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Topics - LeviathanZero

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DF Card Game / Rules Question: Range
« on: February 16, 2017, 10:13:46 PM »
Got my copy yesterday, WOO!
Will get to give it a test run tomorrow :D

One question though: For cards that have a variable range, what happens if you use the card, roll horridly, and there are no valid cards in range?
Eg there are enemies at range 2, 3 & 4 and you use a card with range 3(2) and roll two negatives, dropping your range to 1.

I would assume that you spend the fate but your attack does nothing but figured I'd put forward the question :)

DFRPG / White Court: Virgin to Vampire. Any kill or feeding only?
« on: May 14, 2015, 11:29:12 PM »
Hi all :)

So, largely as the title says. We know that a White Court Virgin only turns into a full Vampire when they kill, but does that kill have to be from feeding, or does any kill work?
eg, Laura Wraith is walking home and gets attacked by a mugger with a knife, she pulls out a gun and kills him. Does that trigger her transformation, or would it only be if she fed on him to death?

Hi all :)

So, my Dresden game is finally starting this weekend, and I've got a couple of questions for people.

First up, one person (as yet unstatted) is playing (and I quote her) "Genderswapped Dean Winchester", so pure mortal who hunts things that go bump in the night.
She's never played Dresden before and I've never done anything with Pure Mortals before (nor GMed DFRPG), does anyone have any Stunt suggestions for us?
I was thinking of a Lore stunt something along the lines of Always Prepared: Spend a fate point to have on you/be able to improvise from the scenery a weapon that meets the Catch of any creature that you've just IDed.
Maybe even a weapons one for being able to leave the Catch weapon stabbed into the creature in order to lessen their powers/cause ongoing damage or something similar?

The second one, three members of the group are playing Changelings (one Pixie, one Goat Gruff and one Redcap) and they're all going straight for "As Fae as possible", spending all of their points on Powers (they wanted to play full Fae but that's not really doable).
What do people think of the idea of making them all choose a Court (Summer, Winter or Wyld) that they are in some way tied to ("All those powers of yours, must be tricky to live in the Mortal world, how about we provide you with money, a refuge, that type of thing, and in exchange you do odd jobs for us" type of thing), since it's pretty obvious which way they would Choose and so the courts will no doubt want to get their hooks in early.

Reasonable idea, or just imposing unneeded restrictions?

DFRPG / DF in Australia - We're all screwed
« on: August 27, 2013, 03:12:42 AM »
So, once my current (Mistborn) campaign winds up I'm looking at running a DF game in Australia, and figured I should start writing up a nice little background for Australia in this setting.
I've seen a few bits and pieces done by other people around the place so if anyone has any further suggestions, let me know :)

Dresden Files - Australia - A History

Uluru. If you wanted to point at one big cause, that's it right there. A massive convergence of ley-lines with an absurdly strong Earth affinity, the mere presence of something so strong was always going to cause some issues with the Veil, especially on such a large landmass with neither physical borders of water to ground out the magic nor country borders for people's minds to create metaphysical borders.

Birthed from Uluru's world-warping power were the Dreamtime Gods, powerful creatures from the Nevernever who walked the land long before the first Aboriginal peoples came. With them came many strange and bizarre creatures and even plants, turning the Island-Continent into their new hunting ground.
Over many long millenia the Aboriginal people learned ritual magics that lent them a degree of control over the Veil between the worlds, and coupled with the power inherent in the land and Uluru managed to strengthen the Veil, causing some of the God's power to slowly wane and the strange creatures to lose their supernatural abilities and adapt to the Mortal world.
The Veil was still thinner than almost anywhere else on Earth but a sort of harmony had been achieved, the Aboriginal people's belief in the Dreamtime kept the Veil calm, and the Elders strengthened small breaches as they happened.

Across the waters in New Zealand the Maori people had gone through much the same with their own Gods, but while the Ley-lines connecting the two land masses were immense, the Tasman Sea mitigated much of their power, causing New Zealand to develop a much more temperate ecology.

Then, of course, Europeans came and everything went (further) into hell.
The more the Aboriginals were driven away from areas the less they were able to steward the Veil when it wore thin, and the more of them that were killed the less there were to maintain harmony.
Slowly, cracks began to form in the Veil. Things slipped through one way or the other, people vanished, Australia's fauna, already terrifying as Mortal animals, would sometimes regain sparks of their inhuman power from the NeverNever. Wizards did their best to ward the settlements and strengthen the Veil but it wasn't going to be sustainable. Some secretly began conferring with the Aboriginal Elders, working with them to regain that balance.

The Senior Council believed that something had to be done to stop the problem at what they perceived to be its source, and finally a Warden was sent, with all the Senior Council's authority, to deal with it. He believed that it was the Aboriginal people's Dreamtime beliefs that were thinning the Veil, and thought that by eliminating this belief they would stop the Veil from getting worse.
His solutions began with Christian missionaries and eventually ended with the Stolen Generation, kidnapping Aboriginal children en-mass to be raised by White people, forgetting the Dreamtime.

Abhorred by this final step the local Wizards who had worked with the Aboriginies betrayed the Council, captured their Warden and handed him over to the Elders. Nobody knows exactly what happened to him, but they say his punishment was commensurate with his crimes.
Severing all ties with the White Council, the Wizards of Australia and New Zealand formed an alliance with both Maori and Australian Aboriginal tribes, creating their own organisation, melding Western and local traditions and magics to shield the unknowing Mortal populations.

Fast forward to the present day and this has been mostly successful, all major cities and settlements have been built in such a pattern as to strengthen the Veil in those areas, channeling the banal beliefs of the people residing there to build a bastion against the Nevernever. In Canberra the great works of Parliament Circle act to ground out the forces involved and tie the wards together, ensuring that most people who live in Australia have no idea about the Magical world.
However the further from civilisation you venture the more the Veil thins and the more the Nevernever seeps into the world, spend too long away from the cities and the constant background presence of the Nevernever permeates you, changing you ever so slightly into a tougher but less civilised individual.
Unfortunately the unknown Warden's damage has echoed through the decades, much of the Aboriginal culture is lost and its people have lost their way. While the Dreamtime still remains a part of their soul and psyche, the knowledge of how to contain it is rapidly being lost.

Across the sea, New Zealand is faring much better, both due to distance and the Maori culture remaining strong, even managing to creep into the Western culture that dominates both countries. As such a great deal of New Zealand rangers do tours in Australia, helping their trans-Tasman siblings to maintain order.

Setting Notes
This bit is more of a list of points right now, but I plan to expand it out.

* The White Council has almost no presence here beyond an embassy in Darwin to keep up communications. They are extremely mistrusted and at times downright hated, Australian magic is enforced instead by [Dammit, I need a good name!] and the Rangers (local Wardens).
* This organisation is much less formal and bureaucratic than the White Council, with Aboriginal and Maori representatives making up at least half the leadership.
* The whole country is of course dominated by the Summer Court but there is an embassy of the Winter Court in Melbourne which is largely responsible for its changeable weather.
* Most of Australia's fauna and flora are mortal, but every now and then some power from the Nevernever seeps through and causes one or a group to become much more dangerous
* The ghost of Ned Kelly still roams around Victoria, and is all but invulnerable
* Tasmania is much more clement than the rest of Australia, thanks to separation by the Tasman Straight

Laws of Magic
Not being governed by the White Council, Australia has its own Laws of Magic, enforced by the Rangers

#1 Do not kill living things directly with magic (For turning the magic of Life back on itself harms both yourself and your magic, and the land around you)
#2 Do not mess with the Veil! (seriously, does this need explaining? Even opening a rift into the Nevernever is frowned upon, and must be fully, manually closed once used)
#3 Do not mess with the Dreamtime (again, really need explaining?)
#4 Do not directly alter the mind of any awakened being (For this causes a resonance with your own mind and brings you mental harm) [Exception, a disciplined, trained individual can willingly let someone into their mind and let them alter it if they wish to]
#5 Do not make thralls of the living or the spirits of the Dead (Clarification: Raising the bodies is fine as long as the animating spirit is either willing, or your own)
#6 Do not attempt to travel through time (For it causes magic to be cut off from its own source, which is Bad)

I'm sure I have more, but I think that's enough for one typing session! If anyone has suggestions or feedback, they would be more than welcome :)

Potential organisation leadership name, Hapu

DFRPG / Claws power upgrades weapons?
« on: January 14, 2013, 12:08:29 PM »
Hey all. So I was just glancing through "Our World", and I cam across this when describing The Reaper in the Fae section: "Use the stress bonus of the claws and strength as a layer on top of the sickle weapon it carries (Weapon:2 itself, upgrading to Weapon:5), rather than as a Fists attack—the equivalent of a sword or similar blade"

This seems to indicate that the Claws power can 'upgrade' a carried weapon. Is this supported anywhere else, or is it just one of those irregularities that crops up sometimes?

DFRPG / Wild Hunt Carrier Template
« on: January 08, 2013, 01:39:22 AM »
I'll put the original post under a spoiler at the bottom, and just leave the actual Template up here instead.

Wild Hunt Carrier

When the Wild Hunt rides, those in the know hide or get out of the way. Those not in the know tend to fall into two categories: Those lucky enough not to be in its path, and the dead.
Sometimes, there are exceptions.

Sometimes someone is Hunted, trapped, and instead of dying like Prey, they face the hunt. Maybe they were warriors or soldiers, those used to conflict, maybe they were sociopaths who enjoyed preying on the weak, maybe they were just an average person pushed too far, too hard and for too long, who declared "No!" and refused to die on their knees.
Whatever the reason, someone in the Hunt decided that they were worthy of the Choice: "Hide, Join or Die", and they joined.

For a night they hunted with the Fae, and when they woke up the next day, they found themselves changed.
A tiny piece of the Hunt remained within them, a piece of the WyldFae burning like a mote within their soul, slowly fusing with their spirit. Both warping its host and being warped in return, growing them into a creature of instinct and hunger. A Predator.

Perhaps they had something latent within them, a Lycanthropic bloodline or even a bit of Skinwalker in their ancestry, that was triggered by the Fey power, or perhaps their spirit was simply fertile ground for the seed of the Wyld Hunt to grow. The initial results are much the same: A predatory character sharing many similarities with a Werewolf or Lycanthrope.

One who carries a spark of the Wild Hunt typically looks normal in their fully human form, though with a subtle difference that people may remark upon. Perhaps they are Graceful as a cat or have Predatory eyes or a talent for Moving unseen. Most of the time this will not be seen as anything special or supernatural. These individuals also tend to be a little more attractive than usual (both in Human form and Animal), caused by a touch of their Faerie spark bleeding through.
When they begin to draw upon their powers however, their appearance noticably changes. To start with they retain their human form, but take on many aspects of their nature (typically growing claws, slitted eyes that glow in the light, denser muscles and an alltogether feral bearing, whiskers, fur, and other minor alterations are not uncommon).
However this tends to only be the start of their transformation, and taking part in appropriate activities such as fighting or hunting will cause them to shift first into a humanoid version of their animal aspect (like the traditional view of a Werewolf), and then changing completely into their animal form.
The animal form of a Wild Hunt Carrier is typically unusual in some way, such as being larger than usual for their specimen and being an odd colouration.

Some individuals will start shifting into their more animalistic aspects immediately, while others will only change in more extreme circumstances. Speak to your GM about whether changes should be commonplace, or only during special occasions.

One who carries the Wild Hunt in them can go many ways. Perhaps they control their instincts, only using it when necessary, perhaps they revel in their powers and seek more, delving into the Spark within them to try and draw out more power. Still others might try to have the spark within them removed, returning to Pure Mortal status, while others may seek out the Fae and bargain for more power, taking on a larger Mantle of the Wild Hunt.

A Wild Hunt Carrier should have a high concept that incorporates their predatory nature, such as Tiger-blooded Actor or Beast-minded cop. You should also pin down exactly which predatory animal has taken root in your Character's soul, such as "Wolf" or "Tiger".
In addition they must take the following Supernatural powers:

[Beast Change -1]
[Echoes of the Beast -1]
[Inhuman Toughness -2]
[Inhuman Recovery -2]
 - [The Catch: Cold Iron +3]
Note: If you wish your character to be more of the "Triggering inherent powers" than "Part Fey", negotiate with your GM about changing the Catch on your Inhuman Toughness/Recovery, though note that if you pick a less common/well known element it may have a higher Refresh cost.

[Human Form +1]
 - [Claws -1]
 - [Inhuman Speed -2] or [Inhuman Strength -2]

There are many different options that you can take, depending on how much of a connection to the Fae your character has, what your predator animal is, and how much spare Refresh you have.
Some good options are:

Any pertinent options from the "Creature Features" section
[Cloak of Shadows -1]
[Demonic Copilot (Wild Hunt) -1]
[Marked by Power (Wild Fae) -1]
[Wings -1] (For those who have a Winged predatory animal or want to run on Anything like the Hunt does)
[Supernatural Recovery/Toughness/Speed/Strength]

For those who seek out the Fae and make a bargain with the Wyld, consider the following

[Sponsored Magic: Wildfae -4]
 - Domains over hunting, tracking, pack protection and wilderness areas.
 - Allows Tracking rituals at Evocation speed.
 - Any Inhuman or greater Toughness/Recovery counts as one step lower on any creature you have specifically sought out/hunted (ie if you hunt out a Gruff you know is in the area making plans, it's Toughness/Recovery is reduced by one step, but the Vampire they're currently talking with is just as tough as normal. If the Gruff escapes and later jumps you, its Toughness/Recovery works as normal)

Important Skills
Varies, since Beast Change allows retooling of Skills

Minimum Refresh Cost: -5, though potentially a dozen or more depending on Optional powers

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