Isabella and another red court vampire are facing off.
She attacks him and scores a hit, she deals 7 stress and he takes a minor consequence.
The next exchange she initiates a grapple (she must tag a consequence to start a grapple, so she tags the minor consequence she gave the guy the previous exchange).
She rolls a 2, her Might is 5 (4 without inhuman strength), and she adds another two for the consequence she tagged bringing it to 9.
He has to roll athletics versus a 9 to dodge the grapple. He fails (he rolled say, a 7).
Now he is in a grapple, the next exchange comes around and Isabella can either choose to put a temporary aspect on him as a supplemental, do physical stress to him, or just maintain the grapple. She chooses the first option, she slams his head into the concrete a few times, putting the aspect "Dazed" on him. and rolls a 6 on her grapple.
On his turn he tries to kick her off him, he rolls a 6 on his "attack" this would break the grapple, but Isabella tags the "Dazed" aspect on him to turn her 6 strength grapple into an 8 strength grapple.