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Messages - Vox Arcana

Pages: [1]
Author Craft / Re: Rules of the Game
« on: July 11, 2008, 11:08:07 PM »
That's part of it, it's also that I'm trying to find a reason why these different groups and factions would never go to war with each other unless for a good reason.

Well, you said that all of these Alts were descended from myths and legends and fairy-tales, right?  Well, don't most myths and legends and fairy-tales include some way to kill/destroy the bad monster these Alts are descended from?  Maybe they're not fighting because they know that if they start stirring things up, all the other factions know how to wipe them out.  Sort of a mutually-assured-destruction thing.  And the fact that all these stories are still around and known by humans keeps them from stomping on NYC....

Just a thought...

Author Craft / Re: Author In Progress
« on: November 06, 2007, 03:51:44 AM »

My name's Kristen.  Started writing when I was in junior high, but it was pretty much all crap until I took a "Craft of Writing Fiction" class in college.  I've never really thought about trying to get any of my stuff published; it's just one of my creative outlets to keep the snarky, sarcastic side of my personality in line.

So yeah. I'm a big geek.  Hi.

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