Author Topic: Homebrew Stunts Master List (PLEASE DO NOT REPLY TO THIS THREAD)  (Read 15323 times)

Offline Sanctaphrax

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The purpose of this thread is the collection and dissemination of fan-made stunts for the Dresden Files Roleplaying Game.

It is written under the assumptions that stunts can enhance magical abilities in some limited ways, and that social stunts obey the same limitations as physical ones.

If you disagree with the former assumption, ignore every stunt marked with a single asterisk like so: *.

If you disagree with the latter assumption, increase the power of every stunt marked with two asterisks like so: **.

The contents of this list are available as a text document here.

This list underwent a pretty serious revision back in 2012. If you want, you can find the pre-revision version of it here.


Attention!: You have been trained to follow orders instantly in combat. When in a physical conflict, you may replace your initiative with that of a friendly character with this stunt.
The Advantage Of Familiarity: There are benefits to knowing a place really well. Pick a location or a small neighbourhood. Add two to your Alertness skill while you are in this area.
Sentry: You have the ability to wait, devoting your full effort to watchfulness, for hours on end. Your Endurance skill never restricts your Alertness skill owing to a lack of rest. In addition, add one to your Alertness skill when using its Passive Awareness and Avoiding Surprise trappings while in the same zone that you were in during the previous exchange.
Notice Tell: Your keen senses allow you to pick up on the subtle clues that indicate when a person is lying. You may use your Alertness skill to defend against Deceit-based social maneuvers and attacks.
Master of the Tell: (Requires Notice Tell) Long practice has made you incomparably good at noticing the mannerisms that accompany deception. Add two to your Alertness skill when using it to defend against Deceit-based maneuvers and attacks.
Primitive Tracker: Your methods of tracking are simple and intuitive, but nonetheless effective. You may use your Alertness skill for the Tracking trapping of Survival.
Inspector: Short-term and long term inspection of something are essentially the same thing. You may use your Alertness skill for the Examination trapping of Investigation.
Notice the Unseen: You have an uncanny knack for noticing things that are magically hidden. Add three to your Alertness skill when using it to notice things that are either invisible or veiled.


War Mount: You work together with your rider in order to defend yourselves. Add two to your Athletics skill when using it for defence while being ridden.
Protector: You are an expert at the protection of others. Add two to your Athletics skill when using it to create a block to protect another character. (A similar stunt could exist in many other skills.)
Ball Toss: Throwing a basketball isn't very different from throwing a knife. You may use your Athletics skill to wield thrown weapons. You do not get any bonus from speed powers for these attacks.
Spell Sense: Through exposure to and training against spellcasters you have developed a nearly preternatural awareness of danger from magical attacks. As such, you can react to that danger sooner and more effectively. Add two to your Athletics skill when using it to defend against spellcasting (including enchanted items).
Reading the Line of Fire: You can tell where the bullets will go before the trigger is pulled. Add two to your Athletics skill when using it to dodge gunfire.
I Grew Up Doing This: You are very familiar with a certain environment, and you find it easy to navigate its obstacles. Pick an environment. Add two to your Athletics skill when using it to bypass barriers in that environment. For the purposes of this stunt, a valid environment is any area or type of area that you expect to spend a significant amount of time outside of.
Highly Mobile: You move abnormally easily, and you find it easy to do other things while moving. You may move one zone each turn as a supplemental action without taking the normal -1 penalty.
Evasion: Like the members of certain character classes from Dungeons And Dragons (version 3.5), you have an amazing ability to remain unharmed when caught within the area of effect of an explosion. Add two to your Athletics-based defence rolls against area attacks.
Unhindered Defences: Armour and weapons are wonderful things, but they tend to slow a fellow down. So you don't carry weapons or wear armour. Add two to your Athletics defence rolls as long as you are unarmed and unarmoured.
Land On Your Feet: Like a cat, you are able to fall from great heights without great harm. When making an Athletics roll to resist falling damage, do not halve the result before converting it to armour.
Spring-Heeled: Maybe you don't actually have springs in your heels, but it sure looks as though you do. Add two to your Athletics skill when using it to jump.
Fight By Jumping: (Requires Spring-Heeled) It is normally a very bad idea to jump up high while fighting, but you make it work. Increase your Athletics skill by a further two when making a jump-based maneuver in combat, but all aspects created this way are automatically fragile.
Out Of Reach: (Requires Fight By Jumping) It isn't easy to hit a guy who's five feet above your head. So long as you possess an aspect created through Fight By Jumping, add two to your defence rolls against melee attacks.
The §$%& Bastard Will Not Escape: Nobody gets away from you. Add two to your Athletics skill when using it to chase someone.
Run Away: Discretion is the better part of valour, at least for you. On a successful defence with Athletics, you may sacrifice your next action to turn that defence roll into an immediate Sprint action.
Graceful Silence: Your natural poise and grace enable you to pass quietly and undetected. You may use your Athletics skill for the Skulking trapping of the Stealth skill.
Deadly Grace: Your speed and agility let you take people down before they realise what's going on. You may use your Athletics skill for the Ambush trapping of the Stealth skill.


Security Expert: Knowing how to case a place means that you know how to protect a place against other people with the same idea. You may use your Burglary skill to perform blocks against the future use of Burglary upon a target that you have successfully assessed with the Casing trapping. This block represents your efforts to correct the security flaws that you notice. Its duration and the time taken to set it up will vary according to the GM's discretion.
Five-Fingered Discount: Why buy what you can steal? You may use your Burglary skill instead of your Resources skill to “buy” things. Everything “bought” this way has the aspect “Stolen Property”. The difficulty of an attempt to “buy” something with Burglary may or may not be the same as the difficulty of an attempt to buy that same thing with Resources, at the GM's discretion. The time required may also vary.
Specialized Criminal: Thieves have specialties, just like scientists. Pick a type of thing that can be burgled (eg. banks, apartments). Add two to your Burglary skill when using it against that type of thing.
I Lupin!: Somehow, you can always pull of a stroke of larcenous brilliance when it really counts. Once per scene, you may spend a Fate Point in order to get a +4 bonus to a Burglary roll.
Burglar's Signature: Some aspect of your character makes you an expert thief. Pick one of your aspects. Add two to the result of any Burglary roll that you invoke that aspect on.
Disable Device: If you can take apart a lock, you can take apart a clock. You may use your Burglary skill for the Breaking trapping of the Craftsmanship skill.


Absolute Authority: You are good at being in charge. Add two to your Contacts skill as long as you are in a position of authority over those you intend to contact.
Friends Everywhere: Your network of contacts extends around the world. You may ignore up to two points worth of penalties to your Contacts skill due to an unfamiliar area.
Chain of Command: You are a soldier, and other soldiers answer to you. Add two to your Contacts skill when using it to deal with other soldiers.
The Boss: People do what you say. Add a new trapping called Employment to your Contacts skill. The Employment trapping is used to acquire or already have subordinates, employees, and minions. An employee's relevant skills are generally roughly equal to half of the roll made to hire them. Employees will not perform risky, illegal, or unethical actions unless you take a penalty to your hiring roll in order to find people willing to do risky, illegal, or unethical things. (Similar stunts could exist in Presence and Resources.)
Minions, Attack!: (Requires The Boss) You might not be good at fighting people, but you sure know how to point at a target. This stunt allows you to treat your minions as weapons rather than as independent characters. Minions are wielded with the Contacts skill. The weapon rating, range, and other traits of a group of minions depends on their numbers, quality, and equipment. (Similar stunts could exist in Presence and Resources.)
Minions, Defend!: (Requires Minions, Attack!) Your loyal minions defend you capably. As long as you have minions present, you may use your Contacts skill for the Dodging trapping of the Athletics skill. (Similar stunts could exist in Presence and Resources.)
Coordinated Attack: (Requires Minions, Attack!) Your expert leadership helps your minions hit their targets. Add one to your Contacts skill when using it with the benefits of Minions, Attack!. (Similar stunts could exist in Presence and Resources.)
Morale Boost: (Requires Minions, Attack!) Your inspiring leadership makes your minions attack more enthusiastically. Add two to the weapon rating of your minions. (Similar stunts could exist in Presence and Resources.)
Human Wall: (Requires Minions, Defend!) As long as your minions are around, you're safe. Even in the center of a battlefield. Add two to your Contacts skill when using it with the benefits of Minions, Defend!. (Similar stunts could exist in Presence and Resources.)
My Buddy Has One Of Those: Your friends are very willing to let you borrow whatever you need. You may use your Contacts skill instead of your Resources skill to “buy” things. Everything “bought” this way has the aspect “Not Actually Mine”. The difficulty of an attempt to “buy” something with Contacts may or may not be the same as the difficulty of an attempt to buy that same thing with Resources, at the GM's discretion. The time required may also vary.
I'm Looking For Mr Brown: You are extremely good at tracking people down. When trying to find someone with the Gathering Information trapping of the Contacts skill, add two to your Contacts skill and make the relevant rolls one time increment faster.
On The Watch: (Requires Ear To The Ground) There’s something that you’re on the watch for, and you have a network of people who will tell you if it happens. Pick a topic roughly as broad as “Lawbreaking” or “My Little Pony”. The difficulty of any Getting The Tip-Off roll that you make related to that topic is reduced by four. (This doesn’t stack with Ear To The Ground).
Member: You are a member of an organization. Add two to your Contacts skill when using it to contact other members of that organization. The situations in which this will be useful depend heavily on the organization.
Too Cool for School: All the kids wanna be just like you. Add two to your Contacts skill when dealing with young adults between high school and middle school age.
Networking: Networking is an important skill for a businessman, and you have it. Add two to your Contacts skill when using it in a corporate context.
Salesman's Network: All good salesmen build up a network of satisfied customers over time. Pick a type of product. Add two to your Contacts skill when looking for or dealing with makers, sellers, or notable consumers of that type of product.
Network of Informants: You know people who know things about the things that you want to know things about. Pick a subject roughly as broad as “the Red Court” or “academic politics”. Add two to your Contacts skill when using it to Gather Information or Get The Tip Off about that subject.
Discreet Investigations: You are unusually subtle when it comes to gathering information. It isn't obvious when you use the Gathering Information trapping of the Contacts skill; people need to beat your Contacts roll with one of their own to notice it.


Sermonize: Your speeches are more about passion than presentation. Add a new trapping called Preaching to your Conviction skill. The Preaching trapping is used to make social attacks, social maneuvers, and public speeches that are related to religious or moral issues.
Righteous: You are nearly unstoppable when you’re doing what’s right. Add two to your Conviction skill when using it with your Righteousness power.*
Trust The Leader: Your faith in your boss, be it the archangel Uriel or Colonel Carrington, is absolute. Pick a being. You may take two additional mild social or mental consequences against attempts to make you think or act against that being.
Fire And Brimstone: Threatening someone's body isn't really your style. You prefer to threaten the soul. You may use your Conviction skill for the Threats trapping of the Intimidation skill when threatening someone with eternal damnation, divine hatred, or some similar fate.
Stubborn Faith: You cling to your beliefs with amazing determination. You may take two additional minor consequences against attempts to make you act directly against the principles of your faith.
Shield Of Faith: Your faith protects you from harm, repelling those evil beings that cannot tolerate its power. You may use your Conviction skill instead of your Athletics skill to defend against attacks from characters that have catches related to faith.
Religious Contacts: You are well loved for your piety. You may use your Conviction skill instead of your Contacts skill when dealing with people who have centred their lives around the same religion as you. (This stunt may be excessively broad in some games. Please be cautious with it.)
Shield Of Dogma: Words are meaningless against your fanatical will. You may use your Conviction skill for the social defence trapping of Rapport.
Threshold Guardian: Your very presence is a shield against the forces of evil. Add three to your Conviction skill when using it in conjunction with the Bless This House power.*
Boosted Hexes: You don’t get along with technology at all. Even compared to other wizards. All technology is treated as though it were two steps lower on the hexing table when determining how easily you can hex it.*
You Do Not Want To See My Soul: Your soul has a truly profound effect on those who see it. Add two to your Conviction skill when using it to make mental attacks in a Soulgaze.*
Closer To God: For whatever reason, God guides you just a little more carefully than is normal. Add two to your Conviction skill when using it with your Guide My Hand power.*
Lay On Hands: Faith healing actually works. At least, it does for you. Use your Conviction skill instead of your Scholarship skill for medical treatment.
Sunday School: Being religious means knowing about religion. Use your Conviction skill to determine your religious knowledge.
I KNOW I'm Right!: Your knowledge of the righteousness of your beliefs gives you strength in trying times. You may use your Conviction skill for the Mental Defence trapping of the Discipline skill.
Set in My Ways: You're old. It took you decades to form your beliefs and you're not about to abandon them. Add two to your Conviction skill when using it to resist attempts to change your deeply-held beliefs or your core identity.
« Last Edit: December 24, 2016, 07:48:00 AM by Sanctaphrax »

Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: Homebrew Stunts Master List (PLEASE DO NOT REPLY TO THIS THREAD)
« Reply #1 on: October 23, 2010, 06:36:46 PM »

Percussive Maintenance: Sometimes a malfunctioning gadget just needs a good swift kick. You may spend a fate point to make any repair attempt in one exchange. Treat all such repairs as Jury-Rigged repairs.
Do You Like It? I Made It Myself: A weapon you made yourself is a weapon that you know really well. When you wield weapons that you built yourself, your Craftsmanship skill complements whatever other skill you use to wield that weapon.
Personalized Weaponry Engineering: Clever engineering can compensate for a lack of combat skill. When you take this stunt, pick a broad category of weapon. You may make weapons of this category with the special quality that you may wield them with your Craftsmanship skill. Such weapons will often include odd devices and unusual features that make their use very different from that of a normal weapon.
From Another Time: You are intimately familiar with the technology of a time other than the present. Choose a time period other than the present day. Add two to your Craftsmanship skill when dealing with stuff from that time period.
Innovation Trumps Experience: Teaching yourself sorcery with a background in engineering means not using the “traditional" Crafting methods. The strength ratings of the enchanted items that you create are based off of your Craftsmanship skill.*
Bunker Builder: You know how to make effective fortifications. Given time, you may fortify a zone with your Craftsmanship skill. Your Craftsmanship roll than functions as a block against entry to that zone and ranged attacks into it. The time required to fortify a zone will vary according to GM discretion, as will the duration that fortification lasts for.
Bricoleur: You are skilled at improvising when making, breaking, or repairing something.  Add one to your Craftsmanship skill when making Declarations and Assessments in the art of Bricolage ("to make creative and resourceful use of whatever materials are at hand (regardless of their original purpose)").
Skilled Bricoleur: (Requires Bricoleur) Your creativity at improvising is unparalleled. You may ignore up to two points of penalties to your Craftsmanship skill due to insufficient tools or materials.
Master Bricoleur: (Requires Skilled Bricoleur) Your skill and resourcefulness are unparalleled. When you engage in the art of Bricolage, your creations are cobbled together one time increment faster than normal and last two time increments longer than they would otherwise.
Big Pocking Wrench: You can do a lot as long as you have your trusty giant wrench on hand. Add two to your Craftsmanship skill when using it to fix or break something with a large wrench, as long as the wrench is actually useful for what you are using it for.
Scavenger: There is an art to making things quickly out of cannibalized parts. You find it easy, because the people who made the thing you took apart did most of the work. If as part of a Craftsmanship roll made to build or fix something you take apart an object that contains parts appropriate to the thing you are building or fixing, you may make that Craftsmanship roll two time increments faster.
Sneaky Bastard: You are an expert in the subtle art of booby-trapping an area. If given time to prepare a location, you may create traps in that location. When in an area that you have booby-trapped, you may make physical attacks with your Craftsmanship skill. The weapon ratings and ranges of these attacks depend upon the traps used to make them. The time required to set a trap and the time that they last for will vary based on GM discretion.
Locksmith: If you can take apart a clock, you can take apart a lock. You may use your Craftsmanship skill for the Lockpicking trapping of the Burglary skill.


Feint: When it looks like you're going to go right, you go left. And vice versa. Add two to your Deceit skill when using it for maneuvers to create Aspects that have to do with confusion and misdirection in physical combat.
Superior Feint: (Requires Feint) They thought they had you, but they thought wrong. You may use your Deceit skill for the Dodging trapping of the Athletics skill against the physical attacks of characters who have aspects that you placed on them with a Deceit maneuver that benefited from the Feint stunt.
Data Manipulation: It's easy to fool someone when you have graphs to back you up. In your hands, charts and graphs are weapon 2 for Deceit attacks. There must be some sort of connection between the chart or graph and the attack, but it need not be a solid one.**
One Big Lie: Tell a lie long enough and you begin to believe it. Pick a statement that isn't true. Add two to your Deceit skill when using it to convince someone that that statement is true. Reduce the bonus provided by this stunt to one when it applies to a social or mental attack.**
Shield of Lies: Your lies run so deep that you almost believe them yourself. You may use your Deceit skill instead of your Presence skill to determine the length of your social stress track.
Impenetrable Bluff: You can bluff like a poker pro. Maybe you are a poker pro. Increase your Deceit skill by two when using it to trick people into believing that you are more capable or better positioned than you actually are.
It's Just Creative Lying: Really, acting is just an advanced form of lying. You may your Deceit skill for the Playing To An Audience trapping of the Performance skill when acting.
The Appearance Of Wealth: You seem like a wealthy and powerful person, regardless of the reality. You may use your Deceit skill for the Money Talks trapping of the Resources skill.
Wearing An Extremely Trustworthy Face: It's hard to disbelieve what those closest to you tell you. While successfully impersonating someone, your Deceit attacks inflict two additional stress to that someone's close associates.**
Founded Upon Lies: You are very good at turning innocuous lies into devastating ones. Whenever you invoke or tag an aspect that you created with a Deceit maneuver to boost a Deceit roll, add one to your roll in addition to the normal benefits.**
Defensive Lies: You can come up with a counterpoint to any point, as long as you don’t worry about honesty. You may use your Deceit skill for the social defence trapping of the Rapport skill.
Houdini: You could be found by the police standing next to a burned-down church with a handful of matches and a can of gasoline and still get away scot free. Add two to your Deceit skill when using it to defend against attempts to discern or prove your involvement in a crime.**
Faustian Pact: Your job is to trick people into signing unfair contracts. When you make a social attack with the Cat And Mouse trapping of the Deceit skill to convince someone to make a deal, you may treat a written copy of the deal as weapon 2 for that attack.**
Illusion Of Grandeur: Making a good first impression is all about misrepresenting yourself. You may use your Deceit skill for the First Impressions trapping of the Rapport skill.
"Honest" Lawyer: Okay, maybe they don’t exist. But most people would say that you are one, anyway. Use your Deceit skill as a knowledge skill for legal matters in place of the Scholarship skill.
Master Manipulator: You can treat other people like chess pieces and make it work. Add one to your Deceit skill when using it to make an attack designed to trick your target into following a preset plan of yours.**
"Good Intentions": Everyone you meet is certain that you intend nothing but what is best for everyone. Add two to your Deceit skill when using it to make a maneuver or Declaration based off of feigned benevolence or friendship.**
Dishonest Persuasion: If being charming doesn't make people do what you want them to do, lie your ass off. You may use your Deceit skill instead of your Rapport skill to make social attacks based off of persuasion.
Feint: Pretend to attack one area and then quickly hit another. You may use your Deceit skill to attack with melee weapons. Any character that you use this stunt on adds two to their defence rolls against your further use of this stunt for the rest of the scene.


Determinate: Your astonishing determination allows you to push yourself beyond your limits. Use your Discipline skill for the Long-Term Action trapping of the Endurance skill. (A similar stunt could exist in Conviction.)
Disciplined Body: (Requires Determinate) Your body moves because your mind tells it to. Use your Discipline skill to determine the length of your physical stress track. (A similar stunt could exist in Conviction.)
Master of the Sight: You are remarkably good at seeing through your third eye. Add one to your Discipline and Lore skills when using them to interpret or control the Sight.*
Spiritual Integration: You get along well with your Demonic Co-Pilot. Add two to your Discipline skill when using it to resist the effects of your Demonic Co-Pilot power.*
Unbroken Composure: Your mental strength allows you to remain calm when others would be caught off guard. You may use your Discipline skill for the Avoiding Surprise trapping of the Alertness skill.
Focused Fallout: Your spells are hard on the environment, but they're harder on the guys that you hit with them. When you take fallout as a consequence of casting a spell with insufficient control, reduce the power of the spell by two shifts less.*
Control The Conversation: Your tremendous self-control gives you tremendous social control. You may use your Discipline skill for the Social Initiative trapping of the Empathy skill.
Fearless: You are not easily scared. All attempts to intimidate you suffer a two shift penalty.
Reflexive Shield: Magic is the only defence you need. When you are attacked, you may sacrifice your next action to cast a defensive evocation.*
Landscape Command: You control your domain even more closely than most. Increase your Discipline skill by two when using it in conjunction with your Demesne power.*
Laser Focus: You find it easy to clear your mind in a stressful situation. Add two to your Discipline skill when using it for a maneuver to create an aspect based on concentration, willpower, or clear thought.
I'll Just Ignore You: Counterarguments are a waste of time. You prefer to simply not listen to the people you disagree with. You may use your Discipline skill for the social defence trapping of the Rapport skill.
Mind of Steel: Magical mental influence is useless against your fortress-like mind! Add two to your Discipline skill when using it to defend against supernatural mental attacks.
Clarity Through Rage: Sometimes a burst of anger is exactly what you need to fight off a mental attack. Once per scene, when you are targeted by a magical mental effect, you may accept an immediate Compel on an anger-related Aspect. If you do so, you do not get a Fate Point. Instead, you add five to your Discipline defence roll against the mental effect.
Hunger Control: Through rigorous self-denial you have conquered your bestial needs. Mostly. Add two to your Discipline skill when using it to resist hunger and the temptation to feed. This doesn't lengthen your Hunger stress track if you have one, but it does help against Hunger stress and the compulsions of Blood Drinker and Emotional Vampire.*


City Driver: You've spent most of your life driving up and down the same streets. Add one to your Driving skill on city streets and ignore one point worth of increased difficulty due to traffic.
Gunner: You’re a former military man with the training to use vehicle weaponry. You may use your Driving skill to wield vehicle-mounted weaponry.
One Hand On The Wheel: Multitasking behind the wheel is second nature to you. Treat your Driving skill as infinite whenever it would complement, modify, or restrict another skill.
Sailor: For you, Driving would be better described as Sailing. Increase your Driving skill by one when using it to operate a water vehicle. Also, pick a type of water vehicle. When operating a vehicle of the chosen type, add two to your Driving skill instead.
Signature Ride: You’ve used a certain type of vehicle so much that its operation is instinctive to you. Pick a type of vehicle. Add two to your Driving skill when using that sort of vehicle.
Traffic Watcher: You really know how to use those rear-view mirrors. You may use your Driving skill instead of your Alertness skill to notice vehicles and road conditions, to detect vehicular ambushes, and to determine initiative while operating a vehicle.


Read You Like A Book: People's emotions are pretty damn obvious to you. Add two to your Empathy skill when using it to read people.
Bartender's Ear: Like any good bartender, you know how to understand drunk people. Add two to your Empathy skill when dealing with people who are under the influence of alcohol.
One Breath: A true samurai can size up a foe within a single breath. You may use your Empathy skill for Assessments and Declarations intended to determine when an opponent or potential opponent will attack you and what their combat skills are like.
Disturbingly Insightful: You always know just what people don't want to hear. You may use your Empathy skill to make social attacks intended to unnerve, annoy, and generally mess with people.


Tough as Nails: You don’t seem to feel pain the way normal people do. When an opponent tags or invokes one of your consequences when attacking you in a physical conflict they only receive +1 to their roll. If they choose to reroll, you may lock down one of their dice and leave them only 3 to reroll.
Inexhaustible Power: You always have a bit more juice to draw upon. You may take two additional mild mental consequences when facing the stress incurred from using Evocation.*
Fireproof: You are incredibly resistant to fire and extreme heat in general. You have a natural armour value of 2 against fire. This bonus stacks with other sources of armour.
Effortless Recovery: You don’t just heal fast. You heal easily. You take no penalty when erasing a consequence as a supplemental action with a Recovery power.*
Was That Supposed To Hurt?: You are TOUGH. You don't avoid attacks, you just take them right. You may use your Endurance skill to defend against any physical attack that could plausibly strike you without inflicting a significant injury.
Shrug It Off: You don't bother to dodge; you don't need to. When you are attacked in a physical conflict, you may choose to make your defence Mediocre. If you do so, roll your Endurance skill and gain armour against that attack equal to the result. Armour from this stunt stacks with all other forms of armour.
The King Still Stands: You are the king! An army of commoners is nothing more than fodder for your sword to cut down. When fighting against multiple opponents on your own, you may take two additional mild physical consequences.
Toughness Of Mind And Body: A guy as tough as you has no need to be afraid. You may use your Endurance skill to resist fear.
Always Healthy: You are always healthy. Duh. Add two to your Endurance skill when using it to defend against poisons and diseases.
« Last Edit: June 05, 2013, 08:23:31 AM by Sanctaphrax »

Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: Homebrew Stunts Master List (PLEASE DO NOT REPLY TO THIS THREAD)
« Reply #2 on: October 23, 2010, 06:37:48 PM »

Patterns: Martial arts are actually a lot like dancing. You may use Fists instead of Performance to demonstrate martial arts moves.
Competition Fighting: You are a martial artist, not a fighter. Add one to your Fists skill as long as you aren't in a real fight.
Board Breaking: You break stuff with your hands. You may use your Fists skill for the Breaking Things trapping of the Might skill.
Street Fighter: You don't fight by the rules. If there's a piece of lead pipe lying around, you'll use it. You may use your Fists skill to wield improvised weapons.
No Holds Barred Beatdown: What’s the opposite of mercy? Whatever it is, you show plenty of it in your fights. All of your attacks with Fists inflict X additional stress, where X is the level of the worst consequence that you have inflicted on the target this scene. (A similar stunt could exist in Guns or in Weapons.)
Use Their Strength Against Them: Excessive strength can be a disadvantage if your opponent knows how to exploit it. Add one to your Fists skill when using it to attack, defend against, or block the actions of a character whose Might skill is greater than your Fists skill. (A similar stunt could exist in Weapons.)
Nasty Infighter/Mixed Martial Artist: You practice judo or another grappling-based martial art. You may use your Fists skill for the Wrestling trapping of the Might skill.
Throws And Holds: (Requires Nasty Infighter/Mixed Martial Artist) If you aren’t careful when attacking a wrestler, you’ll end up on the ground. On a successful close-combat defence with Fists, you may sacrifice your next action and invoke one of the attacker's aspects in order to turn that defence into an immediate grapple against the attacker with a strength equal to your defence roll. This grapple does not need to be renewed until you act again.
Ground and Pound: (Requires Nasty Infighter/Mixed Martial Artist) You are a master at inflicting damage to your opponent in a grapple. Add one to the stress you inflict when taking a supplemental action to hurt someone that you've grappled. (A similar stunt could exist in Might, without the prerequisite.)
Guard Breaker: You have a talent for getting around certain types of defence. Pick a skill. Add one to your Fists skill when attacking someone who is using that skill to defend. (A similar stunt could exist in Guns or in Weapons.)
Potent Poison: The poison produced by your body is exceptionally powerful. Add one to your Fists skill for any use of the Venomous trapping of the Claws power.*
Destroyer Of Abominations: You hit harder when your enemy is something blasphemous. All attacks that you make with the Fists skill inflict two additional stress to creatures that are in some way unusually offensive to your faith. (A similar stunt could exist in Guns or in Weapons.)
Kick The Bruise: It really hurts to take two hits to the same place. Whenever you tag or invoke a consequence to benefit a Fists attack, that attack inflicts two extra stress. (A similar stunt could exist in Guns or in Weapons.)
Storm Of Punches: A great warrior fights as well against a thousand enemies as he does against one. You may make spray attacks with your Fists skill.
Demesne-Assisted Combat Focus: It's easy to win a fight when you control the world around you. Add one to your Fists skill when using to attack as long as you are in your Demesne. (A similar stunt could exist in Guns or in Weapons.)*
Demesne-Assisted Combat Specialization: It's easy to win a fight when you control the world around you. As long as you are in your Demesne, your Fists attacks inflict two additional stress. (A similar stunt could exist in Guns or in Weapons.)*
Bull Charge: You know how to use your momentum in a fight. If you move at least one zone as a supplemental action before making an attack with Fists, that attack inflicts two additional stress. (A similar stunt could exist in Guns or in Weapons.)
Talking With Your Fists: A guy with the ability to hurt you is always scary, even if he's got no charisma at all. You may use your Fists skill instead of your Intimidation skill when threatening someone with violence. (A similar stunt could exist in Guns or in Weapons.)
Unorthodox Fighting: People with formal training are less able to defend against your tomfoolery in combat. Add one to your Fists skill when making attacks against opponents who adhere strictly to a formal style of combat. (A similar stunt could exist in Guns or in Weapons.)
Give As Good As I Get: Sometimes, you have to do something crazy in order to win a fight. Once per scene, when you are attacked, you may spend a Fate Point. If you do so, you defend against the attack with an effective skill of Mediocre and may not use a Block to replace your defence roll. This might sound pretty grim, but take heart; if you attack your attacker with your Fists skill during your next action, you may add three to your attack roll and increase the weapon rating of your attack by three. (A similar stunt could exist in Weapons or in Guns.)
Battlefield Schooling: (Requires Armed Arts) Years of combat experience have given you extensive knowledge of weapons and their use. You may use your Fists skill for the Weapon Knowledge trapping of the Weapons skill.
Armed Supremacy: (Requires Battlefield Schooling) All forms of combat are as one to you. You may use your Fists skill in any situation where you would normally use your Weapons skill.
Defensive Fighting: You've mastered a cautious and defensive fighting style. Whenever you make a Fists attack, you may choose to reduce its weapon rating by one. If you do so, add two to your Fists skill for the purpose of defence rolls until your next turn. (A similar stunt could exist in Weapons.)
Analytical Fighter: You fight more effectively once you've had a chance to analyse your target's fighting style. Add two to the weapon rating of any Fists attack you make against a character you've seen act at least three times in the current fight. (A similar stunt could exist in Guns or in Weapons.)
Light You On Fire: Anyone can light people on fire, but only a skilled fire-lighter like you can do it safely. As long as you have a lighter or some matches or a magical flaming fist or some other source of fire, your Fists attacks inflict two additional stress to anyone wearing or carrying flammable things.
Martial Scholar: (Requires Martial Artist) Once you know your opponent's style, defending against them is easy. Add two to your Fists skill when using it to defend against the attacks of someone whose style you have successfully Assessed with Martial Artist.


Trained As A Unit: You were trained alongside the rest of your unit, and now that unit is like a single organism. Add two to your Guns skill when using it to make a maneuver while working together with at least one other character who has this stunt for the same unit as you. (A similar stunt could exist in many other skills.)
Team Player: You have been extensively trained to work together with others. Add two to your Guns skill when using it to make a maneuver to grant an aspect to an ally of yours. (A similar stunt could exist in many other skills.)
Killer Of Animals: Guns aren't for killing people: they're for killing animals. All attacks that you make with the Guns skill inflict two additional stress to mundane animals. (A similar stunt could exist in Fists or in Weapons.)
Long-Range Combat: You're most comfortable when your enemies are a ways away. Add one to your Guns skill when using it to attack from at least two zones away.
Killer of Many: You have killed a lot of people, but not so many monsters. All of your attacks with Guns inflict two additional stress to Pure Mortals. This stunt may be excessively broad in a game with an unusually high number of mortals, so GM discretion is advised. (A similar stunt could exist in Fists or in Weapons.)
Empty Mag Empty Room: (Requires Blaze Away) Sometimes you just have to fire every bullet you have. When you attack with a gun, you may choose to fire every bullet in your gun at once. If you do, each attack you make that exchange gets a +1 bonus.
Way Of The Gun: Guns are your area of expertise. You may use your Guns skill to build and repair firearms, and to make Declarations related to the modifications that you've made to your firearms. Add one to the stress inflicted by each attack you make with a gun that you either made or modified heavily.
Favoured Enemy: You've studied how to kill certain magical creatures. Choose a type of supernatural being. All attacks that you make with your Guns skill inflict two additional stress to that type of being. (A similar stunt could exist in Fists or in Weapons.)
Personal Arsenal: You own a great number of weapons, and you get new ones all the time. Use your Guns skill instead of your Resources skill when dealing with weaponry. (A similar stunt could exist in Weapons.)
Scope User: You know how to use a scope. Add two to your Guns skill when using it to make manoeuvres related to aiming while using a scope or laser sight.
Ammo Selection: There are many different types of bullet in the world, and each of them is suitable for a different situation. Given the chance to select and use ammunition appropriate to the situation, all of your attacks with Guns inflict two additional stress.
Sea Urchin Launcher Wielder: You are proficient in the use of the weapons of the Fomor people who live beneath the sea. Add one to your Guns skill when using it to attack with Fomor weapons.
This... Is My BOOMSTICK!: Somehow, talking like an action hero helps you shoot like one. Add one to your Guns skill when using it to attack with a shotgun, as long as you say a cheesy one-liner each time you attack.
Futuristic Weapons Proficiency: You're either from the future or very up to date about weapons technology. Increase your Guns skill by one when using it to attack with cutting-edge prototype weapons or weapons from the future. (A similar stunt could exist in Weapons.)
Pistols Akimbo: You have two hands, why use only one gun? When wielding two guns, you may add half of the weapon rating of the second gun to that of the first.
Gun Kata: You have trained in using pistols in melee combat. When dual-wielding pistols, you may use your Guns skill to defend against attacks made by other characters in your zone. Add one to your Guns skill when using this stunt to defend against firearms.


Scare 'em Straight: You are an authority figure. Part of your job is to put the fear of the law in potential miscreants. Add one to your Intimidation skill when using it against someone under your authority (ie: students for a teacher, magical practitioners for a Warden).**
Bad Cop: Cruelty is more effective when given a basis for comparison. When making maneuvers to assist someone who has the Good Cop stunt, add two to your Intimidation skill. In addition, your social Intimidation attacks inflict two additional stress as long as you tag or invoke an aspect created by someone who has the Good Cop stunt as you make them.**
And Your Little Dog Too: People who shrug off the most brutal threats against themselves will often fold when their loved ones are threatened. When you make an Intimidation attack in which you threaten to harm someone other than the target of the attack, you inflict two additional stress.**
Rorschach-Style Information Gathering: You don't ask nicely when there's stuff you need to know. You may use your Intimidation skill for the Gathering Information trapping of the Contacts skill.
Scary Reputation: It’s at lot easier to scare someone if they’re already scared of your reputation. Use your Intimidation skill plus one to make Declarations about the terrible things people think you've done.
Polite Threats: (Requires Subtle Menace) It takes a special kind of person to make a death threat at a tea party. You are that special kind of person. You may use Intimidation without being rude or directly threatening someone.
I Find Your Lack Of Faith Disturbing: Really dedicated people are kind of scary. Add one to your Intimidation skill when using it to make attacks against someone whose Conviction skill is lower than yours.**
Torturer: You have the complete lack of mercy that is needed to torture someone properly. You may use your Intimidation skill to inflict mental stress as long as your target is entirely within your power.
Imposing Attitude: For some reason, people seem reluctant to disagree with you. Maybe it’s your cologne. You may use your Intimidation skill for the social defence trapping of the Rapport skill.
Threats Of Violence: Fear and pain: they’re like best buddies. You always try to keep them together. Your Intimidation attacks inflict two additional stress to people that you have physically harmed recently.**
Mesmerizing Gaze: Something about your eyes is frightening to people. Perhaps it's something similar to the effect behind a wizard's soulgaze. Add two to your Intimidation skill when using it to place an aspect on another character with a maneuver as long as you can make eye contact with your target.**
I Could Have You Killed: Having a bunch of minions makes you scarier. Scientific fact. You may treat your minions as weapon 2 for Intimidation attacks.**
Stirrer: You are very good at stirring up conflict amongst other people. Add to one to your Intimidation skill when using it to get one person angry with another.**
Grisly Display: When people see what you do to the people you take down, they think twice about fighting you. Once per scene, when you take someone out with physical stress, you may create a taggable GRISLY DISPLAY Aspect for free. If you do so, add one to your Intimidation skill for the rest of the scene.
Domination: Your minions may be weak-minded, but you've scared them into submission. Your Intimidation skill complements the social and mental defence skills of any character who directly serves you.


Improved Psychometry: Your investigative skills are geared more to the magical than to the mundane. Add two to your Investigation skill when using it with the Psychometry power.*
Supernatural Detective: You specialize in the sort of cases that most cops don’t even believe in. Add two to your Investigation skill when investigating magic.
Ask Around: Asking the right questions is a big part of being a good investigator. Use your Investigation skill for the Gathering Information trapping of Contacts.
Real Detectives Improvise: Most people need a number of skills to investigate properly, but you seem to do alright without them. Whenever you use a skill to investigate something or someone, you may spend a Fate Point to use your Investigation skill instead of that skill. For example, you could spend a fate point to use your Investigation skill instead of your Empathy skill when analysing suspects in conversation.
Make Them Slip Up: (Requires Real Detectives Improvise) You are adept at angering your suspects just enough to make them say something they wouldn't have normally. Use your Investigation skill for the Provocation trapping of Intimidation.
Little Lies: (Requires Real Detectives Improvise) Those who seek the truth tend to lie a lot. Sad but true. Use your Investigation skill for the Falsehood And Deception trapping of Deceit.
It’s Part Of The Job: (Requires Real Detectives Improvise) Sometimes looking like someone else is just part of a detective's job. You may use your Investigation skill for the Disguise trapping of Deceit.
Look Behind You…: (Requires Real Detectives Improvise) Following a suspect is easy; doing it without their knowledge is the trick, and you've got that trick down. Use your Investigation skill for the Shadowing trapping of Stealth.
I Will Find Out What I Want To Know: There's not much point being able to get information from a crime scene if you can't get information from a person. Use your Investigation skill for the Interrogation trapping of Intimidation.
Never Miss A Beat: You are a seasoned investigator, and your keen eye alerts you to danger. Use your Investigation skill instead of your Alertness skill to avoid surprise.
Reading Suspects: Part of being a good detective is knowing whodunit long before anything can be proved. You may use your Investigation skill instead of your Empathy skill when you have at least one piece of evidence indicating that your target is a criminal.
Investigative Reporter: Your writing style depends more upon good research than anything else. You may use your Investigation skill instead of your Performance skill for journalism.
Excellent Journalist: (Requires Investigative Reporter) It’s not complicated: you’re just a good journalist. Add two to your Investigation skill when using it to replace your Performance skill.
Specialized Detective: You might not be the most versatile investigator, but you’re good at what you do. Pick a topic. Add two to your Investigation skill when investigating that topic.
« Last Edit: June 05, 2013, 08:25:02 AM by Sanctaphrax »

Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: Homebrew Stunts Master List (PLEASE DO NOT REPLY TO THIS THREAD)
« Reply #3 on: October 23, 2010, 06:38:41 PM »

Blindingly Fast Change: You are able to shift forms in the blink of an eye – so fast that opponents are caught unprepared. You take no penalty to your main action when using a supplemental action to change shape (using the Beast Change or True Shapeshifting powers). Once per scene, when shifting forms and attacking as part of the same action, you may spend a Fate Point to add three to your attack roll.*
Spell Resistance: Your extensive practical experience with hostile magic helps you mitigate its effects. You have an armour value of 1 against all stress originating from direct applications of magic. This armour stacks with all other sources of armour that may be effective against a magical attack.
I Know Fairies: Your knowledge of the supernatural includes personal familiarity with the fey. You may use your Lore skill instead of your Contacts skill when dealing with the fey.
A Potion For Everything: You always have exactly the right potion for any situation. Add two to your Lore skill when using it to declare that you have a certain potion.*
Occult Crafts: There are some things you just don’t learn to build in shop class. Choose a type of item that has some connection to the occult, like shrunken heads or voodoo dolls. You may use your Lore skill to create or repair items of that type.
Occult Ceremonies: Is there really that much difference between a séance and a play? Add a new trapping called Ceremonies to your Lore skill. The Ceremonies trapping is used to perform non-magical rituals, to perform maneuvers through those rituals, and to make those rituals appear to be truly magical.
Improved Supernatural Senses: Your occult senses are sharp. That’s all there is to it. Add two to your Lore skill when using it with a Supernatural Sense.*
A Loremaster Must Have A Library: You didn’t become the walking library that you are today without owning a real one. Determine the quality of your occult library with your Lore skill rather than your Resources skill.
Applied Knowledge: You can always come up with some little fact that gives you an advantage. Add two to your Lore skill when using it for the occult equivalent of the Declaring Minor Details trapping of Scholarship.
Thaumaturge: Thaumaturgy is about knowledge, more than anything else. And you have that knowledge. Add two to your Lore skill when using it to make declarations as part of thaumaturgy preparation.*
I've Fought A Lot Of Monsters: You've been in a position to see how a lot of supernatural nasties fight--usually because they've been swinging their claws at you--and that knowledge is almost as good as just being quick on your feet. When fighting non-human supernatural creatures, you may use your Lore skill instead of your Athletics skill to dodge their melee attacks.
Sufficiently Advanced Technology: Some technology is basically magic. The underlying principles are different, but for all practical intents and purposes it's magic. And so you treat it that way. You may use your Lore skill to know about and sort-of understand any technology that's utterly beyond modern scientific understanding. Like an alien spaceship or the gun of a time traveller from the 45th century.


Heavy Object Attack: Pure strength can compensate pretty well for a lack of skill sometimes. You may use your Might skill to make attacks with heavy objects.
Weight Training: You can operate normally with a hundred pounds on your back. Treat your Might skill as infinite whenever it would complement, modify, or restrict another skill.
Clever Wrestling: You aren't easy to hold down. Treat all grapples that are made against you as though their strength was two shifts lower.
Power Over Finesse: Your unarmed attacks rely on brute strength rather than on clever technique. You may use your Might skill to attack unarmed.
Chain-Grab: It takes a lot of skill, but it is possible to wrestle two people at once. You may grapple more than one character at once. This requires you to split the result of your grapple roll among your targets as though you were making a spray attack.
Master Grappler: (Requires Wrestler) As a result of long training, some actions in a grapple have become instinctive to you. Pick one of the supplemental actions that you may take while grappling. You suffer no penalty for taking that action in a grapple.
Built Like An Ox: You are a solid block of muscle, and that lets you take a lot of punishment. Use your Might skill to determine the length of your physical stress track.
Muscle Your Way Up: Climbing is basically like weightlifting, except you are the weight. You may use your Might skill for the Climbing trapping of Athletics.


Artist: You are an artist, obviously. Pick a genre and a medium. Add one to your Performance skill when dealing with something that is part of either your chosen medium or your chosen genre, and add two to your Performance skill when dealing with something that is part of both your chosen genre and your chosen medium.
The Complete Performer: An artist needs skills beyond just making art if he wants to be great. Fortunately, you have them. Whenever your Performance skill is complemented, restricted, or otherwise modified by one of your other skills, treat that other skill as infinite.
Spellsinger: Music is magic, at least for you. You may use your Performance skill for spellcasting control.*
Playing To Expectations: Being a good actor requires being a good liar. You may use your Performance skill for the Falsehood & Deception trapping of the Deceit skill.
Jester: You are a comedian. Add two to your Performance skill when using it to make jokes and generally be funny.
Mixed Drinks: Some people paint paintings. Some people carve sculptures. You mix cocktails. Add two to your Performance skill when using it to make alcoholic drinks.
Target Audience: You know your audience. Pick a type of being. When playing to beings of that type, add two to your Performance skill.
Cult Following: (Requires Target Audience) You’ve got the kind of fans that most artists would kill for, and that some are killed by. When dealing with beings within your target audience, you may substitute your Performance skill for your Contacts skill.
Method Actor: A good actor can slip into his role so completely that his original self is consumed. Pick a type of being. You may use your Performance skill instead of your Deceit skill to impersonate that type of being. When disguising yourself as that type of being, your disguise can stand up to more than casual scrutiny.
Acting Scary: (Requires Method Actor) Even a totally harmless person can pretend to be something terrifying. While using Method Actor to disguise yourself, you may use your Performance skill instead of your Intimidation skill.
Favourite Subject Matter: You know one subject and you know it really well. Pick a topic. When producing art that pertains to that topic, add two to your Performance skill.
Building Upon The Mood: You know how to use the local ambience to maximum effect.  Add two to your Performance skill when tagging or invoking a scene aspect to boost a Performance roll.
Artistic Spirit: You might not actually be much of an artist, but you could have been a great one if your life had gone differently. Your Performance skill is considered to be infinite whenever it would complement, restrict, or otherwise modify another skill.


Famous: You are very well known. Add two to your Presence skill when using it to determine your reputation.
In Control: People instinctively wait for you to say your piece. You may use your Presence skill instead of your Empathy skill to determine your social initiative.
Encouraging Leadership: People feel braver with your support. When leading a group you may have your Presence skill complement the Presence skills of the members of your group.
Authority Figure: You are in charge. Add two to your Presence skill when using it against someone under your authority (ie: students for a teacher, grunts for a sergeant).
Force Of Personality: Force of will and force of personality aren't really all that different. Use your Presence skill to determine the length of your mental stress track.
Stubborn: You don’t give up on an argument easily. You may take 1 additional mild social consequence.
Spin Doctor: You are an expert in social damage control. You may take 2 additional mild social consequences as long as you have an audience.
Pretty Fly For A Dead Guy: It’s not easy to pull of the “decomposing carcass” look, but you manage it somehow. Ignore two shifts worth of social penalties from Living Dead.*
Regal Attitude: You understand how to be powerful, which is much more difficult than it sounds. Use your Presence skill plus one to make Declarations related to power and who has it in any given social situation.
The Opinions Of Your Sort Are Irrelevant to Me: You just don’t really care about what certain beings have to say. Pick a type of being. You have armour: 1 against social attacks from that type of being.
Respect The Power: You have an inherent advantage in social conflicts because of your personal power. When you are in a position of obvious power, add two to your Presence skill.
Protected By Prejudice: The preconceptions of others make it difficult for them to act against you socially. Choose a common (but not universal) prejudice, like “the elderly should be treated with respect”. As long as that prejudice applies, you have armour 1 against all social attacks. This bonus stacks with other sources of social armour.
Professional Attitude: You take your job so seriously that it’s hard to believe that you have a life outside of it. Add two to your Presence skill when you are at work.
Welcome To My World: In your domain, you are more confident and people treat you better. Pick a place. Add two to your Presence skill when in that place.
Bolstered Presence: A person with some minions is always more powerful-seeming than someone with none. Add two to your Presence skill as long as you have some subordinates around.
Presence Of The Alpha: You look exactly the way an alpha male should. Add two to your Presence skill when using your physical appearance to impress people.
Animal Magnetism: Your natural charisma and confidence carry over to the animal kingdom. You may use your Presence skill for the Animal Handling trapping of Survival.
I Do What I Want: You don't take no orders from nobody. You have social armour 1 against social attacks phrased as commands.
Strategist: Unlike most people, you have been trained in the science of military strategy. Add a new trapping called Strategy to your Presence skill. The Strategy trapping is used to make Assessments, Declarations, and other rolls related to strategy either in battle or in games. (A similar stunt could exist in Scholarship.)
Don't Mess with My Friends: You give your allies comfort. Your Presence skill complements the social defence skills of your allies as long as you are present.


Nothing Suits Me Like A Suit: The right suit can make a lousy point seem brilliant. If you're so well dressed, how could you possibly be wrong? As long as you are wearing a tailored suit, your Rapport attacks inflict two additional stress.**
Blank Face: Your facial expression doesn't reveal anything. Add two to your Rapport skill when using it to defend against an Empathy "read".
Everybody's Buddy: People like you. You may use your Rapport skill for the Knowing People trapping of the Contacts skill.
Chat Up The Crowd: The difference between small talk and an information-gathering campaign is nothing more than scale. You may use your Rapport skill for the Gathering Information trapping of the Contacts skill.
Poker Face: You are an absolute master of politely revealing nothing. When Closing Down, your intentions aren't obvious until your opponent beats your Rapport.
Good Cop: Kindness is more effective when given a basis for comparison. When making maneuvers to assist someone who has the Bad Cop stunt, add two to your Rapport skill. In addition, your social Rapport attacks inflict two additional stress as long as you tag or invoke an aspect created by someone who has the Bad Cop stunt as you make them.**
My Crowd Likes Me: You get along well with certain people. Choose a type of being (eg. horror movie fans, summoned creatures). Add two to your Rapport skill when using it to on that type of being. This bonus does not apply to attacks or to defence rolls.**
Excellent Negotiator: You’ve been trained to negotiate the best deal possible. Add two to your Rapport skill when using it as a defence when there's money at stake.**
Suave: You are gifted at talking your way past people – you may use your Rapport skill for the Brush-Off trapping of the Intimidation skill. Rapport-based Brush-Off attempts don't scare people; instead they render their targets starstruck.
Redirected Conversation: You argue the way a judoka fights. When you successfully defend against a social attack with Rapport, you may sacrifice your next action to place a temporary aspect on the attacker.
Pitiful: Man, I feel sorry for you. Add two to your Rapport skill when making maneuvers to create aspects based off of pity.**
Interviewer: You have been trained to ask effective questions. Add two to your Rapport skill when using it to extract information from someone. Reduce the bonus provided by this stunt to one when it applies to a social attack.**
Looks Can Be Deceiving: You're especially good at making people think you're on the level. You may use your Rapport skill for the False Face Forward trapping of the Deceit skill.


Licenses for Everything: You have a licence, real or fake, to own everything under the sun. You may ignore up to two shifts of increased Resources difficulty that result from legal restrictions.
Inexplicable Procurement: You can get a hold of anything, no matter how bizarre. You may ignore up to two shifts of increased Resources difficulty that result from item rarity.
I Get By: You aren't rich exactly, but somehow you never ever suffer from a lack of money. Treat your Resources skill as infinite whenever it would complement, modify, or restrict another skill.
Shut Up And Take My Money: You're very good at bribery, be it subtle or overt. Bribery-based attacks that you make with the Resources skill inflict two additional stress.**
Professional Gambler: Your funds at a given time are determined by chance more than anything else. Whenever you roll Resources, flip a coin. If heads, add two to your roll.
Arsenal: You have access to an impressive supply of weaponry. Add two to your Resources skill when using it to buy or already own weaponry.
Improved Arsenal: (Requires Arsenal) You have access to an armoury better than that of some national armies. Ignore all legal restrictions when purchasing weaponry.
Money Talks: For some bizarre reason, everyone wants to talk to the guy who hands out money. You may use your Resources skill for the Gathering Information trapping of the Contacts skill.
Treasure: Your resources are rather old-fashioned: where most people have stocks and bonds, you have gold and jewels. Add two to your Resources skill when using it to buy or already own gold, jewels, and other such things.
Sponsored Resources: You have a powerful patron who will sometimes let you borrow money and goods. When you take this stunt, select an entity or organization of great wealth to be your sponsor. Once per adventure, you may add four to your Resources skill for a single roll as long as that roll somehow benefits the agenda of your sponsor. If you do, you take a point of sponsor debt as if you had used Sponsored Magic. This is not related to and may be used in concert with the standard rules for using someone else's Resources.
Glitterati: Money can, in fact, buy friends. You may substitute your Resources skill for your Contacts skill in high society.
Banker: Your wealth isn't just a stack of cash; it's an entire system of investments that you can manipulate. You may use your Resources skill to perform maneuvers based on controlling the flow of money through various markets and to notice things that affect those markets.
Good Luck Charms: You buy, sell, and own good luck charms of questionable effectiveness. Add a Good Luck Charms trapping to your Resources skill. The Good Luck Charms trapping is used to make Maneuvers and Declarations related to luck, protection against evil, and people's perceptions of those things.
« Last Edit: June 05, 2013, 08:26:03 AM by Sanctaphrax »

Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: Homebrew Stunts Master List (PLEASE DO NOT REPLY TO THIS THREAD)
« Reply #4 on: October 04, 2011, 03:55:06 AM »

Cracker: Using a computer and hacking one are pretty much the same thing. You may use your Scholarship skill to defeat computerized security.
Programmer: You know how to code. Add a new trapping called Programming to your Scholarship skill. The Programming trapping is used to write, edit, and analyse computer code. This trapping goes beyond simple Computer Use and into the domain of professional computer people.
Studies: Your education blurs the boundaries between the magical and mundane. Pick a subject (eg. fortune-telling). Add one to your Lore and Scholarship skills when dealing with that subject.
Notable Scholar: You are known for the quality of your work. You may use your Scholarship skill for the Reputation trapping of the Presence skill.
Expert Appraisal: Through long experience you have developed an excellent sense of what things are worth. Add a new trapping called Appraisal to your Scholarship skill. The Appraisal trapping is used to determine the value of objects and to perform Assessments and Declarations concerning the qualities of objects. (A similar stunt could exist in Investigation or Resources.)
Professional Teacher: You not only know things, you know how to teach them. Add a new trapping called Teaching to your Scholarship skill. The Teaching trapping is used to teach people things associated with the Scholarship skill, and for social interaction with one's students. (A similar stunt could exist in many other skills.)
Quick Diagnosis: You've been a doctor long enough that making diagnoses is routine. You may make medical assessments three time increments faster.
Master Of Factoids: You know a lot of little things that have an odd way of coming in handy. Add two to your Scholarship skill when using it to Declare Minor Details.
Plastic Surgeon: You know how to rearrange someone’s face permanently. Add a new trapping called Plastic Surgery to your Scholarship skill. The Plastic Surgery trapping is used for maneuvers and Declarations that affect the appearance of one's patients. With a sufficiently high roll, it can even inflict consequences or alter permanent aspects.
Research Is Research: Honestly, there isn’t much difference between reading up on quantum physics and reading up on voodoo. You may use your Scholarship skill to perform research into supernatural topics.
Scientist, Not Wizard: To you, magic is just an obscure branch of science where humanity’s understanding is lacking. You may use your Scholarship skill to determine the base complexity of any rituals you perform.
Master Of Riddles: Your intelligence lets you run circles around those you talk to. This may take the form of actual riddles, or perhaps just complex logical arguments. You may use your Scholarship skill to make social attacks and maneuvers intended to confuse and overawe people. Such attacks and maneuvers can be defended against with Rapport, Scholarship, or Empathy.
Formal Logic: Arguing is, in fact, a thing that you can learn in school. You may use your Scholarship skill to make social attacks and maneuvers that are phrased as logical arguments. Such attacks and maneuvers can be defended against with Rapport or Scholarship.
Pre-Prepared Counterpoint: You’ve heard that argument before, and you know how to defeat it. You may use your Scholarship skill for the social defence trapping of the Rapport skill.
Non-Academic Studies: Not all subjects are taught in university. You may add an additional field of knowledge to those covered by your Scholarship skill.
I Have Lived History: You know the history of the world very well because you were around for most of it. Add two to your Scholarship skill when using it for knowledge of the past.
Meteorologist: You are trained as a meteorologist and so you are skilled at predicting the weather. You may use your Scholarship skill plus one to make Assessments and Declarations about the weather.


Sneak Attack: You prefer to attack by surprise. When preparing or carrying out an ambush, add two to your Stealth skill.
Deadly Shadows: It's easy to kill someone who can't see you, regardless of your skills. When attacking a character that cannot see you, you may use your Stealth skill to instead of your Fists, Weapons, or Guns skills.
Traceless: You don’t seem to leave footprints. The difficulty of any attempt to track your movements is three shifts higher then it normally would be.
Among The Seaweed: You are a master of submersible subterfuge. Add two to your Stealth skill as long as you are at least partially underwater, and reduce the difficulty of moving stealthily through water-based borders by two.
Silent Tank: For some strange reason, you are capable of sneaking around while wearing 30 pounds of steel plate armour. You may ignore up to two shifts worth of penalties to your Stealth rolls from encumbrance.
Hide Underground: You can quickly and effectively dig out a little hidey-hole for yourself. Add two to your Stealth skill when using it to hide in a place with soft ground that you can burrow into.
Stalker: You like to watch people who don't know they're being watched. You may use your Stealth skill for the Surveillance trapping of the Investigation skill.


Outdoorsman: Your extensive field experience helps you operate in the wild. You may have your Survival skill complement your Stealth and Investigation skills as long as you are in the wilderness.
Rider: You could play a game of poker in the saddle if you wanted to. Add two to your Survival skill when using it to ride.
Urban Survivalist: You prefer the concrete jungle to the leafy one. Add one to your Survival skill as long as you are in an urban environment. Furthermore, you may use every trapping of the Survival skill while in a city.
Supernatural Survivalism: You've spent time in the Nevernever and have a pretty good idea of how to survive there. Add two to your Survival skill as long as you are in the Nevernever.
They're In the Trees: Basic wilderness survival includes a great deal of stealth. You may use your Survival skill for the Hiding and Ambush trappings of the Stealth skill as long as you are outdoors.
Fisherman: You fish. It’s how you get your food. When attempting to Live Off The Land in an area of water, add three to your Survival skill.
Maelstrom-Weathering Indifference: Thunderstorms don't scare you. Sometimes you don't even notice them. You have an armour value of 1 against all physical environmental stress. This armour stacks with all other sources of armour.
Frontiersmen Have To Improvise: Making stuff out of the things around you is an integral part of wilderness survival. You may use your Survival skill instead of your Craftsmanship skill to build things out of scavenged materials.
Superior Tracking: You could track a bacterium across ten parsecs of glass in a rainstorm with your eyes closed. Add two to your Survival skill when using it to track.
Caveman Lifestyle: You know how to live naked in the wilderness. Ignore two shifts worth of increased Survival difficulty from lack of tools.
Actions Speak Louder Than Words: Dealing with animals, who don't talk, has given you an excellent grasp of body language. You may use your Survival skill to see through the Disguise and Distraction and Misdirection trappings of Deceit.
Animal Magnetism: It's a bit demeaning to equate seduction to animal training, but in your experience there isn't all that much difference between the two activities. You may use your Survival skill instead of your Rapport skill to seduce people.


Footwork: With skilled footwork you can parry or avoid anything your opponents throw at you, as long as you have the familiar weight of a melee weapon in your hands to guide you. You may use your Weapons skill for the defence trapping of Athletics as long as you are wielding a melee weapon.
Weapon Focus: You've trained to use a specific type of weapon. Choose a type of weapon. Add one to your Weapons skill when using it to attack with that type of weapon.
Weapon Specialization: You know how to attack effectively with a specific type of weapon. Choose a type of weapon. Your attacks with that type of weapon inflict two additional stress.
Weapon Mastery: It's easier to defend yourself when you are using your weapon of choice. Pick a type of weapon. When using that type of weapon to make a defence roll, add two to your Weapons skill.
Tie 'Em Up: It's actually quite possible to tie a guy up in the middle of a knife fight. It just requires a little bit of skill. As long as you have a lasso, a fighting chain, a set of bolas, or some similar weapon, you may use your Weapons skill to maneuver and grapple against targets up to one zone away. (A similar stunt could exist in Might.)
Master Of Restraints: (Requires Tie 'Em Up) You are very good at restraining people with weapons. Add one to your Weapons skill when using it with your Tie 'Em Up stunt. (A similar stunt could exist in Might.)
Backstab: You aren’t so much a warrior as an assassin. Once per scene, when ambushing someone, you may spend a Fate Point to inflict four additional stress on a successful attack. This stacks with all other damage-increasing stunts.
Hidden Weapons: Your knowledge of weapons helps you conceal them. You may use your Weapons skill to conceal weaponry.
Twist the Knife: You know how to exploit the wounds of your opponents. Add one to your Weapons skill when tagging or invoking one of a character's consequences to benefit a Weapons attack against that character.
Defeat Armour: You are a master of finding weak spots in a coat of armour. All of your attacks with the Weapons skill ignore two points worth of worn armour.
Mounted Combat: You know how to fight from atop a horse. Add one to your Weapons skill when using it to attack while riding an animal.
Power Attack: You put all your strength into an attack, increasing power at the expense of precision. You may take a -1 penalty to an attack roll before rolling to increase the stress inflicted by that attack by 3.
Shield Carrier: You know how to use a shield. Add one to your physical armour score as long as you are carrying a shield.
Phalanx Fighting: (Requires Shield Carrier) You know how to use a shield in a formation. Whenever you take a full defence action while carrying a shield, you may select two other characters in the same zone as you who have this stunt. Increase each of their physical armour scores by one until your next turn.
Quick Draw: You can draw and use a weapon in a single motion. You take no penalty when drawing a weapon as a supplemental action (page YS:213); if you're in a race to see who draws first, or anything else having to do with your speed or ability to draw, gain a +1 on the roll.
Iaijutsu: (Requires Quick Draw) You are trained in iaijutsu, the art of drawing a sword. The first attack you make with a sword each scene inflicts two additional stress. Furthermore, you may add one to your Weapons skill when making it.
Bows Are Weapons: They totally are. You may use your Weapons skill to wield bows, including crossbows.
Legendary Archer: (Requires Bows Are Weapons) Bows are not just weapons, they're your weapons of choice. When wielding a bow or crossbow with your Weapons skill, increase the range of that weapon by two zones.
Warrior Culture: There’s a certain fellowship among those who fight for a living. You may use your Weapons skill in place of your Contacts skill when dealing with other warriors. Anyone for whom combat is the centre of life is a warrior as far this stunt is concerned.
Know Your Blades: As a result of advanced training you are able to recognize many styles of combat, using Weapons as a knowledge and perception skill focused on fighting. This enables you to make assessments and declarations related to fighting styles, historical fights, and the culture surrounding fights using your Weapons skill. Such rolls are made at +1.
Enchanted Item Master: Using magical weapons is slightly different from using normal ones, and for you it's much easier. Add one to your Weapons skill when using it to attack with an enchanted item.
War Leader: A unit of soldiers is a weapon like any other. You may use your Weapons skill plus one for the Command trapping of the Presence skill when leading people in combat. For the purposes of this stunt, trained soldiers are always treated as though they were involved in combat.
Lead From The Front: Your subordinates bring out the best in you. Pick a group of people. Add one to your Weapons skill when using it to attack while commanding those people in combat.
Combat Sense: You have learned to compensate for a loss of sight in battle. You may ignore up to two shifts worth of vision-based penalties to your Weapons rolls. In games which do not model impaired vision by penalizing rolls, this stunt is inappropriate and should not be taken.
Zatoichi: Your non-vision-based methods of fighting are very useful in situations where everyone is blind. Add one to your Weapons skill when using it to attack an opponent who cannot see clearly.
My Weapon Speaks For Me: A guy with a weapon and the skill to use it is always scary, even if he's got no charisma at all. You may use your Weapons skill instead of your Intimidation skill when threatening someone with a weapon.
Mirror Stance: Your unusual fighting style lets you defend effortlessly when you are using a weapon similar to that of your opponent. When you are attacked with a weapon of the same type that you are wielding yourself, you may inflict a -2 penalty to the attack roll. If you do so, you must defend against the attack using your Weapons skill.
Reflection Shatters the Mirror: Your unusual fighting style makes your attacks hard to defend against when you are using a weapon similar to that of your opponent. When you make an attack with your Weapons skill against a target who is wielding a weapon of the same type as you, that target takes a -1 penalty to their defence roll.
Two-Handed Training: Two hands > one hand. Attacks that you make with your Weapons skill using a two-handed weapon held in both of your hands inflict two additional stress.
Focused Strike: Even in the chaos of the battlefield, you place your strikes with care. Add two to your Weapons skill when using it to make an aim-based maneuver.
Jump Attack: (Requires Fight By Jumping) It's not easy to attack as you land a jump, but you're pretty good at it. Add one to your Weapons skill when using it to make an attack in which an aspect created through Fight By Jumping is tagged.
Gravity Helps: (Requires Fight By Jumping) It stands to reason that an attack with the weight of a falling body behind it will deal more damage than one made on the ground. When you tag an aspect created through Fight By Jumping to boost a Weapons attack, that attack inflicts two additional stress.
Perfect Parry: You are a master of not attacking anyone in a fight. Add two to your Weapons defence rolls when taking a full defence action. This stacks with the normal benefits provided by full defence.
Precision Strike: You know where to hit, and how to make it count. When you successfully perform a maneuver with your Weapons skill, the resulting aspect is automatically sticky. In addition, the difficulty of any attempt to remove the resulting aspect is increased by two.
Master's Bladework: Your swordsmanship is truly a thing of beauty. Add two to your Weapons skill when using it to perform a maneuver related to your sword work.
Follow-Through Cut: You cut down lesser warriors the way a scythe cuts wheat. Whenever you take an enemy out with a melee attack using your Weapons skill, you may use your overflow shifts to create an additional attack with the same weapon against another enemy in the same zone. (A similar stunt could exist in Fists.)
O-Chiburi: When you get blood on your blade, you flick it off with a very intimidating-looking technique. When you inflict stress with an attack using the Weapons skill, you may sacrifice your next action to turn your attack roll into an automatically-successful maneuver related to fear or awe or looking really badass. (A similar stunt could exist in Fists or Guns.)
Blade-Breaking Force: You hit so hard that your weapons break. When you attack with the Weapons skill you may choose to add three to your attack's weapon rating. If you do so, and your attack hits, the weapon that the attack was made with is destroyed.
Defender: You watch over not only yourself but others. Allies in your zone may take a supplemental action to hide behind you. If you take a supplemental action to protect your allies, they may use your Weapons skill to defend against melee attacks that exchange. You may take a single supplemental action each exchange to protect up to two allies. Both you and your allies may take these supplemental actions in response to an incoming attack, as long as you have not yet acted during that exchange.
« Last Edit: June 05, 2013, 10:10:01 AM by Sanctaphrax »

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Re: Homebrew Stunts Master List (PLEASE DO NOT REPLY TO THIS THREAD)
« Reply #5 on: June 05, 2013, 10:33:38 AM »
Reserving another post.