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Messages - Phaeton Seraph

Pages: 1 [2]
DF Reference Collection / Re: Lacuna's true nature
« on: July 18, 2013, 02:11:52 PM »
Some possible supporting evidence:

"Lacuna" is an actual music term, meaning a portion of the music when no notes are played -- a "missing piece".  Apparently (according to wikipedia) it's also used in text to describe a missing section. 

Thus, it would make sense that someone named Lacuna would deal in other "missing" things (e.g. teeth)....

It can also mean amnesia in psychology.

However, it comes from the Latin lacus, also the origin of the English word "lake".  It can mean lake, pond or a vessel for holding water/liquid.

I feel like there are set doors and paths that can be used on a (semi)consistent basis.  Which would explain how Harry's mother's ruby can impart that kind of knowledge.  Gatekeeper alludes to something similar in CD:

That's why when Harry pops through a specific alley wall, he gets to Edinburgh.  But, like you said, if he randomly opens a way then all bets are off.  Also, I thought I remember reading in one of the books some character stating that the ways change over time?  Maybe I'm misremembering or thinking of a different series.

Of course the Ways change over time, the mortal world does too.  If you pave paradise to put up a parking lot, the park or empty lot no longer has a connection with what it used to be connected to.   If a bad neighbourhood is gentrified, then the neighbourhood will lose its kinship with a dangerous part of of the NN.  Likewise if a nice area becomes run down, or seedy.

Presumably, some Ways, or parts thereof are "fixed".   So certain intersections or nexuses  would always be the same.  Like the the portal Harry and others use to get to Edinburgh.  Perhaps enough Wizards have chosen those points that a patterned consensual thought has fixed them in place.  And possibly some are less fixed, but not too far off because the mortal world and the NN are too closely paired at those locations to be otherwise.

As for the less firmly fixed points, or making a portal in some random location, the two other instances you mention for Molly and Margaret and Harry:
Harry and his mother have a genetic connection, we could argue that he might have a tendency to think in a similar way.  More importantly, by listening to her memories via the pendant and following her directions, imagination, intention and patterned thought have been guided to be the same.

Molly is Harry's student.  As a great deal of magic is based on imagination (and will), Molly's imagination and patterns of thinking will be similar to Harry's because she has been learning to use hers from Harry so there will be similarity.   Additionally, Harry said the location was near to a Way.  Ways are fairly fixed.  They're like NN King's road's.  They're well established. 

Slightly TT, so spoilerized, and I apologize if anyone is offended. 
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Who do you mean when you say "the Church?"

IIRC, there is no direct Christian canonical reference to the Grigori, at least by name.  The Grigori were supposed to watch over Man and, I think, educate him in ways to keep him close to God. Remember that "watch" may mean more than to merely observe.

The reference to the Nephilim was in Genesis, part of the Christian Old Testament and the Jewish Torah.   The 5 books of the Old Testament were not altered (except by varying qualities of translation).   

Saying that "the Church" did this or that is not really possible in this context. 

The biggest source of angelic lore is probably the book of Enoch, which has been dropped from Jewish canon and mostly ignored by Christianity.

There is a bare mention of a Watcher in the book of Daniel.  But no details as to what a Watcher is/was.

DF Reference Collection / Re: What has Harry endured?
« on: February 12, 2012, 04:37:30 AM »
How many bruises has he received from bullets bouncing off his coat?

DF Reference Collection / Re: Unsolved Mysteries Version II
« on: January 15, 2011, 08:07:27 AM »
I had thought it was clear that Molly was taken to Arctic Tor so that Harry would assault it so that Mab could force her own hand back to where she wanted it, despite some outside influence, said outside influence being the reason she was so angry she had her kitty talking for her for so long....

Did you include the question of why Harry smelt Hellfire at Arctic Tor?

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