Now suppose these probably could run into some copyright, but...
Vampire Diaries
White Satin
Cast Away
Dated Diary
Chicago Wizards
Foul Fall
Winter's Warmth
Sweet Spring
(we already had Summer Knight)
Court Cases
Lady Love/Lust
Demon Dates
Or a bit negative:
Trauma tracks
Fears Alone
Downer Ending
Sweats Sorrow
I think I like Lady Love most, of these - even if obviously Lara is not much a lady not very loving... but I'm sure Molly can be woven in to make it fit :p
Most of these aren't really idioms or common phrases, though, right? I'd say Cast Away, Court Cases, Lady Love are, but the only one of those that gets close to plot adjacent is Lady Love, and that'd have more to do with Molly than Lara. I could see Court Cases being about issues between the courts, a la Lara and Molly, but Molly is playing ball as far as we know.
I don't think I've heard that as a phrase or idiom.
These are apt phrases, although I'd argue INDECENT PROPOSAL is more common and still apt than DP.