And here are the edited versions of the new stunts from the wiki. Many of them were well-written and needed no real editing. I still messed around with their wording, though, so that they'd be worded similarly to the rest of the list.
I had to remove a few stunts. Namely:
Magic Dodge, because Athletics is already the default skill for spell defence.
I've Seen It All, because a canon stunt does the exact same thing.
Mixed Martial Artist, because there's already a stunt on the list that does what it does. I'll be adding its name to that stunt, though.
Lore is My Strength and Lore Is My Guide, because even if it's okay to change casting skills with stunts it isn't okay to use one skill for multiple parts of the casting process.
Good First Impression, because it's basically a duplicate of a canon stunt.
Battle Tactician, because I don't think you need a stunt to target multiple allies with a maneuver. And if it's intended to provide multiple tags, then that violates the action economy.
Stealth Fighter, because it's way too good.
I also edited a few stunts that seemed a bit too strong or too weak.
Graceful Silence was split in half, since you only get one trapping per stunt.
Ground And Pound lost its free action damage option, since that seemed too powerful. Also added a note saying such a stunt could exist in Might.
Domination now complements skills instead of replacing them.
Pistols Akimbo no longer has a range limitation.
Gun Kata now includes a situational +1 because it's narrower than it has to be.
Defender now requires its user to take a supplemental action. Not totally certain about this change, but I think the stunt was probably slightly too good before. I could be convinced otherwise quite easily.
Graceful Silence: Your natural poise and grace enable you to pass quietly and undetected. You may use your Athletics skill for the Skulking trapping of the Stealth skill.
Deadly Grace: Your speed and agility let you take people down before they realise what's going on. You may use your Athletics skill for the Ambush trapping of the Stealth skill.
I KNOW I'm Right!: Your knowledge of the righteousness of your beliefs gives you strength in trying times. You may use your Conviction skill for the Mental Defence trapping of the Discipline skill.
Set in My Ways: You're old. It took you decades to form your beliefs and you're not about to abandon them. Add two to your Conviction skill when using it to resist attempts to change your deeply-held beliefs or your core identity.
Feint: Pretend to attack one area and then quickly hit another. You may use your Deceit skill to attack with melee weapons. Any character that you use this stunt on adds two to their defence rolls against your further use of this stunt for the rest of the scene.
Ground and Pound: (Requires Nasty Infighter/Mixed Martial Artist) You are a master at inflicting damage to your opponent in a grapple. Add one to the stress you inflict when taking a supplemental action to hurt someone that you've grappled. (A similar stunt could exist in Might, without the prerequisite.)
Pistols Akimbo: You have two hands, why use only one gun? When wielding two guns, you may add half of the weapon rating of the second gun to that of the first.
Gun Kata: You have trained in using pistols in melee combat. When dual-wielding pistols, you may use your Guns skill to defend against attacks made by other characters in your zone. Add one to your Guns skill when using it to defend against firearms.
Domination: Your minions may be weak-minded, but you've scared them into submission. Your Intimidation skill complements their social and mental defence skills as long as they serve you.
Don't Mess with My Friends: You give your allies comfort. Your Presence skill complements their social defence skills.
Looks Can Be Deceiving: You're especially good at making people think you're on the level. You may use your Rapport skill for the False Face Forward trapping of the Deceit skill.
Defender: You watch over not only yourself but others. Allies in your zone may take a supplemental action to hide behind you. If you take a supplemental action to protect your allies, they may use your Weapons skill to defend against melee attacks that exchange. You may protect up to two allies each exchange, with a single supplemental action. Both you and your allies may take these supplemental actions in response to an incoming attack, as long as you have not yet acted during that exchange.