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Topics - Madmacabre

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DFRPG / Spellcasters make the others obsolete?
« on: March 01, 2011, 02:16:59 PM »
Hello all!

I wanted to share some toughts and maybe get some insights from other Gms.

Over the course of the last few months we played a couple sessions of DFRPG. My group consists of a Red Court Infected (Stage Magician), Changeling (half brownie park ranger) and an Emmisary of power (Traditional chinese ways and spirits). The Emmisary of power has the Sponsored Magic power.

The characters are very interesting and the stories are a bliss to create and run. Gotta say that FATE is quite a nice system.

Unfortunately, after a couple game session we found that when you have a spellcaster (anyone with access to Thaumaturgy or Evocation in one form or the other), the other characters tend to become obsolete very fast.

Spellcasters always have the right spell for the right situation. In combat their damage potential is over the top compared to any other types of characters and they can pretty much do the same things as anyone else using a little time and magic.

We recognize that spellcaster have limited ressources based on their mental stress track, but when they choose to act, its never boring! A single attack could vaporize even the most powerful NPC.

How do you manage your spellcasters in your game?

How do you create challenge that others will excel at and where the spellcaster won’t “steal the show”?

Would it be more appropriate to have a full spellcaster campaign?

Thanks for the insights

DFRPG / Addictive Saliva and the 4th Law of magic
« on: January 28, 2011, 02:20:01 PM »
One of my PC is an infected red.

What happens when he uses his addictive saliva power? Does he break the 4th law? Is he subject to the Warden's retribution? Can he be forced to take the Lawbreaker power?

And given the vampire war being active in my game, are red infected targets of white council? Or do they still consider them humans?


DFRPG / Wards and Landmine
« on: January 21, 2011, 02:46:13 PM »
Hello all...

Let's say you have a 6 shifts ward with a 4 shift landmine attached to it.

1) When does the landmine explode? (a) When the ward is "attacked", (b) when an attack actually bypass it, or (c) when the ward is destroyed?

2) In the event of (a) and (b), how many times can the landmine be activated? Is this a one shot deal? Does it have "charges"?

Thanks a lot guys!

DFRPG / Using thaumaturgy to cast a "shield" spell
« on: January 06, 2011, 04:11:24 AM »
One of my player (sorcerer) wants to protect himself with a shield spell (armor 2 or3) and wants to use the thaumaturgy approach to have the spell last for a whole day.

Is this overpowered? A player could easily build an armor 5 or 6 protection this way, which seems quite powerful.

What mechanics should be used? Item creation or ward type spell approach?

DFRPG / Using Thaumaturgy for Evocation effects
« on: December 11, 2010, 06:13:21 AM »
Hello all,

Is it possible to use Thaumaturgy to copy evocation effects?

For example, in the thaumaturgy section it is stated that Wards are really just bonified shield spells. But could a spell sligner build up a super strong shield, with a long duration, using the thaumaturgy method?

This seems quite powerful as high complexity spells are much easier to cast (but take more time) using the thaumaturgy method.


Another question...

What type of spellcaster have access to the sight, and to hexing?

I presume anything with Evocation, Thaumaturgy, Channeling and ritual are in for both effects. But what about the others?

Spponsored Magic?


DFRPG / Red vs Black
« on: November 30, 2010, 06:45:36 PM »
Hello all!

What is the difference between the catch of Black and Red court vampires?

For black its said that its pretty much Stokers' traditional vulnerabilities (sun, stake, garlic, holy stuff).

For red, its said its such things as: sun, holy stuff...

Both are not being very clear and definitive. In addition, they look quite the same...

How do you interprete those catch in your game?

DFRPG / Blood Drinker
« on: November 26, 2010, 04:16:27 AM »
I am not sure I understand how it works and as one of my player plans to play an infected...I better get that part straight!


If I understand correctly, when you hit with your claws/firsts or a weapon, you an choose to actually drink blood. This boost you in some way as it grants you a +1 to attack on the same target.

Is the +1 cumulative per attack on the same target (draining more and more blood)?

Does the drinked blood help recover from any feeding dependency negative effect (failure recovery)?


If you kill a victime from feeding...

Does it mean killing a victim using the DRINK BLOOD effect?

If you ever benefit from this effect, you are essentially moving from Infected mortal to full fledge Red Court right?

DFRPG / To compel or not to compel
« on: November 23, 2010, 03:02:14 PM »
As a GM, do you compel the "negative" aspects that affect your NPCs? Or do you wait for your PCs to actually spend some of their FATE points?

How does it work?

For example, an NPC is affected by the aspect "Stunned". When its his time to act, should the GM compel the aspect to limit his actions if none of the PC actually do so? If no one compel the aspect, its almost like the NPC is actually not Stunned...right?

This leads to my main issue I guess...which is probably caused by my lack of experience with the FATE system.

When an aspect is in place, it seem to only matter if someone uses a FATE point to activate it. Otherwise the aspect have no real impact on the scene.

Back to the "stunned" aspect on an NPC. What does it change for the NPC to have such aspect if no one compels it? He just goes and act normally? Or is it the GM's responsability to compel the NPC's aspect? And if the GM do so, why would PCs ever bother to actually use their own FATE points?

Thanks a lot guys for the help!

I think this is among the last elements I have to clear out in my head before I am fully comfortable with the FATE system...

DFRPG / Animate Dead - With Evocation'sMethods and Speed
« on: November 23, 2010, 04:33:51 AM »
Hello all...

Based on p.301, Zombie Animation requires a summoning portion (6 to 10 complexity levels) and then followed by an actual binding (10 to 14 complexity)

This is all fine and balanced.

But when you look at the KEMMLERIAN NECROMANCY sponsored magic, it is suggested that you could do necromancy effect "With Evocation'sMethods and Speed".

If I understand correctly, it means that the spellcaster would need to provide energy for 6-10/10-14 power (the summoning and then the binding), and he still would need to make a discipline roll for both effect to actually control them. Right?

How feasible is this? Looks like an effect that would actually use all of the character's resources at once. And even more...

I ask the question because one of my player came up with the concept of an Emissary of power who's abilities come from his asian ancestors. He would have the Sponsored Magic linked to the ability to summon ancestral asian spirits. One of the ability he was looking at was the ability to animate traditional asian statues using ancestral spirits...which would be very similar to animate a zombie. Ok, a little more powerful, but considering the rarity of suitable statues I can live with that.

So how does it work? Because if My understanding of the Zombie Animation With Evocation'sMethods and Speed is correct, there is NO WAY he could accomplish the task with starting stats.

DFRPG / Thaumaturgy: Summoning
« on: November 22, 2010, 02:52:20 PM »
Hello all...

As I understand it, when you attempt a summoning you must first prepare the ward (well the containing), then the actual summoning and finally, as an option, you could try a binding.

That third part is optional as you can simply negociate with the being to get what you need.

But if you want to go forward and actually bind the summoned creature, you seem to have two options:

- Use a spell to control the being with a full contest. This requires a LOT of shifts as you essentially need to take out the being.

- Use the being's TRUE NAME you can "attack" the being using your Discipline or Spirit evocation.

Now, what's the real difference between the two? Don't you have to  '"take out" the being on both cases? And should the method using the TRUE NAME be a lot  "easier" considering the strong link (plus normally TRUE NAME are supposed to grant major power over a being)?

I just don't see how using the TRUE NAME method is more powerful/easier then using direct spell casting.

Is it because using TRUE NAME is available even to non-casters and therefore their only real option to actually bind a spirit?

Thanks for the clarification guys!

DFRPG / Wards and Landmines
« on: May 13, 2010, 02:31:45 PM »
Wards can have a landmine effect attached to them. Essentially its an effect that attacks anyone who tries to force the ward.

How often can the landmine be used before its depleted?

Is it a one shot deal? Or the effect lasts as long as the ward is operational?

For example, if the landmine effect is a fire attack with 6 power levels. Is only the first target forcing the ward affected by it or any and all of those who attack the ward for the whole duration?


DFRPG / Evocation attack or maneuver...or both?
« on: May 04, 2010, 06:18:22 PM »
How does it work using the Dresdenverse system to do called shots? For example, A PC aims and shoot at a target's legs, ultimately to cause damage and reduce any movement. How does it work?

What are the penalties?

Is it simply a sticky maneuver? Or is it a normal attack where any consequences would likely be in the line of "wounded leg"?

DFRPG / Played the questions!
« on: May 03, 2010, 12:37:06 PM »
Hello all!
We just had our first session (2 players, one GM and none with experience with FATE). The following are questions that were raised during the game sessions.
1) When, following one of your action, a target gets a consequence, can you tag that consequence for free as if you "created" it?

2) Is it abusing the rule to have a very strong character, which is represented by the Might skill, use that skill to complement weapon and fists actions, essentially increasing damage by 1 stress? To me it does not make sense to have a kid hitting with a dagger doign as much as a pro wrestler.
3) For initiative, is it in the order of Alertness score, or the result of an Alertness skill roll?

4) As a GM, if a PC took the mild consequence "Dizzy", can every attackers tag his aspect, even in in the same exchange? So if he is attacked by 3 people, he would get 3 fate points...?
Similarily, can the same aspect be used, in different ways, more then once per exchange? For example, can it be compeled and then invoked in the same exchange?

5) If a character suffer from the Prone aspect, does he require a manoeuver himself to remove that aspect, essentially using an action to stand up? Or could it be considering moving one zone and therefore only imposing a -1  on the next action? I guess it depends if the souce of the prone aspect is actively trying to maintain the situation.

6) For Thaumaturgy/Ritual magic, once you have accumulated enough COMPLEXITY you get to roll your discipline to actually fuel the spell. How long are each rolls?
And how long does it take to create a thaumaturgical/ritual effect, when a) The control is lower or equal to your Lore, b) the control is higher then your Lore. Essentially, the qustion is if Thaumaturgy/ritual could be used in a combat situation (a quick ward for example). I understand that if you require research to meat the control requirement, the required time is much longer, but how long would it take to create a ward 3, if you have Lore 3...essentially doing a quick chant and drawing a circle around you.

7) How do you deal with MOOKS? Do they have Consequences? Are they out of combat (dead?) once their stress track is busting?

8) If you consider mooks to NOT have consequences, do they DIE when out of stress? This si espericllay important with regards to the first law of magic.
That's pretty much it for now.

Thanks for the help!

DFRPG / DO and DONT of scenario creation
« on: April 30, 2010, 11:17:24 PM »
Hello all,

I am brand new to FATE and I am in the process of putting my first Dresden RPG game together.

I created my city as it is proposed in the book. I also prepared a few minor plots as well as my main “situation”, which is the drive behind the first story.

Now, this is all nice and good on paper. But when its time to run a game for 3 or 4 of your buddies, you need to be more prepared then that. Background material only get you so far...

How do you organize your scenario so that its efficient for actually running the game?

All I have for now are the big lines of my story. But should I break it down into chapters and scenes? Should I prepare some conflicts in advance?

What material do you get ready before running a game?

Anyway, if you have experience running Dresden (or FATE games), would you care sharing some of your HOW TO, DO and DON’T ?

Thanks a lot.

DFRPG / Changeling/Fay weakness
« on: April 29, 2010, 01:33:10 PM »
Hello all,

One of my player is planning to play a changeling and he asked me what are the effects of his "Fay Weaknesses". I told him I would get back to him with specifics, but even after reading both book I am not sure I have a clean answer for him.

If I understand correctly, Changeling weaknesses are similar to the Fay weaknesses, only reduced to a nuisance level. So essentiallty, they are aspect to be tagged and natural CATCH for whatever toughness powers.

Is that appropriate?

Now, what about the True Fay weaknesses? As I read the books I am not sure I understand the difference in game effect. Does Iron cause more damage to them?

How more severe are the True Fay weaknesses? And how is it represented in the rules...?

Thanks a lot for the help!

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