Note: Bold for emphasis in the following quotes is mine.
From YS181:
Channeling comes with two free Focus Item Slots (page 278). You can design the items that fit into these slots now, or later on during play. A single Focus Item Slot may be traded in for two Enchanted Item Slots (page 279). You may gain more Item Slots as one of the options on the Refinement
ability (page 182)—but you may only buy Refinement for that purpose. All items created for those slots must be in keeping with the elemental theme you’ve chosen for your power.
And from YS182:
Ritual comes with two free Focus Item Slots (page 278). You can design the items that fit into these slots now, or later on during play. A single Focus Item Slot may be traded in for two Enchanted Item Slots (page 279). You may gain more Item Slots as one of the options on the Refinement ability (page 182)—but you may only buy Refinement for that purpose. All items
created for those slots must be in keeping with the single application you’ve chosen for your power.
I take these entries to mean this: If you do not have Evocation, your character cannot craft enchanted items outside of the 1 element your focused practitioner has chosen, and if, perchance, you make a Focused Practitioner that
only has Rituals(Crafting), and no Evocation or Channeling, your character cannot craft anything that isn't just a crafting enhancer.
I believe this is wrong, because it just sounds silly to me, but if it is correct, then noone can make a Focused Practitioner Crafter that can do anything useful without having to buy Channeling or evocation.
It would mean there's no game option to play the "Potionmaster" who can't cast anything, but has pockets full of useful potions.
It would mean that a Channeler remains a 1 trick pony, who can only make (Or use) enchanted items that do what he does already.
Now, I understand that by sacrificing 1 point of power when crafting an enchanted item a crafter can make it usable by anyone. Does this override the "must be in keeping with" rule, so that a Wizard-level crafter can make an armor trench coat(using Spirit) for the Fire channeler, and the Fire channeler can use it? And is the only way for a focused practitioner to have enchanted items outside of their specialty for them to have a Wizard friend?
Apologies if this has been answered elsewhere, there are way too many instances of "Crafting" in the search results...