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Messages - Silentbrick

Pages: 1 [2]
DF Spoilers / Re: Christmas Eve from JB's Twitter (no news, just fun)
« on: January 07, 2019, 12:37:54 PM »
Unfortunately, Vampires got screwed by being the first game.    Everything that came after was just more and more powerful.   My favorite to play was Mortal+ sorcerers.  Combine Hellfire and Enchanting and you get mages begging you to make them equipment.  Especially after demonstrating Strength enhancing enchantments combined with a Hellblade.  When the Mortal+ guy takes out a Hit Mark, the mages take notice.

But you had to be prepared for it to work well, just like wizards in Dresdenverse.  You really weren't good at doing stuff on the fly.

It can't be sheer power.  Look at what Hanna Asher is able to do.  She had even less training than Harry, yet her ability to use fire magic is far more focused and powerful in regards to effect, but not in the sheer amount of power Harry can throw.  Hanna only used fire magic, so her affinity with it must be extremely high.  She's sacrificed everything else in order to have that focus.  So Ivy might only have a power pool on the scale of the Senior Council, but in many ways her focus will be sharper than even they can do because she has literally thousands of years of knowledge of HOW to do it.

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