Author Topic: various more-obscure mythical creatures  (Read 79997 times)

Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: various more-obscure mythical creatures
« Reply #195 on: February 03, 2013, 09:43:03 PM »
I think vultur was letting Breath Weapon work with Fists without a stunt.

Which is a pretty good houserule, though honestly I'd rather just use Natural Weaponry.

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Re: various more-obscure mythical creatures
« Reply #196 on: February 04, 2013, 04:34:32 AM »
Oh. I missed Diminutive*. I was thinking a Basilisk about the size of an anaconda.
Most (old) descriptions of the basilisk make it tiny but incredibly deadly. But modern fantasy media generally make it a much bigger creature.

I think vultur was letting Breath Weapon work with Fists without a stunt.

Um, actually I just forgot that.

But we'll go with it... note added.

Which is a pretty good houserule, though honestly I'd rather just use Natural Weaponry.

ver.2, coming up, will use Natural Weaponry... and more custom stuff.

Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: various more-obscure mythical creatures
« Reply #197 on: May 08, 2013, 06:15:54 AM »
I don't think we really need a separate thread for demons, so I'm moving the demons over here.

These are Belial666's work, not mine.

Did you get that? It's important!

I don't want to steal credit, so I'll underline it. This ain't my stuff. It's Belial666's.

Incidentally, vultur, did you ever write up the second version of the basilisk?


High Concept: Six-Armed Demon Lady
Other Aspects: Ruinous Rage, Mortal Hunter, Relentless Attack
Fantastic: Weapons, Discipline, Intimidate
Superb: Endurance, Might, Presence
Great: Athletics, Awareness, Conviction
Good: Lore, Survival, Fists
most other skills default to fair
[-4] Supernatural Strength
[-4] Mythic Toughness (catch is powers and artifacts of Faith)
[-4] Demonic Immunity: demons of the Abyss are immune to lightning, poisons and disease. They do not need to eat, drink or sleep.
[-2] Eyes of Chaos: demons of the Abyss see things as they really are, as if they had The Sight. Unlike mortals using the same, they get no backlash.
[-1] True Strike
[-4] Many-Armed: a marilith has three pairs of functional arms. She may complete many physical activities where this would be helpful at 1/3 the time (1 step in the duration chart). She gets +2 to Might in grapples. She may take a penalty to attack additional targets within reach, at the rate of 1 per target, provided she uses a different hand (and different weapon, if any) per attack. When taking supplemental actions using only her hands (like drawing a weapon or manipulating a held item), she may take 2 additional such actions without further penalties.
[-1] Constriction: a marilith's tail is a great tool for grappling. When tagging an aspect to initiate a grapple, she can both initiate the grapple and get the +2 to her roll from the tag.
[-6] Teleportation: like all demons of the Abyss, a marilith can teleport. As a "sprint" action, she can move a number of zones as if she had supernatural speed and ignore intervening physical barriers - such as appearing into closed rooms or across ravines. She gets no added benefit of supernatural speed and thresholds and wards may still block her. Provided she knows a location well, she may make a discipline maneuver to focus and then use Teleportation to move to that location as if she had employed a Swift Transition power - though the location has to be on the same plane of existence.
[-5] Spell-Like Abilities: Force - a marilith can perform maneuvers, blocks and weapon 4 attacks at range by conjuring magical force, usually in blade-like projections. She rolls at Discipline+2. By taking a -2 penalty to her roll she may do so on an entire zone.
Footwork - for weapons
Way of the Sword - +1 weapon rolls when using longswords and scimitars
Total Refresh Cost:

The Balrog

High Concept: Demon of Might
Other Aspects: Ruinous Rage, Fire and Darkness, Swords Are Of No Use Here
Epic: Endurance
Fantastic: Might, Weapons, Intimidate
Superb: Discipline, Presence, Conviction
Great: Lore, Awareness, Fists
Good: Athletics, Survival, Investigation
most other skills default to fair
[-6] Mythic Strength
[-6] Legendary Toughness (catch is artifact weapons specifically made to fight the dark powers)
[-1] Hulking Size, modified by "human" form; Balrog are just above human-size but can grow if they so wish.
[-1] Shroud of Darkness; when not standing in broad daylight, Balrog take no penalties to stealth or being hit from Hulking Size.
[-5] Balrog are immune to fire, radiation, extreme pressure (including falling damage and most explosions) and metabolic hazards (such as poison/disease, starvation or suffocation). They take half effect from mortal weapons and magic. Non-mortal magic and artifacts affect them fully.
[-3] Maia Senses; all Maia (which Balrog are) can see and hear much farther than normal, sense Power and can see most things as they really are.
[-1] True Strike
[-1] Demon of Might; Balrog use Endurance as a defense vs physical and mental attacks and maneuvers
[-4] Fire of Udun; the zone a Balrog is in is immolated as if by a major forest fire, counting as a superb natural hazard. Weapons and natural attacks the Balrog wields deal an extra 2 fire damage.
[-5] Scion of Darkness; a Balrog can perform darkness-based maneuvers, blocks and attacks at range at his Intimidate+2 with weapon 2. If he limits the attack to only his own zone, he can perform zone-wide effects that affect all but itself.
Off-Hand Weapon Training
Swing for the Fences
Bend and Break
Mobility; reduce penalties from moving to melee combat by up to 2.
Swords Are No More Use Here; +2 bonus to defense against material attacks (but not maneuvers) such as blades, arrows, claws and fists.
Total Refresh Cost:
« Last Edit: May 08, 2013, 06:18:04 AM by Sanctaphrax »

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Re: various more-obscure mythical creatures
« Reply #198 on: May 12, 2013, 01:34:14 AM »

Incidentally, vultur, did you ever write up the second version of the basilisk?

Yes, I just forgot to post it, sorry.

Basilisk, version 2
Power Level: Feet in the Water
High Concept: Basilisk
Other Aspects: Fears a Rooster's Crow; King of Serpents; Still Just a Snake; Weasels are my Nemesis


Great: Fists, Alertness
Good: Might, Survival
Fair: Athletics, Endurance
Average: Conviction, Discipline


Virulent Poison (Fists) - +2 to the difficulty to treat poison from Venomous Natural Weaponry

Diminutive Size [-1]
Vast Extra-Dangerous Aura [-4] (Great attacks against Endurance every exchange against all creatures within three zones of the basilisk)
Ranged Venomous Natural Weaponry [-4] (one zone range; weapon 2 OR Venomous Claws effect)

Mental ooo
Physical oo
Social oo

Total Refresh Cost: -10
Remaining Refresh: -4

Notes:  Still Just a Snake is meant to be used to represent a snake's limitations (no hands, can't talk, etc.)

EDIT: It really needs a power that deals damage to the attacker when it suffers physical consequences or is Taken Out, given that its poison was supposed to travel up the spear that killed it and kill its slayer as well.
« Last Edit: May 12, 2013, 01:35:46 AM by vultur »

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Re: various more-obscure mythical creatures
« Reply #199 on: May 12, 2013, 03:10:46 AM »
Basilisk, version 3 (D&D style)
High Concept: Lizard with a Deadly Stare
Other Aspects: Six Legs, No Hands; Semi-Intelligent

Great: Alertness, Fists
Good: Endurance, Survival
Fair: Intimidation, Might
Average: Athletics, Discipline

Deadly Eyes: +1 to Alertness when attacking with Petrifying Gaze

Claws (Venomous) [-3]
Inhuman Strength [-2]
Inhuman Toughness [-2]
Petrifying Gaze  [-4] (unique power, see below)

Mental ooo
Physical oo
Social oo

Total Refresh Cost: -12
Remaining Refresh: -6 


Petrifying Gaze allows the basilisk to use Alertness to attack, with Weapon:4 and a range of one zone, defended with Discipline, dealing mental stress. If this power Takes Out a character, the take-out result reflects the nature of the attack (generally turning them to stone).

Do you think the gaze should deal mental or physical stress? It didn't seem appropriate for physical armor to defend against a basilisk's gaze, but should stuff like Tower of Faith work instead? Maybe so.. but I could see treating it as a physical attack as it's a physical transformation.

Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: various more-obscure mythical creatures
« Reply #200 on: May 13, 2013, 05:56:11 AM »
EDIT: It really needs a power that deals damage to the attacker when it suffers physical consequences or is Taken Out, given that its poison was supposed to travel up the spear that killed it and kill its slayer as well.

Sounds kinda like a death curse.

Petrifying Gaze allows the basilisk to use Alertness to attack, with Weapon:4 and a range of one zone, defended with Discipline, dealing mental stress. If this power Takes Out a character, the take-out result reflects the nature of the attack (generally turning them to stone).

Do you think the gaze should deal mental or physical stress? It didn't seem appropriate for physical armor to defend against a basilisk's gaze, but should stuff like Tower of Faith work instead? Maybe so.. but I could see treating it as a physical attack as it's a physical transformation.

Pretty sure you could do this with Incite Effect.

I think it'd work either as a physical effect or as a mental one. Worn armour is subject to narrative limits on its applicability, so it's easy enough to just ignore it when attacking with something like a petrifying gaze. And to me it seems okay for Toughness to work against the gaze.

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Re: various more-obscure mythical creatures
« Reply #201 on: July 24, 2015, 03:49:14 PM »
So I created a couple new faerie style creatures for a bit of Irish campaign.  Just a super rough outline before I head to work that I can flesh out more with aspects later.

Light in the Dark
Great Alertness Deceit
Good Athletics and Stealth
Cloak of Shadows -1 (mostly for darkvision)
Glamours -2
Inhuman Speed and Recovery -4
The Catch is Cold Iron and the like +1
Swift Transition -2
Gaseous Form -3
More advanced versions might include Ritual (Fire), Greater Glamours or Supernatural Speed

Song of the Dying
Superb Perform
Great Discipline
Good Empathy
Stunts: Targeted Performance, Can use Perform to apply maneuvers to a specific target instead of just the scene
Breath Weapon (sonic) -2 (uses Perform instead of Weapons)
Ghost Speaker -1
Incite Emotion (fear, at range, lasting) -3
Supernatural Sense (Impending Death) -1
As they advance a Banshee might expand into Necromancy or further senses or potentially Guide My Hand to always be on hand to witness (or ensure) significant deaths

Voice of the Sea
Superb Perform, Rapport
Great Empathy
Fair Fists
Stunts: Targeted Performance, Can use Perform to apply maneuvers to a specific target instead of just the scene
Claws -1
Aquatic -1
Incite Emotion (Lust, at-range) -2
Pack Instincts -1
Advanced Sirens might add Lasting to their Incite Emotion or gain Inhuman Strength or Inhuman Recovery with a catch of Cold Iron AND when not in water. Very powerful ones might be capable of Domination.