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Topics - Stormraven

Pages: [1]
DFRPG / Physical Investment
« on: August 16, 2010, 04:53:55 PM »
I've run into this as an option in another game (name escapes me off hand) where one could take actual physical effort and apply it to one's magic.

So, in DFRPG terms, that would mean allowing a character to use her physical stress track as well as magical for spell-casting.

What level of refresh would you require for that?  My immediate thought was -2 or -3 - I don't see going much higher because in any conflict, adding physical stress could backfire big time - but I don't see it being cheaper because it does increase their spell-casting, even if only in theory.

DFRPG / Advice please - Trouble Aspect and Character Creation
« on: July 28, 2010, 04:42:53 AM »
As an experiment - and to have a ready character if I can ever find a PbP game - I've been thinking up a Wiccan Sorceress.  I decided on Sorceress because I don't think I could create the character as a Wizard, but maybe a GM would let her eventually grow into her Wizardness...

I already figure that she'll have Bless this House, and as a Sorceress, will need Evocation and Thaumaturgy, with the rest of the Wizard stuff coming later, and probably a couple of the Conviction Mortal Stunts.

But I was wondering if, in the context of the Dresdenverse, 'The Wiccan Rede' would be a valid Trouble.  I can see it being somewhat restrictive - in the same sense that the laws of magic are - but I'm not sure it's at the level of a Trouble.

For those who don't know it:
Eight words the Wiccan Rede fulfill.  An it harm none, do what ye will.

DFRPG / Aspect Help
« on: July 21, 2010, 10:54:58 PM »
Hi, folks.  I'm playing in a PbP game elsewhere, and need a little help.

I have an aspect that's been approved, but I want it to pop more than it does.  The character's an Evocation Prodigy - Invoke for bonuses to Evocation Power, Compel to use more power than is wise, basically.

Like I say, it's been approved, but I'm wondering if there isn't a more Fuego way to say it.  Thoughts?

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