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Messages - Serack

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Having met and spoken with Jim Serack you are in for a treat. I really want to chat with him again for sure but I'm really amped up to meet Shannon we have had some fun Twitter exchanges .

I believe it.  Here's a quote from a blog post that I really like.

I mentioned that I am getting ready to start working with the guys from the Fear the Boot podcast on a project to try to get people to donate RPG books and supplies to our troops so they don’t have to Improvise, Adapt and Overcome. Almost before I was finished speaking, Jim gave me his email address, saying, “...I would be glad to donate a full set of my signed books to support the troops.” This was not something I asked for or would have thought to ask for; it was something he wants to do. The rumors of Jim Butchers awesomeness have been greatly under exaggerated!

Oh my.  Serack, no jumping Jim for a WoJ pow-wow session, mmk?  ;)

If I were to try to get some questions answered, within or not within a Q&A forum, I would limit myself to 2.  OTOH, I have read several "interviews" that consisted of an email of questions with a responded email of answers, and have even read a blog entry where a fan at a signing who writes for a website was offered a phone or email interview by Jim, and I would be tickled if he were willing to do something similar for me. 

He has stated that he expresses himself better in text, so if I were to entertain the idea of an "exclusive" I would prefer it were in the medium of an email anyways.  He has already done at least 20 interviews, panels, and Q&A sessions this year alone so he's already gone above and beyond in making himself accessible.  I am very happy to have had all the material already available to compile, so I'm excited about meeting him, not about the possibility of grilling him. 

Priss, I edited again, My buddy that intro'd me to the series is in too so give me a +1 please.

Oh, oh, oh, I am sooooo there, dinner and all.  Heck Mrs. Serack and I have a year long pass at Colonial Williamsburg.


Edited to add:  Mrs. Serack says she might start reading the books after the Harry Potter Movie release, but she's not sure since she just started classes again and the schedule is grueling.  When I mentioned the NYCC after the fact she said how she woulda liked to have gone, but she wasn't sure about going to the fan dinner and denighing a true fan of the opportunity.  Is there limited seating?

Edited again:  +1 the guy that intro'd me to the series just walked up to my desk and he says he's in.

Calendar Event Discussion / Re: Where would YOU like Jim to appear?
« on: November 03, 2010, 06:32:46 PM »
Come to my Barnes and Noble near DC. I can get them to set it up and everything! And I know a few people from neighboring stores who would be so pleased by me setting this up.

please oh PRETTY PLEASE?!?

Although it's possible that this post could influence things, I'm pretty sure that in one of Jim's interviews or signings or something (there's a great list of just about all of them that are on the web linked in my sig), it was stated that penguin sets up his appearances and signing tour.

Calendar Event Discussion / Re: Where would YOU like Jim to appear?
« on: November 02, 2010, 05:29:33 PM »
I live near Virginia Beach, the between Raleigh/D.C span would also encompass Richmond VA though.

ninja edit:  Per Google maps, from my house to the DC area is 3h41min.  From my house to Charlotte NC is just shy of 6 hours.

Calendar Event Discussion / Re: Where would YOU like Jim to appear?
« on: November 02, 2010, 05:12:13 PM »
How would Charlotte do?

I duno if I can behave well enough to get that to fly.

Calendar Event Discussion / Re: Where would YOU like Jim to appear?
« on: November 02, 2010, 04:47:05 PM »
Anywhere between DC and Raleigh is within the distance Mrs. Serack  is willing to let me drive to a signing.

I don't see the runes as anything but a bit of color for the wards. That is they aren't something the wards are anchored to. They're just part of the ward. Regardless, there are exceptions to the must have a threshold or couple other rare things rule for wards. So, if you want an exception for your wards, you should feel free to make one.

I do not see the locker as warded but as protected by a rune set to trigger off under certain circumstances.  Although this sounds like semantics, the stories of "Something Borrowed" and "Even Hand" showed some very poignant examples of how Gard's magic is rune based.  In other words anytime Gard "casts" a spell it requires a rune that is already pre-made with that particular usage in mind (kinda like a scroll in Diablo 1) in this case, the "scroll" was set on a metaphorical tripwire at the door.  NOT a ward!

As to the Renta-storage unit, There is also the example of Elaine's ward on the hotel door.  You can build wards on non-household thresholds, you just have a really poor anchor for them that severely limits what they can accomplish.  Harry worked long and hard to reinforce that anchor point as much as he could with arcane drawings and runes and such to focus the wards (kinda like the runes on his staff and blasting rods help him focus his magic) and yet from what I remember (fuzzy) he still only had an early warning detection system out of the deal. 

Yah he had a ward, but it wasn't going to liquefy several dozen zombies.  It was much much much more limited than that.

these WoJ's allow for that

No wards on the office.  You need a threshold for anything but teensy defenses, and the office is a public place of business, not a home.

No wards on the office.  To build a ward, you have to use a threshold of some kind.  (Well, you can use other kinds of similar energy structures, like ley lines, ogham stones, etc, but you can't just slap them down anywhere.)  No wards on Harry's office in the books for that reason.

The office doesn't have a whole hell of a lot of "home" energy around it.  Virtually none.  I mean, a hotel room would have more.  Harry could probably sling up some kind of tripwire-rings-a-bell equivalent ward, if he wanted to, but even that would be tricky and he has better ways to spend his time and effort.

DF Reference Collection / Re: Questions Specifically for Jim, Part 3
« on: October 22, 2010, 09:52:06 AM »
Can you describe Free will from Bob's perspective?

Author Craft / Re: Magic Rules/systems
« on: October 15, 2010, 12:45:19 PM »
I did a search of the forum for threads that mention Sanderson's first law and other than some topics where I commented on it in the DF spoiler section, this thread we are in now, and one other thread in the Author Craft section, there isn't much mention of it.

In the other thread in the Author Craft section is a little old no though, and in it the OP stated that he was pointed to the "First Law" by another helpful thread that must be even older because it appears to have "decayed" off the boards.  I recomend that this section have a sticky topic (not unlike this one) that links to articles on world and magic system building, so that helpful stuff like this is doesn't get lost so easily.

Author Craft / Re: Magic Rules/systems
« on: October 14, 2010, 11:34:56 PM »
Do remember that problem-solving systemic magic is only one of many viable ways of doing magic.

Actually Sanderson addresses this very thoroughly (just about everything he writes is thorough though) in his explanation of his "First Law of magic"

P.S.  Sanderson is now a big time up and coming fantacy author (he was noticed by Robert Jordan's widow for his Mistborn Series and she tapped him to be the Wheel of Time ghost writer) who is well known for his ability to craft very origonal, intricate, and inventive systems of magic.  Elantris and Mistborn were absolutely amaising, I liked the magic system in Warbreaker too, but had a few issues with the plot.  He did an amaising job of breathing new life and vibrance into the Wheel of Time, but I am holding off on reading his "Stormlight Archive" project because I am hesitant to start reading another epic epic fantacy series that requires that I yet again wait a year between each installment.  The Wheel of Time kinda burned me out on that, although I am glad my coworker suckered me into the Dresdenverse :)

DF Reference Collection / Re: Questions Specifically for Jim, Part 3
« on: October 08, 2010, 10:05:38 AM »
Hi.  I've asked this question before and been pointed to various non-Jim posts, but I'd like to ask it here (and love it if Jim answered it):

Is the flavor text of the RPG Canon? I can see Jim disregarding the rule mechanics as he writes, but is the book filled with what Harry, Billy, and Bob believe the world to be (at the time of writing)?


Here is the best answer to that question by Jim yet.  He goes into detail.

RPG info @4:24  I haven't transcribed it because I ran out of room on the compilation topic.

My newest question for JB:

Storm Front says that the White Council only uses one sword to carry out executions.  Obviously this is Morgan's, so my question is, does Morgan's sword predate Luccio?

DFRPG / Re: Canon
« on: September 29, 2010, 12:05:50 PM »
I posted this in Richard's post in the DF spoilers forum that motivated him to make this one, but I'll port the info over here.

I managed to find another DFRPG forum topic that addressed this that Iago responded to.  Here are the few posts before Iago's for context.

Which begs the question - how Canon is this? For instance, the blacked out part after the pyramids in Egypt definitely refer to a scene in Changes.

Does the fill and explanation in the book equate to WOJ status?

(but yes, get the books)
From what I understand, most of the setting material in the DFRPG was written by a really cool guy named Chad Underkoffler, who did a lot of reading and research to get to know the Dresden canon. Everything he wrote was reviewed by Priscilla, who is a alpha reader and generally knows everything. When something was ether unknown or too vague they would go to Jim for answers.

So I don't know if it's WOJ. Stuff like the exact mechanics of feeding dependency aren't going to be *exactly* like in the book. But I think that the flavor text should be considered canon, because Jim would potentially say something if he objected to part of the text. Either that or he would just rub his hands together and laugh maniacally. This is Jim we're talking about...

And here's Iago's post.

It is not Word of Jim, but it's close.  The blacked out stuff that folks can discover in the PDFs are 4th wall breaking stuff, mainly an in joke for people who figure out how to read it. Beyond that there are elements of the text that are at least slightly inaccurate or more often incomplete because the rpg as presented is being filtered through Billy -- a version of Billy who was more clued in prior to Turn Coat, so the rpg itself is at least a little alternate universe in its conceit.  But regardless we made it as close to the spruce material as we could manage, because we wanted the setting parts of it to work as a legitimate fan guide too. 

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