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Messages - LostInTime

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DF Spoilers / Who is Thomas talking to?
« on: January 13, 2022, 09:19:42 PM »
Harry cut off all other prisoners not in the same confinement mode from communicating with Thomas. There's only one prisoner before Thomas in 'contemplation' mode. The British guy.

DF Spoilers / Implications of Molly's Apartment
« on: November 30, 2021, 09:02:13 PM »
Is Molly's apartment one of the ways she stays human?
Molly Carpenter owns that apartment as payment from the Svartalves for services on her part. The Svartalves are not fae and don't play by fae rules or definitions of identity. The Winter Lady may enter the apartment as long as she has good intentions toward the owner. But, Molly Carpenter =/= The Winter Lady under fae rules. Just as Kringle =/= Vadderung.
We've never seen Molly in her apartment since she became the Winter Lady. Harry dropped her off there in Peace Talks, but other than that it's only mentioned that she breezed through on brief stops to pet Mouse, play with Maggie and share some sunny chat. (Which sounds like what a teen/twentysomething would do to not make her family worry.)
Perhaps that's one of the reasons that Mab keeps Molly so busy? So that she won't have an opportunity to retreat to her apartment.
After Harry made a bargain with her, she had the excuse to go there to complete the obligation of the bargain, then she was back to the marathon of building up Winter's forces.
So, when she's inside her apartment does the Winter Lady take a back seat and the mortal Molly get to come out to play?

DF Spoilers / Re: Mab chose Molly
« on: October 14, 2021, 11:23:32 PM »
I'll be quite honest, I'ma lose my cool with you real quick. The books entirely support that position, they DO NOT support your position.

I'll break it down for you, Barney-style.

The fae lady mantles are supposed to go to the closest reflection of their court.

Lily was an undeclared changeling. Her mother was a Nixie, making her a mortal, technically. But Nixies are members of the Winter court. FLAW.

Lily said that no mortal has ever been given a fae queen mantle.

Mab confided in Harry that she was once mortal. FLAW. It's a double FLAW, since Mab and Titania are twin sisters per WOJ. Whoops! It's a quadruple FLAW, since Maeve and Sarissa were Mab's twin daughters by an Austrian composer in the 19th century, and Maeve was already the Winter Lady.

WOJ is that a person possessing a fae mantle can't acquire another one, since they would be 'full'. On this page, all the way at the bottom.

Lily was the Summer Knight and acquired the Summer Lady mantle. FLAW.

In Summer Knight, Aurora just dies. Harry doesn't even find out until days later that Lily is now the Summer lady and Fix took up the Summer Knight.

In Cold Days there's a big dramatic sequence where the mantle coalesces into a big green bird-like figure and leaps from Lily's prostrate form into Sarissa. The same thing happens between Maeve and Molly, only the bird is blue. FLAW.

These are contradictions. We are being told one thing and being shown another. Until an errata sheet is published, there's no clarity. And, FWIW, Jim has said out front, that he WILL lie to us. Until and unless it's shown and explained in the books, it's not written in stone. And even then, comic book rules apply. Harry is a rule-breaker. See also: Law of Magic 1 and 5.

I'd be down with getting Molly free of the Winter Court. I don't think it's going to happen though. She'd immediately fall back under the White Council's domain and they'd declare her a warlock immediately.

There's going to be enough shenanigans in Twelve Months, just with dealing with Papa Raith once and for all and declaring Lara as the head of the White Court. No way could they attempt to swap Winter Ladies. Although, it's a possibility for the future books.

Just my take on it, but Molly's soul is not currently in jeopardy. The fae courts had to have been set up with TWG's approval. It's the only scenario that fits with TWG kicking out all the small G gods or making them surrender their immortality to continue to interact with humans.

If the courts were set up with TWG's approval, then TWG had to know what it would do to the mantle wearers. And how their choices would shape their destinies. And that making those choices, gaining power, and losing free will, would cost them personally.

I mean, it's not like TWG isn't all about sacrifice on behalf of others.

Mab was just twisting Harry and trying to make him doubt his course of action. It's her way of trying to exert control over him. And that's a losing gamble, no matter who you are.

DF Spoilers / Re: Mab chose Molly
« on: October 14, 2021, 07:20:00 PM »
My point is, we don't know the mechanism and criteria for choosing the lady when the mantle opens up. There's been conjecture, but it's not knowing conjecture. The only people who know are the fae queens, and mothers. And that doesn't include the ladies. Because I get the feeling there's gaps in the intellectus the ladies are privy to. And even if they knew the whole story, neither of them could relate it to Harry.

Bob, like Harry, is not an unimpeachable source. Most of the time he's near enough to absolutely correct. But even back to Fool Moon, he listed all the werewolves, but missed Tara West's type of werewolf.

I think we're going to get the whole spiel on the fae courts, how they came to be and how they operate. But the only person who can tell that story is Mother Winter and we'll probably have to wait until the BAT to get that story.

DF Spoilers / Re: Mab chose Molly
« on: October 14, 2021, 07:11:23 PM »
I absolutely hate when someone says this. Virginity is a spiritual ideal of giving yourself to someone. Rape doesn't count. Very much so in a world we're metaphysical things are not to ask me to clarify. I really shouldn't have to.
Your position isn't supported by the books, yet.

DF Spoilers / Re: Mab chose Molly
« on: October 14, 2021, 07:10:52 PM »
I don't have the book available for reference, but in the conversation that Harry and Mab have, she as much as said that Molly's association with Harry is what put her on Mab's radar. She admitted that she was prepping molly as a fallback if something happened to Sarissa. Also according to Harry, the mantle had to go to someone with fae blood, so Murph would not be an option. I had long wondered why the mantle went directly to Sarissa and Molly. The summer lady mantle should have gone to Fix as established in summer knight (need reference). The winter mantle should have gone directly to Mab, but she easily could have redirected it to Molly herself.
Harry is an unreliable narrator. And the fae hoard knowledge. They aren't going to give it to you without you cornering them by asking them three times or making a bargain for knowledge with them.

In Summer Knight, Lily says that no mortal has ever received a fae mantle before. Mab and Titania were both mortal and they were both ladies. If fae blood is required to receive a mantle how did Molly get it? We know who their parents were and they were both human mortals.

It was the cold, logical decision in Changes that put Molly on Mab's radar. Or was it the injury that Molly did by trying to deprive Mab of her Knight? When you do a fae injury, they MUST balance the scales. They don't have a choice. Just as if you do them a favor or make a bargain with them, they MUST balance the scales.

DF Spoilers / Mab chose Molly
« on: October 14, 2021, 01:51:58 PM »
Mab chose Molly.

In the grip of insomnia last night I went back and re-read the chapter in Peace Talks where Harry summons Molly and this bit jumped out at me. It was easy to miss given all the bombshells with the summoning and Molly's tenuous mortal status.

…Molly probably wasn’t going to forgive herself for assisting in what had amounted to a very complicated near suicide. There’d been a lot of fallout, on every conceivable scale. Very little of it had been Molly’s fault, directly or otherwise, but she’d been a mover on that scene, and she probably felt at least as bad as I did about it, and I’d been way more in the middle of things.

And, being a wizard, I felt guilty as hell for walking her into that. I hadn’t had much choice, if I wanted to save my daughter’s life, but thought the cost was worthy, it still had to be paid-and Molly had laid down cold, hard cash.

So cold and so hard that Mab had wound up choosing her to be the new Winter Lady, in fact.

Suddenly I wondered if maybe I hadn’t been hard enough on myself. I mean, hell, at least when I’d become the Winter Knight, I’d made a choice. My back had been to a wall and my options had all sucked, but I’d at least sought out my bargain with Mab.

Molly hadn’t been consulted, and Mab’s policy on dissenting opinion was crystalline: Deal with it or die.

Of course, inveterate dissenters like myself, it created a pretty simple counterpolicy for when I was tired of Mab’s crap: Deal with it or kill me. Mab was a lot of things, but irrational wasn’t one of them, and as long as it was easier to put up with me than replace me, we had attained a state of balance. I imagined that Molly had come to similar arrangements…
There’s so much to unpack here. But, first and foremost, MAB CHOSE MOLLY TO BE THE WINTER LADY.

Which means everything we’ve been told or shown regarding succession of the lady mantles is either wrong, incomplete, or the person telling us how it works has been lied to. Unreliable narrators is the rule instead of the exception in DF. Fae are information hoarders. People wearing fae mantles must behave as fae would, so they are obligated to hoard information and not release it unless you back them into a corner and ask them three times. They get a bit testy about that.

Now, that opens the door that Titania may have chosen Lily to be the first replacement Summer Lady. If the queen gets to choose from available vessels for fae power, Sarissa being chosen as the Summer Lady can only be viewed as revenge for Aurora’s death. After all, Mab did choose the person who caused Aurora’s death as her Winter Knight.

So, perhaps in a way, Molly brought herself to Mab’s attention by helping Harry arrange his death? Lea instructing her during her year as the Ragged Lady might have helped prepare her to be a vessel for fae power, but I think she was already on the board. Besides, due to Lea’s obligation, she would have been bound to instruct Molly. Molly made a cold, hard decision, against her emotional human interests, to help Harry suicide. That really does ring of Winter.

Mab could have chosen Murphy for the mantle. There’s no age requirement that we know of. Molly may have been technically virginal, but Lily certainly wasn’t since Slate had raped her. Murphy wasn’t a virgin, but she had never had a child, so she would have technically been allowable by the flawed rules we have been shown.

And let’s face it, veiled or not, there’s no way an apprentice wizard’s veils would have been good enough to conceal her from Mab, who in terms of age, experience, power and sneakiness is leagues above Molly in Cold Days.

So, when Maeve died, Mab had a choice and she chose Molly.

Mind. Blown.

DF Spoilers / Re: Mother Winter Blackstaff Back
« on: October 13, 2021, 01:14:12 AM »
Mab could have indeed been killed that night. She told Harry so in her contingent final command.

Mab was immobilized with iron. What would have happened if someone had struck off her head with an iron sword instead of removing the rebar? We'll never know, that moment has passed. (That wouldn't have been Butters. The faithsaber could have definitely ended Mab. An angel's power is far beyond Mab.)

Enough power could have killed Mab. She said so herself. We don't know all of the times, places and conditions under which immortals can be killed. But I bet we're going to find out.

For what it's worth, the mantles don't make you immortal. You are still mortal, you are loaned immortality. Just as Michael was loaned Uriel's grace. If that mantle is taken away, you are just as mortal as you were before you got it. And Kringle's words to Harry at the end of Cold Days indicate that the mantles can be changed on Halloween. A mantle need not be forever. The original Mother Summer retired, per WOJ.

I think the Merlin knew that letting Harry slip his leash would make him a more powerful force for good. The White Council can't do anything overt if Harry starts flouting the laws of magic. They'd run afoul of Mab, both as head of the Winter Court and as the enforcer behind the Winter Accords. Harry is already part of Winter and soon will be under the aegis of the White Court's protection. Kicking Harry out and threatening him with the Doom of Damocles is political posturing. The Black Council thinks they can use it to get Ebenezer killed, that's it. They have to recognize that when it comes to Harry, they're toothless.

It's going to suck for them when Ebenezer, as a last act of defiance, wills Harry to be the next Blackstaff.

DF Spoilers / Re: Anyone catch "It" in Battle Ground?
« on: October 12, 2021, 02:11:19 PM »
When you listen to Eb or Dresden talk about Black Court vampires they refer to them as "things" or "it", and not as a person.  Well when the BCV's had Dresden, one of the twins said "lets feed it to my sister", when talking about Harry.  Mavra refused saying that Harry's kind isn't for them but for Drakul. 

It's odd that he referred to Harry as "It".  Is this how they think of all humans, or is it because Harry is a Starborn?  Reminds me of when Harry first met Kincaid and Kincaid told Harry he was as much human as Harry was.
Blampires aren't people. They are demons who take over the body of a dead person. Wild Bill and Yoshi are dead. They've gone through that single person door to the other side. A Blampire is inhabiting their shell, the ultimate desecration of their memory.

DF Spoilers / Re: What Would Vadderung Do?
« on: October 08, 2021, 04:54:00 PM »
Odin always was an educator and guide. It's part of why he was allowed to stay if he handed in his immortality. Because he was one of the gods that actually did their job.

I think that Odin would endow several institutions rather than one large one. It would be relatively easy to obscure the money trails to common investigators while letting the Librarians know that Monoc Industries was supporting humanity. Plus, with several institutions producing 'aware' mortals, there's no big, obvious target for adversaries to take out.

DF Spoilers / Re: Kill Molly Carpenter
« on: October 08, 2021, 03:39:41 PM »
Or Mab could have ridden with William the Conqueror in 1066 when she was the Winter Lady. She did become the Winter Queen sometime around then.

DF Spoilers / Re: Mother Winter Blackstaff Back
« on: October 06, 2021, 04:29:25 PM »
Mother Winter doesn't know where her staff is in the way Harry doesn't know where the eye is. She hasn't looked for it.

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