Author Topic: Sample Combat  (Read 47479 times)

Offline eberg

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Sample Combat
« on: August 16, 2010, 08:54:48 PM »
I wrote this up for my group to illustrate how the various systems work after they expressed some confusion after their first session. Thought it might be useful for others. Apologies for anything I got wrong or that's unclear.

Barry (a wizard) and Dave (a cop) have just stumbled on Voldemort (a sorcerer) and his henchman Igor (a ghoul) in an abandoned apartment building, about to disembowel some poor runaway in order to fuel 'Mort's dark ritual.

Initiative order is:
Igor (Alertness +3, +4 for the power Inhuman Speed = +7 total)
Dave (Alertness +2, +2 for the Alertness stunt On My Toes = +4 total)
Voldemort (Alertness +3)
Barry (Alertness +2)

Exchange 1

    * Igor attacks Dave. He has Fists at Great (+4), he rolls -1, so his effort is +3. Dave rolls Athletics (+2) to dodge, gets a +1, and also has effort +3. That means Igor hits. His claws are Weapon:4 so he does a 4-stress hit. Dave only has three spots on his track, so this would take him out. He decides to take a Mild Consequence instead (Nasty Scratches) which reduces it to a 2-stress hit, which he marks on his sheet.
    * Dave's first priority is the girl. He's going to put himself and his gun between her and anyone who tries to get near her. He rolls Guns (+3), gets +3, and so establishes a Fantastic (+6) block.
    * Voldemort doesn't think he can take Dave, so he throws up a shield of Hellfire, putting +5 shifts into it (costing him 1 mental stress, since his Conviction is +4 and his specialty in Fire gives him +1 to power). He rolls his Discipline (+4, +1 to defensive fire magic control from his ring focus = +5), gets a +1, and has an effort of +6. Since this is more than the power (+5), he successfully casts the spell without issue. He now has a Superb (+5) block against anyone trying to harm him.
    * Barry opts to screw defense and throws everything he has against the evil sorcerer. He puts +8 shifts of power into a force attack, to drive a lance of pure energy through him. His Conviction is +5 and has no boosters from his specialty or foci, so it will cost him a 4-stress mental hit which he soaks with a Moderate Consequence (Migraines). His Discipline is only +4 but his Force specialty gives him a +1 to control and his mighty rod gives him +2 to control offensive force magic for a total of +7. Unfortunately, he rolls 0 on the dice, so that's his effort. He can either soak another 1-stress mental hit to keep all the power on target, or let that last shift of power leak out as fallout. He opts for the latter, having already absorbed a consequence and given that it's only one shift. The +7 beats Voldemort's shield but he also gets a dodge roll. Alas, his Athletics is only Fair (+2) and he rolls a -1, for only +1 effort. The effect is +2 (+7 minus Voldemort's +5 shield) but it adds Weapon:7 (reduced from 8 because he couldn't control all the energy) for a total of a 9-stress hit. Voldemort takes a Severe Consequence (Shattered Ribs) to reduce it to a 3-stress hit and fills in the last box in his three box physical stress track. Also, since the attack beat his shield, it is gone. The GM decides that the fallout is that the excess force energy blows out every window in this and the adjoining rooms, alerting anyone outside that something's happening.

Igor: Physical OOOO
Dave: Physical OXO, Mild physical consequence (Nasty Scratches)
Voldemort: Physical OOX, Mental XOOO, Severe physical consequence (Shattered Ribs)
Barry: Physical OOO, Mental OOOO, Moderate mental consequence (Migraines)

Exchange 2

    * Igor, alarmed by the injury of his master, leaps at Barry. He rolls Fists (+4) and gets a +3, so his effort is +7. Barry rolls Athletics (+1) to get out of the way and gets an unfortunately -1, for 0 effort. Luckily, his protective amulet offers a Superb (+5) defense, put it only has one use per session, so its discharged. The effect is then +2 (+7 attack minus +5 defense) but it adds the ghouls Weapon:4 claws, so it is still a 6-stress hit. Barry decides, rather than being Taken Out (since the ghoul will almost certainly just kill him), he'll use his Severe Consequence (Gutted) to soak it.
    * Dave notes that nobody's attention is on the girl and so decides to take a shot at the ghoul that's trying to disembowel his friend. He rolls Guns (+3) and gets a +1 but spends a Fate point to invoke his Crack Shot aspect and another to invoke Nobody Fucks with My Friends for a total of +8. Igor rolls Athletics to dodge (+4, +1 for Inhuman Speed = +5), getting a -2, for an effort of only +3. That gives Dave a +5 effect (+8 - +3), plus the Weapon:2 rating of his pistol, for a 7-stress hit. Igor decides to take a Moderate Consequence (GSW to the Shoulder) to soak 4 and marks the remaining 3-stress hit.
    * Voldemort decides to get the hell out of dodge. He shifts a zone into the hall as a supplemental action and tries to fill the doorway with hellfire to prevent anyone from following him. He puts in +6 shifts of power into it, not really caring if some power leaks, and takes a 2-stress mental hit for it (since it is one higher than his specialty-boosted Conviction of +5). He rolls Discipline (+5 with his ring focus, -1 because he took a supplemental action = +4), and gets a +1, for an effort of +5. This isn't enough to control +6 shifts of power, but he just lets it be fallout. Thus, he establishes only a Superb (+5) block to movement out of the room through that doorway. The GM decides the extra shift of power sets the Building on Fire.
    * Barry decides that a good offense is the best defense and gathers power to pound the ghoul into the ceiling with force magic. He put in +5 shifts of power and takes a 1-stress mental (because it is equal to his Conviction) and rolls Discipline (+7 with focus and specialty), getting a +3, for an effort of +10. Dave offers his free tag of the consequence he inflicted, which Barry gracious accepts for another +2, or a total of +12. Igor rolls Athletics (+5 with Inhuman Speed), gets a -1, for +4 effort. With the Weapon:5 rating the power gives it, that's an 13-stress hit. Igor still takes a 5-stress hit even if he uses both his remaining consequences (Mild 2, Severe 6 = 8-stress absorbed), which takes him out. Barry decides the ghoul is crushed to a pulp by the powerful Force effect.

Igor: Taken Out, Mild physical consequence (Winded), Moderate physical consequence (GSW to the Shoulder), Severe physical consequence (Crushed Bones).
Dave: Physical OXO, Mild physical consequence (Nasty Scratches)
Voldemort: Physical OOX, Mental XXOO, Severe physical consequence (Shattered Ribs)
Barry: Physical OOO, Mental XOOO, Moderate mental consequence (Migraines), Severe physical consequence (Gutted)

Exchange 3

    * Dave picks up the unconscious girl, rolling Might (+1), getting +1, for an effort of Fair (+2), which the GM says is sufficient given the girl's weight.
    * Voldemort tries to make his way out of the building but Barry opts to use the free tag on his Shattered Ribs to compel him to collapse on the stairs, unable to catch his breath.
    * Barry, fighting his own severe injury and migraines, holds his guts in and gathers powers to counterspell the hellfire wall blocking their exit with raw force. He throws +5 shifts of power into it, takes the 1-stress hit (which fills his second box, because the first is already marked), and rolls Discipline (+7 with specialty and focus), getting a -2. This is still an effort of +5, which is sufficient to control the 5 shifts of power, which are just enough to destroy the Superb (+5) hellfire barrier.

Igor: Taken Out, Mild physical consequence (Winded), Moderate physical consequence (GSW to the Shoulder), Severe physical consequence (Crushed Bones).
Dave: Physical OXO, Mild physical consequence (Nasty Scratches)
Voldemort: Physical OOX, Mental XXOO, Severe physical consequence (Shattered Ribs)
Barry: Physical OOO, Mental XXOO, Moderate mental consequence (Migraines), Severe physical consequence (Gutted)

Exchange 4

    * Dave carries the girl out of the building, sprinting with Athletics (+2) modified by Might (it is +1, lower than Athletics, so it gives a -1) and a roll of 0 for an effort of +1. In order to get out completely (3 zones: upstairs hallway, downstairs hallway, outside, no border ratings because the front door was left open), he spends a Fate point to invoke Protect the Innocent to bring it to +3. He ignores the sorcerer on the stairs and hauls ass out of the building with the girl.
    * Voldemort pulls himself to his feet and tries again to leave. Barry spends his sole Fate point to invoke Building on Fire to declare that part of the ceiling collapses, on fire, blocking the way out. Voldemort draws himself up and turns to face his enemy. He draws +8 shifts of power, taking only a 3-stress mental hit because Hellfire gives +1 to power when used to hurt people. He rolls his Discipline (+4, +1 for offensive fire control from his staff = +5), but gets a -3 to the attack, for an effort of +2. In order to avoid detonating the entire building, he takes four of it as backlash, adding a 4-stress mental hit, allowing the attack to still be Weapon:6. The remaining two shifts will be fallout. Barry rolls his Athletics (+1) and gets +2, for an effort of +3. The attack misses him. The GM rules that it hits the wall at the far end of the hallway, blowing it out. New zone aspect: Hole in the Wall.
    * Barry is going to try to knock his opponent out with a carefully tuned mental attack. Mental attacks use the Spirit element, the same as Force. He puts +5 shifts of power into it, takes another 1-stress mental hit (now marking off his third box, because the two previous are marked), and rolls Discipline (+7 with specialty and focus, which still apply) and gets a 0, for an effort of +7. As a mental attack, it is resisted with Voldemort's Discipline (+4), and he gets a brutal -4, for an effort of 0. With the Weapon:5 rating, this is a 12-stress mental hit. Even if he uses his remaining Moderate and Mild consequences, that leaves a 6-stress hit which is more than enough to take him out. So, he falls unconscious from the brutal mental assault.

Igor: Taken Out, Physical OOOO, Moderate physical consequence (GSW to the Shoulder)
Dave: Physical OXO, Mild physical consequence (Nasty Scratches)
Voldemort: Taken Out, Physical OOX, Mental XXXX, Severe physical consequence (Shattered Ribs)
Barry: Physical OOO, Mental XXXO, Moderate mental consequence (Migraines), Severe physical consequence (Gutted)

Exchange 5

    * Dave tries to go back to help his friend, but sees that the way is blocked. However, he notes the new hole blown in the side of the building and tries to get the on-lookers attracted by the earlier explosion to get a blanket to catch him. He rolls Rapport (+3) and gets a +3, for a total effort of +6. The GM was looking for only a Fair (+2) result, so decides that the extra four shifts will move the default time of "a few minutes" down to "an instant", meaning that they are ready to catch Barry immediately. The GM says this will put an aspect on the zone of Soft Landing.
    * Barry tries to pick up the unconscious sorcerer but the GM hands him a Fate point and compels his Gutted consequence, saying he can't lift him. Barry could ignore it, but he used his last Fate point. Instead, he haggles with the GM. He really doesn't want to leave him to burn alive, so he proposes he does it but takes an additional mild physical consequence. The GM finds this acceptable. Barry keeps the Fate point and, since it was already negotiated, picks up Voldemort without a roll, but taking a new Mild Consequence (Exhausted).
    * The GM decides that with two fallouts having occurred and the propensity of Hellfire to want to hurt people, that Barry is going to have to resist an environmental attack. Since a total of three shifts of power went into setting the building on fire and adding one for the Hellfire, he makes a Great (+4) attack, rolling a +1, for an effort of +5. Barry is told to resist with Athletics (+1), as he tries to get through the burning hallway. He rolls a +2 for an effort of +3 and marks a 2-stress physical hit.

Igor: Taken Out, Physical OOOO, Moderate physical consequence (GSW to the Shoulder)
Dave: Physical OXO, Mild physical consequence (Nasty Scratches)
Voldemort: Taken Out, Physical OOX, Mental XXXX, Severe physical consequence (Shattered Ribs)
Barry: Physical OXO, Mental XXXO, Mild physical consequence (Exhausted), Moderate mental consequence (Migraines), Severe physical consequence (Gutted)

Exchange 6

    * Dave is still coordinating the assembled to catch Barry, who has finally appeared in the hole, shrouded by smoke from the roaring hellfire. He rolls Rapport again (+3), getting a +1, for an effort of +4. This lets him put an aspect of Well-Coordinated on the crowd.
    * Barry jumps, rolling Athletics (+1) to try and soften the impact. The GM says this will be modified by his Might (+0), so he has a -1. He rolls a +2. This effectively gives him Armor:1 for the fall, but its a ten foot drop and so will do a 5-stress hit. However, Dave's prepared and gives him the free tags on both the aspects he's set up, raising it to +6, for Armor:3. He marks the 2-stress physical hit on his sheet (in the third box, because the second is filled) and is down on the ground with the unconscious sorcerer.
    * The GM notes that sirens are fast approaching. He hands both Barry and Dave a Fate point. Barry, he says, it far too injured to leave the scene. He is compelling his consequences. He is compelling Dave on his Nobody Fucks with My Friends aspects to remain with his friend. Dave wasn't going to abandon him anyway, so it is a self-compel.
    * The conflict is over, so stress clears as people catch their breath. Only the consequences remain.

Igor: Dead
Dave: Mild physical consequence (Nasty Scratches)
Voldemort: Severe physical consequence (Shattered Ribs)
Barry: Mild physical consequence (Exhausted), Moderate mental consequence (Migraines), Severe physical consequence (Gutted)
By the time they are taken to the police station and interviewed, their mild consequences are recovered enough to no longer be a hindrance. Barry's migraines will continue for a few days but he'll be feeling the repercussions of his disembowelment for weeks, if not months. Voldemort will be dealing with those shattered ribs for just as long, provided Barry and Dave don't get him out of police custody and in front of a White Council tribunal, where he belongs.

Offline JesterOC

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Re: Sample Combat
« Reply #1 on: August 16, 2010, 09:13:00 PM »
Wow.. I'm going to send that to my players as a great example of a conflict.

Offline Belial666

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Re: Sample Combat
« Reply #2 on: August 16, 2010, 09:24:55 PM »
The following is mostly a commentary on the characters' choices in the conflict, not the conflict itself. It is what the good guys could do if they had a decent plan;

1) Spellcasters can take backlash as a mental or physical stress. In a combat where taking out their enemies is imperative, taking it as physical stress is the usual, to have the maximum spell power.

2) It is almost always better to blast an enemy spellcaster than defend if you got the initiative on him/her. A defense might stop one attack if you put all your power into it but the other guy will simply be free to blast your buddy until your shield fades in the next exchange.

3) If you want to win a combat vs a caster and a ghoul while protecting a girl, you do a zone-wide offensive (Tazering can be force. As can a telekinetic hold) block vs endurance on all of them (including the girl), feeding it with conviction 5, +3 from 4th mental box +4 from your 2 mild mental consequences, rolling +7 disipline, a fate point and your 2nd or 3rd physical box as backlash.
This gives you a zonewide block of strength 10, which you are going to maintain with more power in later exchanges. The enemies and the girl can probably do nothing to beat a 10-shift block vs endurance and your buddy is now free to shoot the bad guys dead while you do a soft maintain with 3-4 shifts of power every so often.

Fight won without any consequence over mild, without any danger of enemies escaping, without any property damage and without any danger to the girl. (that's why you always blast the wizard if you can - so he can't pull off the nova)

Offline JesterOC

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Re: Sample Combat
« Reply #3 on: August 16, 2010, 09:35:08 PM »
Damn Belial666 that is harsh. :)

But you can't taser someone just so you can have someone else blow a guy's head off. That breaks the 1st law of Magic right?

Offline Belial666

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Re: Sample Combat
« Reply #4 on: August 16, 2010, 09:41:37 PM »
Not how I see it. You aren't doing the killing and you aren't using magic to kill. And the Wardens capture warlocks with magic all the time, which they then kill with a sword without violating the 1st Law.

Offline JesterOC

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Re: Sample Combat
« Reply #5 on: August 16, 2010, 09:53:05 PM »
To me, it is the same as using magic to push someone off or a cliff or into traffic, according to the book, that still counts. You are holding someone in place with magic to kill them. A warden's sword does not count as a magic kill, but at the same time they don't hold them down with magic either (perhaps they do, I have not read all the books).

At the same time you can inflict a zone wide grapple to do about the same thing, but you just declare that they fall unconscious instead of die.

Offline vonpenguin

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Re: Sample Combat
« Reply #6 on: August 16, 2010, 10:26:02 PM »
They don't use magic to hold them down no. I would rule that it doesn't break the first law though. Pushing someone off a cliff is entirly you. Holding someone in place while a friend shoots them is the friends choice not yours. Otherwise Luccio would violate the first law several thousand times over (She uses magic to make the swords that do the killing).

And remember the first law is a might fuzzy on the subject of kneeecaps.

Offline JesterOC

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Re: Sample Combat
« Reply #7 on: August 16, 2010, 10:36:15 PM »
Ok sounds good to me. I concede the point. Good arguments by all. thanks.

Offline Bubba Amon Hotep

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Re: Sample Combat
« Reply #8 on: August 17, 2010, 03:06:42 AM »
Nice post Eberg.  It will help people new to fate see a combat.

Offline Steed

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Re: Sample Combat
« Reply #9 on: August 17, 2010, 03:46:30 AM »
Not only was this a good example of combat from a mechanics approach, it was also exciting and fun to read on break at work.  Kudos!

Offline crusher_bob

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Re: Sample Combat
« Reply #10 on: August 17, 2010, 05:09:22 AM »
I wrote this up for my group to illustrate how the various systems work after they expressed some confusion after their first session. Thought it might be useful for others. Apologies for anything I got wrong or that's unclear.

Barry (a wizard) and Dave (a cop) have just stumbled on Voldemort (a sorcerer) and his henchman Igor (a ghoul) in an abandoned apartment building, about to disembowel some poor runaway in order to fuel 'Mort's dark ritual.

Initiative order is:
Igor (Alertness +3, +4 for the power Inhuman Speed = +7 total)
Dave (Alertness +2, +2 for the Alertness stunt On My Toes = +4 total)
Voldemort (Alertness +3)
Barry (Alertness +2)

Exchange 1

    * Igor attacks Dave. He has Fists at Great (+4), he rolls -1, so his effort is +3. Dave rolls Athletics (+2) to dodge, gets a +1, and also has effort +3. That means Igor hits. His claws are Weapon:4 so he does a 4-stress hit. Dave only has three spots on his track, so this would take him out. He decides to take a Mild Consequence instead (Nasty Scratches) which reduces it to a 2-stress hit, which he marks on his sheet.
    * Dave's first priority is the girl. He's going to put himself and his gun between her and anyone who tries to get near her. He rolls Guns (+3), gets +3, and so establishes a Fantastic (+6) block.
    * Voldemort doesn't think he can take Dave, so he throws up a shield of Hellfire, putting +5 shifts into it (costing him 1 mental stress, since his Conviction is +4 and his specialty in Fire gives him +1 to power). He rolls his Discipline (+4, +1 to defensive fire magic control from his ring focus = +5), gets a +1, and has an effort of +6. Since this is more than the power (+5), he successfully casts the spell without issue. He now has a Superb (+5) block against anyone trying to harm him.
It's a very common house rule to allow caster to create 'reactive' evocation blocks (i.e. generating an evocation block instead of trying to dodge with athletics).  And even without this houserule, spending your action to create a block is usually not a good idea, they other side can just blast your buddy instead, and you've wasted your action, since your block only has a duration of one turn.

* Barry opts to screw defense and throws everything he has against the evil sorcerer. He puts +8 shifts of power into a force attack, to drive a lance of pure energy through him. His Conviction is +5 and has no boosters from his specialty or foci, so it will cost him a 4-stress mental hit which he soaks with a Moderate Consequence (Migraines). His Discipline is only +4 but his Force specialty gives him a +1 to control and his mighty rod gives him +2 to control offensive force magic for a total of +7. Unfortunately, he rolls 0 on the dice, so that's his effort. He can either soak another 1-stress mental hit to keep all the power on target, or let that last shift of power leak out as fallout.
Note that you can take backlash on either your physical or mental track.  Most spellcasters prefer to take backlash on the phyasical track so that they have the maximum amount of mental stress boxes available for more spellcasting.

He opts for the latter, having already absorbed a consequence and given that it's only one shift. The +7 beats Voldemort's shield but he also gets a dodge roll.
You normally only get a dodge roll either when your dodge roll total is greater that the effect of the evocation block protecting you, or that evocation defense was used to create armor instead of a block.

Alas, his Athletics is only Fair (+2) and he rolls a -1, for only +1 effort. The effect is +2 (+7 minus Voldemort's +5 shield) but it adds Weapon:7 (reduced from 8 because he couldn't control all the energy) for a total of a 9-stress hit. Voldemort takes a Severe Consequence (Shattered Ribs) to reduce it to a 3-stress hit and fills in the last box in his three box physical stress track. Also, since the attack beat his shield, it is gone. The GM decides that the fallout is that the excess force energy blows out every window in this and the adjoining rooms, alerting anyone outside that something's happening.

Igor: Physical OOOO
Dave: Physical OXO, Mild physical consequence (Nasty Scratches)
Voldemort: Physical OOX, Mental XOOO, Severe physical consequence (Shattered Ribs)
Barry: Physical OOO, Mental OOOO, Moderate mental consequence (Migraines)

Exchange 2

    * Igor, alarmed by the injury of his master, leaps at Barry. He rolls Fists (+4) and gets a +3, so his effort is +7. Barry rolls Athletics (+1) to get out of the way and gets an unfortunately -1, for 0 effort. Luckily, his protective amulet offers a Superb (+5) defense, put it only has one use per session, so its discharged. The effect is then +2 (+7 attack minus +5 defense) but it adds the ghouls Weapon:4 claws, so it is still a 6-stress hit. Barry decides, rather than being Taken Out (since the ghoul will almost certainly just kill him), he'll use his Severe Consequence (Gutted) to soak it.
    * Dave notes that nobody's attention is on the girl and so decides to take a shot at the ghoul that's trying to disembowel his friend. He rolls Guns (+3) and gets a +1 but spends a Fate point to invoke his Crack Shot aspect and another to invoke Nobody Fucks with My Friends for a total of +8. Igor rolls Athletics to dodge (+4, +1 for Inhuman Speed = +5), getting a -2, for an effort of only +3. That gives Dave a +5 effect (+8 - +3), plus the Weapon:2 rating of his pistol, for a 7-stress hit. Igor decides to take a Moderate Consequence (GSW to the Shoulder) to soak 4 and marks the remaining 3-stress hit.
    * Voldemort decides to get the hell out of dodge. He shifts a zone into the hall as a supplemental action and tries to fill the doorway with hellfire to prevent anyone from following him. He puts in +6 shifts of power into it, not really caring if some power leaks, and takes a 2-stress mental hit for it (since it is one higher than his specialty-boosted Conviction of +5). He rolls Discipline (+5 with his ring focus, -1 because he took a supplemental action = +4), and gets a +1, for an effort of +5. This isn't enough to control +6 shifts of power, but he just lets it be fallout. Thus, he establishes only a Superb (+5) block to movement out of the room through that doorway. The GM decides the extra shift of power sets the Building on Fire.
    * Barry decides that a good offense is the best defense and gathers power to pound the ghoul into the ceiling with force magic. He put in +5 shifts of power and takes a 1-stress mental (because it is equal to his Conviction) and rolls Discipline (+7 with focus and specialty), getting a +3, for an effort of +10. Dave offers his free tag of the consequence he inflicted, which Barry gracious accepts for another +2, or a total of +12. Igor rolls Athletics (+5 with Inhuman Speed), gets a -1, for +4 effort. With the Weapon:5 rating the power gives it, that's an 13-stress hit. Igor still takes a 5-stress hit even if he uses both his remaining consequences (Mild 2, Severe 6 = 8-stress absorbed), which takes him out. Barry decides the ghoul is crushed to a pulp by the powerful Force effect.

Igor: Taken Out, Mild physical consequence (Winded), Moderate physical consequence (GSW to the Shoulder), Severe physical consequence (Crushed Bones).
Dave: Physical OXO, Mild physical consequence (Nasty Scratches)
Voldemort: Physical OOX, Mental XXOO, Severe physical consequence (Shattered Ribs)
Barry: Physical OOO, Mental XOOO, Moderate mental consequence (Migraines), Severe physical consequence (Gutted)

Exchange 3

    * Dave picks up the unconscious girl, rolling Might (+1), getting +1, for an effort of Fair (+2), which the GM says is sufficient given the girl's weight.
    * Voldemort tries to make his way out of the building but Barry opts to use the free tag on his Shattered Ribs to compel him to collapse on the stairs, unable to catch his breath.
    * Barry, fighting his own severe injury and migraines, holds his guts in and gathers powers to counterspell the hellfire wall blocking their exit with raw force. He throws +5 shifts of power into it, takes the 1-stress hit (which fills his second box, because the first is already marked), and rolls Discipline (+7 with specialty and focus), getting a -2. This is still an effort of +5, which is sufficient to control the 5 shifts of power, which are just enough to destroy the Superb (+5) hellfire barrier.
As Voldy did not put any extra duration into his block, it would have only lasted until this end of his action this turn anyway.  So Barry didn't have to spend an action to dispel it, it would have dissipated by the time his action rolled around.  Also, take a look at prolonging spells (YS 259), for another way to extend the duration of evocation effects. 

Also note that greater duration is one of the advantages offered by 'thaumaturgy at the speed of evocation' available to sponsored magic.

Igor: Taken Out, Mild physical consequence (Winded), Moderate physical consequence (GSW to the Shoulder), Severe physical consequence (Crushed Bones).
Dave: Physical OXO, Mild physical consequence (Nasty Scratches)
Voldemort: Physical OOX, Mental XXOO, Severe physical consequence (Shattered Ribs)
Barry: Physical OOO, Mental XXOO, Moderate mental consequence (Migraines), Severe physical consequence (Gutted)

Exchange 4

    * Dave carries the girl out of the building, sprinting with Athletics (+2) modified by Might (it is +1, lower than Athletics, so it gives a -1) and a roll of 0 for an effort of +1. In order to get out completely (3 zones: upstairs hallway, downstairs hallway, outside, no border ratings because the front door was left open), he spends a Fate point to invoke Protect the Innocent to bring it to +3. He ignores the sorcerer on the stairs and hauls ass out of the building with the girl.
    * Voldemort pulls himself to his feet and tries again to leave. Barry spends his sole Fate point to invoke Building on Fire to declare that part of the ceiling collapses, on fire, blocking the way out. Voldemort draws himself up and turns to face his enemy. He draws +8 shifts of power, taking only a 3-stress mental hit because Hellfire gives +1 to power when used to hurt people. He rolls his Discipline (+4, +1 for offensive fire control from his staff = +5), but gets a -3 to the attack, for an effort of +2. In order to avoid detonating the entire building, he takes four of it as backlash, adding a 4-stress mental hit, allowing the attack to still be Weapon:6. The remaining two shifts will be fallout. Barry rolls his Athletics (+1) and gets +2, for an effort of +3. The attack misses him. The GM rules that it hits the wall at the far end of the hallway, blowing it out. New zone aspect: Hole in the Wall.
    * Barry is going to try to knock his opponent out with a carefully tuned mental attack. Mental attacks use the Spirit element, the same as Force. He puts +5 shifts of power into it, takes another 1-stress mental hit (now marking off his third box, because the two previous are marked), and rolls Discipline (+7 with specialty and focus, which still apply) and gets a 0, for an effort of +7. As a mental attack, it is resisted with Voldemort's Discipline (+4), and he gets a brutal -4, for an effort of 0. With the Weapon:5 rating, this is a 12-stress mental hit. Even if he uses his remaining Moderate and Mild consequences, that leaves a 6-stress hit which is more than enough to take him out. So, he falls unconscious from the brutal mental assault.
Mental attacks like this are probably a third law violation

Igor: Taken Out, Physical OOOO, Moderate physical consequence (GSW to the Shoulder)
Dave: Physical OXO, Mild physical consequence (Nasty Scratches)
Voldemort: Taken Out, Physical OOX, Mental XXXX, Severe physical consequence (Shattered Ribs)
Barry: Physical OOO, Mental XXXO, Moderate mental consequence (Migraines), Severe physical consequence (Gutted)

Exchange 5

    * Dave tries to go back to help his friend, but sees that the way is blocked. However, he notes the new hole blown in the side of the building and tries to get the on-lookers attracted by the earlier explosion to get a blanket to catch him. He rolls Rapport (+3) and gets a +3, for a total effort of +6. The GM was looking for only a Fair (+2) result, so decides that the extra four shifts will move the default time of "a few minutes" down to "an instant", meaning that they are ready to catch Barry immediately. The GM says this will put an aspect on the zone of Soft Landing.
    * Barry tries to pick up the unconscious sorcerer but the GM hands him a Fate point and compels his Gutted consequence, saying he can't lift him. Barry could ignore it, but he used his last Fate point. Instead, he haggles with the GM. He really doesn't want to leave him to burn alive, so he proposes he does it but takes an additional mild physical consequence. The GM finds this acceptable. Barry keeps the Fate point and, since it was already negotiated, picks up Voldemort without a roll, but taking a new Mild Consequence (Exhausted).
    * The GM decides that with two fallouts having occurred and the propensity of Hellfire to want to hurt people, that Barry is going to have to resist an environmental attack. Since a total of three shifts of power went into setting the building on fire and adding one for the Hellfire, he makes a Great (+4) attack, rolling a +1, for an effort of +5. Barry is told to resist with Athletics (+1), as he tries to get through the burning hallway. He rolls a +2 for an effort of +3 and marks a 2-stress physical hit.

Igor: Taken Out, Physical OOOO, Moderate physical consequence (GSW to the Shoulder)
Dave: Physical OXO, Mild physical consequence (Nasty Scratches)
Voldemort: Taken Out, Physical OOX, Mental XXXX, Severe physical consequence (Shattered Ribs)
Barry: Physical OXO, Mental XXXO, Mild physical consequence (Exhausted), Moderate mental consequence (Migraines), Severe physical consequence (Gutted)

Exchange 6

    * Dave is still coordinating the assembled to catch Barry, who has finally appeared in the hole, shrouded by smoke from the roaring hellfire. He rolls Rapport again (+3), getting a +1, for an effort of +4. This lets him put an aspect of Well-Coordinated on the crowd.
Leadership tasks like this are normally done with presence, not rapport.

    * Barry jumps, rolling Athletics (+1) to try and soften the impact. The GM says this will be modified by his Might (+0), so he has a -1. He rolls a +2. This effectively gives him Armor:1 for the fall, but its a ten foot drop and so will do a 5-stress hit. However, Dave's prepared and gives him the free tags on both the aspects he's set up, raising it to +6, for Armor:3. He marks the 2-stress physical hit on his sheet (in the third box, because the second is filled) and is down on the ground with the unconscious sorcerer.
    * The GM notes that sirens are fast approaching. He hands both Barry and Dave a Fate point. Barry, he says, it far too injured to leave the scene. He is compelling his consequences. He is compelling Dave on his Nobody Fucks with My Friends aspects to remain with his friend. Dave wasn't going to abandon him anyway, so it is a self-compel.
    * The conflict is over, so stress clears as people catch their breath. Only the consequences remain.

Igor: Dead
Dave: Mild physical consequence (Nasty Scratches)
Voldemort: Severe physical consequence (Shattered Ribs)
Barry: Mild physical consequence (Exhausted), Moderate mental consequence (Migraines), Severe physical consequence (Gutted)
By the time they are taken to the police station and interviewed, their mild consequences are recovered enough to no longer be a hindrance. Barry's migraines will continue for a few days but he'll be feeling the repercussions of his disembowelment for weeks, if not months. Voldemort will be dealing with those shattered ribs for just as long, provided Barry and Dave don't get him out of police custody and in front of a White Council tribunal, where he belongs.

Offline gaelvin

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Re: Sample Combat
« Reply #11 on: August 17, 2010, 05:19:01 AM »
Damn Belial666 that is harsh. :)

But you can't taser someone just so you can have someone else blow a guy's head off. That breaks the 1st law of Magic right?

I'd say it comes down to intent. Did you know that your buddy was going to kill the guy you immobilized with magic? If so, that there's a First Law infraction. Did you think he might? That's a grey area, but we know how some Wardens might view it.

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Re: Sample Combat
« Reply #12 on: August 17, 2010, 06:50:10 AM »
I'd say it comes down to intent. Did you know that your buddy was going to kill the guy you immobilized with magic? If so, that there's a First Law infraction. Did you think he might? That's a grey area, but we know how some Wardens might view it.
I'd say that it comes down to the specific intent to kill with magic. You must specifically want to kill the person with your magic, not as a means for you to make it easier to kill with something else. Magic must be the murder weapon in order to break the First Law.
With your laws of magic, wizards would pretty much just be helpless carebears who can only do magic tricks. - BumblingBear

Offline Craftzero

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Re: Sample Combat
« Reply #13 on: August 17, 2010, 01:46:17 PM »
It should be stated that this is awesome.  Thank you, Eberg.  I'm going to forward the bulk of your combat to my players, and I think it should help them to understand the game a little better. 

So... uhh... when are you going to do social combat as well...?


Offline Doc Nova

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Re: Sample Combat
« Reply #14 on: August 17, 2010, 02:13:46 PM »
   * Barry opts to use the free tag on his Shattered Ribs to compel him to collapse on the stairs, unable to catch his breath.

Not to get all rulesy on this, but I don't think this is how it works.

A consequence enables one tag, which is a free invoke.  An invoke is either +2 to a roll or a reroll.  In order to compel the consequence, the player (Barry, in this case) would need to spend a fate point, which Voldy would get...and could also have begun an escalation on the compel, making it far more costly to the compelling player.
« Last Edit: August 17, 2010, 02:15:49 PM by Doc Nova »