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Messages - desylverwyrm

Pages: [1]
Author Craft / Re: Boingy boingy boingy
« on: June 19, 2009, 10:27:40 PM »
*falls out of her chair laughing*

Author Craft / Re: Author In Progress
« on: June 06, 2009, 06:19:23 AM »
Ok... I've been a "member" for a few months now, but haven't posted anything here. Blame it on Meg and the rest of the writers who have kept me entertained and busy on the DV site. I've written short stories since highschool, had a few poems chosen for publishing, but really had no turn out on any of them. In highschool, my forte was spin offs from most beloved of comics (sorry Jim...can't replace a true matter how geeky it seems.) but that quickly turned off into Sci-Fic trumphs of laughable goo that my creative writing teacher liked to take home to entertain himself with when he had boring papers to grade. The shame...the horror...the...ok...laugh it up. He liked them....thought they were hallarious. Is there really such a thing as comedic sci-fi? ... Anyway... poetry what got published, but then...I could never commit fully to writing an actual full on storyline about anything ... not with my kids climbing in my hair all day. So, for now... I think I'll stick with trudging short controversial post-story lines with the wonderful talents of Meg and the rest of the DV crew...that satisfies my creative hunger for now... besides... it doesn't matter how good of a writer you are, if you don't interact with other writers and bounce ideas off them once in a just get dreary, dead and dried up crusts of what used to be a great thing.... not that Jim will ever go through that.... Jim... my asperation... my mediation...and my....ok...enough butt kissing.

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