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Messages - Asleif

Pages: [1]
DFRPG / Exceptional Craftsmanship
« on: November 07, 2014, 10:20:01 AM »
Hello there,

I am currently playing a White Council Wizard with a Focus on Ferromancy and Craftsmanship.

I was wondering if there is anything in the rules about exceptional quality craftsmanship.

I was leaning towards giving the items special aspects for instance or something similar. (E.G. for a Rapier - "Exquisitely balanced")

Any ideas on that?


DFRPG / Re: "Official" Perspective on Lawbreaking
« on: November 05, 2014, 10:12:11 AM »
Hello there,

We have had a pretty interesting discussion the other day, due to an ingame happening.

What happens if a kid, lets say around 12 years old accidentally kills somebody with their emerging magic?

Especially the questions is, how does the White Council handle this? No matter how hardcore the Wardens are, I have a hard time picturing them killing kids...


DFRPG / Re: Simple Question about Aspects and Tagging
« on: August 12, 2014, 02:35:19 PM »
You only get one free tag on an aspect.  If it's fragile, the aspect goes away once it is tagged.  If it's sticky, all subsequent invokes require a Fate Point.

So, if the demon has a 'missing arm' and the Knight passes the tag to anyone, the next person can tag it for free.  The demon does not receive a FP.

Anyone else afterwards must spend a FP to invoke it again and that FP gets paid to the demon.

It's the same with any aspect.  If someone does an Investigation Assessment to discover a scene aspect, only that person gets the tag...unless they choose to share the tag.


DFRPG / Simple Question about Aspects and Tagging
« on: August 12, 2014, 01:39:05 PM »
Hey there people, I assume its a simple question, yet I don't have my books with me at the moment and the question has been bugging me for a while.

How many people can tag an aspect? i.e. invoke it for free? Lets say a knight of the cross severely injures a demon and cuts his hand off, incurring the severe consequence "Missing Arm". Assuming you have a party of 4, can all four PCs tag the aspect once for free or only a single player?

The same goes for pretty much every other kind of Aspect that is broadly available.

Thanks in advance!

DFRPG / Re: What's happening in your game then?
« on: July 28, 2014, 01:34:22 PM »
The City of Boston
Main Aspect:"Only the Shots of Sarajevo are missing..."

White Council Wizard (Blue Collar Student at Harvard and an oldtimer mechanic, trained and "adopted" by Donald Morgan)
Knight of the Cross (Keeper of an Orphanage - best friends with the Wizard because they grew up in said orphanage)
Winter Knight (Annoyingly british Assassin with enough money and power to make solomon blush...)
Emissary of Power (Chosen by a Shadow Deity of the local native American Indians - stupid rich kid who has no idea what he has gotten himself into)

The Main Conflicts are:
- Italian Mafia vs. Irish Mafia (both secretly backed by supernatural creatures - the italians by Minerva and the Irish maybe by the Denarians)

- The Order of St. Ignatius (radical military protestant inquisition based in Salem) vs. A witches only Sorority (biggest sorority in our Boston) by using things like the Purity Pledge Movement to fight the evil influence of the sexual deviant witches. My Wizards Girlfriend turned out to be a 100+ year old witch...
The big catch here is, that the White Council is not allowed to intervene in Boston for another 66 years due to a contract made with The Order of St. Ignatius a couple of hundred of years back. So my Wizard is all on his own.

- Harvard vs. MIT (Harvard is controlled by the White Court, but a variant that feeds of knowledge and we have no idea yet who is pulling the strings at MIT)

- Irish Druids vs. Indian Shadow Lodge - Really no idea whats going on there. You have to ask the Shadowy kid about that one xD

Then you also have a Task Force of actual non crooked Cops who try to break the almost overpowering hold of the organized crime, the North Irish Forces and lots of other small time players

And above all that we have the Spring Court who has gotten Dominion over Boston from the Summer Court.

The general feeling is one of a bubbling conflict between all major factions and there is an increasing amount of pro-war attitude not unlike the political situation before the WWI.

Last Session we had the Irish Mob fly in troops from the IRA to arm up for going to war against the Italians, eventhough both parties know its somebody else killing their guys they refuse to look weak before their opponents. So we had to prepare everything for a temporary stand-still between the factions while we are looking for the actual killers.
So the next Session will begin the peace talks in the main church of the Knight of the Cross. Because both the italians and the irish are hardcore Catholics...

So a massive Sandbox Setting that could get out of hand easily!

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