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Messages - Tinfoil hat

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DF Spoilers / Re: Carlos and Chandler's mentors
« on: April 18, 2024, 03:13:17 PM »
Agreed, though I think the Merlin was right in the case of the Koren Kid, he was too far down the tubes to rehab with the Doom. I do think Harry was also right when he argued in Molly's defense, that most of these kids deserve a chance at rehab.  The problem Harry will run into will be the same problem that the Merlin and the White Council have run into, enough qualified wizards willing to take on the risk of being responsible for an apprentice under the Doom, since they themselves would suffer the same fate if the apprentice went full warlock.  And yes, I think Harry capable of executing a full warlock kid.  Harry may find himself having to reform the system so that it is fair to kids who do dumb dangerous stuff with their new found talent before they know better, and at the same time weeding out those who cannot be redeemed... Easier said than done... ::)
Agreed it easier said than done.
Even without the doom over their heads( I doubt Harry would retain it of wizards willing to rehab young kids who are potential warlocks) he would still have difficulty finding wizards willing to play babysitter for a potential warlock. Dark magic is addictive. Helping someone kick an addiction is hard and most people ain't suited for the job even if willing which most people aren't.

DF Spoilers / Re: Carlos and Chandler's mentors
« on: April 17, 2024, 05:13:03 PM »
So far as we know, all mantles are constructs, made by an entity for a purpose.
Who could (and would!) create such a mantle?

I suppose the Archive has the knowledge to create it; and there's enough power on the Island to do the implementation... but, why would she?  Her Oblivion-War duties are big on secrecy, and adding a new & independent globe-trotting Mantle to the mix looks like a huge gaping OpSec hole...

The Gatekeeper sent Harry that cryptic "black magic in Chicago" message; so he seems to already be capable of doing "black magic scans" & the like (though  that could have just been smoke & mirrors, with Mab tipping off the Gatekeeper to feed Harry the bait, so she could reel him in...) .
Also, Harry "I've got Authority Issues" Dresden would himself be a really ironic target for becoming the ultimate Authority Figure on the issue of Magic!  (this is not, I should note, any argument that Jim wouldn't inflict such a thing upon Harry!)
Jim would definitely do that.
But speaking of what Jim would do. I see Jim making Harry the leader of a new council. And the Harry having to realise that no matter how hard you try someone will always fail through the cracks Especially when youaredealing with the whole world. It would destroy Harry to have togive the kill the crazy  warlock order.6

DF Spoilers / Re: Carlos and Chandler's mentors
« on: April 05, 2024, 08:06:51 PM »
I think it was Summer knights. He laughed at Harry's bad latin ( stupid correspondence lessons)

DF Spoilers / Re: Mab Roade with the conquerer
« on: April 04, 2024, 06:58:46 PM »
In Old British law forvever meant before 1066. Like from a legal definition. Just wanted to share that bit of useless information. Thanks

DF Spoilers / Carlos and Chandler's mentors
« on: April 04, 2024, 06:52:15 PM »
Been thinking given their rapid rise in rank and the fact that they seem to be trusted by the Establishment. Who are Carlos and Chandler's mentors.
Is there any Woj about them?
Cause i think there is so much there!.

Chandler is a wizard Luccio trusts above most. Carlos is Carlos and holds any important position at a young age.

DF Spoilers / Re: Does Thomas get a free pass?
« on: March 15, 2024, 10:32:51 AM »
Lara may be anxious about Thomas, but she won't blame Harry for his condition. She's very practical, does love her family and realizes that not only did Harry not cause this injury to Thomas, but that she forced Harry into considerable danger in saving Thomas' life from the Svartalves and hiding him on the island.

I also think Thomas can remain a vampire and still wield a Sword. We've already seen Susan use one on a mission of love to save her daughter. Thomas can use the same Sword of Love to save the souls of Justine and his child. What happens after that is open. Perhaps prolonged exposure to the Sword will change the nature of his demon. Or maybe he's only a Knight for that mission since we've been told that being a long-term sword wielder is not the normal. Maybe they get rid of Papa Raith and Thomas becomes the new White King and Lara becomes Harry's sidekick.

I'm sure all these guesses are wrong but until Jim tells the story, WAGs are all we've got.
On a side note, I like the way Jim writes Lara and Harry. Like at the start Lara was like Harry Dresden not so bright wizard i can manipulate. At the end of I think Blood Rites she finds out Harry staged is talk with Pa Raith so she would find out what he really thinks of her. She takes down PaRaith but i think in the back of her mind she realizes that she was used and Harry is smarter that she thinks. In White Night Harry figures out her play. In her mind Dresden is probably some mad genius using confusion fu on her.

DF Spoilers / Re: Lara and Harry
« on: March 05, 2024, 01:07:32 PM »
All of that, yes.
I think access to Papa Raith's library is on Mab's agenda (likely, as you suggest, to power-up Harry).
Further isolating Harry from his Mortal allies (Mab sees mortal ties as a weakness, after all).

The biggest one, I suspect, is that Mab wants to find the Whampire Nemfection-vector:  Papa-Raith had Outsider-fueled protections, and an Outsider-fueled curse (that the porn-starlet coven used), and Justine got Nemfected apparently from working closely with Lara.  Something seems to be rotten at the core of the White Court.

And -- oh look! -- Mab has a Starborn WK (just the thing for stomping on Outsiders!); time to toss a HarryDresdenGrenade into that bunker.
Thats a great image. Genuinely laughed.
But that seems like a Mab thing to do.

DF Spoilers / Re: Gatekeeper
« on: March 05, 2024, 01:00:39 PM »
I always assumed that the Gatekeeper was chronologically 1300yrs or older due to the WOJ that he killed the mad Arab. But his true age is around 300 ish. Maybe the dues of the Gatekeeper keep him away from the real world enough to slow his aging. Cant remember the book but i think its turn coat or proven guilty were Harry remarks that the only person who attends less WC meetings than him is the Gatekeeper

DF Spoilers / Re: Great another starborn theory, this time with vampires
« on: January 24, 2024, 07:34:54 PM »
  Only problem with that is Mab is fighting Outsiders.  So why would she sacrifice Harry to have him come back possessed by an Outsider?
Ah that the catch. Magic always has a price.
A starborn is sacrificed to keep the outsiders out but in exchange he/ she brings something back with him.
Plus dolist reason it would mess Harry up. Jim is that much of a bastard to do it

DF Spoilers / Re: Great another starborn theory, this time with vampires
« on: January 24, 2024, 08:25:58 AM »
  Hasn't Harry already come back?  At the end of Changes when he was shot, he was mostly dead, very close to all dead.. He was already Winter Knight when he took that bullet through the heart, would have died then and there on the deck, but fell into the very cold lake before he bled out and into Mab's arms. Hmmm... Wonder if Uriel had anything to do with him stumbling over the side into the water after he was shot?

Yes, I agree, Uriel has had a lot to do with preparing Harry for what is to come.  That was the whole point of the risky soul walk about, and Harry came back with a better understanding of what soul fire really is as we saw in Cold Days.  He also learned how to keep the darker impulses of the Winter Knight mantle under control.  However the White Council doesn't know any of this, they are asking the same question you are asking, except not what will come back with him if he dies again, but what came back with him this last time when he "died."

I think Mab's reasons for wanting Molly dead if she dies are a bit different.  Mab is a control freak, and she feels that Molly isn't on the same page as she is. 
The idea is that this time Mab/ the Winter Queen will sacrifice him in a ritual. And he dies as in D-E-D. Died. GONE and then comes back with an outsider inside his now immortal body.
In this case if Harry lets it take control he becomes a Monster with a Captail M for emphasis.

DF Spoilers / Great another starborn theory, this time with vampires
« on: January 23, 2024, 11:01:02 AM »
So starborn have to be sacrificed at the stars and stones right ? RIGHT
Think about it, Lea tells Harry to never let Mab  bring him to the altar. And repeats it again in Changes. I don’t think that warning is about him becoming the Winter knight.
There is an old WOJ that Drakul is something inhuman stuffed in a human body. And he is a starborn. Hold that thought.
There is a theory going around that the Red King and Pa Wraith are also starborn. Evidence for this is a) for Pa Wraith the outsider protection thing he has. According to the theory he was a starborn of a previous cycle. Hence his expertise on starborn. He was sacrificed and came back with something extra. The defense thing he has.
As for the Red King his entire motif just gives outsider vibes. Lord of the outer night. Anyone?
Back to Dresden. In the BAT, the Winter Queen has to sacrifice a Starborn. To keep reality going.  Hence she takes Harry to the altar and sacrifices him. The he comes back an  immortal with something stuffed inside him. This would explain Mab’s advice from BG.
This can explain why Mab wants Harry to kill Molly. She won’t be able to kill Harry a second time this soon.
It also explains a lot of things such as why Harry keeps getting things that whisper in his head. First Lash and now the mantle. Its Uriel helping to prepare Harry for whats to come.
The question becomes whats going to come back with Harry.
But remember that just a Theory a Conspiracy Theory

DF Spoilers / Re: Book of Kremmler
« on: September 19, 2023, 08:00:10 AM »
I dont think the Banner counts as mind control. Harry had 2 angels ( via the swords) as guardians. He held a third (maybe). The spear. If he was taking away people's free will then the knights would have opposed him. Mr Sunshine does not allow anything to disrupt free will

DF Spoilers / Re: Winter Law
« on: August 06, 2023, 05:12:42 PM »
I have a WAG that Mab took a direct hand in pulling the wool over Harry's eyes, there.
She wanted him checked, less-willing to play fast & loose with the rules.
So she explicitly whammie'd him in that moment.  Act of Mab, not an act of "Winter Law."
It could be but my guess is somewhat different
Harry shouted fuck winter law in front of non winter beings. Embarrassing Mab and Winter in the process. To disobey Winter law requires subtlety. Wc Harry clearly lacks

DF Spoilers / Re: Winter Law
« on: August 03, 2023, 04:24:06 PM »
Winter has a whole are rules lawyers. They respect intelligence, and ingenuity. Mab doesn't allow anyone to break winter law. But its only breaking the law if get caught as every criminal has said. And getting caught is  the worst thing her knight can do. If reflects badly on the knight and on Her. Being caught says that the Knight is incompetent and by extension  so is FREAKING MAB

Thank you, I think.  But I'm just trying to think like the character would think.  As Harry says, his nerd .... er junk is larger than everyone else's. 
1 of my favorite things is people calculating feats eg Deathbattle
On that note, Harry does ruin dnd campaigns with the wolves by calculating how much energy each feat such as a fireball would take. Will and friends dont like it

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