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Messages - whitelaughter

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DFRPG / Re: An update to RPG
« on: December 19, 2017, 01:22:30 AM »
Possibly the plan is to wait until the last novel has been written, so as to cover everything that will need updating?

Something that would be worth doing, at least by fans, would be writing up local monsters and cities for the dresdenverse; frex I could do up the bunyips as a fun critter for OZ.

DFRPG / Re: Need help with a character idea
« on: December 15, 2017, 02:17:51 PM »
I wouldn't worry too much about death. This game makes it pretty hard to die.
Granted, but set in an era with very little healing. The good news is that Islamic texts aren't widespread yet, so bloodletting isn't a major treatment yet (and yes, once it became the norm they did treat anemia with blood letting). Assuming that your PC is moderately devout, you'll be able to refuse treatments based on horoscopes; if wealthy use silk thread (which dissolves, so doesn't need to be removed) for stitching up wounds. Herbal treatments are widespread, and were apparently moderately effective...

Anyway, while first aid exists, you won't have anyone with the doctor stunt nor any medical facilities. So you are unlikely to be able to heal a Severe Consequence, and forget ever getting rid of an Extreme Consequence. So that's 2/3rds of your ability to soak damage being one-shots.

Hope an NPC has an Item of power with a Recovery Power!

DFRPG / Re: Elemental Magic
« on: December 12, 2017, 11:53:41 PM »
So, the mentality has to happen before the magic does?
Surely the Lawbreaker stunts are the exact opposite of this? Magic changing who you are?

Assuming that Lawbreaker is merely the most extreme form of change makes sense; yes, you can become a psychopath by killing people, but also more emotional via fire etc.

The place were it would really matter is with Sponsored Magic; hence Harry's fear for both himself and Molly re: Winter.

This would be a sneaky way to get around the 3rd Law, rather than modifying an apprentice, order them to perform spells that inspire the changes you want. Since they are choosing to obey, it's a natural shift.

Of course, they're going to be really bad at spells that are contrary to what they are - hmm, Molly's bracelet is now disturbing. Especially given most of Harry's training was from DuMorne, and that's where he'd be getting the techniques from.
Oh, sod. DuMorne wanted Elaine and Harry in the sack together, so if Harry has been teaching Molly spells DuMorne designed for Elaine, that would explain why a childhood crush has lasted for a decade....

DFRPG / Re: Need help with a character idea
« on: December 11, 2017, 05:11:21 AM »
[grins] nearly cross posted!
Okay, that's a lot better than I feared.

Since you are the Noble, think hard about a Resources focus - not just the skill, but also Aspects. Being able to *buy* locations in the setting, or found them, is one of the most useful things a vanilla mortal can do: and it isn't hard to ensure a +9 resources roll.

If you make your trouble some variation on Noblesse Oblige then the other PCs will know to bring you into the action, and the GM will be feeding you Fate points.

Anglo-Saxon means you'll be trained to fight on foot, so let one of the commoners be the Survival expert: you only need a point or so to indicate that you can ride and hunt. Instead, have a really high Weapons. Note that you'll be able to afford a high quality war axe, hauberk and shield, so will make an excellent meat shield.

Your Thane may also be a shire reeve (sherrif!) or magistrate, so take a decent Investigate if you want to go this way.

How 'blind' does the GM want your character creation to be? Because OOC it's obvious that having a True Love Aspect etc will be helpful for your PC, some GMs will consider that inappropriate. If the Gm likes the idea of your PCs 'coincidentally' having the tools to defeat the bad guys, consider that if another PC is a weaponsmith, then Aspects such as 'my creations inspire courage/will bring peace to England/are made so that I can afford to wed my True Love/give us hope of defeating the Vikings' will make them very bad news for the local White Court.

DFRPG / Re: Need help with a character idea
« on: December 09, 2017, 01:18:24 PM »
In addition to 2nding g33k's "why so much detail?" question, I have another *when* in the Middle Ages? It's Ages - plural - for a good reason. Anglo-Saxon? The Anarchy? The Hundred Years War? The War of the Roses? Tudor times?
You can be fighting with a war axe or an arquebus, repelling invasions or conquering your neighbours, repelling vikings or moors, establishing the King's Peace or rebelling against him. Each era is a different world.

DFRPG / Re: Confused about the Second Law
« on: December 02, 2017, 04:19:18 AM »
Given the number of White Court vampires, yeah, hunting down a magical solution would be insanely risky. And remember the guy who said he'd die to be able to 'play like that'? Unseelie pacts would be just as dangerous.
Still, given the risks involved in RW wonder solutions to excess weight, it might still be worthwhile!

As a sideline of a PC I created with a Demesne, I decided to justify his Resources by him providing feasthalls of suckling pig etc to the local Jenny Craig; since the food turns to ectoplasm/evaporates when the clients leave the Demesne, they can gorge without weight gain. All the side effects of gorge/vomiting of course, but he wasn't a terribly nice PC.

Btw, would that be the main reason not to accept food from the Fae? You risk starving to death if you've been living on it? Or does it also open you up to Fae magic?

DFRPG Resource Collection / Re: Item Of Power Master List
« on: November 30, 2017, 07:52:33 AM »
A few ideas

The rainbow[-1]
This is constantly crossing the globe, inspiring people. Some fortunate individuals may trigger the rainbow more than once in their life. It counts as an 'unowned' item, so those affected have their refresh drop by 1 while being influenced by the Rainbow, but this is immediately restored an exchange later.

[-0] Purpose: To inspire and protect mortals
[-0] What it is: a...the rainbow
[-0] Unbreakable: Well, you can split the light, but it'll still be a rainbow.
[+2] Item of Power
[-1] Soulgaze Any two people who can be soulgazed and are looking at a rainbow are drawn into a Soulgaze; however rather than seeing each other, they see the rainbow, and rather than inflicting mental stress, a successful attack places a 'inspired by beauty' manoeuvre on the other gazer, unless
[-0] The Catch: if a gazer either has or intends to drown somebody, they take mental stress instead of the manoeuvre. The Rainbow can and will attack a murderer multiple times, using a different other human each time.

Seelie Police Oath Bible [-1]

[-0] Purpose: To witness the oaths of new police officers, and to help them keep the oath.
[-0] What it is: A King James Bible (still legally required in some parts of the British Commonwealth)
[-0] Unbreakable: cover is dimpled from a bullet shot.
[+2] Item of Power
[-0] Sidhe item Oaths sworn on the Bible are witnessed by the Seelie; they can be compelled as Aspects, and the swearer can spend Fate points on actions taken to fulfill their oath.
[-0] The Catch: Officers who violate their oath will be constantly Compelled to confess and/or resign. An officer who makes the legally appropriate restitution will no longer suffer this Compel.

Unseelie Changeling Courtroom Oath Bible [-1]

[-0] Purpose: To witness the oaths of witnesses in the law courts, and to enslave those who lie under oath
[-0] What it is: A King James Bible (still legally required in some parts of the British Commonwealth)
[-0] Unbreakable: Owners have been know to break weapons on the Bible when challenged to combat over an enslavement, to demonstrate that oaths are more powerful than violence.
[+2] Item of Power
[-0] Sidhe item Oaths sworn on the Bible are witnessed by an Unseelie Changeling; they can be compelled as Aspects, and the swearer can spend Fate points on actions taken to fulfill their oath.
[-3] Changeling Nature Those holding the Bible can - and if oathbroken, must - take Powers from the owning Changeling's power package, limited to those permitted by the possessing Changeling and to a maximum of 3 points. Typically the owner loads oathbreaker up with any Creature Stunts, to make them more useful minions, and (by reducing their refresh) reduce their ability to defy their new master. (The Changeling need not yet have taken the Stunts, merely have inherited them).
[-0] The Catch: If the oathbreaker can somehow confess to the courts their lies, they can 'choose' to once more be vanilla mortal, shedding the Stunts. Owners frequently add the Claws Power to their new minions so that they can no longer speak nor write - and even if oathbreaker can manage to confess, they will then face the legal consequences of lying to the law courts.

Healing Spring [-1]
[-0] Purpose: To heal the suffering
[-0] What it is: a natural spring
[-0] Unbreakable:
[+2] Item of Power
[-6] Mythic Regeneration Anyone bathing in the spring is healed of nearly any injury, so long as the owner spends a Fate point on their behalf.
[-3] The Catch: Holy items [+1], immediately obvious to anyone who has ever heard of the spring [+2]

As inspired by the Chronomancy thread

 Crystal Ball[-1]
[-0] Purpose: To know the future
[-0] What it is: a crystal ball
[-0] Unbreakable:
[+2] Item of Power
[-0] Cassandra's Tears
[-3] Lawbreaker 2nd, 4th and 6th Laws, providing +3 shifts to all - including getting more information from the Cassandra's Tears Power, and to persuading other to believe the prophecy. Using this item will rapidly earn any mortal spellcaster Lawbreaker stunts.

DFRPG / Re: Confused about the Second Law
« on: November 30, 2017, 06:32:03 AM »
It only violates the 2nd Law if you do. If they do it, frex by drinking a potion you crafted, you are fine. That's why shapeshift is normally done by item.

DFRPG / Re: Crafting help
« on: November 30, 2017, 06:30:34 AM »
 A high crafting result could certainly justify an Item of Power; given they're paid for with refresh, as GM I'd have no problems with an obsessive character managing to create one, so long as it meshed with their nature.

DFRPG / Re: Chronomancy– How To?
« on: November 26, 2017, 05:49:11 AM »
Essentially, look at the rules for Cassandra's Tears or Potent Prayer and run the game like that.
Oh, that gets interesting...
- anyone with Cassandra's Tears can be compelled with the knowledge of a future event, that other people won't believe.
i) So there'd be nothing to stop you spending a Fate Point to say that another PC with Cassandra's Tears was aware of an event you are currently going through, which could be useful. "I spend a FP so that Fred knew we'd end up locked in a safe". [Fred holds up oxy acetylene torch he grabbed after seeing vision] "Fred, you realise using that in here will kill us?"
ii) Possibly the reason people don't believe the prediction is an instinctive protection mechanism to prevent them getting Lawbreaker(sixth)? In which case a PC who starts using the info gained from CT will be risking breaking the Law.

Going by our one data point in the files, the Gatekeeper' cryptic reference to Dresden, I'd suggest that you can only provide info if it is relevant to the character you are warning (thus Dresden is warned of a Doom of Damocles possibility because of his own Doom), ie you can only spend the Fate Point if it is relevant to the target's Aspects.
Should a paradox occur, the Lawbreaker Stunt strikes.

The only need for Thaumaturgy is to give yourself (or someone else) a zero cost temporary power.

Or, you could put CT and 3 levels of Lawbreaker(sixth) into an item, and the cost drops to 1 point; your crystal ball now has 3 shifts toward what you want to know. Using shapeshift to make the item out of yourself, you might be able to shed the Lawbreaker Stunt into the item (since technically you've still got it, merely trapped in the item).

DFRPG / Re: Mortal infrastructure/networking power
« on: November 25, 2017, 10:10:39 AM »
By the game mechanics, a mob of mortals is sitting on shedloads of fate points, so simply describe whatever sounds amusing and announce that the mortals have spend 20+ fate points to back that as multiple Aspects.

DFRPG / Re: Crafting help
« on: November 25, 2017, 10:07:14 AM »
I've been searching and scratching my head as to how I can use craftsmanship in cool and unique ways. 
- creating new Locations within your city; statues, gardens, waterworks and so forth can have themes (or even threats, a black court vampire will not like a new cross statue).

- access to a Domain in the Never Never allows for insanely impressive worskshops - bring raw materials in, craft them in a sci-fi workshop, bring back finished product. Because ectoplasm disappears when it enters our world, molds and so forth don't need to be broken or even removed, allowing for normally impossible creations.

- the aspects of the crafters allow for some interesting weapons, given that Lara Raith got burned by a rose given with True Love.  "My creations bring hope of..." is a nasty threat to the Skavis; and hoping to free humanity from monsters justifies a weapon that does extra damage to them. "I find serenity in creation" versus the proposed 4th house, while a crafter from a region where weapons are forbidden by the supernatural rulers would be justified in considering creating one to be courageous.

DFRPG / Re: "Official" Perspective on Lawbreaking
« on: November 19, 2017, 01:12:53 PM »
Well, they'd keep the Aspect-based corruption from their law-breaking. But I don't see much point in docking their Refresh.
Hmm, the whole justice/mercy debate I suppose.

On the flipside, I wonder whether Changelings are encouraged to break the 7th Law, so that they'll be more powerful cannonfodder at the Gates? After all, teach them 6 things, and they are 2 refresh closer to Choosing, and gain +2 on all spells during the fighting. Presumably the Seelie are only in danger if they show talent at healing, and from Unseelie 'recruiters'.

DFRPG / Re: "Official" Perspective on Lawbreaking
« on: November 16, 2017, 01:22:52 PM »
awesome, thanks.

Hadn't considered the whole 'free will' aspect.

Hmm, so a Changeling who kills with their magic will get Lawbreaker unless they've just chosen to go full fae...and if they chose to go full human, will lose their magic but not Lawbreaker?

DF Card Game / Re: Card Discussion
« on: November 14, 2017, 06:02:15 AM »
Yeah, completely ignore the no talking rule. Given it says that it is to speed play, and talking can speed play, there seems no reason to use it.

(oh, did a basic review of tactics for the game, would be interested in knowing of strategies I've missed):

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