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Messages - Filo3

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I fled work at noon and my Lady and I  indulged in the trip to Tysons Corner and arrived by 2pm. Neither of us had ever been to an author's book signing. Then again, we have never been as rabid a fan for an author as Jim has kicked off inside us. What we have ever seen on Youtube is spot-on. Jim is a gracious, funny and enjoyable personality. It is easy to see why Dresden’s voice is so comfortable in our collective heads… it’s like having Jim sitting across the table sipping coffee and telling tales.
We managed to sit on row three for this one, took pictures, got several books signed, including artwork from the Storm Front graphic novel, and we were riveted listening to him. It was a long wait from 2 to 7 but a total blast. I liked the vibe I got from the people I met and was surrounded by. What an amazing array of demographics in that store for Jim!
Seriously... old, young, geeked out emo types and those in business attire, those who dressed up, those who look barely old enough to vote and those who looked like rabid gaming fans... every single person I met was gracious, sweet, considerate and polite.
I want to thank you all for a terrific experience. I have managed to turn at least a half-dozen people including several Army Soldiers onto Jim Butcher. Let me tell you... No one goes bananas for a great book series like Soldiers! If you get the chance to gather some books together and are pondering what to do with them... see if you can send them to Soldiers who are deployed. Trust me when I say, that this is a true gift that keeps on giving. I love spreading the word on Jim.
Again, thank you all!

DF Books / Re: Did you discover the books because of the TV Show?
« on: November 19, 2008, 04:11:15 AM »
I was intrigued by the commercials for the Dresden Files that they pushed on us watching the SciFi ch leading up top the series but it was not a calling for me. I finally saw it one night and was not blown away, sadly. I just lacked... something. I did love Murphy's hair though... yowza! My lord, that woman is lovely.
A year or so later, I was in the library nearby and I saw a dresden files book on the new releases shelf called, "Proven Guilty."
I piked it up and made my way through it but, as you can imagine, with no back-story, parts of it were very hard to follow but... I'll be damned if I was not hooked like a pickerel from the start. I slowly made my way through all the books at one point plunking down money for five or the novels in the series at one time at a local borders. My girlfriend though I was nuts but I laughed and told her that Butcher was simply that damned good.

After me raving about it all she finally picked up Storm Front... then Fool Moon.... then, over a long weekend, she killed all the boos in the series. I could not get her away from them. My 11 year old son has read them and he loves it all. I even went out and he and I have bought and read the Codex Alera series which is terrific on its own though my Lady could not adapt to it.

All in all, while the TV show seemed doomed to failure from the start for a lot of reasons from casting to bland scripting... I am grateful for it as it proved to be the bait that hooked my shaggy ass into the Dresden world. Butcher is one of the most incredible authors I can thin of and he has my respect and love. I hope I get to share a lot more time with HArry unraveling the mysteries of his universe.

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