My first thought was, ohmygod, that's cold!! I mean, mom is the one who's supposed to love everything you do and really believe it in her own twisted world view where you're a god /or goddess/ among mere humans.
And then I read your second post and realized you are likely young enough your mother might be thinking she's doing you a favor...saving you from years of disappointment and possibly ultimate failure...better to be a doctor, or a lawyer!
Whichever the case negative feed back is rough. Really rough. Writing is a very personal thing, while reading is comparatively impersonal, and very, very subjective. Other than time, a negligible amount of money and expectations, the reader invests little if nothing in comparison to what you’ve invested in a piece of work. It’s difficult, if not impossible for a reader, especially a non-writing reader, to understand the emotional connection a writer has to his or her work.
Unfortunately, no amount of explaining or comparing will make a difference. And Mama always knows best so I’d imagine it’d be even harder with her.
I agree with Iago, to be polite, be above the kneejerk hurt and urge to get even. It won’t do you or anyone else any good. The quickest way to bad reviews is to piss off the reviewer. Do it and you can bet they’ll trash everything else you ever write. Just not worth it.
Professionally speaking, getting a bad review on a published work... There’s very little you can do. Whine to an understanding friend, eat some chocolate (works really well for us women), hit something that won’t be hurt, hurt you, or hit back (works great for guys...and girls), cry if you need to...then put it behind you. NO. You can’t please everyone. Everyone has different tastes, different likes and dislikes. Example: There are people who actually think a Rocky SIX is a good idea (shudder) and stranger still, there are people who don’t love LOVE the Dresden files. (Gasp!) You’ll get bad reviews as sure as it will rain in spring. If one person says they didn’t enjoy your work, you can bet there’s someone out there who loved it. The negative voices just
seem louder.
Pre-published critiques/ opinions...again, I agree with Iago. A simple, “I didn’t like it,” does you no good. Maybe they didn’t like the premise or the genre or any stories that use the word “said” who knows? (People are weird.) Ask them why they didn’t like it. If their comments make sense, try and learn from it. If they’re just trying to pull you down, or are one of those people who’s elevator doesn’t go all the way to the top...say thanks and then put it behind you. Keep writing. Keep getting better. Eat chocolate, hit something soft and inanimate then keep writing.
Your mom...speaking strictly personally, It’d be a long, long, long time before I showed her anything else. I’d assume she was just trying to point me in a different less emotionally painful, direction, toward a career where the odds of success aren’t stacked heaven high against me. You know better than anyone if it was tough love or callus indifference. And you know better than anyone how to deal with it.
Best of luck to you!!