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Messages - kazimmoinuddin

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 WE know magics create attraction or repelent ness to it. WHat if black magic draws ousiderness to a person, which warps them due to it other worldlyness? This magic makes wounds in the world, and outsiders are the infections that grow in them
 Nemesis is described in a similar manner to black magic corruption.

the thing is humans may be cattle, for them to survive, alot of us needed to live, any one wanting to wipe out humanuty, will have an easier time.

to a mortal it give a pseudo sight ability, what would it do to practioners, could they become addicts, easier to manipulate, mentally, corrupt them so become warlocks. possible power boost or ability.

DF Reference Collection / Re: Reviving my Major Lash theory post
« on: July 09, 2011, 01:56:24 AM »
dresden been exposed to a lot of dark mojo, i wonder if lash fed on this, or perhaps took it with her.

who wants to bet some of those warlocks found during the war, were due to someone sliping them third eye.

so vitto and the jann, are pawns of the BC, also the woman who spoke to molly about fear was one too. she might have even influenced molly into casting such magic. there are theories she was a plant.

imagine the effect of third eye on all those minor talents, the WC trying to deal thousand of dark mini warlocks.

its like with the darkhollow ritual, he needed to be covered with a cloak of necromatic energies, for him to act against them he has to carry a piece of outsider energies. I wonder that that mean he could more easily mimic other outsider abilities.

DF Reference Collection / Re: Harry's Power Ups (Changes Spoilers)
« on: June 17, 2011, 12:48:38 AM »
Can at some point expose BOB to mccoy book collection, including the merlin journals, over a thousand years of magic from powerful senior council magicans. bob could translate them all, and teach harry their secrets,

Did harry inherit anything from granddad, due to his use of the Black Staff? Could that be the non humanness of him, the dark harry. A semi regular coversation of himself is not normal.

I cant remember where, but i heard harry had to go back because three females or women he loved were in danger, in changes. So the top four women in harrys life:elaine, murphy, maggie, molly. why did harry not ask for elaine help.
Elaine is in danger if WC wardens find out who she is and her power.
Molly is in danger due to Doom of damocles and her father is no longer a knight.
Maggie is in trouble because of sheer genetics, dresdens always get the short end of the stick.
Murphy is in trouble due to fighting the supernatural and having no mojo to act as back up. also last to seen harry.

Harry shield should have stopped the bullet, i mean he heard Kincaid say the nest way to kill a wizard is sniper, and due to that mission had to build a better shield, so he would have made sure he was safe from the merc who scared him. For evil to cheat they had to make sure harry died, so did they make hisshield fail.

DF Reference Collection / Re: Unsolved Mysteries Version II
« on: May 29, 2011, 11:28:04 PM »
THe thing is at the end of changes, he was exceptionally dangerous. HE had no home, no office, no possesions, and forced to give up his daughter. He belonged to the winter queen so forced to stay away from his life, so all he was left with was his power and his enemies he has nothing to loose in attacking.
Powered by:WInter knight mantle, soulfire, and a map of the ways. HE could travel the world quickly and easily, he had the power and might of winter, and the control of soulfire, nothing binding him but the winter Q direct orders, and the winter queen would love for dresden to go on a killing spree.
 MAvra know he has the knowledge of necromancy against the BCV, but he now has the power and control to take her and her kind down hard.
 NIcodemimus while sees harry as a potential assest has fear of him, he knows how to harm him, has defeated a shadow of a denarian while keeping his magic, and he wields soulfire.
 COwl or circle may have had enough of harry interfering.
 MArcone is not likly as so long as the circle and other bad guys was out there, dresden would not remove the man keeping them at bay.
KIncaid specificly told harry that this was the way to kill wizards, and his family have been long time enemies of ebenezor.

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