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Messages - MadMonica

Pages: [1]
DF Books / Re: Did you discover the books because of the TV Show?
« on: April 02, 2008, 01:15:42 PM »
I agree with Darklost 76. That was me. I mostly lurk on the boards here as I do on other forums for other authors until I realllllly get comfortable with the group. But I found Harry through my mother. About three months before she died I was forced to quit the job I thought I'd do for the rest of my life thanks to illness. She knew I was down about the whole deal on top of feeling crappy health wise so she sent me a box of books which truly changed my life. That sounds dumb, but it's true. That box had four Dresden Files books in it including Storm Front, Summer Night and I can't remember the other two. It also had books by Kim Harrison and Charlaine Harris in it. It was like that box was a gift from my mother to give me something to do to keep me from losing my mind. Because when she died three months later, I took my Dresden books and Kim Harrison books with me when I went to say goodbye to her. They were almost like talismans for me. This sounds so stupid.. but its true.

Reading those books gave me something other than my pain and grief to look forward to. And even though the pain therapy is going better and I'm slowly getting used to life without my mom, I still rely on Harry and the gang to cheer me up when times are bad. The show was like that for me too. I'd be deep in a funk on a Sunday morning, barely able to get out of bed, and realize it was Dresden night. I still couldn't get out of bed most times, but I sure had a grin on my face while I bitched about  hurting! *snickers at her own silliness*

Anyhow, enough of my sob story. I just wanted to relate my own experience with this series. And to let ya'll know I've infected at least three others with Harrymania! *very proud*

LONG LIVE THE DRESDEN FILES !!!(I love the Codex Alera books, too, but Harry has my heart and always will. *sheepish grin*)

Mad Mad Monica

Site Suggestions & Support / Re: Spammers have hit the boards
« on: August 25, 2006, 05:36:32 PM »
Oh jeez. Probably shoulda read this first.   ::)

Thanks for the warning.

Site Suggestions & Support / Raunchy message claiming to be from here
« on: August 25, 2006, 05:35:49 PM »
Hey guys, I just got a nasty message from what said it was the "Jim Butcher Community" claiming it had important news from Charles Schwab. Being the nutball I was, and since the message looked real, I clicked on the link to the website. Instead of it being related to Harry Dresden, it was a picture of.. well.. let's just say it was pretty tasteless and not something I'd want my kids or any kids to see.  >:(

Be careful folks. If you get something that sounds like this, I wouldn't bother opening it. It made it through my several spyware scanners and virus blockers, so I don't think it had anything malicious software wise in it, but it was pretty icky, just the same.  :-\


Mad Monica

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