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Messages - Buscadera

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DFRPG / Re: Voodoo Houngans (and Mambos)
« on: April 27, 2010, 01:46:30 PM »
Maybe rather than a set number of abilities the houngan is given during the possession, he could have Modular Abilities, which would let him have different abilities depending on the loa/orisha/orixa possessing the captor.

I'd also go in for full-on Thaumaturgy, since he'll need to be able to do curses as Deadmanwalking pointed out and he'll need to be able to put together gris-gris bags (AKA mojo bags).

DFRPG / Re: Glamour Magic
« on: April 26, 2010, 07:41:15 PM »
It would be covered by Glamours, which is a separate power unto itself. If your player wanted to up his Fae magic ability some more, s/he could add Seelie or Unseelie Magic depending on the court of their character's Fae parent.

DFRPG / Re: Baltimore and Other Possible Dresdenverse Cities
« on: April 26, 2010, 03:05:53 AM »
Considering I'm going to college in Miami, I'm trying to put together a group so I can Dresdenify it. I've got some decent ideas for how to supernaturally spice up the city so far, including:

  • The White Court having a controlling interest in South Beach, living off both the despair of the drug trade and the lust generated by the clubs
  • Merfolk, the spawn of humans and aquatic denizens of the Nevernever, who take on characteristics of the sea creatures they spend their time with
  • The Loa playing a major role in the local spiritual politics, maybe with somebody like Baron Samedi taking himself a "horse" and setting up his own little fiefdom
  • The Summer Court having the upper-hand and taking a particular interest in students at the University
  • The Winston, a supernaturally-charged dive bar based on my favorite watering hole, complete with a half-ogre doorman and a storyteller druid

DFRPG / Re: High Concepts I'm Playing With
« on: April 24, 2010, 05:23:20 PM »
I've got a couple of ideas kicking around in my head including:
  • Golden Boy of the White Council - An up-and-coming wizard from a prominent family who made their fortune in the jewelry industry. Especially adept at creating enchanted items, potions, and magical foci.
  • Were-Gator Good Ol' Boy - Raised in the swamp and able to turn himself into a gator. Good at brawlin', huntin' and tinkerin' with almost nothing in the way of social graces.
  • Were-Bear Biker - A biker without a gang affiliation who can turn himself into a grizzly, thanks to a natural family aptitude for shape-shifting.
  • Urban Sorcerer Artiste - An inner-city graffiti artist who makes his living as a thief and practices his sorcery in the warehouse he squats in.
  • Fist of God - A boxer-turned-priest who tries to spread the word in the inner-city while fighting the forces of darkness with nothing more than his faith and a mean left hook.
  • Aged Sorcerer - A practitioner who was never powerful enough to join the White Council, now visibly aged and nearing death. Obsessed with the idea of extending his own life.
  • Ex-Mafioso Disciple of Chernabog - Empowered by a dark god from his homeland of Russia, he is tasked with representing the demon's interests in the mortal world while raising his son alone.
  • Scion of Hercules - The half-divine offspring of the ancient hero, he is used to having life handed to him on a platter. The changes going on in the supernatural world forced him to be drawn in and take sides.

Hopefully these seem like some decent ideas.

I'd like to see Lucius Glau (the jann lawyer from Proven Guilty) statted up. I've always liked djinn and genies and such, so I was kind of annoyed that the only one in the series to date was such a wimp. I've got an idea for a jann character, but I wondered how everyone else viewed jann.

I'm looking to start a game in either the Miami area both now and next semester (starting late August) or in Delaware over the summer. If there's anyone interested in either of those games, shoot me a PM.

DFRPG / Re: Historical Dresden Settings?
« on: April 12, 2010, 06:09:22 PM »
Another thing to remember is that if you go back far enough, wizards would be able to keep current with technology until about the 1950s.

DFRPG / Re: Can I tag a catch
« on: April 12, 2010, 06:05:33 PM »
I wouldn't think you'd have to declare the catch at all. If you're talking about using cold iron to ward off fae, for example, it's just as intimidating as waving around a gun at a person. You don't have to tag your gun when intimidating some street punk, or at least I wouldn't think so.

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