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Messages - BlueStocking

Pages: [1]
Site Suggestions & Support / Re: The ads!
« on: December 27, 2007, 12:11:43 AM »
Borders is good an all, but again, there just aren't any near me.  I sure wish I had coupons from Books-A-Million.

Site Suggestions & Support / Re: The ads!
« on: December 26, 2007, 07:28:58 AM »
We don't have a Borders close enough for me to get use from a coupon.  Which makes me sad cuz I have a Borders card from when I was in Greensboro.  Now, if there were coupons for Barns And Noble and Books-A-Million, I'd be all set.

Author Craft / Re: Angel book chapter 1 (haven't decided on a title)
« on: November 16, 2007, 03:49:17 AM »
I'm really interesting in seeing where this goes.  Feel free to email me with updates if you want someone to read over it for you :D

DFRPG / Re: Pssst... Now Accepting Playtest Applications
« on: October 31, 2007, 08:57:10 PM »
I would say that you should find a way to play a few times to see what the experience is all about.

You might look for a local hobby store or book store to see if they have a board where folks post when they are looking for players or for games to join. You might ask around here or on other gaming message boards to see if anyone near you also plays. (It's a lot easier to learn when someone shows you, rather than trying to read about it.)

I would suggest you find a RPG that is simple and fits a campaign setting which you find interesting. Maybe get into the mood by reading books or watching movies on a similar theme to the campaign. Get together and play a few games and don't stress over the exact rules, but instead try to experience the fun.

If you want to look at Dresden Files, maybe download a copy of FATE or the Spirit of the Century SRD. Maybe support Evil Hat games by buying a copy of SotC (I really love my hardback copy!) and reading about how this kind of game is played.

It'll give you a feel for what RPGs are all about. Give it a shot!

I've sat in on games before, so I have some idea on how to play.  But finding locals is hard since I live in a town so small that we don't even have a stoplight.  I know there are groups in Asheville as there was a listing for the national day of DnD (I think that's what it was).  However, without a car, I won't be driving the hour to get there ^^;

Thanks for the tips, though :D

Author Craft / Re: Who's going to participate in NANO this year?
« on: October 13, 2007, 04:54:54 PM »
Another question,  If i get to the 50k mark, will I have time to get it edited, and if so, where will be the best place to have it edited and critiqued?'ll have plenty of time to get it can do that whenever you want to o_O

DFRPG / Re: Pssst... Now Accepting Playtest Applications
« on: October 12, 2007, 02:57:46 AM »
Thanks, I appreciate that!  Two of my favorite characters to draw are Harry Dresden and John Constantine.  I'm working on another Dresden, now, of him making the trap for Toot-Toot.
OOO!  I want to see :D

DFRPG / Re: Dresden Files...the Story Game!!
« on: October 12, 2007, 12:03:30 AM »
I'm actually specifically waiting for The Dresden Files RPG so I can tell stories in that world.  For actual games requiring more crunch (only in my view of course) such as the Night Watch/Day Watch game I intend to run I will be using Monte Cook's World of Darkness.

Having reviewed Spirit of the Century I think the core system when adapted for TDF will be a good match.  We have already read how Evil Hat are trying to specifically emulate the magic and combat for the setting.  That can only fill you with hope we will get a useful product at the end!   ;D

Wait...Night Watch/Day Watch game?  You mean, like based on the novels by Sergei Lukyanenko?  TELL ME MORE!  Though, you should probably do so in a messege or somethin cuz ya know, it's not exactly on topic ^^;

DFRPG / Re: Pssst... Now Accepting Playtest Applications
« on: October 11, 2007, 11:56:11 PM »
I wish they were still doing the illustrations for the game!

This is my version of Harry on a stormy night, exhausted as usual.

That is awesomesauce

Author Craft / Re: Who's going to participate in NANO this year?
« on: October 09, 2007, 05:28:36 AM »
I'm doing it for the first time this year.  I'm kinda doing a practice run right now as I have a story I plan to finish by Halloween.  It may not be good enough to submit to anything, but it'll be finished by golly.

I dunno what I'm going to do yet...maybe something with a vampire as the main character?  Or something post-apocolyptic (been watching Dark Angel re-runs on Sci-Fi *shame*)?  Simply because, of all the half-written cramp on my laptop, those are the only things I haven't done XD  Well, aside from regular fiction.

Or maybe I'll re-write that horror story I was writing about the river mermaid...I kinda lost the file, so I'd have to start from scratch anyway XD

EDIT: I know what I'm doing now.  Vampiric mermaids that are somehow involved with nanobots.  I'd say how, but that'll give away part of the story :D  Oh...this is gonna be fun.

DFRPG / Re: Pssst... Now Accepting Playtest Applications
« on: October 08, 2007, 10:55:34 PM »
I'd love to play!  Cept...I've never played a table top RPG before *stares at her, now dusty, Serenity core book on it's shelf* and I don't have any friends close enough who could participate.  *is made of sad*

Author Craft / Re: Author In Progress
« on: October 07, 2007, 11:59:07 PM »
Hi :D  I'm Jessie.  I write fansty stuffs- some things are urban fantasy, but mostly they're set in Middle Ages-esque other worlds.  I haven't been published yet, but I'll hopefully be sending something to an online publisher soonish.  If I don't change my mind, anyway.  The story is kind of Halloween related and they may not want it a week after October XD  But who knows...

Umm...other than that, I guess I don't have much to say....except that I'm physically incapable of writing short stories, it seems XD

Author Craft / Re: Zombies?
« on: October 05, 2007, 09:10:27 PM »
I personally like not knowing what the crap is going on at first.  Mmmm, chaos.  I don't know if you saw, but on June 13th, a blogger started Blog Like It's The End of The World with the theme of a zombiegeddon.  So if you want some examples of zombie-tastic writing, go here:  (I'm Allaban Badr al Din on the list :D)

They might help with introducing the zombie attack.  Plus, they're fun to read :D

Mine's not a bear so much as the internet.  And clothing websites.

And forums.

No, they never go away.  You have to yell at them really loud and shun them so you can get a few sentences out every hour or so. :D

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