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Topics - RevengeofTim

Pages: [1]
DFRPG / Help me win a duel!
« on: June 05, 2012, 11:54:39 PM »
Hey there.

I have a duel against one of the four knaves, a group of sidhe who are above the knights, below the ladies. He's a winterborn, spellcaster and social character, while I am an evocator.
It's most likely to the death, a duel of energy, and the adjudicator is utterly neutral. Unfortunately, I'm 10 refresh, he's 13 or so.

My character:

William Wescott
High Concept: Warlock in Remission
Trouble: I hate you, Wescott!
Evocation [-3],  The Sight [-1],Wizard's Constitution [-0], Soulgaze [-0], Lawbreaker-1st  [-1], 
Adjusted Refresh: 3

Been Around a Long Long Year
Magic doesn't solve my problems
Bad Deaths For Good Reasons
The burned hand teaches best
Abandoned by the Abyss

Superb Weapons
Great Conviction
Great Discipline
Good Endurance
Good Lore
Fair Alertness
Fair Athletics
Fair Intimidation
Average Rapport
Average Scholarship (Latin)
Average Empathy
Average Deceit

Stunts and Magic:
Evocation Speciality: Water control +1
Elements: Water, Wind, Spirit
No Pain, No gain
3 free rote slots
Water Staff Foci: +2 Offensive Water Control

Physical: O O O O (+2 mild consequences)
Mental: O O O O
Social: O O

Information I know:

Barry Gelida

High concept "One of the four sidhe Knaves"
Trouble "The moon is just the sun at night"
Moonlight Shadow
Heart of ice
mind of ice
soul of ice
"Hey babe, Need ice with that?"
Epic Crafting
Fantastic Discipline, Deceit
Superb Empathy, Lore, Presence
Great Conviction, Rapport
Good Contacts, Alertness
Fair Athletics, Intimidation
Average Weapons, Endurance
physical OOO
mental OOOOOO (armour one vs mental stress)
social OOOO (plus one additional mild concequence)
Greater Glamours -4
Unseelie magic -4
Marked by power -1 (the winter court)
Thaumaturgy (specialised in crafting) -3
Inhuman Stoicism [-2]
Description: Your mind is abnormally stout, withstanding far more abuse then the average human.
Musts:  No protection against self-inflicted attacks or stress is provided. You  must attach this power to an appropriate mental Catch (page YS:185).
Skills Affected: Conviction (page YS:124), other mental skills.
Hard to Twist. You naturally have Armor:1 against all mental stress.
Hard to Break. You have two additional boxes of mental stress capacity.
Physical Immunity (cold)-3
the catch Cold iron +3
soul gaze -1

I've never tried fighting another practitioner one on one, especially not one with seemings and greater glamours. I'm going to try to get a crafter in the party to make me a potion that will let me see through glamours, and I'm wearing chainmail. What sort of spells should I throw, should I defend first, should I pile manouevers on myself pre-duel? Please help me stomp a faerie into the ground. Oh, and if it'll convince you, the duel was solely because I kept infuriating him. Every time he said 'I see' I made it sound like he'd made a pun on 'icy' and made him sound like he was making awful puns. I love being compelled. :D

DFRPG / Valkyrie Scion and the Catch
« on: May 31, 2012, 11:17:37 PM »
Hey, I'm making a Valkyrie Scion, and I bought Inhuman Toughness and Recovery. I didn't really like the idea of using mistletoe or hawthorne or whatever, so I decided that, as she's a scion, maybe the Catch could be Supernatural attacks, for example; claws, inhuman strength, magic, etc. The idea being that her blood gives her better protection from mundane assault.

Two questions; 1) Is that a reasonable catch? 2) How would you price it?

Last session, my character, William Wescott, successfully took back Lasciel's coin, which had been taken from him. In the process, the top floor of a casino-hotel was utterly trashed, and the list of casualties included; a winter court ambassador, the leading Matriarch of House Amon of the White Court, a necromancer by the name of Jack Napier, who is dead in flesh only, and several attendants, bodyguards and of course, the sorcerer who took my coin, Nathan. Also lost to the conflict was William's right arm up to the elbow, courtesy of a 13 shift hellfire blast that annihilated Napier. Notable other points included a friendly practitioner drinking a 'hulk' potion and nutting said Matriarch to death, a friendly air mage throwing a ninja around with air spells that rely on martial arts stances, and a demon in semi mortal form punching everyone in the face.

tl;dr my party killed two Faces of the city in one huge 12 hour session, gained 2 refresh, got my denarius back, damn it feels good to be a gangster.

What have you guys done lately?

DFRPG / Quick Question on the Faerie Knights
« on: April 01, 2012, 09:52:04 AM »
Very quick question (I hope)

Is your word binding around the summer or winter knight?

If dresden and fix made a bargain, would it be subject to the kind of stuff faeries can do?
Or are they considered mortals? Cos the Knights can lie, obviously.

DFRPG / Roleplaying a Knight of a Faerie Court
« on: March 24, 2012, 08:22:42 PM »
I've been a GM and a player of different games for more than a decade and I've read all the Dresden books, but this still bothers me.
I may be playing one in an upcoming game and I'm not sure how to roleplay someone who lives amongst mortals and fae, who has obligations and travels, but also has free will.
Who can lie, but is often as squirrelly as the sidhe. The fact that all the Knights seem to be different doesn't help. Fix in particular seems to have an odd way of talking, one moment mortal and informal, then when important business comes up, talks like an etiquette handbook on the fae, only less clear.

So, how should I talk and act as a Champion of Summer or Winter?

DFRPG / Rote Spells
« on: December 02, 2011, 11:21:44 PM »
Noob questions, awayyyy!

What rote spells get you the most 'bang for your buck' so to speak?
I've heard that attacks aren't always the best method, but what do that leave?

I've got;
Great Conviction (+4)
Great Discipline (+4)
Good Lore (+3)
Air, Water and Spirit as elements.

Utterly lost on what spells to build, so any help would be appreciated!

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