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Topics - Dracorex

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DFRPG / Modeling Self-Harm for Spellcasting
« on: May 14, 2016, 07:41:01 PM »
So I'm fiddling with a wizardly character concept for kicks. At 3am in the morning.

So the character is a guilt-ridden guy who also doesn't want to carry around foci and enchanted items for his magical shenanigans, and I'm envisioning him carving symbols into the skin/flesh of his arms in order to use his own blood and pain to fuel his evocation. So I'm not even thinking of it as a once-off-ish thing like when a ritualist/thaumaturge can inflict consequences on themselves to make up requirements for their ritual, I'm thinking this guy basically has scars and new(er) wounds on him basically all the time, as he renews the cuts in a really masochistic version of maintaining/upgrading a focus item.

So how would folks suggest I model this?

So I was thinking a stunt to let me spend fate points to declare physical consequences (1 FP per consequence) in order to use the corresponding number of available focus item slots (as determined by my Evocation + Refinement) for evocation control and/or power bonuses determined on the spot and then locked in for the duration of however long the corresponding consequence takes to be removed as a result of recovery.

But I'm not sure if the cost/limitations are not enough, or overkill, or what, or if someone can suggest a more elegant solution, of if this is actually a pretty okay plan.

DFRPG / Drawing Circles
« on: February 13, 2013, 04:02:23 PM »
So....I was writing rote spells, agonising over constructing defensive spells, and then it occurred to me: how does one define a circle as seen in the books? The way they act as a barrier to all magical energies, and as a summoning tool?

A manoeuvre to place a temporary Aspect on the person or a block? Neither, but rather a straight skill roll to make the circle, then narratively handled? I suppose the first to provide a tag/invoke for aiding your summoning, and the last for blocking magic. I'd like to hear your thoughts, though.

DFRPG / Scenario Building For People Without Creativity
« on: February 03, 2013, 02:03:59 PM »
((This is where I note that if you're one of my players in the Welcome To Singapore campaign, and want the scenarios to be a surprise, leave now.))

Okay. I give up. I have a fridge full of ingredients, but no dish or recipe comes to mind. What could a powerful wizard, skilled in combat, with a somewhat decent information network, possibly be unable to do, that a group of mortals and minor practitioners could offer help with?

The power level of the PCs is currently Up To Your Knees (7 refresh, 25 skill points, skill cap Great), and the plan, assuming we stay together long enough, is to build them up to awesome levels. We have a ferromancer mechanic, a diviner with visions of the future and aikido skills, a human con artist/thief, a human bouncer, a pseudo-werecat marked by the Wild Hunt, and an ex-Warden who's drowned most of his repertoire at the bottom of a bottle.

The only things they have in common are a penchant for visiting nice bars/nightclubs, take-no-shit-from-anyone attitudes, and a lack of direction in life.

(click to show/hide)

I know that right now my current potential opening scene includes them encountering the wizard, who needs their help because:
1) Obviously, he can't do modern technology much.
2) Most of the PCs would be better in a fistfight than he would be. (When in a situation where revealing supernatural powers would be inadvisable?)
3) He can't be in two places at once, and he only has a couple of associates who will occasionally reluctantly back him up in a fight. If several incidents crop up islandwide....
4) One of the PCs is a professional thief, and no pure mortal would be hampered by not being invited across a threshold.

I'm having trouble building an actual specific scenario for them to be introduced/thrown into, suitable for the current power level. How do I build lead-ins to explore, meet problems like teenage practitioners gone way off base or a greedy two-bit sorcerer binding spirits into service or whatever?

Suggestions would be very much appreciated, the more the merrier.  My most sincerest thanks in advance.

DFRPG / Categorising Items as Enchanted/Focus
« on: January 03, 2013, 01:59:02 PM »
I don't know if anyone's already explained this somewhere, but I'm new and really don't know my way around yet, so....

Why does a Warden Sword occupy enchanted item slots when it has nothing to do with the "limited no. of uses per session, needs recharging" rule for enchanted items?

Is this is a loophole for giving less-qualified Warden characters the item, even if they don't technically have the skill points, slots and such for it? If so, does this mean that we can come up with other items, which were crafted by someone else then given to the character, where the bonuses provided don't actually fit the skill points/slots/etc. requirements of the character (limited by GM and group approval on what would be OP)?

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