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Messages - Dlanaan

Pages: [1]
DFRPG / Re: Refresh costing a limited teleport
« on: May 27, 2015, 12:24:15 AM »
Wonderful. Thank you all for the ideas. I'll think about it some more and make a decision this weekend.

DFRPG / Refresh costing a limited teleport
« on: May 22, 2015, 02:06:26 PM »

One of the players in my game wants to make a magician (non-spellcasting) character whose power is based on the magic hat he uses. Specifically, the player wants the character to be able to reach into his hat and pull out objects that he has left in other locations, possibly regardless of size (e.g., he could pull a rabbit out of the hat, or a long-barreled sniper rifle). It sounds entertaining, especially if this is the character's only power. My problem is costing this refresh wise.

Obviously, the hat is an Item of Power. I just don't know the cost of the ability. Technically, the effect is something that could be achieved through Thaumaturgy (as indicated in the spellcasting section), but I guess that the player does not want to have to deal with the time restriction treating it as such would cost.

My initial thought is to treat it similar to potions, requiring a FP for something that has not been previously identified as being available, but otherwise allowing for closer to instant use. This still puts it in the 3 Refresh (before IoP discount) area, but I wanted to know if anyone else had suggestions or thoughts?


DFRPG / Faeries, their Knights, and a couple vampire questions
« on: April 03, 2015, 11:19:30 PM »
I've looked through the threads before and found answers to most of my questions, although some of them are still murky. I am just about to start GMing a Dresden campaign and had some questions about the Faerie Courts, the duties of their Knights, and then a couple random vampire questions. For background information, I have read through Summer Knight, but am not concerned with spoilers if they have the information I am looking for.

First, anything a faerie says is the truth, but probably not the whole truth and questions are not really truth. Harry mentions that if you ask a faerie something three times, the faerie must answer truthfully. I have made a couple of assumptions as to this, but need to make certain they are correct. The first assumption is that the three times only applies if the faerie actually originally answers the question with some semblance of truth. So if a faerie answers with either a question, or a statement that the faerie will not answer the question, or an attempt to bargain for the answer, the questioner cannot suddenly ask the same question two more times to compel an answer. Is that correct? The second assumption is that if the faerie does answer after the third question, the answer must be entirely truthful with no attempts to evade or mislead (the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth). Is that also correct?

Second, faeries, in general, can kill whomever they want, if it is in their nature, except for the Queens. Is that generally correct, or are there exceptions to this?

Third question is related to the Summer and Winter Knights. There was a statement to the effect that the duties of the Knights to each Queen differ. So, the Winter Knight has a specific set of responsibilities to the Winter Lady, the Winter Queen, and Mother Winter. Is there anything that states what these different duties are and how they differ?

Fourth question is also about the Knights. From a game perspective, how much control do the Sidhe Queens have over their charges? When Mab wants something from her Knight, and the Knight does not want to do it, is this a compel against the Knight's high concept?

Fifth (and final) question is about White Court Virgins and Red Court Infected. Both have a condition, that if fulfilled, will burn a lot of refresh, specifically killing someone while feeding. If a WCV, for example, goes into a feeding frenzy, does that frenzy have to kill? Is this a discipline issue such that the players can reasonably resist if they got that far? If the player does not want his/her character to turn, as a GM, what options could I reasonably provide?

Thank you for any answers you can provide. I may have more questions if they pop up.

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