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Topics - namkcas

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PG is considered a book that is very thick with unanswered questions.  This theory makes it actually a quite simple book.  A book where the main points are actually called out directly...mostly by Harry.  The problem is that it only makes sense post-Cold Days.

The main questions are:

- Who sent the Fetches?
- Why did the Black Council (maybe we should call it The Circle per WN) attack Arctus Tor?
- Who fixed Little Chicago?
- Who hit Harry's car?

The answer lies in the future roles planned for Molly Carpenter. Mab's desire to have her and Harry positioned for future work is the driving force of the story.

Remember this is all kicked off by a letter from the Gatekeeper.  We now know that he hangs with a lot of folks from Winter and is working with Mab to defend the Outer Gates. His message was about Black Magic in Chicago.  Harry gets this message right after the execution of a Warlock.

Molly, at this point, is a Warlock and clearly on a downward slope.  Charity admits that she had problems and future events (particularly TC, Changes, and GS) show that Molly is touched by darkness.  Imagine that Harry does not act.  I would consider it likely that Molly would be full Warlock and be executed.  The primary outcome of PG is that Molly is saved from immediate Warlockdom and is Harry's apprentice.

Molly has come to the attention of the Black Council somehow.  That is why they are in the picture here.  The entire scenario would be set up for Glau to monitor Molly's progress to evil.  I agree with Harry that Glau was a cutout and that leads to the answer to the next two questions.

Mab sent the fetches to kidnap Molly to keep her away from the Black Council.  They were upset enough about this that they attacked Arctus Tor.  Mab fights them off but keeps things open for Harry to rescue the girl.  She wants Molly bound to Harry and wants her in place.  She needs to judge Harry's capability.  So she sets up a difficult but not impossible rescue scenario (I have no use for weakness.).

That means it is Mab that fixes Little Chicago.  She does so because she wants Harry to succeed in his rescue.  This is similar to the help she gave him by calling Thomas in CD.  I want to point out that this plot is similar to (in some ways) the Archive in SmF.  Mab tried to kidnap the Archive so that the Denarians could not (and failed).  In the PG case put Molly in instead of the Archive.  She does not make these things easy for Harry (remember the line about preparing Harry to become Winter Knight). 

The other thing that gets accomplished in PG is that Mab shows Nemesis to Harry.  He does not recognize it but it is called a sickness and several nFected sidhe are part of the story.  If Mab is listening in to the conversation at Mac's with Maeve, then she would know that Maeve in nFected right then.

Finally, Ace likely is the one that hits Harry's car.  He is likely the bomber of Murphy's car in WN.

TL:DR  PG is all about getting Molly to be Harry's apprentice.  Mab has a difficult rescue set up for Harry to test/prepare him.

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