Author Topic: On Demenses and Connections to the Nevernever  (Read 2202 times)

Offline theDwarf

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On Demenses and Connections to the Nevernever
« on: July 15, 2010, 04:16:42 PM »
The book mentions the Nevernever power Demense, but what if the concept is a character that has inherited something besides just a "physical domain" in the Nevernever?  What about servants, title, and so forth?  If we assume the Nevernever is the effective location of many of the fairy stories (with ogres holding castles and such) then would it be logical for there to exist a power (or mortal stunt) that indicates you have a "crew", "household guard", "estates", or so forth?

Just rambli9ng here and trying to figure things out, gather opinions, and maybe expand the Stunts/powers somewhat :)

Offline CMEast

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Re: On Demenses and Connections to the Nevernever
« Reply #1 on: July 15, 2010, 04:48:03 PM »
I personally would just play it the same was as if you'd inherited a mortal castle with servants, title and so forth. Put points in resources, perhaps contacts too, and then just roleplay the rest.

If you inherit a large enough area you could potentially be a free-holding lord. However without the refresh to back it up I would expect a tough fight to keep hold of your resources.

Offline Tsunami

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Re: On Demenses and Connections to the Nevernever
« Reply #2 on: July 15, 2010, 04:53:03 PM »
That's easily done by including it into the Aspects of the character, combined with high skill values in contacts and resources.
Maybe add a stunt to increase these skills further, like

Supernatural Posse (Contacts): +2 to contacts when dealing with the People and Creatures from the Nevernever who are affiliated with your Family.

Offline Bruce Coulson

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Re: On Demenses and Connections to the Nevernever
« Reply #3 on: July 15, 2010, 05:10:00 PM »
Resource Stunt - "That's What Servants are For"

You have a serving staff; anything from a cleaning service that shows up once a week, to actual maids, a butler, cooks, etc.  The Level of Resources would indicate what you might have available.  For a Fate Point, they will handle any...unusual requests that would seem to fit under this stunt.  (Getting blood out of Persian carpets, disposing of the large number of wolf carcasses that have ended up IN your house, preparing a seven-course meal without using iron implements...)

Title (variable Refresh cost)

You have an actual title, rank and authority in the Nevernever.  This may or may not come with actual holdings.  Beings affiliated with your group/faction will show due deference and respect, and might provide services if they are lower in rank.  Note that Titles imply Fealty; you probably owe services and duties to Someone...
You're the spirit of a nation, all right.  But it's NOT America.

Offline gaelvin

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Re: On Demenses and Connections to the Nevernever
« Reply #4 on: July 15, 2010, 05:47:55 PM »
Created as Stunts, I can see interesting possibilities if taken by a Pure Mortal.

Offline theDwarf

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Re: On Demenses and Connections to the Nevernever
« Reply #5 on: July 15, 2010, 05:54:18 PM »
With the particular character I am riding the line between a Superb Lore and Superb Resources (Chest-Deep ... but concept requires enough skills that "tower" required to have 2 skills at Superb is not viable).

At Great Resources I figure the character would not have the resources or Demense the size of a Barony or anything, but could well have the medieval equivalent of a Parish or Knighthold, maybe slightly larger.  Kind of difficult to tell given the Buying Things table.

(My read of that table is that a price equal to ones resources is something they could reasonably purchase on a semi-regular regular basis, +1 step they may need a bridge-loan or 3-5 year mortgage, and +2 steps equates to roughly a 30 year mortgage, as the resources only make sense when considered as a character paying cash outright for the items)

In other words, Epic (Small Corporation) would, to my mind, not indicate that the person OWNS a small corporation but rather with such a role could PURCHASE a small corporation.

I can see Resources as being one of the main factors in determining the size of the Demense  and can see additional Resource / Contacts / Presence Trappings with Mortal Stunts being used to yield various associated things including Title and such (Title as a type of Reputation)

Offline theDwarf

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Re: On Demenses and Connections to the Nevernever
« Reply #6 on: July 15, 2010, 05:59:32 PM »
Created as Stunts, I can see interesting possibilities if taken by a Pure Mortal.

yes, I could see a Mortal have a Title but no land (Presence w. Stunt), Servants or Cronies (Contacts w. Stunt), or lots of land or start with an impressive building (Resources w. Stunt).

Demense (Nevernever power) could act as a stunt if the character has sufficient territory (in the Nevernever I could see this being dependent on Resources (relative wealth), Presence (title in the courts), and Contacts (adding to ability to defend)).
In the real world the stunts may be more separate.

Gathering opinions ... maybe we come up with a number of them?  :)