Author Topic: Custom Power List  (Read 213001 times)


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Custom Power List
« on: July 24, 2010, 04:54:57 AM »
Here is a place for a list of custom powers, because while the book gives plenty of ones I figure the more to choose from the better.

Remember people; keep the powers balanced in terms of refresh cost.

Master List

See YS162
Not Amphibious [+1]. You can't survive outside of the water; when taken from the water, (say on to dry land in the middle of a city) The environment makes a Fantastic (+6) maneuver on you, resisted by Endurance; if successful, you gain a Suffocating aspect.
In each subsequent exchange, you must roll Endurance to defend against a Fantastic (+6) Environmental attack. Once you concede or are taken out (falling unconscious), the attacks stop. However, the damage is already done; without medical attention and re-introduction into your necessary environment, a taken out victim will soon die (within a a score of minutes, an hour at most.)
Re-introduction into the water, will end the effect and remove the aspect.

Uncontrolled Power [+1]
Description: You character cannot control his or her powers.  Maybe they react to emotional distress, or some other subconscious cue.
Notes: This is a one time discount applying to however many powers the character cannot control.  If the character has more than -4 Refresh in uncontrolled powers, this discount raises to a +2.

Telepathy [-2]

Description: Maybe you access a part of the brain most people never use, maybe your a genetic aberration or scientific experiment; regardless of the exact biological explanation, the effect is the same... you can read minds. You are not a minor talent, focused practitioner, or any other form of magic wielder, your ability is biological. Despite this fact, some crazy zealots calling themselves "wardens" may not give you time to explain that fact before attempting to remove your head.
Musts: Either a template or aspect denoting your ability with the non-magical psychic arts is required. Magic and Psychic powers (the real ones, not the magical imitations) don't play well together. In the event that any mortal magic power (Evocation, Thaumaturgy, Channeling, Ritual) is taken, the character must remove the Telepathy power and regain all refresh spent on it. It is recommended that Sponsored Magic follow the same rule, although the final decision for any specific sponsor is left to the group.
Skills Affected: Conviction (page YS:124), Discipline (page YS:127), and Empathy (page YS:129)
An Open Book. People are easy to understand when you can hear the thoughts they project into the world. Gain a +2 to Empathy and any time requirements are decreased by one shift. Where appropriate targets defend with Discipline instead of the normal social skill.
Dig A Bit Deeper. Some say a person's trash is the best way to learn about them, they're wrong. When using this ability you connect your mind to that of your target, allowing access to thoughts below the surface. At the same time, some of your thoughts and emotions will bleed over into their mind. You may spend a fate point to stop your thoughts from entering the targets mind; however, the target may also spend a fate point, in which case you will not gain any of their thoughts. In the case of NPCs that have no fate points, roll Empathy defended by the target's Discipline to determine if the player gains any information. This skill can not be used more then once per scene. A fate point must be spent on any attempt against a target after the first.
Mind Trick. These are not the droids you are looking for. By rolling Empathy defended by a target's Discipline, you may place a simple suggestion into their unconscious mind. There is no explicit limit to the number of times this ability may be used on a single target, but it is highly recommended that NPC targets receive an increasing bonus to their defense roll on each attempt after the first.
Mental Fortitude [-1]. Taking this upgrade will grant two additional boxes of mental stress capacity (page YS:201).
Mental Fortress [-1]. If this upgrade is taken, you naturally have Armor:1 against all mental stress.
Psychic Strike [-2]. Purchasing this upgrade turns your mind into a weapon. Discipline may be used to make a direct psychic attack, dealing mental stress and consequences. The victim may defend with Discipline, however counter-attacks are not generally possible. Regardless of the success or failure, the attacker takes an automatic point of mental stress each time this ability is used.

[-0] Lesser Immortality: You do not need to eat or drink and do not excrete wastes. If you possess ‘Hunger Dependency’ you must still satisfy it as normal.

[-3] Immortality: As lesser Immortality in addition you cease to age and remain permanently at the age of acquiring this ability (EX: A man in his mid-twenties will always look like he‘s in his mid-twenties even two thousands years later), and cannot be aged magically. You are also immune to all poisons and diseases, both magical and mundane,  and do not need to breath.

Gifted With Soul [+1]
Description: You are different from other Red Court Vampires. Normally your kind do not have a soul, for it is antithesis to your being, and destroyed once you have had your first killing feed. You however have somehow managed to store your soul in an item, making a phylactery of sorts.
Musts: You must be a red court vampire, must have an aspect that reflects this power.
Silence the Beast. You loose your Echoes of the Beast power. As a Red Court Vampire with a Soul your beast is suppressed by the morals other Red Court Vampires lack. You are reimbursed for the refresh cost of Echoes of the beast, since you no longer have it.
Refresh Bonus. You have somehow maintained your soul, keeping free will. Add +1 to your refresh level.
Phylactery. Your soul is stored in an item that you must keep on your person at all times. If it leaves your person, you loose the above benefits, becoming an NPC. You may spend one fate point to give you one days time to retrieve the item.
Altered Catch. You are no longer burnt to a cinder in sunlight, but you are weakened in it. In sunlight your catch is automatically satisfied for any attack. In addition add a new condition to your catch: "Phylactery Damage."
Made Whole [-1]. If you take this upgrade your soul no longer resides in your phylactery, which becomes a mundane item, it has been restored to your body. You loose the "Phylactery" portion of this ability, and the "Phylactery Damage" condition on your catch.

Fountainhead of Blood [–2]
Description: You've somehow managed to cut the metaphysical ties that exist between master and servant. You are no longer beholden to the Red King, and are a sovereign in your own right.
Musts: When you gain this power, you must change your High Concept to reflect your new status as the fountainhead of a new bloodline of red court vampires.
Skills Affected: Discipline, Social Skills.
Self Control. Your control over the thirst is unparalleled, you gain +1 to your Discipline when using it defensively.
Deeper Reserves. You are the most powerful vampire in your bloodline. Add two boxes to the length of your hunger stress track.
Liege Lord. You are the fountainhead of a new bloodline of red court vampires. Any social skills used against other vampire courts or bloodlines gain a +1 bonus. Increase this to +2 when dealing with members of your own bloodline.
Improved Feeding [-1]. If you purchase this upgrade you gain a +2 (instead of a +1) on subsequent attacks after causing your enemy to bleed, in a grapple you do two extra stress instead of just one. You may also use the Taste of Death of effect of the Blood Drinker power twice per scene instead of only once, however you must spend a fate point to use it the second time.

Red Hot Knives [-1] You may increase the weapon rating of your knives by two by filling in one mental stress box, this lasts for a number of exchanges equal to the value of the stress box you've filled in. Increase the bonus to three if you've cast a fire evocation in the last exchange.

Home is Where You Make It [-1] This character carries his threshold with him, he may, with or without any special objects, setup a threshold with a value of two given adequate time to prepare (5-15 minutes). If the threshold is being setup in the open, then the size is up to the GM. It can be used to strengthen the existing threshold of a building by one. This power stacks with "Bless this House".
Reading the Surface [-1]. You are a natural psychic, and can read the surface thoughts of individuals around you. This is not a violation of the laws of magic, as the thoughts "radiate" out from the thinkers mind. You may use discipline to defend against deceit attacks and maneuvers instead of the usual skill, and possibly in place of other skills whenever the GM deems it appropriate. On a successful defense against a social attack while using "Reading the Surface" you may place the aspect "Open Book" on the attacker. This aspect lasts for one exchange (not sticky) and may be tagged for a bonus on any other social roll.

Undying [-0]
Deathless. Unless utterly destroyed or killed by special means, you will eventually recover from any fatal wound. No "death" result is ever permanent unless special means are used (as determined by your creature type).
Estranged. Most people around you feel uncomfortable, as if they can tell that you are different from others. Take a -1 Penalty on all Rapport and Deceit based maneuvers or attacks you make.

Dream or Reality [-2]
For you the lines between Dream and Reality are blurred, so much so they are almost non-existant. You live just as much in the world of fantasy as you do on planet earth. You are able to bring your control of your Demesne into the mortal world. You are able to shape reality to your whim.
Skills Affected: Discipline
Musts: Demesne
Sculpt Reality. You can alter reality as if you were in your personal Demesne, though not as freely as you would be able to in the Nevernever. You can roll Discipline to place scene aspects as normal, and can even use discipline to physically attack using the (now) mutable nature of the zone against your opponents. However, your attacks are all weapon: 0. Any change you make is impermanent, and reverts to its original state at the end of the scene, however, you may spend a fate point to make a change permanent (or more, at the GM's discretion).
Rapid Eye Movement. When you use this power your eyes flicker back and forth as if you were sleeping.
Illiteracy. You are unable to read, it is not because you do not know how, it is just that your brain is unable to correctly identify the symbols on the page. If you somehow loose access to this power, you will be able to read (if you were previously able to).
Improved Sculpting -1. Your attacks are now treated as Weapon: 2.
Powerful Sculpting -1. Your attacks are now treated as Weapon: 4, and any scene aspect you place is automatically made 'Sticky'.
Expansive Magical Repertoire: Your Lore skill is considered 2 steps higher when factoring in how many rotes your character knows.  -1
Unthinkable Size [-4] As Hulking Size, but all effects, positive and negative, are doubled. This applies for creatures larger than whales (Fenrir, Godzilla, Typhon...)

Telekinesis [-2]

Description: Not all is magic and mysticism, the human body holds many wonderful secrets of its own. Your secret is the ability to move objects with the power of your thoughts. Regardless of the specifics of your power's source (evolution, chemistry, mutation, technology, etc) magic is not it. Your ability is "natural" and doesn't cause repercussions from the Laws of Magic, although those know as "wardens" generally don't take the time to ask questions if they think you have broken one of the "laws".
Musts: A template or aspect related to your status as a telekinetic is required.
Skills Affected: Conviction (page YS:124) and Discipline (page YS:127)
Mind Over Matter. Why use muscles when your brain can do the heavy lifting. Might is replaced by Conviction for the purposes of lifting things with your mind. When attempting to throw an object or make a direct kinetic attack with this ability, Discipline replaces Weapons and Fists respectively.
Thoughts Take Flight [-1]. You may not have wings, but that doesn't mean you can't fly. Many kinds of borders (page YS:212) are reduced or eliminated and you are able to travel through zones (page YS:197) vertically. The Discipline skill is used to govern flight in the same way that Athletics is used for running.
Kinetic Defense [-2]. Your telekinetic power is great, manifesting in a persistent shield around you granting Armor:1 against physical attacks. When performing a Full Defense (page YS:199) this bonus becomes Armor:2.

Inhuman Stoicism [-2]
Description: Your mind is abnormally stout, withstanding far more abuse then the average human.
Musts: No protection against self-inflicted attacks or stress is provided. You must attach this power to an appropriate mental Catch (page YS:185).
Skills Affected: Conviction (page YS:124), other mental skills.
Hard to Twist. You naturally have Armor:1 against all mental stress.
Hard to Break. You have two additional boxes of mental stress capacity.

Supernatural Stoicism [–4]
Description: Your mind can handle trauma that would normally destroy a person.
Musts: This ability replaces Inhuman Stoicism. No protection against self-inflicted attacks or stress is provided. You must attach this power to an appropriate mental Catch (page YS:185).
Skills Affected: Conviction (page YS:124), other mental skills.
Harder to Twist. You naturally have Armor:2 against all mental stress.
Harder to Break. You have four additional boxes of mental stress capacity.

Mythic Stoicism [–6]
Description: The durability of your mind is beyond the mortal scale.
Musts: You must have permission to purchase this ability. This ability replaces Inhuman or Supernatural Stoicism. No protection against self-inflicted attacks or stress is provided. You must attach this power to an appropriate mental Catch (page YS:185).
Skills Affected: Conviction (page YS:124), other mental skills.
Nearly Impossible to Twist. You naturally have Armor:3 against all mental stress.
Nearly Impossible to Break. You have six additional boxes of mental stress capacity.

Impossible Jumps [-1]
Description: Gravity doesn't seem to apply to you the way it does to normal people. You can jump like a video game character when you want to.
Skills Affected: Athletics
Superhuman Leap. You get +4 to all athletics rolls made to jump.
Limited Antigravity. You are completely immune to falling damage. You never need a running start to jump properly.
Double Jump [-2]. You can jump off of empty air. When rolling for jump distance, you may roll twice and add the results. When jumping during a conflict, you can remain in midair for a full exchange. Furthermore, you can dodge normally in midair.
Goomba Stomp [-1]. You can hurt someone pretty badly by jumping on them. You can use your athletics skill to attack in melee. If combined with double jump, you may skip an action in order to remain in midair for an exchange and reroll the attack.

Hyperspace Arsenal [-2]
Description: You seem to be able to fit an entire warehouse in your pockets. No-one’s really sure where stuff goes when you’re not using it.
Skills Affected: Might
Hammerspace. You can carry a full load (as determined by your might) without hindrance in an extradimensional compartment. The compartment exists outside time, so everything in it stays exactly as it was when it was put in.
Improved Hammerspace [-2]. You can carry much more than a full load in your extradimensional compartment. Add 8 to your might to determine the capacity of your compartment.
Secure Hammerspace [-1]. Nobody but you can access your extradimensional compartment. Metal in it doesn’t trigger metal detectors and so on. If you are unconscious or dead, the compartment cannot be opened at all.

Special Techniques [-varies]
Description: Supernatural martial arts moves, more or less. A staple of any decent fighting manga.
Skills Affected: Fists, Weapons, Guns
Special Techniques -  When you take this power, choose fists, weapons, or guns.  Then pick a number of techniques from the technique list equal to the number of refresh points you spent on this power. Whenever you make an attack with the chosen skill, you may spend a fate point to add the effects of one of your chosen techniques to the attack.
Technique List
Long Range Strike. The range of this attack is increased by 2 zones. (This works for melee attacks).
Armor Piercing Strike. This attack ignores all of the target’s armor.
Area Strike. This attack hits everyone in the target zone (except yourself).
Rapid Strike. You can make a number of attacks up to your skill with one action. Each attack suffers a penalty equal to the number of extra attacks made.
Brutal Strike.  The attack suffers a -1 penalty but inflicts 5 extra stress.

Mind Meld [-1]
Description: You have the ability to possess someone in a benevolent way. Having you in one's head is a good thing, since you can help but not exert control.
Musts: You need some way to become insubstantial in order to enter the target's body.
Effects: When someone is possessed by you, they gain the full effect of any powers or stunts you have. What's more, they may use your skills instead of their own.
Co-Pilot [-1]: The person possessed by you gains the effects of the Demonic Co-Pilot power with you as the demon.
« Last Edit: November 04, 2010, 11:10:18 PM by Tbora »

Offline Archmage_Cowl

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Re: Custom Power List
« Reply #1 on: July 24, 2010, 05:02:12 AM »
One for an outsider.

Gaze of Lost Emotion [-1]: The owner of this power merely has to look at someone to drain all of their emotion away. Mechanically once per round as a free action the owner my gaze at one person in their zone placing the aspect Emotionless on the person. This aspect persists until She Who Devours Emotions looks away or departs the zone.

She Who Devours Emotions was the outsider with the power (she was a noble) I have a few more but i'm not entirely sure their refresh costs are accurate. (as i've never had them used in a campaign) but if i can work up the courage i'll post some more.
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Offline GruffAndTumble

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Re: Custom Power List
« Reply #2 on: July 24, 2010, 06:04:14 AM »
Wouldn't the Gaze of Lost Emotion just be Incite Emotion: Apathy?

Offline Archmage_Cowl

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Re: Custom Power List
« Reply #3 on: July 24, 2010, 06:12:02 AM »
Wouldn't the Gaze of Lost Emotion just be Incite Emotion: Apathy?

you could do it similar to that, i suppose, but i made this one more like HHWB's power.
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Re: Custom Power List
« Reply #4 on: July 24, 2010, 06:25:29 AM »
Swarm of Nasties (-3): Somehow, one body just isn't enough.  Whether you're turning into a swarm of bats and flying off into the night, or a pile of venomous leeches, somebody's going to get freaked out.  Requires previous shapeshifting ability.

When turned into a swarm, gain
Physical immunity (catch is area attacks + normal weaknesses)
Demonic Copilot (either your subconscious desires or actual demons)
*Everything is Big (as everything is small, but reverse the penalties and bonuses.

In exchanged, lose all ranged attacking potential, and the ability to block.
Rule one of magic:  Never, ever, under any circumstances, trust someone named "Morningstar".

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Re: Custom Power List
« Reply #5 on: July 24, 2010, 11:52:14 AM »
I had already decided to do this at work tonight, and then i get home and you're already on it! lol.

See YS162
Not Amphibious [+1]. You can't survive outside of the water; when taken from the water, (say on to dry land in the middle of a city) The environment makes a Fantastic (+6) maneuver on you, resisted by Endurance; if successful, you gain a Suffocating aspect.
     In each subsequent exchange, you must roll Endurance to defend against a Fantastic (+6) Environmental attack. Once you concede or are taken out (falling unconscious), the attacks stop. However, the damage is already done; without medical attention and re-introduction into your necessary environment, a taken out victim will soon die (within a a score of minutes, an hour at most.)
     Re-introduction into the water, will end the effect and remove the aspect.

« Last Edit: July 24, 2010, 08:09:07 PM by Baron Hazard »

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Re: Custom Power List
« Reply #6 on: July 24, 2010, 11:54:49 AM »
Also, Tbora. I'm not certain I like the idea of bringing in a 'conviction+discipline/2' type rule as it starts to become annoyingly mathy (imo [even though its really not that hard]) and just doesnt flow with the system. I'd suggest figuring out different effects governed by them.

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Re: Custom Power List
« Reply #7 on: July 24, 2010, 12:38:59 PM »
@Tbora - As Baron Hazard says, I think the conviction+discipline/2 idea is a little awkward for gaming; besides I would simply model telekinesis as spirit channeling. Telekinetic wings works I think, it's a little better than the original wings power but as an additional power to spirit channelling it's fair. I would perhaps treat telepathic radar as a trapping of empathy, perhaps it could be a [-1] power that allows you to read people instantly (rather than after 10 minutes) at a +2 to empathy, with an opposing roll of discipline, to do an assessment or declaration.

@Slife - I don't see why beast change couldn't already be used to become a swarm of creatures without the additional power.

@Baron Hazard - I like it!

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Re: Custom Power List
« Reply #8 on: July 24, 2010, 04:29:11 PM »
@Slife - I don't see why beast change couldn't already be used to become a swarm of creatures without the additional power.

I would be inclined to make swarm a -1 and an extra on shape changing. I can see the benefits of becoming multiple creatures with a group mind rather than a single.

Offline Ophidimancer

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Re: Custom Power List
« Reply #9 on: July 24, 2010, 06:30:59 PM »
Do you guys think it would be fair to give something like a +1 or +2 Refresh discount for powers that the character doesn't understand and cannot control?  Something like:

Uncontrolled Power [+1]
Description: You character cannot control his or her powers.  Maybe they react to emotional distress, or some other subconscious cue.
Notes: This is a one time discount applying to however many powers the character cannot control.  If the character has more than -4 Refresh in uncontrolled powers, this discount raises to a +2.

Or do you think Human Form plus the Rare or Involuntary Change covers this well enough?

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Re: Custom Power List
« Reply #10 on: July 25, 2010, 12:31:58 AM »
@Ophidimancer - Your variant could be useful for those that want to play as minor talents but otherwise yeah, I think human form with rare or involuntary change works.

To add to the list here's the thread for Bardic Magic -,19914.0.html

Offline John Galt

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Re: Custom Power List
« Reply #11 on: July 25, 2010, 12:53:21 AM »
telekinesis is covered by breath weapon, channelling and evocation.  It's just (spirit) for any of those. 

For bardic magic, I just went with [-0]Performance replaces discipline for control rolls.

But since my game is in the stage of being remade, I might take some of your suggestions and add some stuff and roll it all up into a minus 1 or 2 power.  But my character is the former Lord of Autumn and was also their High Bard.  Now as a mortal in Seattle he's a highly sought after performance artist. 

Bard's are definitely some of the most fun characters to RP, though, so it would be useful to flesh out some more ideas for customizing DFRPG to fit the template.

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Re: Custom Power List
« Reply #12 on: July 25, 2010, 04:37:26 AM »

Telekinesis, a Telekinetic Shield and Telepathic Radar are all covered by existing supernatural powers already.

Supernatural Sense(-1 to -3) can be used to cover/define what you're looking for, GM permitting of course.

As others have mentioned, Telekinesis is a Spirit-based use of Channeling/Evocation, whether it's a blast for telekinetic force like Harry's Forzare Rote, or a telekinetic force shield, again like Harry's Shield Rote or the spirit evocation Rifflitum mentioned on p#295 of YS.  Think of kinetomancers when creating a telekinetic psychic.

As for a Telekinetic flight ability, I suppose that some "spell" could be worked out to do so, using a spirit-based evocation, but I expect that it would likely require a fairly high Discipline and Conviction, as such an ability is fairly powerful and would also require plenty of power and control to manage.  The Wings supernatural power itself is only -1 Refresh, but also requires the character to have actual, physical wings which are used to fly.  Which means that apart from the use of a glamour of shapechanging ability, they are visible.  They are also subject to interference and damage which can prevent or interupt flight.


While an interesting idea, this sort of "power" seems to be more appropriate as an aspect.  Something which a player can potentially use to their advantage when "extra" mojo is required, and also as a Fate Point generator/compel aspect for the GM to make things interesting (read: go kaboom) for the players.
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Re: Custom Power List
« Reply #13 on: July 25, 2010, 09:15:00 PM »
Here is the first draft of my take on a Telepathy power. A few points before the power though.

1) I don't buy that every person with some kind of "psychic" ability is just a baby wizard that doesn't realize their true potential. There is plenty of room in the game for "real" psychics with powers based on genetics, biology, chemistry, and other science-y explanations.

2) Supernatural Sense (Telepathy) is certainly a viable option, and with some of my more free-form players it would be fine to just charge them a few refresh and just say they have "Telepathy" with no further defining of the power in any way.... But, most of my players would either want something more concrete or cause me to want something more concrete to point to when making decisions about what is acceptable and what isn't.

3) I think natural psychics would be separate from magic users, as such I've required the Telepathy power to be removed if any form of mortal magic is taken and suggested the same for sponsored magic. This allow the power to give some mental bonuses without the fear of wizardlings using it to boost their magic.

Telepathy [-2]

Description: Maybe you access a part of the brain most people never use, maybe your a genetic aberration or scientific experiment; regardless of the exact biological explanation, the effect is the same... you can read minds. You are not a minor talent, focused practitioner, or any other form of magic wielder, your ability is biological. Despite this fact, some crazy zealots calling themselves "wardens" may not give you time to explain that fact before attempting to remove your head.

Musts: Either a template or aspect denoting your ability with the non-magical psychic arts is required. Magic and Psychic powers (the real ones, not the magical imitations) don't play well together. In the event that any mortal magic power (Evocation, Thaumaturgy, Channeling, Ritual) is taken, the character must remove the Telepathy power and regain all refresh spent on it. It is recommended that Sponsored Magic follow the same rule, although the final decision for any specific sponsor is left to the group.

Skills Affected: Conviction (page YS:124), Discipline (page YS:127), and Empathy (page YS:129)


  • An Open Book. People are easy to understand when you can hear the thoughts they project into the world. Gain a +2 to Empathy and any time requirements are decreased by one shift. Where appropriate targets defend with Discipline instead of the normal social skill.
  • Dig A Bit Deeper. Some say a person's trash is the best way to learn about them, they're wrong. When using this ability you connect your mind to that of your target, allowing access to thoughts below the surface. At the same time, some of your thoughts and emotions will bleed over into their mind. You may spend a fate point to stop your thoughts from entering the targets mind; however, the target may also spend a fate point, in which case you will not gain any of their thoughts. In the case of NPCs that have no fate points, roll Empathy defended by the target's Discipline to determine if the player gains any information. This skill can not be used more then once per scene. A fate point must be spent on any attempt against a target after the first.
  • Mind Trick. These are not the droids you are looking for. By rolling Empathy defended by a target's Discipline, you may place a simple suggestion into their unconscious mind. There is no explicit limit to the number of times this ability may be used on a single target, but it is highly recommended that NPC targets receive an increasing bonus to their defense roll on each attempt after the first.
  • Mental Fortitude [-1]. Taking this upgrade will grant two additional boxes of mental stress capacity (page YS:201).
  • Mental Fortress [-1]. If this upgrade is taken, you naturally have Armor:1 against all mental stress.
  • Psychic Strike [-2]. Purchasing this upgrade turns your mind into a weapon. Discipline may be used to make a direct psychic attack, dealing mental stress and consequences. The victim may defend with Discipline, however counter-attacks are not generally possible. Regardless of the success or failure, the attacker takes an automatic point of mental stress each time this ability is used.

All ideas, suggestions, and opinions are welcome.

I'm specifically curious about the base cost and the upgrade costs, not sure if they to high/low? Also wondering if I'm being to strict or to lenient with any of the effects?
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Re: Custom Power List
« Reply #14 on: July 25, 2010, 09:53:46 PM »
I dont like the idea of a power that gives more mental stress boxes, I think its too abusable by wizards, who are already very powerful, adding Mental Armor: 1 versus everything would make them even more powerful, unless mental stress from magic didn't get the benefit of the armor.