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Messages - JediDresden

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DFRPG / Re: New to the RPG and needs help
« on: December 12, 2010, 02:49:43 PM »
Thanks for the info. 

I think she wants to be an 'Angel of Death' type character that has sponsoered magic through an item of power.  Necromancy is an option, but she did not choose this character to bypass the laws of magic - she just likes the concept.  I think she pictured it more as a kind personage (kind of like the Angel of Death on 'Touched by an Angel') who knew who's time was up and was there to take them to the next stage of the journey.  I guess instead of Death it could be one of the Archangels who sponsors her to be THE Angel of Death.  There are lots of problems in that, because they cannot interfere with free will.

DFRPG / New to the RPG and needs help
« on: December 12, 2010, 05:25:27 AM »
I have been a lurker here as a guest for quite a while, but I need some help.  A player of mine wants to make an Emissary of Death, based on the Emissary of Power Template.  My question is what would it look like?  I know Ghost Speaker, and Supernatural Senses (to see who is fated to die) are shoe ins, but what would the sponsored magic look like, and would it violate the Laws of Magic for her to kill with her sponsored magic if she is on Death's errand?  What are your thoughts?

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