Then figure out how to change that 'almost'. Advance your magic tech.
Possible, but not easy. And I think the only way you can do that is probably by building what amounts to a magical AI...which means it might not be willing to kill for you.
And if non-spirit golems are built then formal duels are obsolete, so you see the point of debate, I'm sure.
No, they aren't. And even if they were, look at the title of this thread. If it's not a valid part of dueling, then why are you even bringing it up?
If the Laws are about intent, then why was Molly ever brought to trial?
See YS p. 232-234. In short, I'm not talking about
intentions (why you do something), I'm talking about
intent (choosing to do it). Molly chose to violate a man's mind, just like someone using a weapon's grade Entropy Curse chooses to kill, neither of their motives matter.
And read p. 296 as well, the Weapon's Grade Entropy Curse breaks both the First AND Seventh Laws, so even with a different power source, it would clearly break the First. Also note that Harry warned those using it that they were breaking the Laws of Magic long before he knew how they were powering it.