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Messages - whitelaughter

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DFRPG / The effects of Age [rules addition for Gold Coast]
« on: July 04, 2019, 02:59:04 AM »
I've been mulling over how to represent aging in Dresdenverse for a little while, and it is particularly relevant to the Gold Coast, so I'll provide my current thoughts:

Aging is a set of consequences; each either reduces your refresh by 1 or renders a physical Stunt unusable (you still know the stunt though, and can teach it - allowing the possibility of the Aging Master who can train you in things they can no longer do).

Middle Age is a Moderate consequence. This reflects the unpleasant reality that bumps and scrapes you can shrug off as a teenager have an annoying habit of hanging around for weeks or months. On the upside, the character gains an additional 5 skill points, that can be placed in mental or social skills. The character likely has a 'spare tyre' or other indication of flabbiness caused by the stresses of the last decade or so.
 Middle Age does not heal, but can be bought off; simply pay for the granted skills points. Any character can buy off Middle Age, including those who are Old or Dying - this reflects the elderly who are still in hale health.

Old is a Severe consequence, and provides 10 skill points. Mundanes cannot buy off Old; the character requires at least Wizard's Constitution to do so. It is otherwise the same as Middle Aged. Characters can possess both Old and Middle Aged but need not do so.

Dying is Extreme, and provides 15 skill points. The character must have spent Refresh on regeneration to be able to buy off Dying. Note that as an Extreme condition Dying also changes one of your Aspects. Otherwise the same as Middle Aged and Dying.

DFRPG / New Setting: Gold Coast Australia
« on: July 01, 2019, 02:09:39 AM »
I've recently moved, and have decided to combine learning about my new home with roleplaying, and to write the place up as a Dresdenverse setting. This should evolve over time as my knowledge increases. Will be written in dribs and drabs. Anything in italic is the equivalent of the notes/sticky notes in the book write ups

The Gold Coast - power at rest

The state of Queensland grew rapidly when Australia abolished death duties in 1979 - vast numbers of wealthy seniors, especially Britons, swiftly migrated here to enjoy the climate and avoid taxes on their estates. Supernaturals found this even more appealing as the move simplified hiding immortality.
The resources available to the 'average' resident are considerable. The city was created for millionaires; and other forms of power flock to money. While few NPCs in the city will be directly combat capable, due to age, injury and so forth, the majority will be able to call on long decades of skill, resources and contacts.

Names and elements

Names here have largely been recycled; the Gold Coast itself refers to a section of the African coast; there is a 'Miami'; multiple names are generic("Southport", "Harbourtown"), others reference other Australian locations ("Anzac Parade"), or British locations ("The Tweed"). This is an excellent place for misleading summoned creatures as to your true location - an important consideration if you fear them stalking you later.
Given the popularity of time shares, there'd likely be summoners who move through a dozen plus homes every year, with each home having a clear view of the next, to let them know if someone if watching their next residence.

All elements are here, openly, but fairly well balanced. Obviously land and water mesh; less obviously, the city sits on the biggest erosion caldera in the southern hemisphere, providing a strong fire element. Cyclones and hybrid cyclones are also threaten the coast.

The shifting sands
Everything is new, as the coast has constantly changed over the past century. "Southport" does not have a port, "Harbourtown" does not have a harbour. The river mouth has constantly travelled north, creating a long sandbar on which the beaches, tourist resorts and skyrise apartments sit. Which in the past was a nightmare for shipping; multiple wrecks are buried under the sands, and some areas are named for the ships that perished there. Behind them the river is filled with a line of islands, each covered with luxury homes and ringed with personal docks; the far shore is the same; the Gold Coast has more canals than Venice does. Yes, there are gondolas for romantic evenings.

....of course, the changes can uncover ancient secrets!
Living off the land is very profitable. Fish, crabs and shellfish are all available in abundance. Inland there are rich gold fields. The only local resource to be avoided are the coconuts, as the weather is too mild to mature them properly - doing so should be a simple use of Summer/Nature magic

Thresholds are everywhere

The Gold Coast is on the border with New South Wales, and crosses the border - the airport is *on* the border, and a plane will cross the border multiple times while landing or taking off. Tracking magics in particular will be frustrated by the constant shift from land to sea, the countless rivers and local borders. Locals get very annoyed with daylight savings time, which applies in NSW but not Queensland. Interestingly, although the borders don't cause the police any problems, the border is a crime hotspot - the belief that the state border will make life harder for the police encourages crime there.

Tourists are sacrosanct
All industries here are service industries, so any threat to tourism will draw the wrath of the rich and powerful. Counter-intuitively, a predator who 'brings their own food' may fall foul of this; the locals will hate the loss of a potential customer far more than the death of a rival.
This is a bit unfair, the local businesses look out for each other, and happily refer customers to each other; they know that everyone has to work together to build the city up.

enthusiastic desperation

While understandably proud of surviving the financial crashes of the past, a city dependent on tourism cannot thrive when the entire world is in downturn. The entire city turns on being ready for 'the next big thing' and constantly adapting to new situations. It is an excellent city for finding anything you need, for buying or hiring anything or one you could possibly want; Resources are powerful here, and everything is cheap. However...

it's a long way to fall

The only way to make money in this city is to be easy on the eye; numerous attractive, well presented candidates battle for every job. But only the incredibly snappy can succeed, and how to look incredibly snappy without a job?
I've seen more homeless people in this city than anywhere else in Australia! Also more smokers - and those statements are linked. Australia tries to take good care of our unfortunate citizens, but the resources that are meant to buy the poor food and shelter instead literally go up in smoke: 93% of homeless Australians smoke a pack or more of cigarettes. Knowing that their taxes are merely giving the homeless emphysema is a major reason that this city is one of the most right wing in Australia. As the presence of the homeless harms tourism, in Dresdenverse any predators who prey on the homeless will not be discouraged...they may find this a way to win favour with the locals!

There is no overkill

The Gold Coast will undertake vast projects without batting an eye. Drain an entire lake to catch a single dangerous creature? Did that in 2017. Smash a rail line straight down the middle of the city? Got the idea from Canberra, and had the light rail operating years before Canberra did. Dredge a harbour over the border and pump the sand from the bottom onto denuded beaches? Took the involvement of both State governments, but has been happening since 2001. Anyone raising hell in the Gold Coast should realise that the locals will resort to the big guns *first*, and only rely on subtlety if overwhelming might fails.

oh, a useful list of local legends and rumours provided by a local roleplayer!

More later, as I learn more.

DFRPG / Re: Motorcycle that turns into a horse?
« on: June 01, 2019, 05:16:33 AM »
Well, sure, depending on *how* the motorcycle was enchanted. The easiest way would be to wrap an ectoplasm horse form around the motorcycle - that could be a simple spell, but wouldn't allow use of Survival. (It would allow the steed to move and corner as a motorcycle, so still worth doing).

A spirit that was build around the concepts of horses and motorcycles could have both forms, and would definitely allow use of Survival, but creating it would be a major operation.

DFRPG / Re: Bargaining with demons
« on: June 01, 2019, 05:11:53 AM »
is the demon trying to corrupt the wizard, or gain power?

Because if the goal is power, the simplest option is to ask for potions.

For corruption, the demon is going to be comparing the wizard to hundreds of generations of suckers, and going for the appropriate weak points - which in Dresdenverse is going to be compels.

DFRPG Resource Collection / Harry Dresden's Hat
« on: April 20, 2019, 12:41:11 PM »
Harry Dresden's Hat [-0]

Harry Dresden's Hat is the most iconic of part of his wardrobe, even more so that his duster, but sadly did not survive a clash with He How Walks Behind. It was not merely destroyed, but now has never existed; fortunately, as an Item of Power it has managed to work around this problem and continues to fight the good fight.

[-0] Purpose: To battle the Outside
[-0] It Ain't What it is: The Hat no longer has any material form
[-0] Unbreakable: well, sort of. It's not broken, it just doesn't exist.
[-0] Item of Power
[-0] All Powers neutralised due to non-existence.
[-0] The Catch: The Hat renders some actions impossible; frex it is physically impossible to completely search the 'wearer' of the Hat, as you cannot search the Hat. This allows the 'wearer' to exploit many perfectionist Compels - any variant of "do X action thoroughly" can become a negative Compel; the victim knows that they've missed something, but it is impossible for them to work out what.
Also, the Hat is useful against thieves; frex anyone taking all of the original wearers' clothing will end up 'owning' the Hat (which for a mundane is going to drop their Refresh by 2) until it is somehow discarded, or until the end of session (at which point the Hat will return to the previous owner).

DFRPG / Re: thoughts on winning the war with the Outsiders
« on: March 19, 2019, 01:05:10 PM »
To be honest, I'm not sure if the war with the Outside is one we want to see won.  By 'we' To be honest, if the Outside is permanently barred from the world forevermore, we'd better hope the Faerie Courts and the bulk of the supernatural nasties get squashed in the process.  Otherwise... well, where is Mab going to get her kicks?   

Yes, this something that interests me.

Winter exists to protect 'us' from the Outside, Summer to protect us from Winter. If Winter is no longer tied down by the need to fight the Outside, then Summer is utterly outclassed....

....unless they merge with humanity. Modern human armies, equipped with the latest tech and protected by Seelie spells, would be sufficient to maintain the balance of power with the Unseelie - and see off most other threats.

It would also, from the moral framework of the books, be *good*.  Freedom is meaningless without choices; it would increase free will if all children began as changelings and could then chose whether to be mortal, fae, or remain as changelings.
Such a society would also have a religious renaissance; anybody with supernatural abilities could easily detect whether the local pastor has Bless This House - so only the truly faithful would be listened to. It wouldn't be difficult to design an audible illusion that 'bleeped' anyone speaking, but set to a level so that the faithful suppressed the spell, allowing them to preach.

DFRPG Resource Collection / Faith, Hope and Charity
« on: January 25, 2019, 12:46:09 PM »
For two desperate weeks during WWII, the only planes defending the island of Malta were a trio of aging Gloster Gladiator biplanes: against the full might of the Axis air power. No one knows who first starting refering to the planes as Faith, Hope and Charity...except those who realise that the Swords of the Cross can be reforged into radically different forms when needed.
Faith, Hope and Charity - reforged Swords of The Cross
All creatures are equal before God, Divine Purpose, Holy: these powers as normal for the swords. "All creatures are equal before God" was particularly effective for reducing an opponents engine to a colander though.

Other powers are modified slightly during the siege:
[-0] Purpose: To protect the home of the Knights Hospitaller
[-0] What it is: each Sword is, for the duration of siege of Malta, a  Gloster Sea Gladiator biplane.
[-0] Unbreakable: The planes can be shot down, but enough of the plane will limp home with the pilot.
Item of Power discount: you are not carrying plane, it carries you.
True Aim: When flown in defence of Malta, the plane grants a +1 to the pilots "Driving" skill.

The Swords left Malta after the most desperate part of the siege had been survived, and returned to their usual forms.

DFRPG / Re: Anything I've missed?
« on: January 21, 2019, 08:24:23 AM »
The war between inside and Outside isn't so similar to historical wars.
Despite the description we get of what is functionally a pre-gunpowder battle? With unit formations, maneuvers, an ambush?

DFRPG / Anything I've missed?
« on: January 20, 2019, 01:49:41 PM »
Well, God is the obvious one.
Except that the Dresdenverse God seems solely interested in protecting free will, which neither side has; Mab regards him as 'the White God' ie merely a god of morality, not the Creator, so there's no particularly reason why He should come to her aid.
However, Molly might want to deal directly with Uriel: and that could get interesting.

And then there's magic. Dresden is apparently a "starborn", which gives him some power over Outsiders. Perhaps whatever principle or process makes that possible can be pushed further.
Sheer numbers come into play here. Wizards are rare; the scale of the one battle Dresden saw blew his mind.

Heroic action is another possibility. Maybe all that's needed is the right person, in the right place, at the right time. We really know nothing about how the Outside works, after all.
Jim might well write something like that, but - numbers. It's frankly unbelievable.

I'm pretty sure nothing like this will happen, though. A weird physics trick is not likely to end a cosmic struggle. I mean, narratively that's just totally unsatisfying.
Wars tend to be like that. Granted, nothing like this is likely to occur in the series, but armies being slaughtered by new developments is historically common.

The Laws are a mortal thing, I don't think they matter at all to faerie troops.
Possibly not, but given that the Fae are often ex-mortals, I wouldn't bank on it. If nothing else, it might be possibly to siphon Lawbreaking off mortals to strengthen Fae troops.

DFRPG / thoughts on winning the war with the Outsiders
« on: January 16, 2019, 06:23:54 AM »
In the latest collection of short stories, Mab calmly lets Molly know that if Molly wants the tithe/tiend stopped, she has to work out how to end the war with the Outsiders.

Brutal, but fair - and raising the question: can the war be won?

The Unseelie protect us from the Outsiders, the Seelie from the Unseelie, so there is the depressing possibility that there is something even worse being held back by the Outsiders, making a true victory impossible.

But assuming that is not the case, or allowing for the possibility of becoming strong enough to take on the new threat:

- Mab doesn't understand technology. Introducing her to 'ferromancy' and the force multipliers thus available could be interesting. Trolls armed with machine guns would be a game changer.

- domains can be created within the Never Never, with their own powers. Could micro-domains bec created at the borders of reality, using those rules to create weapons? Say, a domains that the piles of bones could fall into, keep falling until their speed is many multiples of the speed of sound, and then leave the domain, directed at the advancing armies of Outsiders.

- Mab's armies are probably constantly being driven insane by the Laws: they'll be racking up large amounts of knowledge of the Outside, for one thing. Granted that few of the troops will live long enough for that to be a problem, but (hopefully) some do, and if not improveed weapons and armour will change that.
A useful IoP would be one that the Outsider could put their Lawbreaker levels into, loaning them to newbie troops to help the youngsters survive, and allowing the veterans to keep their sanity a bit longer.

Anything I've missed?

DFRPG / Re: Building a jedi knight of the faith
« on: December 28, 2018, 03:35:55 AM »
still on the fence about psychometry though.
give it is star wars canon that different Jedi have different powers, it would come down to individual PC design.

DFRPG / Re: Building a jedi knight of the faith
« on: December 27, 2018, 06:05:32 AM »
well, Jedi need to be trained. Fortunately, you have a Jewish Knight of the Cross who can do so.

Both Waldo and your PC will believe that a Jedi needs and more importantly can make a lightsaber. Given the Swords can be rebuilt, there's no particular reason why Waldo's Sword shouldn't be able to bud off the components necessary for the PCs blade.

While the Faith powers are pretty weak, simply put Holy Touch and Righteousness into the blade gives you a 1pt weapon that is pretty hard core, since the mundane and holy abilities now stack.

DFRPG / Re: Technomancy
« on: August 18, 2018, 09:26:13 AM »
Maybe technomancy requires you to be a scientific crank. Maybe it only works if you buy into some kind of nonsensical pseudoscience that "explains" all the wacky stuff you can do.

That way, you can have someone who doesn't believe in magic, but does believe in and practice something very similar.
Oh, I like that. You get delightful conversations of 'that makes no sense' vs "it works, so clearly it does" and ethical problems of how to respond to mundanes who want to use the technomancy but can't - frex a Technomancer could use a homeopathic vaccine, and have it work: but a mortal copying them is just endangering herd immunity.

DFRPG / Re: Technomancy
« on: August 07, 2018, 12:50:17 PM »
Another thought:   what if you allow "technomancy" as a separate & incompatible branch of tech-centric magic...ish...stuff...  Read the hard drive on a computer without touching it?  Yep, can-do.  Read somone's mind? ??!?   Pthbbbt!  No such thing as magic, everyone knows that!!!
And it interferes with magic the same way magic interferes tech? Would be appropriate for debunkers, who would constantly get proof that magic doesn't exist.

DFRPG / Re: Technomancy
« on: August 03, 2018, 12:53:51 PM »
Should have thought of it before: what you want is written up in detail in another of Evil Hat's games, Spirit of the Century.
Further, since a 'gimme' of that setting is that PCs are all born on 1/1/01, you could take an 18 year old in a modern campaign and actually have them *be* a centurion.

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