Odin, Mab, Lea, The knights of the cross, an archangel, ....
Mab is lending her approval to the Council's legitimate counterstrike against an Accords violator. The Knights move in mysterious ways, and Uriel's involvement is by no means visible, nor are there witnesses around to proclaim Odin's involvement to the world.
Even if
nobody except Eb on the Grey Council is White Council, to the rest of the world it is a White Council attack.
And arguably Harry was there for Winter and not for the white council. His extra power surely came from there.
Which proves his allegiance as much as the tengu showing up proves Eb's. Getting power from other sources by being clever is what wizards
do. Doesn't make them not Council members.
He is as clueless as ever, I do not think he is in the grey council.
Assertion is not argument. Do you have any logical reason for discounting the notion that Harry taking him as clueless is 75% Harry being prejudiced and 25% Langtry being skilled enough a politician to give a misleading impression when it serves his purposes? Or for discounting his surety at the beginning of Changes?
Their Fomor allies coordinating their attack with the red court is clearly visible.
For values of "ally" who do nothing to help. The Fomor taking advantage of the chaos when the Reds go down does not look like an alliance to me. if anything, it looks like them planning on the Reds going down.
Their warlock allies were simply not invited in what clearly was a huge party for vampires.
"simply" and "clearly" read as assumptions to me. Their warlock "allies" are intentionally abandoning them to my mind.
Especially because they were all more concerned with their internal struggle for dominance than their white council enemies which shows how seriously they took the danger.
I have not, that I recall, argued that the Red Court were not complete idiots to underestimate the Council.
Without Winter Chichen Itza was not even possible.
Which requires casually ignoring that the second youngest of the Senior Council, all by himself, can pull satellites from the sky and trigger massive volcanoes. The Senior Council's ability to nuke Chichen Itza from orbit at any time seems pretty well established to me.
Not even in a loose remark or observation, nowhere. Not from anyone in the white council. They have a clear idea about who is human and who is not.
For them the single killing of a human with magic is a greater crime than the killing of a complete vampire court.
After four hundred years of peaceful co-existence, and willingness to abide by two separate attempts to end the war peacefully and legally?
They offer very little protection. They offer structure if the parties want to use it.
I believe we have WoJ that Mab did not give people a choice about signing on to the Accords.
Sure and we see in Changes that the war was merely a tool in their internal conflicts. Just like roman generals attacked barbarians to increase their personal power in the roman empire.
Half the red Court seem to be persuaded the war can be won, by and with the aid of their warlock "allies". The other half, rightly realise not. Harry in changes thinking they have an insane leadership is oversimplifying what is clearly a power struggle.
That was just to see how far they could push the white council and to keep the pretense of being the aggrieved party under the accords.
Why do you keep calling it a pretence?
trusting Ortega's words is foolish.Besides the offers were designed to be rejected.
The Council was quite ready to accept the one in SK. And I am trusting Susan's assessment of Ortega in DM at least as much as Ortega himself.