, 02:04:13 PM »
Argo Herodes (Scion) – Submerged
High Aspect: Boorish Son of Hercules
Trouble: Dad Only Had Twelve Labours…
Other Aspects: Raised on Ambrosia and Nectar, The New Pantheon, All Brawn, No Brain, “I Make It Look Easy!”, Ladies Love a Hero

Physical: OOOO(OO)
Social: OOOO
Mental: OOO

• Superb (+5): Might
• Great (+4): Athletics, Endurance
• Good (+3): Fists, Presence, Resources
• Fair (+2): Intimidation, Lore, Rapport, Weapons
• Average (+1): Alertness, Contacts, Conviction, Discipline, Survival

Supernatural Powers:
• Human Guise [-0]
• Longevity [-0]
• Superhuman Strength [-4]
• Inhuman Toughness [-2]
   • The Catch: Hydra's Poison [+1]

Mortal Stunts:
   • Mighty Thews (Might): When determining approximate lifting capacity, Argo's Might is considered to be 2 steps higher than its actual rating.
   • Personal Magnetism (Presence): Argo has a boisterous confidence that others find appealing. When rolling Presence to establish a “passive” reaction to him, Argo makes the roll at +2.

Adjusted Refresh: 3

Appearance & Age: Argo has always been fond of comic books and movies, especially those that feature his Dad. As such, he looks more or less like every vision of Hercules seen in print or on the screen. Argo is built tall and statuesque, like the Greek gods from which he draws his divine bloodline. His skin is tanned in the manner of soldiers and outdoorsmen, accompanied by a wild mop of curly black hair and a neat warrior’s beard.

Argo Herodes’ Aspects

High Aspect: Boorish Son of Hercules – Argo is the son of Hercules, the legendary hero of Greek myth. He inherited his father's tremendous strength and will continue to grow in power until he comes into his role as a demigod.
Invoke: To use the strength and skills inherited from his father.
Compel: Whenever Argo's terrible manners or worse temper get the better of him.

Trouble: Dad Only Had Twelve Labors... – As part of his test to join the New Pantheon, Argo must face labors similar to those his father was forced to perform. However, due to his limited divinity, Argo's trials are much more arduous and greater in number than Hercules'.
Invoke: When Argo is dealing with something he has encountered during his labors, such as a type of monster he has fought or something he has accomplished.
Compel: When the gods wish Argo to join in a struggle as one of his many labors.

Other Aspects:
Raised on Ambrosia and Nectar – Argo was raised in the lap of luxury on Mount Olympus. Surrounded by gods and other divine beings, Argo never learned the meaning of hard work or sacrifice. He also feels at home surrounded by the supernatural and the strange.
Invoke: When dealing with something supernatural Argo encountered while on Olympus or when acting from a position of authority.
Compel: Whenever Argo acts profoundly lazy as a result of his spoiled upbringing.

The New Pantheon – With the rise of The White God, the gods of the ancient world fell from their place of power. Thanks to their color and interesting stories, the pantheon of Greek gods has managed to maintain a semblance of its former glory. They plan to rise again, with their progeny ascending to the places of gods. Argo, among countless other demigods sired by gods and heroes, compete against one another directly and indirectly for a place in the New Pantheon. Over the course of his labors, Argo has met with several of his "family" and often with disastrous results.
Invoke: When working towards Argos goal of becoming one of the gods or when dealing with one of his "family".
Compel: Whenever Argos mission gets in the way of the rest of his life or one of the other scions causes problems for Argo.

All Brawn, No Brain – Argo is the model of the ancient heroes, charging into battle without a second thought. Unfortunately, Argo rarely gives anything a second thought or even a first thought, for that matter. Argo has strength enough to move the world but he has all the wits of pack-mule.
Invoke: Whenever Argo's great strength comes into play or whenever his witlessness actually proves beneficial.
Compel: Whenever Argo's lack of insight causes some misfortune to befall him or he proves too dense to think through a problem, only to resort to brute force.

"I Make It Look Easy!" – Divine heritage has its advantages. Argo was gifted with physical prowess unmatched by mortals. This has allowed him to excel athletically without ever actually training or practicing. As his strength has grown, so too has his arrogance.
Invoke: Whenever Argos divine powers would aid him, especially if its solely to show off.
Compel: Whenever Argos monstrous ego gets out of order or he gets into a situation that can't be solved with simply strength alone.

Ladies Love a Hero – Growing up around the heroes of the ancient world has colored Argo's perceptions of romance. Argo is still under the impression that all women are damsels waiting to be saved who will fall madly in love with their rescuer. Admittedly, a number of women find this kind of attitude appealing, giving Argo a certain way with women. But more than a few see him as a pigheaded chauvinist, if only because of the "heroic" acts he often feels are necessary for wooing.
Invoke: Whenever Argo is wooing women who find his old-school attitude charming or when he attempts to perform an act of heroism to impress the ladies.
Compel: Whenever Argo rushes into danger at his own peril, all because of a pretty face.

Argo was born to a mortal woman during one of Hercules "goodwill" missions to the mortal world. Thrilled with the prospect of a new godling, Hercules brought the child back to Mount Olympus to raise among the gods. Argo grew up proud of his heritage and embraced much of his divinity at an early age.
Aspect: Raised on Ambrosia and Nectar

Rising Conflict:
Displeased with their lack of influence in the modern world since the rise of The White God, the gods of the Pantheon devised a scheme through which they could regain much of their lost power. By advising their scion offspring, who embody much more modern concepts than the ancient gods, a New Pantheon could be established.

But the number of new gods in the pantheon would be limited and all of the scions would need to earn the approval of their divine progenitors by doing their bidding. To cut down on the competition, scions are often petty and cruel, employing any means necessary to steal each others spotlight.

To mirror his father's Twelve Labors, Argo has been given labors to perform that will prove his worthiness to each of the gods in the pantheon. Initially, each god was to issue Argo only one labor, but they have found his utility as their agent to be useful. As such, they continue to issue new labors and trials for the young scion to complete, while he is forced to bear it until one day he ascends to his hard-won place among the New Pantheon.

Argo is essentially the servant boy of the gods and a competitor in a deadly game until he proves himself worthy to be a member of the New Pantheon.
Aspect: The New Pantheon

First Novel: The Lion in the City
When a lion-demon escapes from Tartarus, demigod Argo Herodes is tasked with bringing it down by Hades, Lord of the Underworld. With a trio of jealous scions vying for the attention of the old gods and a place in the New Pantheon arrive to keep the lion on the rampage, Argo has to use all of his considerably limited skill to cast the beast back to the Nevernever.
Aspect: All Brawn, No Brain

Guest Starring:

Aspect: "I Make It Look Easy!"

Guest Starring Redux:

Aspect: Ladies Love a Hero
"Gus, I'm a lyrical gangster. I'll use some colorful vernacular and if necessary, you'll engage in fisticuffs" -Shawn Spencer

"Doesn't that suck? I just hit you for no reason. I don't even know why." -Harry Lockhart

Offline Buscadera

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Re: Spare Character Concepts
« Reply #2 on: November 07, 2010, 02:04:48 PM »
Aurelio Cristiano (True Believer) – Chest Deep
High Aspect: Former Vatican Occult Investigator
Trouble: Fighting Back the Monsters
Other Aspects: The Virtue of Poverty

Physical: OOO
Social: OOOO
Mental: OOOO

• Great (+4): Conviction, Investigation
• Good (+3): Alertness, Contacts, Presence
• Fair (+2): Athletics, Empathy, Endurance, Stealth
• Average (+1): Burglary, Deceit, Fists, Lore, Weapons

Supernatural Powers:
   • Righteousness [-2]
   • Holy Touch [-1]
   • Guide My Hand [-1]
   • Bless This House [-1]

Mortal Stunts:
   • Devout Words (Conviction):
   • Read the Surface (Empathy):

Adjusted Refresh: 1
"Gus, I'm a lyrical gangster. I'll use some colorful vernacular and if necessary, you'll engage in fisticuffs" -Shawn Spencer

"Doesn't that suck? I just hit you for no reason. I don't even know why." -Harry Lockhart

Offline Buscadera

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Re: Spare Character Concepts
« Reply #3 on: November 07, 2010, 02:05:20 PM »
Avi Goldstein (Scion) – Waist Deep
High Aspect: Smooth-Talking Jann Lawyer
Other Aspects: “In My Client’s Defense…”

Physical: OO
Social: OOOO
Mental: OOO

• Great (+4): Presence, Scholarship
• Good (+3): Deceit, Rapport
• Fair (+2): Conviction, Discipline, Resources
• Average (+1): Alertness, Athletics, Contacts, Fists, Performance

Supernatural Powers:
   • Inhuman Speed [-2]
   • Claws & Fangs [-1]
   • Human Guise [+0]

Mortal Stunts:
   • Criminal Defense Layer (Scholarship):
   • Windfall (Resources):
Adjusted Refresh: 2
"Gus, I'm a lyrical gangster. I'll use some colorful vernacular and if necessary, you'll engage in fisticuffs" -Shawn Spencer

"Doesn't that suck? I just hit you for no reason. I don't even know why." -Harry Lockhart

Offline Buscadera

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Re: Spare Character Concepts
« Reply #4 on: November 07, 2010, 02:06:18 PM »
Blake Tanner (Focused Practitioner) – Waist Deep
High Aspect: Showboat Pyromancer
Other Aspects: Burn Baby, Burn!

Physical: OO
Social: OOOO
Mental: OOOO

• Great (+4): Conviction, Presence
• Good (+3): Deceit, Rapport
• Fair (+2): Contacts, Discipline, Resources
• Average (+1): Athletics, Burglary, Driving, Lore, Scholarship

Supernatural Powers:
   • Channeling (Pyromancy) [-2]

Mortal Stunts:
   • Personal Magnetism (Presence):
   • Sex Appeal (Rapport):
   • Best Foot Forward (Rapport):
Adjusted Refresh: 2
"Gus, I'm a lyrical gangster. I'll use some colorful vernacular and if necessary, you'll engage in fisticuffs" -Shawn Spencer

"Doesn't that suck? I just hit you for no reason. I don't even know why." -Harry Lockhart

Offline Buscadera

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Re: Spare Character Concepts
« Reply #5 on: November 07, 2010, 02:07:16 PM »
Brewer Laughlin (Wizard) – Waist Deep
High Aspect: Wizard-in-Training
Trouble: Just An Apprentice
Other Aspects: Look What I Can Do!

Physical: OOO
Social: OOO
Mental: OOOO

• Great (+4): Conviction, Discipline
• Good (+3): Contacts, Lore
• Fair (+2): Rapport, Presence, Scholarship
• Average (+1): Athletics, Endurance, Fists, Might

Supernatural Powers:
   • Channeling (Earth) [-2]
   • Thaumaturgy [-3] (Frequency: Crafting +1)
   • The Sight/Soulgaze [-1]
   • Wizard’s Constitution [-0]

Adjusted Refresh: 1
"Gus, I'm a lyrical gangster. I'll use some colorful vernacular and if necessary, you'll engage in fisticuffs" -Shawn Spencer

"Doesn't that suck? I just hit you for no reason. I don't even know why." -Harry Lockhart

Offline Buscadera

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Re: Spare Character Concepts
« Reply #6 on: November 07, 2010, 02:09:14 PM »
Chance Phillips (Undead) – Chest Deep
High Aspect: Undead Private Eye
Trouble: Hunting the Necromancer
Other Aspects: I Never Ask Nicely; Let The Dead Rest

Physical: OOOO
Social: OO
Mental: OOO

• Great (+4): Fists, Investigation
• Good (+3): Athletics, Endurance, Might
• Fair (+2): Alertness, Contacts, Intimidation, Stealth
• Average (+1): Burglary, Conviction, Deceit, Guns, Resources

Supernatural Powers:
   • Living Dead [-1]
   • Inhuman Strength [-2]
   • Inhuman Toughness [-2]
   • Inhuman Recovery [-2]
      • The Catch [+2] is a weakness to holy items and expressions of genuine faith

Mortal Stunts:
   • I Know Just The Guy (Contacts):
   • Subtle Menace (Intimidation):

Adjusted Refresh: 1
"Gus, I'm a lyrical gangster. I'll use some colorful vernacular and if necessary, you'll engage in fisticuffs" -Shawn Spencer

"Doesn't that suck? I just hit you for no reason. I don't even know why." -Harry Lockhart

Offline Buscadera

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Re: Spare Character Concepts
« Reply #7 on: November 07, 2010, 02:10:18 PM »
Clementine Smith (Focused Practitioner) – Waist Deep
High Aspect: Brooding Electromancer
Trouble: All Alone
Other Aspects: Blue-Collar Worker

Physical: OOO
Social: OO
Mental: OOOO

• Great (+4): Conviction, Discipline
• Good (+3): Craftsmanship, Lore
• Fair (+2): Driving, Empathy, Scholarship
• Average (+1): Athletics, Contacts, Endurance, Fists, Resources

Supernatural Powers:
   • Channeling (Electromancy) [-2]

Mortal Stunts:
   • Jury-Rigger (Craftsmanship):
   • Car Mechanic (Craftsmanship):
   • Read the Surface (Empathy):
Adjusted Refresh: 2
"Gus, I'm a lyrical gangster. I'll use some colorful vernacular and if necessary, you'll engage in fisticuffs" -Shawn Spencer

"Doesn't that suck? I just hit you for no reason. I don't even know why." -Harry Lockhart

Offline Buscadera

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Re: Spare Character Concepts
« Reply #8 on: November 07, 2010, 02:11:26 PM »
Daniel Cage (Focused Practitioner) – Feet in the Water
High Aspect: Mystically-Powered Martial Artist
Other Aspects:

Physical: OOO
Social: OOO
Mental: OOO

• Great (+4): Fists
• Good (+3): Athletics, Discipline
• Fair (+2): Conviction, Endurance, Lore
• Average (+1): Might, Presence, Scholarship, Weapons

Supernatural Powers:
   • Channeling (Spirit) [-2]
   • Longevity [-0]

Mortal Stunts:
   • Martial Artist (Fists):
   • Lethal Weapons (Fists):
   • Armed Arts (Fists):
Adjusted Refresh: 1
"Gus, I'm a lyrical gangster. I'll use some colorful vernacular and if necessary, you'll engage in fisticuffs" -Shawn Spencer

"Doesn't that suck? I just hit you for no reason. I don't even know why." -Harry Lockhart

Offline Buscadera

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Re: Spare Character Concepts
« Reply #9 on: November 07, 2010, 02:12:13 PM »
Dr. Anthony Gammon (Wizard) – Submerged
High Aspect: Multitalented Wizard Professor
Other Aspects: Screw the Rules, I’ve Got Tenure!

Physical: OOO
Social: OOOO
Mental: OOOO; one additional mild consequence

• Superb (+5): Conviction, Discipline
• Great (+4): Lore, Scholarship
• Good (+3): Rapport, Presence
• Fair (+2): Contacts, Empathy, Resources
• Average (+1): Alertness, Athletics, Endurance, Intimidation, Investigation

Supernatural Powers:
   • Evocation [-3] (Specializations: Air, Earth, Fire, Spirit; Power: Fire +2, Spirit +1; Control: Air +1)
   • Thaumaturgy [-3] (Complexity: Divination +1)
   • The Sight/Soulgaze [-1]
   • Wizard’s Constitution [-0]
   • Refinement [-2]

Adjusted Refresh: 1
"Gus, I'm a lyrical gangster. I'll use some colorful vernacular and if necessary, you'll engage in fisticuffs" -Shawn Spencer

"Doesn't that suck? I just hit you for no reason. I don't even know why." -Harry Lockhart

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Re: Spare Character Concepts
« Reply #10 on: November 07, 2010, 02:12:50 PM »
Drake Macabre (Changeling) – Submerged
High Aspect: Half-Ankou Horror Mogul
Other Aspects: Every Goth Girl’s Dream Guy, The Real Pumpkin King, Long & Lean

Physical: OOO(OO)
Social: OOOO; one additional mild consequence
Mental: OOO

• Superb (+5): Intimidation, Presence
• Great (+4): Rapport, Performance
• Good (+3): Resources, Lore
• Fair (+2): Contacts, Empathy, Scholarship
• Average (+1): Alertness, Athletics, Conviction, Endurance, Fists

Supernatural Powers:
   • Inhuman Strength [-2]
   • Inhuman Toughness [-2]
   • Inhuman Recovery [-2]
      • The Catch [+3] is cold iron and the like
   • Incite Emotion (Fear) [-1]
      • At Range [-1]
      • Lasting Emotion [-1]
   • Claws [-1]
   • Human Guise [-0]

Mortal Stunts:
   • Adoring Fans (Rapport): +2 to Rapport rolls when dealing with fans of your work

Adjusted Refresh: 2
"Gus, I'm a lyrical gangster. I'll use some colorful vernacular and if necessary, you'll engage in fisticuffs" -Shawn Spencer

"Doesn't that suck? I just hit you for no reason. I don't even know why." -Harry Lockhart

Offline Buscadera

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Re: Spare Character Concepts
« Reply #11 on: November 07, 2010, 02:13:33 PM »
Finn Jacobs (Pure Mortal) – Waist Deep
High Aspect: Outlaw Gunrunner
Other Aspects: Slippery Son-of-a-
(click to show/hide)
; Never Tell Me the Odds; Expert Smuggler

Physical: OO
Social: OOOO
Mental: OOO

• Great (+4): Deceit, Resources
• Good (+3): Contacts, Presence
• Fair (+2): Alertness, Guns, Rapport
• Average (+1): Athletics, Burglary, Contacts, Fists, Performance

Mortal Stunts:
   • Lush Lifestyle (Resources):
   • Sex Appeal (Rapport):
   • I Know Just the Guy (Contacts):
   • Document Forging (Deceit):
   • Honest Lies (Deceit):
   • Gun Nut (Guns):
   • Personal Magnetism (Presence):

Adjusted Refresh: 2
"Gus, I'm a lyrical gangster. I'll use some colorful vernacular and if necessary, you'll engage in fisticuffs" -Shawn Spencer

"Doesn't that suck? I just hit you for no reason. I don't even know why." -Harry Lockhart

Offline Buscadera

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Re: Spare Character Concepts
« Reply #12 on: November 07, 2010, 02:14:37 PM »
Frankie “Fingers” Mahoney (Sorcerer) – Chest Deep
High Aspect: Street-Rat Sorcerer
Other Aspects: Grew Up on the Mean Streets, Self-Taught Rough ‘n Tumble Magic, Sticky-Fingered Tagger

Physical: OOO
Social: OOO
Mental: OOOO

• Great (+4): Conviction, Discipline
• Good (+3): Burglary, Deceit, Lore
• Fair (+2): Alertness, Athletics, Craftsmanship, Stealth
• Average (+1): Endurance, Fists, Presence, Rapport, Survival

Supernatural Powers:
   • Channeling (Spirit) [-2]
   • Thaumaturgy [-3] (Complexity: Divination +1)
   • The Sight/Soulgaze [-1]

Mortal Stunts:
   • Pickpocket (Deceit):
Adjusted Refresh: 1
"Gus, I'm a lyrical gangster. I'll use some colorful vernacular and if necessary, you'll engage in fisticuffs" -Shawn Spencer

"Doesn't that suck? I just hit you for no reason. I don't even know why." -Harry Lockhart

Offline Buscadera

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Re: Spare Character Concepts
« Reply #13 on: November 07, 2010, 02:15:36 PM »
Great White (Pure Mortal) – Chest Deep
High Aspect: Gangsta Killer-for-Hire
Other Aspects: Whiteboy from the Hood, Airborne All The Way!, I’m On My Side

Physical: OOOO; two additional mild consequences
Social: OOO
Mental: OOO

• Superb (+5): Endurance
• Great (+4): Fists, Might
• Good (+3): Athletics, Guns
• Fair (+2): Alertness, Contacts, Deceit,
• Average (+1): Burglary, Conviction, Intimidation, Presence, Survival

Mortal Stunts:
   • Armed Arts (Fists):
   • On My Toes (Alertness):
   • No Pain, No Gain (Endurance):
   • Target-Rich Environment (Guns):
   • Subtle Menace (Intimidation):
   • You Don’t Want Any Of This (Intimidation):
   • Lethal Weapons (Fists):
   • Killer Blow (Fists):

Adjusted Refresh: 2
"Gus, I'm a lyrical gangster. I'll use some colorful vernacular and if necessary, you'll engage in fisticuffs" -Shawn Spencer

"Doesn't that suck? I just hit you for no reason. I don't even know why." -Harry Lockhart

Offline Buscadera

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Re: Spare Character Concepts
« Reply #14 on: November 07, 2010, 02:16:20 PM »
Jimmy O’Malley (Pure Mortal) – Feet in the Water
High Aspect: Clued-In Beat Cop
Other Aspects:

Physical: OOO
Social: OOO
Mental: OO

• Great (+4): Investigation
• Good (+3): Alertness, Guns
• Fair (+2): Athletics, Endurance, Fists
• Average (+1): Contacts, Driving, Intimidation, Presence

Mortal Stunts:
   • Armed Arts (Fists):
   • Quick Eye (Investigation):
   • Scene of the Crime (Investigation):
   • Freeze! Police! (Intimidation): +2 to all Intimidation rolls when acting in your official capacity as a law enforcement officer

Adjusted Refresh: 4
"Gus, I'm a lyrical gangster. I'll use some colorful vernacular and if necessary, you'll engage in fisticuffs" -Shawn Spencer

"Doesn't that suck? I just hit you for no reason. I don't even know why." -Harry Lockhart