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Messages - Reginald(Formally GW)

Pages: [1]
The Bar / Re: Weird? Pretty much.
« on: April 04, 2021, 11:04:49 PM »
*pokes head in*

The Bar / Re: Another Weird for the Weird folk
« on: June 03, 2019, 03:56:05 AM »
You know what, I'm doing good now. I have a job I like, a new apartment with a window thats perfect for reading in.(pictures will come sometime soon, it is a perfect little nook.) I am currently reading Oathbringer by Brandon Sanderson, which is good if a bit long of a book. I for some reason survived the Navy and was discharged honorbly so thats good.

What have you been up to you mad scientist? Any bugmen or bugwomen or bug plants? How is the batch of phd candidates coming along?

The Bar / Re: Another Weird for the Weird folk
« on: June 03, 2019, 03:42:56 AM »
*Glomps Dina* Hows it going old friend? I have dearly missed you.

The Bar / Re: Another Weird for the Weird folk
« on: June 03, 2019, 03:14:20 AM »
*Drive by to let the good folks of the SHOV know that he was thinking of them and also to leave a few things that he found in his saved files*


To even inferr that I enslaved him……. Sent him to die on a quest….. And was surprised at his return….

Besides, the bestpacts are betweenpeople who ultimately want to eliminate one another

Besides, as a wiseman once said, “F**k subtle

…I take back any advice I may have ever offered that Don agreed with.  Clearly it was horribly wrong.

It was unnaturally cool in the SHOV. 70’s almost constantly. You may wonder why this is so  unnatural, but you must realize we are in a hollowed out volcano. The Secret Hollowed Out Volcano has been our meeting place for a few years now, the upholstery ruined on a nearly weekly  basis. It shocks me how sometimes we go through gaps of time where there is no SHOV. But the observant denizens always bring it back. I must also wonder about the way it seems to go through changes of moods, like a different title flows through it, integrating itself into all the descriptions and people. Anything can happen in the SHOV. But at the same time, anything can be stopped. Oft times fights are taken to portions of space specifically formed for them. Also you can’t get a decent drink here. I guess that’s how the hellfire bar stays in business. Just chugging along. We had a butler. Dina says we can’t have one anymore because he was thrown into the lava by someone. (not naming any names) She had to go save him and was very annoyed. Anyway, this special place always welcomes newcomers and it forms sort of a family unattached from the “real” world. It boggles my mind sometimes. We have gone through triumph and failure. We have scaled to the very back of the freezer just to get some ice cream that wasn’t pinto. We give advice and take it. It is the greatest place I could ever imagine. We had a ruler, the Pharoah, but he doesn’t come anymore. Sad really. This was the birthplace of the pun dumpster, and several other locations within this world we call Forumania.

The Bar / Re: It's a Weird world
« on: July 27, 2018, 03:09:28 AM »
*peeks in and then scurries out* Hi missed you all, be back soon. *leaves random hugs about*

DF Spoilers / Re: Cowl's Identity [FPOTM2 11.2016]
« on: January 04, 2017, 02:48:25 AM »
I voted "Other" for one reason.  I do think it's Harry.  Not an AU or TT version, but the "darker self" that he had a few run-ins with inside his unconscious mind.  I bet that's who, because, why not?  Be a shame to invent such a wonderfully dark persona and not really do much with it, except for internal spoilers.
If thats the case then cowl must be working for his best interests because that is what his dark side does. Primal Survival.

DF Spoilers / Re: Cowl's Identity [FPOTM2 11.2016]
« on: January 02, 2017, 08:39:39 PM »
I cast my vote a TT harry. Mostly because I think that'd be cool. But I change my mind. It definitely isn't anyone who personally knew Dresden pre Dead Beat. You can tell by his reaction that he is unfamiliar with dresden who was still rising in fame at that point. He was beneath him. I believe this drops a lot of the list, including Simon, who would have been at the vote of whether to cut his head off. I change my vote to kemmler using some random body.

The Bar / Re: See Ya
« on: December 30, 2016, 08:28:30 PM »
((((SNOW, Blaze Chiana)))) Thank you for your warm welcome back. It is more than I could have ever anticipated. I missed all of you lovely people

The Bar / Re: See Ya
« on: December 25, 2016, 09:35:49 AM »
You know Dina, one of the few things I found reassuring when i came back to the forum was that your signature hasn't changed. (((((((DINA))))))

I just want everyone to know I'm back. Because I missed you all so much, I realized what my life was missing and it was this, I love you all.

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