Author Topic: Custom Power List  (Read 213002 times)

Offline Baron Hazard

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Re: Custom Power List
« Reply #15 on: July 25, 2010, 10:11:37 PM »
cannot be a telepath and a magic user.


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Re: Custom Power List
« Reply #16 on: July 25, 2010, 10:25:00 PM »
Ahh, I didn't see that, well, that makes sense, though what about items of power that give you thaumaturgy and evocation, an argument could be made that such items would bypass the limitation, so I would make that clear as well.

Offline Todjaeger

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Re: Custom Power List
« Reply #17 on: July 26, 2010, 05:18:24 AM »
Here is the first draft of my take on a Telepathy power. A few points before the power though.

1) I don't buy that every person with some kind of "psychic" ability is just a baby wizard that doesn't realize their true potential. There is plenty of room in the game for "real" psychics with powers based on genetics, biology, chemistry, and other science-y explanations.

2) Supernatural Sense (Telepathy) is certainly a viable option, and with some of my more free-form players it would be fine to just charge them a few refresh and just say they have "Telepathy" with no further defining of the power in any way.... But, most of my players would either want something more concrete or cause me to want something more concrete to point to when making decisions about what is acceptable and what isn't.

3) I think natural psychics would be separate from magic users, as such I've required the Telepathy power to be removed if any form of mortal magic is taken and suggested the same for sponsored magic. This allow the power to give some mental bonuses without the fear of wizardlings using it to boost their magic.

All ideas, suggestions, and opinions are welcome.

When the idea is boiled down, it really depending on how the GM and/or group want the game to be run.  The existing rules already allow for someone to create a psychic (psychometry, Cassandra's Tears, etc) and depending on what Aspects one choses and what/how one thematically describes doing actions, a kinetomancer could be a weak spellcaster, or a TK/psychokinetic 'pusher'.  Personally I would spend more time coming up with appropriate Aspects for how one 'sees' their character, and how thematically their character uses their power(s), than attempt to create new powers which do things which can already be done using existing capabilities.

That is one of the nice things about the FATE system itself, it lends itself to role or character playing, as opposed to just making the 'perfect' character build.  There are multiple ways to achieve the same desired end, all without taking the same path.  Heck, I would create a character piloting a suit of steam-powered gnomish battlearmor from Mount Nevermind if I wanted too.  Speaking of which, that just gave me an idea which people the next Con I run Dresden at are going to hate...
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Offline Jeckel

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Re: Custom Power List
« Reply #18 on: July 26, 2010, 06:51:35 AM »

I don't really disagree with anything you said, though not sure what you meant by "just making the 'perfect' character build".

First, I enjoy making new powers/stunts/templates/whatever, its my favorite thing after "the obvious" and programming. Creating new stuff helps give me a better grasp on the system and, as in this case, helps my players better understand what they can reasonably do or expect.

I understand the concept of rp and character story being the most important. I've GMed for power gamers who only care about rules and rolls. I've also GMed for free-formers that don't understand using anything other then their mouths and note paper for rp. My favorite aspect of the Fate system is how it blends the two worlds together so well.

This power is a bridge between the two. Not as broad as Psycomancy or Supernatural Sense (Telepathy), which would make the stat players itchy and worried their powers aren't worth as much. At the same time it is pretty open, allowing upgrades and simple mechanics so as not to frighten my free-form players. Add to that the remove of worry for the metaphysical side of Lawbreaker, but still getting to fret over fanatic wardens not care how you "broke the Law".. that got both groups pretty excited, even the players not taking the power.

But like you said, "There are multiple ways to achieve the same desired end, all without taking the same path." This is just another path I am providing my players. Those that don't wish to take that path are by no means forced to. :)
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Offline Todjaeger

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Re: Custom Power List
« Reply #19 on: July 26, 2010, 09:44:10 AM »

I don't really disagree with anything you said, though not sure what you meant by "just making the 'perfect' character build".

I was specifically referring to D&D4e, though I suppose the new d20 version of Star Wars is applicable as well, where ones character is really defined by ones powers.  As an example, if someone were to create an archery-based ranger, it would likely be virtually identical to a ranger with the same theme created by someone entirely different.  With the FATE system the DFRPG uses, between aspects and the player choosing what combination of abilities to have, and how they are to be utilized (like Harry and Ramirez both being Wardens with shielding and attack spells which are quite different), there is so much more that a player can do to make a character 'theirs'.

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Offline Magus Black

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Re: Custom Power List
« Reply #20 on: July 26, 2010, 10:34:07 PM »
Here’s two I’d have running in my head, could anyone provide critique.

[-0] Lesser Immortality: You do not need to eat or drink and do not excrete wastes. If you possess ‘Hunger Dependency’ you must still satisfy it as normal.

[-3] Immortality: As lesser Immortality in addition you cease to age and remain permanently at the age of acquiring this ability (EX: A man in his mid-twenties will always look like he‘s in his mid-twenties even two thousands years later), and cannot be aged magically. You are also immune to all poisons and diseases, both magical and mundane,  and do not need to breath.
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Re: Custom Power List
« Reply #21 on: July 26, 2010, 11:23:48 PM »
All of my Custom Powers

Gifted With Soul [+1]
Description: You are different from other Red Court Vampires. Normally your kind do not have a soul, for it is antithesis to your being, and destroyed once you have had your first killing feed. You however have somehow managed to store your soul in an item, making a phylactery of sorts.
Musts: You must be a red court vampire, must have an aspect that reflects this power.
Silence the Beast. You loose your Echoes of the Beast power. As a Red Court Vampire with a Soul your beast is suppressed by the morals other Red Court Vampires lack. You are reimbursed for the refresh cost of Echoes of the beast, since you no longer have it.
Refresh Bonus. You have somehow maintained your soul, keeping free will. Add +1 to your refresh level.
Phylactery. Your soul is stored in an item that you must keep on your person at all times. If it leaves your person, you loose the above benefits, becoming an NPC. You may spend one fate point to give you one days time to retrieve the item.
Altered Catch. You are no longer burnt to a cinder in sunlight, but you are weakened in it. In sunlight your catch is automatically satisfied for any attack. In addition add a new condition to your catch: "Phylactery Damage."
Made Whole [-1]. If you take this upgrade your soul no longer resides in your phylactery, which becomes a mundane item, it has been restored to your body. You loose the "Phylactery" portion of this ability, and the "Phylactery Damage" condition on your catch.

Fountainhead of Blood [–2]
Description: You've somehow managed to cut the metaphysical ties that exist between master and servant. You are no longer beholden to the Red King, and are a sovereign in your own right.
Musts: When you gain this power, you must change your High Concept to reflect your new status as the fountainhead of a new bloodline of red court vampires.
Skills Affected: Discipline, Social Skills.
Self Control. Your control over the thirst is unparalleled, you gain +1 to your Discipline when using it defensively.
Deeper Reserves. You are the most powerful vampire in your bloodline. Add two boxes to the length of your hunger stress track.
Liege Lord. You are the fountainhead of a new bloodline of red court vampires. Any social skills used against other vampire courts or bloodlines gain a +1 bonus. Increase this to +2 when dealing with members of your own bloodline.
Improved Feeding [-1]. If you purchase this upgrade you gain a +2 (instead of a +1) on subsequent attacks after causing your enemy to bleed, in a grapple you do two extra stress instead of just one. You may also use the Taste of Death of effect of the Blood Drinker power twice per scene instead of only once, however you must spend a fate point to use it the second time.

Red Hot Knives [-1] You may increase the weapon rating of your knives by two by filling in one mental stress box, this lasts for a number of exchanges equal to the value of the stress box you've filled in. Increase the bonus to three if you've cast a fire evocation in the last exchange.

Home is Where You Make It [-1] This character carries his threshold with him, he may, with or without any special objects, setup a threshold with a value of two given adequate time to prepare (5-15 minutes). If the threshold is being setup in the open, then the size is up to the GM. It can be used to strengthen the existing threshold of a building by one. This power stacks with "Bless this House".

Reading the Surface [-1]. You are a natural psychic, and can read the surface thoughts of individuals around you. This is not a violation of the laws of magic, as the thoughts "radiate" out from the thinkers mind. You may use discipline to defend against deceit attacks and maneuvers instead of the usual skill, and possibly in place of other skills whenever the GM deems it appropriate. On a successful defense against a social attack while using "Reading the Surface" you may place the aspect "Open Book" on the attacker. This aspect lasts for one exchange (not sticky) and may be tagged for a bonus on any other social roll.

Undying [-0]
Deathless. Unless utterly destroyed or killed by special means, you will eventually recover from any fatal wound. No "death" result is ever permanent unless special means are used (as determined by your creature type).
Estranged. Most people around you feel uncomfortable, as if they can tell that you are different from others. Take a -1 Penalty on all Rapport and Deceit based maneuvers or attacks you make.

Dream or Reality [-2]
For you the lines between Dream and Reality are blurred, so much so they are almost non-existant. You live just as much in the world of fantasy as you do on planet earth. You are able to bring your control of your Demesne into the mortal world. You are able to shape reality to your whim.
Skills Affected: Discipline
Musts: Demesne
Sculpt Reality. You can alter reality as if you were in your personal Demesne, though not as freely as you would be able to in the Nevernever. You can roll Discipline to place scene aspects as normal, and can even use discipline to physically attack using the (now) mutable nature of the zone against your opponents. However, your attacks are all weapon: 0. Any change you make is impermanent, and reverts to its original state at the end of the scene, however, you may spend a fate point to make a change permanent (or more, at the GM's discretion).
Rapid Eye Movement. When you use this power your eyes flicker back and forth as if you were sleeping.
Illiteracy. You are unable to read, it is not because you do not know how, it is just that your brain is unable to correctly identify the symbols on the page. If you somehow loose access to this power, you will be able to read (if you were previously able to).
Improved Sculpting -1. Your attacks are now treated as Weapon: 2.
Powerful Scultiping -1. Your attacks are now treated as Weapon: 4, and any scene aspect you place is automatically made 'Sticky'.
« Last Edit: July 27, 2010, 01:44:29 AM by KOFFEYKID »


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Re: Custom Power List
« Reply #22 on: July 26, 2010, 11:31:58 PM »
Now those are cool!

My favorite is the last one Dream or Reality.


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Re: Custom Power List
« Reply #23 on: July 26, 2010, 11:45:15 PM »
Yeah, I like that one too, I made it for this chracter, but I haven't really gotten to play her yet.

Offline CMEast

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Re: Custom Power List
« Reply #24 on: July 26, 2010, 11:53:54 PM »
@KOFFEYKID - Interesting character, she certainly seems to be enjoying herself in the portrait pic :)

Oh and I like the powers, I've always liked your posts. One suggestion, instead of 'fountainhead' I'd personally use Font (or Fount, for those that think of fonts as a writing style) because it sounds better and means the same thing.

Offline Mindflayer94

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Re: Custom Power List
« Reply #25 on: July 27, 2010, 01:39:52 AM »
@Koffeykid Although Gifted with Soul is cool, it only grants a +1 which if you take a RCV from OW (pg. 86) they have a refresh of -11 therefore one would still have to play a character with a refresh rate higher than what's provided in the books to actually play a RCV, because even in submerged you would have a 0 refresh & therefore be unplayable
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Re: Custom Power List
« Reply #26 on: July 27, 2010, 01:43:14 AM »
Yes, but the red court vamp looses echoes of the beast, which frees up the extra refresh that you are missing. I suppose I should be clearer about that.

Offline Mindflayer94

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Re: Custom Power List
« Reply #27 on: July 27, 2010, 02:11:50 AM »
Ah that makes sense, I though the power loss was included in the +1
DV Mindflayer94 v1.2 YR3 FR2 BK+++ RP++++ JB TH++++ WG+ CL--- SW BC++ !MC SH[Murphy+++]

Offline Ophidimancer

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Re: Custom Power List
« Reply #28 on: July 27, 2010, 02:47:20 AM »
What do you guys think about these Stunts?

Intuitive Read - Once per scene spend a Fate Point to do an assessment with Empathy in one exchange.
Tell Me About Yourself - Use Empathy instead of Rapport for the Chit Chat Trapping.

Mind Block - Use Lore instead of Discipline when defending against supernatural mind powers only.

Technobabble - Use Scholarship instead of Intimidation for Brush Off Trapping.  Basically you babble at someone in highly technical language until they lose interest and wander off.

Offline Doc Nova

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Re: Custom Power List
« Reply #29 on: July 27, 2010, 03:39:51 AM »
Technobabble - Use Scholarship instead of Intimidation for Brush Off Trapping.  Basically you babble at someone in highly technical language until they lose interest and wander off.
[/quote] we know some of the same people?  I dig this stunt.

*bah...I butchered the quote system there...blast these fingers!

By the way...I also really like the Dream or Reality power.  Reminds me of a magical item that the PCs can get in my campaign, although it's limited to discovered lore and bibliomantic aberrations...
« Last Edit: July 27, 2010, 03:44:08 AM by Doc Nova »