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Topics - Aminar

Pages: 1 [2]
Author Craft / How far to take Grammar
« on: November 07, 2011, 05:34:02 PM »
I'm mainly thinking proper use of commas and semicolons right now.

The purpose of writing a story is to entertain and convey the situation you are writing as convincingly as possible.  As a reader I have always perceived commas and semicolons(and dashes/ellipses) as pauses of varying length.  Stylistically that is how I'd like to approach them, but grammatically this is incorrect(At least according to MS Word, I never payed much attention in actual English classes, my knowledge is largely intuitive and observational.) 

How should I be approaching this, the intuitive way, or the by the letter of the rules approach?

Author Craft / Inspiration
« on: October 06, 2011, 01:08:42 AM »
I'm curious what inspires some of the other authors on this site.

Not like what literary works have influenced your own, but what gives you ideas...

For instance, while I truly love my music, it has yet to inspire anything in my writing.  On the other hand, my mind has color schemes it loves that never show up in my music or reading, weird ones like Burgandy and Blue, Turquoise and Orange, Green and Orange, Green and Purple, etc.  My writing tries to use those color schemes and create a synesthetic feel that matches them.(Synesthetic feel is that the writing and ideas create those color schemes in my head.  Look up Synesthesia for a greater understanding of my minor insanity

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