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Topics - Mrmdubois

Pages: [1]
DFRPG / Social Riposte Stunt?
« on: February 01, 2013, 12:06:49 AM »
My idea is for something like:

Verbal Riposte:
On a successful Social Defense with Rapport the player may sacrifice his next action in order to turn that defense into an immediately successful attack.

This is basically just Riposte rewritten for Social combat.

Two questions, is this a legit stunt?  Is it worth the bother?

DFRPG / Focus Item question
« on: January 17, 2013, 11:06:08 PM »
So, I have a character who will be using sponsored magic and figured I'd put the focus item slots into thaumaturgy foci.

The question is, does the narrowness of sponsored magic mean that it counts as the theme.  In other words could I just go Lore bonus foci for "-" sponsored magic and then Discipline focus bonus for "-" sponsored magic like I could if it were straight whatevermancy?

DFRPG / Whither Portamancy?
« on: October 11, 2012, 06:43:01 AM »
Ok, I know there are some inherent problems with teleporting, like border values and thresh holds, but it still seems to me like it would be a viable method of transportation.

Line of sight should be relatively easy, though I imagine even a glass front store presents a problem to teleporting into the store since the window counts as a border.  If you're willing to do that ritual though...

For long distance The way I see it working best for casters is simply to set up relay beacons using enchanted item slots.  This is possibly feasible for locations you have never been, as well, if you have some means of getting a marker into position, allies, more magic, what have you.

It also seems plausible by messing with connections between the mortal realm and the Nevernever, I site the Gatekeeper and Odin as examples.  Maybe as an advanced application of opening a Way.

In combat, could a maneuver be invoked in order to move yourself around?  Is some other method possible?  Maybe by some very strange use of Block rules, like blocking yourself from all target zones shunts you to an undesginated one?

What do you think the difficulties of summoning mortal realm objects and people are?  My guess is you have to beat their defense, stress track and consequences, but there could be other reasons.

Teleporting has always been one of my favorite tricks and I'm having a hard time imagining it can't be done and is never worth the effort so I'd like to see reasoned opinions and get my curiosity satisfied.

DFRPG / Recharging Enchanted Items?
« on: September 29, 2012, 06:20:16 AM »
Would it really be game breaking to allow a caster to set up a thaumaturgic ritual in order to recharge an enchanted item? 

I realize that it's not exactly canon by the series or the rule books, but if it was a feature built into the item I'm not really sure why it couldn't be done.  Probably safer if it -is- a feature since I imagine that would increase the cost of the item to create, perhaps taking up another item slot.  But with the possible setbacks of failing a ritual, and the time consumed by performing a ritual that might balance things out just fine.

What do you guys think?

Mostly I see this not really being an issue anyway, except for perhaps something like a generator, set it, let it start to burn through shifts of duration as it works and when it gets low or runs out then run a refueling ritual.  The practicality of it is mostly for creating a possibly cheaper way of achieving longer duration effects.  Could make that whole wizard problem with technology somewhat easier to bear though if they could create magical analogues, which I think they should.

DFRPG / Character Concept Help: Infomancer
« on: September 27, 2012, 09:24:25 PM »
Hey guys, I'm pretty new to the whole DFRPG thing, but I've had a chance to read the books through a few times and it's got my creative juices flowing. Something I'm wondering about is a character who works for the Archive.  The Archive can do a lot, but there are at least two things she can't do, spend all her time browsing the Internet in order to print out useful information (because electronically stored information is out of the reach of the Archive entity/power/thing), and she can't be two places at once.  This being the case I figure it makes some sense for her to have a lackey.  I also think it makes sense for her to be able to act as a Sponsor considering that Harry comments she's on the same power level as Maeve, or maybe Mab.

That being said

High Concept:  Archive's Infomancer
Trouble:  (Haven't got a good idea yet.)
Aspects:  (Same here.)

Skills:  Conviction, Discipline, Stealth, Burglary, Rapport, Deceit, Scholarship, Lore

I haven't prioritized them, but I figure those are the biggies, social skills for prying info out of people who have it in their heads and that's the only place to find it, stealth and burglary for breaking into electronic data storage facilities, especially those not connected to th net,and lore and scholarship because duh, he works for the Archive.

Something that allows him to determine social stress with Conviction, because I don't envision him being charismatic, or highly noticeable, a la Martin.
Something to represent his skills with computers which is one of the main reasons he's working for the Archive in the first place.

Powers:  Sponsored Magic

I figure most of his mojo can be useful just by straight up divination thaumaturgy, however it makes sense for him to have access to some stuff he can do fast.  This is especially true if his control over information includes concealment and not just discovery.  Which makes sense to me, the Archive knows practically everything humanity ever has, but there's plenty of things that humanity or at least certain bad individuals have learned that they shouldn't have, so this character gets sent in to remove it, obscure it or destroy it.  In the course of these activities it's likely he needs to be able to deal with immediate physical threats and the like, so veils make sense to me (I.e. obscuring visual information in a conflict).  One thing I see as a problem (and a plot hook!) is if he can also use his magic to read minds and remove or change information in them.  This is two of the Things One Does Not Do, if he's doing it for his boss is it Lawbreaking?  Would the Archive even be cool with that?

What other cool stuff could this character concept make possible?  I've had plenty of ideas, but I've been lurking on this forum for a while now and you guys are the best.  Understanding rules, seeing problems, giving creative advice, etc. ad naseum.

Thanks in advance.

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