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Messages - Meowsan

Pages: [1]
DFRPG / Re: Any online Dresdenverse RPG group? *wink*
« on: March 15, 2008, 10:06:47 PM »
oh btw i'm now gonna check out perhaps we all could go there to find out more about their RPG take on dresden's world. didn't do it cos i'm still trying to finish the books last time.. but..I just finished book 9 today!! woohooo! and i want more!!!!

yeah abit time consuming to go through 1 to 9 in one shot in a short period of time.. phew.. worth it !! each n every second of it!

DFRPG / Re: Any online Dresdenverse RPG group? *wink*
« on: March 15, 2008, 09:59:40 PM »
Last summer I discovered two seperate shop selling roleplaying stuff in Penang - so I know there are roleplayers in Malaysia. Unfortunately it was all D&D, but that qualifies as roleplaying too ;)

Of course if you can't find roleplayers there is an easy answer - create roleplayers. Why not introduce some new people to this great hobby?

it is very possible bout also almost as hard as trying to conjure up a firestorm during winter. RPG is now considered almost rare to the point that is it highly unlikely to find someone that will try to learn it from scratch. all thanks to cyber cafes and mmorps..

even magic the gathering is in a limited group reach here in malaysia... meant for the rich and richer now adays considereing the price of the boosters going up n up x_x

of cos there are some shops selling comics and rpgs stuffz but even the store owners said it's rare to have many new pple finding out about RPGs. and dresden files isn't yet a big thing here  :( and futher more it also meant that pple wanna do Dresden RPG must go through the whole 9 books which might take time unlesss they all wanna start out as someone really dunno much about the world like Call of C'thullu games. which is very possible. the prob still persist in finding pple interested. I've tried to look for Vampire the masquarade group too or anything romotely rpg like D&D or the AD&D..(sorry AD&D fans.. when through too many rules lawyers  in the past) been having the stores help me post up notices too.. no one called.. but currently i might have one friend that is interested though.. a veteran RPGer.. trying to pass him all me books.

but whoa! u been to penang? kewl!!!!! Where are you from? tell me!!! *tries some mind controling spells*

DFRPG / Re: Any online Dresdenverse RPG group? *wink*
« on: February 26, 2008, 04:34:14 PM »
yeah... i'm in Malaysia... finding a RPG group here is a Biatch. it's no longer that popular and mostly pple now a days are into computer games and Magic the Gathering. when i mentioned RPG they're like oh! which system?!(which translated to which game console system)

DFRPG / Re: Any online Dresdenverse RPG group? *wink*
« on: February 26, 2008, 10:49:27 AM »
hmmm any system i guess... depends on the group of cos

DFRPG / Any online Dresdenverse RPG group? *wink*
« on: February 25, 2008, 06:08:50 PM »
hey hey.. am looking for online RPG group based on dresdenverse ... I'm all alone here!!!! invite me and i shall strike you a good bargain.

Author Craft / Re: Writers round table
« on: February 24, 2008, 08:14:47 PM »
Damn, I hoped it was one of the other two as I didn't need anymore problems with the neighbors.

I slammed onto the driver's side of the van to unlock the door as quickly as I can with the knight just stood there beside me just I ripped it open and jumped onto the driver's seat. I gestured to the knight to get into the van but instead he laid his hand on the windshield and I felt a sudden dizziness fell upon me. It felts like going on a roller coaster once to many times. I had to close my eyes and try to concentrate not to throw up on the spot. I felt the van went tumbling down and landed with a thud on something soft like grass. Swallowing hard, I opened my eyes to look out. It was foggy, I could barely see a thing from the inside the van. I jumped as the knight knocked on the window with his iron fist. I rolled the window down with my innocent trembling hand and stared at him with a stupefied look on my face. In his dark malicious voice he said, "You are now being retained by the Fifth Order of the White Circle for the destruction of the Wildflower, and to be added to the charge, you have directly assaulted the messenger hound. You are to surrender your metal chariot as the prove to the crime and your weapon."

The fog parted and my jaw dropped.

Author Craft / Re: Writers round table
« on: February 23, 2008, 07:38:08 AM »
"And Suddenly A Ninja Jumps Out" was shining brightly on the billboard by the highway not far from here i as glanced out the window. Just Great, another cheesy movie by John Woo. My jaw dropped as I noticed the fact that the ninja on the billboard was none other than... Sylvester Stallone? My freaky little Mr Potato of a God, what have Hollywood done to the legendary man? My mind was pondering away on how evil hollywood was and maybe i should finish up writing that raving protest letter to George Lucas after going through the new Star Wars Series that a moaning shawdowy lump of something the size of a mini van crashed through the wall with the window towards me. Without my realization, my very first reaction was flicking that Force FX lightsaber to life. Then perhaps a big old by the book gulp.

DF Books / Re: Did you discover the books because of the TV Show?
« on: February 21, 2008, 03:47:42 AM »
I was bored one day and was browsing throw to see if there's anything worth a watch and accidentally discovered dresden files there. then saw that is was based on novels of sorts and decided "well, if tv picked it up from bookselves it must be worth a watch!". I'm a sucker for such things. Watched the whole season with its moderately low cost production and was thinking "hmmm... kinda like harry and bob.." Now, who wouldn't like bob? such a charming skull.. but while watching the TV series i did feel that the rest of the cast seemed rather tensed somehow (like watching those soaps, as if they still haven't grasp the personality of their characters that well yet).. yeah including murphy.. dun like her hair color and style, it's just not meant for that actress.. if u pay more attention most of the pple in the show have dark hair other than bob... wonder why.. *hurrily draws a ward of protection against Murphy's fans*

I did like the idea and the world and i have to say i kinda  like the episode with the darkness(death) trapping the gang in dresden's place... so i desided to check the books out. My jaws dropped when i saw the amount of titles on the shelves. I initially thought it was just a couple.. maybe less than 5 titles but 9 of them!!! I grabbed Book 1 of US version since i don't really like the UK version which looks really plain, then looking at the US version's cover and thought 'eermm... a wizard with that cheesie hat..*gulp*oh well nothing else to read at the momment.. might as well try it out' to my surprise i immediately fell in love with it after a few pages!!! took a couple of days off work and read the whole book then rushed to the store to pick up book 2 & 3.. spend 3 days on them (am a slow reader) and now i'm plotting to hit the book store again to pick up book 4, 5 & 6 after this injection of thoughts on this forum. yeah I started becoming a dresden fan pretty late, like ermm started last week.. :P (but i get to read 9 books in a roll and a new one which is coming soon.. muahahahaha *eyes twitches, fingers tremble... erm.. body fat giggles)

btw.. why harry wears that awful hat on the covers unless did i miss something in the books?(El Dorado style... sure... but that hat!!!) I might get the audio books too... hope theyr'e as good as H.Potter and Some of Ann rice's.. hmm that means ramen and soup for a another couple of months.. again...

Author Craft / Re: Author In Progress
« on: February 20, 2008, 10:22:16 AM »
I just finished writing an ultra, ULTRA low screenplay for a local filmaker here on Long Island called Drive to Darkness.  Hopefully it will get filmed this spring.  Oh, did I say it was Ulta low budget, I'm getting paid in beer.

What one wouldn't do for some nice cold FREE beer...

low budget doesn't mean low quality... I hope we get to see them on Sundance!  ;D ;D ;D

DFRPG / Re: Brainstorming: Adventures in the Dresdenverse
« on: February 20, 2008, 09:31:34 AM »
Hmm.. why don't we all play a trial through email or chat just for a tryout and for fun? and GMs take turns to showcase their adventures? So i guess the adventures should not be too long and overly complicated. that way the Reign of GM'ing could pass on to another with their stories.

if there're alot of pple that would sign up to play, we could have multiple small groups with 1 GM each...

we can also setup a blog on the adventures for pple to read and get inspired.

I'm sure there're some veterans or newbies alike out there that would love to play and try out the Dresdenverse but have no groups to play with and some GMs dying to tell some stories of their own too..

ps... playing a game is not really about the rules for it is just a guide..the enjoyment of the story telling and the participation in it is the Real fun of it.

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