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Topics - Tinfoil hat

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DF Spoilers / Carlos and Chandler's mentors
« on: April 04, 2024, 06:52:15 PM »
Been thinking given their rapid rise in rank and the fact that they seem to be trusted by the Establishment. Who are Carlos and Chandler's mentors.
Is there any Woj about them?
Cause i think there is so much there!.

Chandler is a wizard Luccio trusts above most. Carlos is Carlos and holds any important position at a young age.

DF Spoilers / Great another starborn theory, this time with vampires
« on: January 23, 2024, 11:01:02 AM »
So starborn have to be sacrificed at the stars and stones right ? RIGHT
Think about it, Lea tells Harry to never let Mab  bring him to the altar. And repeats it again in Changes. I don’t think that warning is about him becoming the Winter knight.
There is an old WOJ that Drakul is something inhuman stuffed in a human body. And he is a starborn. Hold that thought.
There is a theory going around that the Red King and Pa Wraith are also starborn. Evidence for this is a) for Pa Wraith the outsider protection thing he has. According to the theory he was a starborn of a previous cycle. Hence his expertise on starborn. He was sacrificed and came back with something extra. The defense thing he has.
As for the Red King his entire motif just gives outsider vibes. Lord of the outer night. Anyone?
Back to Dresden. In the BAT, the Winter Queen has to sacrifice a Starborn. To keep reality going.  Hence she takes Harry to the altar and sacrifices him. The he comes back an  immortal with something stuffed inside him. This would explain Mab’s advice from BG.
This can explain why Mab wants Harry to kill Molly. She won’t be able to kill Harry a second time this soon.
It also explains a lot of things such as why Harry keeps getting things that whisper in his head. First Lash and now the mantle. Its Uriel helping to prepare Harry for whats to come.
The question becomes whats going to come back with Harry.
But remember that just a Theory a Conspiracy Theory

DF Spoilers / Reforming the WC
« on: July 09, 2023, 07:25:53 PM »

We have discussed how the WC is old and needs to change my question is how. This was brought on by a discussion on reforming the UN. Another useless organization. Or is it?
Do you do get rid of the SC position?. Or have wizards vote for them. DEMOCRACY BOY!!!!. Bare in mind the SC is feared and is the reason why the WC IS FEARED. Luccio implies that as long as the SC stands wizards will win the RC war no matter what happens to the wardens. Do choose a Merlin who is weak but good at politics? How will you hold the WC together? If the SC is now weak.
Do you give little talent membership? Will they vote?

DF Spoilers / The WK AND SK, AND LADIES power level and purpose
« on: May 21, 2023, 02:18:21 PM »

Been rereading the books. The Knights are said to hold a lot of power. But we never see then doing anything beyond mortal with winter/summer power. They seem to be wizard level at best. Ditto the Ladies they seem SC level. On the other hand the Knights were have met Slate was a thug. Not brains type.
Then BG was released and Harry uses the banner. The first Knight in centuries to do so. And I started thinking.
In Cold Days Maeve says Harry can kill Mab. Here the thing what if the banner is the Knights true power calling others to your side. My theory is the knights are the field commander of all the fae forces. Wk for winter Sk for summer.
A fully realized Knight can summon forces to his side at will. Including creatures of the fae court he serves. Hold that thought will get back to it.
Remember the Milwaukee incident were the city vanished to hours and the current form of the accords was signed as a result. Once so a WOJ that it was the Knights fighting that triggered it. The Knights involved must have tapped in to their true power unknowingly and started a war between the courts.
Mab and Titania done tell the new Knights they true power. Only a competent knight gets to release what their purpose is.
Meanwhile the Ladies are the 4 star generals meant to give the Knights their orders.

DF Spoilers / Why is only one/2 swords active
« on: April 30, 2023, 09:27:00 PM »
Its always bothered me 3 swords are enough for the whole planet. 30 denarii, countless gods and monsters. 3 swords will do thank you every much.
And then during most of  the series, there are only 2 active swords mostly one. Why? Thin eliminating the Red Court sent 3 swords. Enthinu (sp no time to check) sent 2. Here the thing it part of the plan.
Mr Sunshine is a master Chessplayer. He using batman gambits , Xanatos gambits and who knows what else. What if the presence of all three swords would have prevented the BC from being active. Nemesis would be more careful in its plans. Less reckless.
Think Nic’s plan in Skingame. He made sure the sword was far away. What if in order to get the villains to act prematurely. Dude removes the swords to get the villains to act before they are ready. Giving team Inside the chance to win

Put on your tinfoil hats people this one is a Crazy
Everyone says cowl is harry a future harry. But all the points point to Marcone.
Jim ' you have meet Cowl.' Evil laugh.
The every first villain we met is Marcone. Marcone has a fallen angel teaching him magic.
Give a century or 2 how much power will he have. Then he breaks the LAW and time travels. Boom mind blown.
Also explains why he calls him harry in the new novella. Think about it. After 2 centuries or more of constantly fighting and losing or harry ruining his plans its personal.
That explains why Cowl is so powerful. Not sure how much of Marcone is left. Or if Nams is wearing him to the prom.
But that just a theory a conspiracy theory. Bu hahahaha. *Cough*
All the points about Harry can also apply to John. Master of the future indeed.

DF Spoilers / Weak Masquerade
« on: March 07, 2023, 11:39:40 AM »
Its always bothered me why the Masquerade is so weak in the Dresden files universe.
Harry says that advertising that he is a Wizard is frowned upon but not illegal. No one calls him up on it. Not the Merlin, not Mab , not any one.
We hear talk off of people keeping things quiet but not by much.
The video in fool's moon, Ortega as a vam debunking specialist. Mostly people/things just act like humans will choose to look the other way.
Harry mentions that everyone is always surprised how easy it is to figure about the supernatural. Hell, the WC strategy of dealing with some threats is let everyone know.
Which may explain why the Masquerade is weak.
Its just weak enough to keep the Darwin award winners out. If you make contact with the supernatural and are to stupid to live bye. But if you are useful welcome to the Masquerade.

DF Spoilers / Winter and summer relationship
« on: February 24, 2023, 07:20:14 PM »

This is a long one.
We are told that they hate each other. Ok cool. Then we are shown the ladies have a working relationship. Mab and Titania don’t talk becoz they hate each other. Fine I grant you they could act liasons. Even the US and the Soviets had Ambassadors. But here is where thinks get weird for me. In Cold days the new summer lady is reviewed to be spending to much time with the winter lady. No one in their courts says anything. Even in Summer knights. Maeve and Aurora seem to get along.
Mother Summer says summer job is to protect the rest of you from winter. Cool.
Then BG happens. And bob says that Mab and Titania fight as practice. In the end of the book when Titania shows up it seems she genuinely loves her sister. There could be other reasons why they don’t talk.
My tinfoil hat theory is that its an elaborate hoax. Summer is winter’s testing ground. Mab has a potential starborn she wants to test. Look at that we are going to war. Wants to see if her new toy or strategy works ready made testing ground.
Not sure Mab and Titania are awre of this
Also it could be that its part of the plan. Something from the outside, or someone who works for Outside needs allies naturally trys to recruit winter’s enemy exposing themselves. Just like what Nemesis did.
That’s just a theory a conspiracy theory
Couldn’t resist

DF Spoilers / How much information does the WC have
« on: February 06, 2023, 11:57:47 AM »
How informed are the SC about the world

In BG when Mab mentions the Outer Gates, he notices that not everyone understands what is happening. He also mentions that the members of the SC seem to get it. When discussing the armor Enthiu is wearing the others looks to them for advice. In PG the Merlin seems to know enough about the swords.

DF Spoilers / Wizard finances
« on: December 11, 2022, 03:00:20 PM »
A comment on another chat got me thinking. A lot of villains have asked why harry is poor when he can use his talents to be rich. Nic, las,and other have said he should be living it up. On the hand their is a woj that the Winter knight is not a paying job becoz Mab thinking only an idioit would fail to make money from being the Wk( which explains harry's financial issues kkk).
In other books about the war harry states that rhe W council has a whole is rich. So how would a wizard make make money in the modern world.
Harry in book 1 and 2 admits he once sold a wileight loss potion. Bob ( bless his soul if he has one ) suggests breast enhancement potions

DF Spoilers / Why EVERYONE is ok with a wardenless demonreach
« on: September 12, 2022, 04:21:22 PM »
So when last did Demonreach last have a warden before harry got the job. The books imply at least 5 years. I have seen so say 15 years or more. Which is crazy, cause Demonreach is scary and powerful. All the major players seem to know about it. Yet none seem to be willing to attempt a power grap and take it for themselves in the years without a  warden. Mab in Changes claims Demonreach could have defended itself from the ladies and co. And BG implies that the Warden is a weakness thst can be used to get in the island being able to defend itself. NEMESIS’S plan
Stop theory time
What if in the early days the council always made sure their was a warden. But most candidates died trying to bound with it. Thosewere the lucky ones. Those who succeed ended up getting unstable. This could explain why no one rushes to fill the spot its more troble than its worth.

DF Spoilers / Maggie white council spy
« on: September 05, 2022, 11:51:10 AM »
Something that bothers me about maggie lefay. Everyone says they knew her, bad guys, good guys, mab and they all say she was a piece of work
We are told hell was waiting for her only tl be robbed. Wardens wanted to bring her down. But she is somehow on good terms with morgan and luccio. Has meetings with rashid.
And is somehow the council's choose togive birth to and raise a starborn. Thats something which I  think requires  someone u trust to do.
So my theory is that the SC did trust her. Maybe they told her to get involved with possible enemies of the council to learn their plans. Maggie is told by raith that the vampires are trying to create a starborn. She tells the council they decide to steal the plan for themselves while using raith as a cover. Thomas is the result of an experiment to see if they can engineer a child born at a specific time. When it works. The council hives the go ahead.
Then Mr Sunshine manipulates maggie by introducing her to a random good guy.

DF Spoilers / In defense of the WC
« on: August 07, 2022, 10:31:53 AM »
1st time poster
This topic has been discussed before. But
In the past the wc has been criticized for its head off first ask qns never policy in regard to the warlocks. But think about this, most members of the wc are a couple hundred years old or older. Most of them either saw kemmler rise or have masters, mentors or friends who were there. I think its possible that kemmler had a trial and was placed under the doom. Instead of turning a new leaf, he became well him. The council members who voted for leniency probably carry a lot of quilt over what he eventually became.
Then comes harry Dresden. I mean come on. All the older wizards seem to be able to tell how strong someone is, and how strong they will come. Justin was trained by the council's vampire expert, justin was probably not a push over and harry beat him at 16. Given that morgan thought Dresden was a destroyer, I think the older generations have an idea or suspect what harry was meant to be. Everyone looks at harry and rightly sees a stronger, better version of kemmler who in a couple of centuries will be as strong as Ebenezer.

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