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Messages - seanham

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DF Spoilers / The Barabbas curse
« on: March 30, 2021, 09:38:40 PM »
This is the curse that Nicodemus tried to kill Harry with in Death Masks, but Shiro took Harry's place. From my understanding, this curse is a more advanced and deadly version of an entropy curse (a curse that kills by coincidence). Nicodemus is able to cast this curse once a year (maybe refreshing around Easter, the anniversary of Barabbas's freedom, and Jesus's condemnation?) as long as he possesses the nose. Since Harry is obviously a thorn in Nicodemus's side, why hasn't he tried to use the curse on Harry again?

My only guess is that the curse can only be targeted at someone once, meaning that Harry is protected from the curse. However, those around Harry are still vulnerable. Who recently annoyed Nicodemus and whose death would cause Harry a lot of pain? Murphy. I think Nicodemus sent the Barrabus curse to kill Murphy, and the curse used Rudolph's poor trigger discipline as a weapon. When Harry finds this out, he will go berserk and hunt Nicodemus down.

How can Harry use Hellfire? I thought that was a trait only those in possession of a Coin could use?

Doubtless there had been rumours to this effect for years before he gained the knowledge.

Due to the irregular nature of Harry's apprenticeship, it could be that most or part of the Council don't know what he knows. Eb might have kept the information to himself or just to his friends.

DF Spoilers / Re: “A Sorceror Is A Wizard Without A Hat”
« on: March 18, 2021, 02:50:52 AM »
Actually what I take away from what Mab told Harry is in the end the Council will come begging to him.

I agree the Council needs a champion, and it almost has to be Harry, unless another wizard we haven't met yet is also Starborn, but I dought it. However, Harry might not want to help the Council.

DF Spoilers / Re: Balancing the scales?
« on: March 14, 2021, 06:21:16 PM »
What about the Barabbus Curse? If I remember correctly, the curse was first seen in DM has the power to kill one individual each year via an entropy curse (a curse that kills using accidents and coincidence). This could be how Murphy actually died. I'm sure Nick was angry at Murphy for standing up to him like she did, and this could be a way to get back at both Harry and Murphy.

I agree that upgraded gear and shapeshifting will come in the coming book or books, but I also want to see some more support type magic. Harry hates seeing his friends hurt, so some healing magic would make a lot of sense. Building his network of informants (through magical means or otherwise) would be another great skill. Unlocking the Castle's magical workings would be great as well. As far as elemental/battle magic is concerned, I want to see Harry get more refined. He constantly says he is a powerhouse but lacks the fine control that comes with age and experience. I think it's time Harry moves past the over-the-top explosions and moves onto slightly more controlled explosions. This would show Harry's abilities increasing but would also make sense become he is becoming more responsible, and he has more responsibilities (with Deamonreach, Wizard of Chicago, and as a father).

DF Spoilers / Re: Dresden and Lara
« on: March 01, 2021, 06:28:15 AM »
Can Lara even feed on Harry? In PT, he burned Lara, showing everyone that he was in love with Murphy. If Harry doesn't do anything with another woman (which is likely), he will forever be protected. On the other hand, it might be in Harry's best interest to allow Lara to feed off the Winter Knight's mantle. We know that the mantle makes it harder for him to think at times because it increases his libido. Allowing Lara to feed on the energy might make it easier for Harry to think clearly and become a better wizard and detective.

No matter what, this marriage will make Harry look that much worse to outsiders (especially the white council). Although, he could use this as an opportunity to spy on some opposing faction, aka, pretend to be under Lara's control to infiltrate and gain information on his enemies.

DF Spoilers / Re: Does anyone else find Maggie unconvincing?
« on: March 01, 2021, 06:12:49 AM »
She's saving it all up for her teen years. Molly was also pretty good, when she was in sight of her parents. She was dressing provocatively, and changing in the treehouse before she'd go indoors.

I understand what you are saying; however, I don't think you can make any comparison between Molly and Maggie. Molly grew up loved, cared for, and was never in danger. While Maggie grew up loved and cared for, but was in severe danger. While Maggie might not remember it now, she probably will eventually. I think that Maggie is just compartmentalizing everything that has happened to her and that Mouse really helps her.

DF Spoilers / Re: Why Harry has Conjuritus as an Adult
« on: February 24, 2021, 04:59:48 PM »
Two, Jim saw too many Road Runner cartoons as a child and wanted to drop an anvil on somebodies head.

Without a doubt dropping an anvil on someone's head was on Jim's writing bucket list.

DF Spoilers / Why Harry has Conjuritus as an Adult
« on: February 23, 2021, 05:40:17 AM »
One thing that I found odd in Peace Talks and Battleground was Conjuritus. So here's my theory as to why Harry got Conjuritus as an adult (sorry if this was already posted). From my understanding, Conjuritus is mainly contracted by children. What if when Harry was growing up, Justin did something to Harry to dampen his power or set his power level back a few years? He has Conjuritus now because he is magically a child while physically an adult. This would explain why Harry never got Conjuritus as a child. Harry is surprisingly powerful for a wizard of his young age and is only growing stronger. If Justin wanted to control Harry, he would want to dampen Harry’s powers so Harry couldn’t overpower him or break out from his control (if he would have been successful in mind-controlling him).

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