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Messages - whitelaughter

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DFRPG / Re: Golden Fleece IOP - gamebreaking or cool?
« on: July 25, 2018, 03:10:43 PM »
I did something similar for the resource collection, clicking on the last page will provide the healing spring.

given what a FP costs and does, I'd say only game breaking if your game is, well, already broken. That's a FP that could have made a semi-permanent declaration, bumped up a resource roll by a factor of 100, powered a ritual. That required a serious concession to get in the 1st place.

If other PCs are faffing FPs away on insignificant things, then this IOP would have the advantage of reminding them how valuable they are.

DFRPG / Re: Help with faith
« on: July 13, 2018, 11:36:47 AM »
Harry is able to repel Red and Black Court vampires with his faith in magic and its proper use, even though he explicitly doesn't view it as a religion such as Wicca, etc., and he certainly (in game terms) doesn't have any True Faith powers on his character sheet.
Although it hardly surprising that a vampire has a different take on what faith is than say, a Knight!  8)
There's no particular reason why faith-Catches need to be identical for different beasties, it would boil down to *why* is the beastie vulnerable to faith.

DFRPG / Re: Running a High Resources game
« on: July 03, 2018, 06:59:02 AM »
Sure, in a completely different system money solving everything wouldn't be a problem. In the system we've got, though...
The system we've got allows for financial warfare, is limited to a single resource roll per game, and can be enhanced by other effects (frex it would not be difficult to make a Resources enhancing potion).

Why refuse to use something that has the groundwork laid out, just because it isn't complete (yet)?

Especially given computer games are far superior at combat.

Finally, consider inverse what a financial plot would look like -

Molly realises that she can buy the town of Centralia in Philadelphia for a few cents per acre, use Winter powers to extinguish the burning coal mine beneath it, making a fortune and striking a blow against global warming. To do so she would:
talk to her dad as a business man to get a feel for what she should do,
get Justine in for handling the actual finances,
Thomas for sweet talking people into selling,
Murphy (and lawyers recommended by Murphy) for legal matters.

Plot being plot, she would end up needing to talk to Marcone.

Assuming success, and bearing in mind what she learned in Brief Cases, she could use her new coal mines as a springboard to invest in the military/industrial complex; here she would want to talk to Monoc Industries about what would be involved in using 'ferromancy' to win the war with the Outsiders.

This would be far more interesting than some gutter brawl.

DFRPG / Re: Help with faith
« on: July 03, 2018, 06:46:13 AM »
In the books, the original 3 knights of the Cross are descended from the original wielders of the blades, and this is supposed to be important. (real world, everybody is descended from everybody; go back 10 generations and you have 1024 ancestors in that generation, you only have to go back a few millennia to get people from whom *everybody* is descended).

Both books and rule books reference the power of the belief of large numbers of people - the Swords are referred to in the rule book as being a focus for the belief of the 2 billion+ Christians on the planet, Butters gets an upgraded blade thanks to the number of Star Wars fans on the planet. (which would imply that it isn't 'belief' per se, so much as mental interest; perhaps from a rules perspective, the number of Fate points spent on the obsession).
I suspect that who can use the Swords and what actions they will tolerate are dependent on the current beliefs of the people powering them; so that a millennia ago, none of the current wielders would have been acceptable, but the blade would have been quite happy to cut down Nicodemus (as he had just ordered a murder). That would allow for a long term plot of Nicodemus trying to change the Christian worldview sufficiently for him to wield the sword.

DFRPG / Re: Running a High Resources game
« on: July 01, 2018, 02:28:49 PM »
Sorry about the delay in replying, managed to miss the link to the new site!
1. It would be, if it could. Not sure what gives you the idea that it can, or that I think that would be fine.
You personally? Nothing.
The rules though?
Of the 25 skills, one quarter are primarily combat orientated(Alertness, Atheletics, Fists, Guns, Might, Weapons), and that's before we start taking into those used for combat mojo, frex Conviction, Discipline, Lore.
Actions are divided into combat and non-Combat; the bulk of powers are combat related.

And of course, this is the norm for most roleplaying games.

Although I do think Resources resolving every problem would be worse than violence resolving every problem. At least fights involve the whole team, and are often strategically interesting in and of themselves. Resources tends more towards one-roll resolutions, or at least one-character resolutions.
That's because no roleplaying system has fleshed out money believably. Serious money work means accountants, lawyers, bankers, brokers, each of whom is dealing with their opposite numbers. I tried to make a start at exploring the options in my OP.

2. That's not so. Many great plots are driven primarily by somebody not having enough money. Even Dresden was originally for hire.
That's a hook, and nothing more. A lazy hook. And Dresden is poor because he refuses to do things solely for money (if he did, he'd have taken Bob's advice and focused on breast enlargements).
Also 'enough money' is a myth. If you want more, you will keep wanting more. Billionaires don't stop making money - and why should they? As in-universe example, Marcone continues to expand his operations. The only difference is that the reward needs to be substantially higher to be worth his time.

DFRPG / Re: Running a High Resources game
« on: June 26, 2018, 03:09:16 AM »
I played a high-Resources character in a PbP game a while back, and once I got into his head I found that buying off every problem seemed entirely natural. Why threaten or cajole when you can bribe? Why fight when you can hire guns, or just give the opposition what they want? It worked well for that game, but I could easily see it becoming a problem if it went too smoothly.
Two responses:
firstly, why is it not a problem that violence can be used to solve every problem?
Secondly, how many of the plots in the Dresden books could have been solved by throwing money at them? About the only times money is a solution, Dresden simply takes the solution (frex hiring Kincaid) and then worries about how to pay for it later.
Money stops the tired, overused plots. That can only be good.

[edit] Loved both of the link btw. Good stuff!

DFRPG / Re: Welcome to the future
« on: June 18, 2018, 03:28:18 PM »
So, just curious but what is the point of the discussion? Is it just a philosophical discussion or are you hoping to implement it in game?

I am far more likely to be GMing than playing, so like to explore things that can be done in game for plot potential; frex a radio station that helps maintain spells and is so rewarded by spellcasters to the west would be a potential recurring location. I also like playing with what can or cannot be done to develop a world. Half a century after D&D was first developed, most game systems are still stuck in the same state they were first created in; that struck me most intently when Wonder Woman came out, as I started my first Boot Hill campaign in the 1980s - if I'd kept it running, and advanced year by year, I would have been using WWI for plot when that movie came out.

DFRPG / Re: Welcome to the future
« on: June 16, 2018, 01:41:55 PM »
Only an owner can let somebody in a house. Only Mortal Magic can allow Outsiders In... There are lesser and greater thresholds and degrees of ownership in play. 

Nice catch, that does indicate that Mortals own reality. (Assuming that yes, only owners can let someone in; again, is that stated somewhere?)

Hmm, implication then that Lawbreaker is partly a defence mechanism for reality; anyone who willing to let Outsiders in picks up Lawbreaker and so likely goes zero refresh...preventing them from bringing in more Outsiders.

2) depends on your theology.

Was it given so that we could use it however we want or were we simply made Stewards?
Interesting theologically but irrelevant in practice, as having stewardship rights is sufficient - note that Dresden does not need to own his home, renting is sufficient to grant a Threshold. While it might not be as strong as if he owned it, when the subject comes up, ownership is never mentioned, instead his family life gets criticised. And note that even if he owned it, that wouldn't give him the right to set fire to the building or otherwise endanger the surrounding city, so he'd still have stewardship limitations without it causing limits on his threshold.

Going on a tangent, that raises the possibility of using Scholarship to get a Threshold in weird situations. The right govt permit could create a region with a threshold, frex by having the right to pitch a circus tent in a park (perhaps to prevent monsters from breaking out from underneath). I used to work in security, and the legal rules on what can and cannot be done are stronger and weirder than in Dresdenverse magic - to the level of the police would get security to do thing they could not, but taking a step out of the region we were agents of (not employees, the legal status is again special) meant having no powers what so ever.

Burial at sea btw requires special legal authorization, so the ghost of someone buried at sea might have a *vast* graveyard - possibly an inworld reason why ghost stories are common at sea.

DFRPG / Re: Running a High Resources game
« on: June 16, 2018, 01:23:39 PM »
Interesting, thanks.

DFRPG / Re: Running a High Resources game
« on: June 15, 2018, 02:15:19 AM »
So, what exactly is this thread meant for?

Are you looking for other people's anecdotes on how high-Resources characters have worked in their games? Do you want feedback on the approach you posted?

Both of those would be appreciated.

I guess I'm thoroughly sick of games where the PCs are futureless losers lurching from crisis to crisis. Roleplaying is meant to be an *escape*, and I spent 17 years with a survival a day to day drear. Why imagine what I had to experience? Now that life is better, I'm actively interested in exploring options, the idea of roleplaying investments before making them real world is interesting.

DFRPG / Re: Welcome to the future
« on: June 15, 2018, 02:11:37 AM »
OK, *lots* to deal with!

1) Sunset - yeah, I was wondering about that: sunrise, noon and midnight all covered, it made sense that this would also end certain enchantments. Given the religious 'day' in Judaism etc starts at Dusk, I was thinking that Theurgic enchantments would end then.

2) Is it specified that only the owner can let someone in? Because we are all *residents*. Further, for purposes of ownership, scripturally the planet was given to Man in Genesis, so even if some Power is needed for the invite, Bless This House should be sufficient, as the character has faith that yes, they do own the world/day. (Oh, to pre-empt a quibble, time/space used interchangably in scripture, thus the English word 'world' may be translating either 'Kosmos' or 'Eon').

3) Dawn gets tricky because it is both a threshold *and* the beginning of sunlight, and sunlight hurts enchantments. That would be why it is the most obvious.

4) Do we have info on whether crossing a threshold destroys enchantments? Because IIRC Dresden has an enchantment that he can't even take out of his house.

DFRPG / Re: Welcome to the future
« on: June 12, 2018, 01:43:32 PM »
"Thresholds can even be conceptual: the transition from night to day has a weakening effect on magic precisely because it is a sort of threshold. "(YS230)

DFRPG / Welcome to the future
« on: June 11, 2018, 06:07:01 AM »
Crossing Thresholds without an invitation is very bad for enchantments; and for mortal enchantments, dawn is the start of a new day, and thus a threshold - ditto midday for Winter Sidhe and midnight for Summer Sidhe. And these thresholds would be insanely powerful: *every* mortal with Bless This House in a hemisphere is backing it, so for North America, all of Europe and Africa, plus a slab of Asia.

But - suppose you're invited?

It's not that hard. A character in Chicago could just before dawn ring a friend in New York and get invited into the new day. Dawn is still a threshold, but you've been invited across it, so your spells are fine.

Or better yet, set it up with an AM radio station to have the intro "welcome to the new day!" or something equally banal as their breakfast program catch phrase. A radio is old tech, you could be woken up by the effect that protects your spells!

Don't want to do something like this every day? Well, the Russians will just put their new centre in Murmansk, and have 3 months between needing to do anything for both Summer and Winter.

One thing though - don't invite your friend in New York back into your day in Chicago! Don't know what would happen, but pretty certain it would violate the Law on Time.

DFRPG / Running a High Resources game
« on: June 11, 2018, 03:58:07 AM »
While 'murder hobo' is the default PC, a workable character in Dresdenverse who relies on wealth and contacts to solve their problems. A starting PC can blow through the roof of the Buying Things chart on p322; it stops with a Legendary Resources roll (+8), granting a large corporation or a small personal island; but with Resources 4, High Concept of Rich Investor, Trouble of an Obligation to build up the family wealth, plus 5 money related Aspects, the PC is looking at +18 before rolling the dice!

The PC is easily able to create a Major Milestone every session, simply buying problem locations out from under the bad guys and gentrifying them. (Of course, the bulk of the session will then be surviving the wrath of the critters you've chased out).  While the rules suggest downgrading the rewards for doing so in a single session, that is punishing skilled play, a massive no-no: far better for the GM to say that the PC's reward is a free Resources Stunt of their choice. That is realistic, fair, balanced, and has the ethical dilemma of whether to buy Filthy Lucre – a temptation that will grow stronger each time, as the pool of available Stunts shrinks.

Anyway, the PC has far more successes than they need. Some of those successes may be needed for overcoming seller resistance of course; but if a location has been ruined by monsters, they'll probably be eager to sell. The simplest thing to do with those extra successes is to buy quality, giving the corporation extra stress boxes: the example above could have a quality of +10, giving it an additional +5 stress boxes (p320+p130). That's fairly inefficient though; the corporation is getting one stress box for every two successes – they are less well defended than an ordinary quality organisation of legendary size.

A better option is to have subsidiary organisations that provide the organisation with 'Armor'. An established contract could be bought for one success, providing Armor:1 in the desired realm; or the subsidiary could be bought outright, and provide temporary Aspects when attacking/defending in Corporate warfare.
My suggested subsidiaries are:

Physical: Security, Maintenance, Insurance, Cleaning

Mental: Legal, Accounting,  Political, Personnel

Social Armor: Public Relations, Real Estate, Murals(the giant wall ads that companies have painted that get around restrictions on billboards), Plant hire.

This has the advantage from a GM perspective that you can assign these to a company to make it harder to gain control of – but since they come with the company, increase the reward for succeeding.

Police contacts, I would simply halve the benefit of using Filthy Lucre.

Some supernatural defences can be put in quite easily by having access to an employment agency! How many mortals would have access to Bless This House – one in a hundred? Unlikely, unless a particularly devout community. One in a thousand?  Possible. One in ten thousand? Definitely. Your city will have hundreds of thousands of people in employment, providing a pool of defenders, who are easily identified by having a supernatural entering and leaving a building while job applicants are arriving.
Similarly, 'allowing' workers to hold their weddings etc for free at the business allows the possibility of rending the place to toxic to Raith Vampires. Those turgid inspirational posters are probably an unsuccessful attempt to protect the place from Skavis Vampires.

A couple of examples:
The PC is going to buy a housing estate being preyed on by ghouls. They tag the Aspect of 'invested by Ghouls' to allow an easy sale, and focus on physical security; the tenants are moved out into temporary accommodation elsewhere (easily justified by claiming the building isn't safe – which it isn't) and a week later when the ghouls have had to go hunting elsewhere, the building is repaired, repainted, and fortified, with alarms and security. Supernaturally, a 'leaking' pipes are slowly dripping holy water into the entrances from undercity.  That's a success for handling the move, plus 5 for redoing the building, plus needing a church contact to provide the holy water tag. The PC can do this easily, allowing them to keep a few Fate points for when the Ghouls attempt to follow their prey to the temporary accommodation, and/or attack the repair crews.

The PC wants to acquire a very fashionable White Court Nightclub. Although 'only' requiring a Fantastic (+) result, the Quality is sufficient to give it 3 additional stress boxes, and is Armored to the max; further, they don't want to sell. The PCs start their campaign by getting some noise violations thrown at the place: but Social Armor will protect here. They investigate buying the entire building and simply ejecting/replacing the night club (a common real world tactic, lets the buyer acquire the good will of the site for free) but the White Court either has the building or is relying on the Armor: Real Estate; either way blocked. The PCs investigate the possibilities of violence (because they are the PCs) but are then surprised to learn that the White Court is now offering the place for sale. An Investigation roll is made, and the PCs learn that the White Court is buying another location nearby and planning to move: the existing night club will be 'sold' but the bulk of the clientele will be moving with them, so they are selling a turkey. The PCs chose not to buy, and instead begin working on the new site: but a newbie Black Court Vampire buys the old site off the White Court! The old night club will fail, but the PCs have to decide whether they want to tolerate the deaths that will take place before that happens – do they focus on eliminating the Black Court Vampire, or continue the war against the White Court (who are more vulnerable due to the move).

DFRPG / fun declarations
« on: April 18, 2018, 02:38:48 PM »
Spending a Fate chip to declare something about the game world seems to have huge potential. I admit I'd mostly be boring, making sure that there were useful shops etc near my PCs home - what are some of the more impressive uses you've made/seen?

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